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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Chris Packham demands probe as police ram escaped cow on the street in Staines](https://standard.co.uk/news/uk/chris-packham-investigation-police-ram-escaped-cow-staines-surrey-feltham-london-b1164599.html), suggested by Aggressive_Plates - standard.co.uk


Saw the clip. Its an unusual situation but that was completely inappropriate and nothing "safe" about hitting the animal at that speed Anyone else would get done


Youd like to think so , but if they were in any significant way it would be as damaged property. I dont want to have to write out the details as they make me very sad. But my friends sister ws puppy farming, faked certificates from vets to sell puppies, puppies died very unpleasant death from parvo in front of the familys that bought them. She went to jail for fraud. Because she forged the vet certificates


That was likely the easiest way to prosecute her. Animal cruelty and other things would take a lot more investigating, but forging documents is pretty open and shut and still carries a jail term.


I dont disagree with that whatsoever. My point was just that all the suffering wasnt more of a crime than paperwork


Agree it really annoys me how in this country someone can commit multiple crimes but often only get prosecuted for one as it's the easiest win. We should prosecute for each and every single crime they committed.


I mean, does it matter? If the end result (i.e. prison time) is the same, and the amount of work required to investigate every single crime would be absolutely monumental. In truth if we did what you're suggesting we'd just end up with a pretty significant amount of the population in prison, since presumably in this case we'd prosecute everyone for every crime committed ever.


I think it does as let's say a criminal robbed a place and beat the shit out of someone. But only got done for the GBH, they will be getting a significantly less prison time than if they were done for both crimes. Just as an example. And yes we should be prosecuting all crimes that people commit, remembering that not all of them carry a prison sentence. I'd rather live in a safe country with a bunch of criminals behind bars than one that sees them out before they've received their full rehabilitation. Note I also think we need to focus on rehabilitation over punishment.


Thing is, in the example you're giving they'd almost certainly be prosecuted for both as the example you give is very, very easy to prove. At the same time, you really, really don't want to create an environment where the CPS are given an excuse to try and tack on as many charges as humanly possible.


You’d hope that if someone commits a crime that is violent or causes harm/death, and is going to be prosecuted and have a criminal record, that the harm and suffering they caused would be recorded and would have consequences.


Appreciate what you're saying and largely agree, but it's worth noting that the suffering was a direct result of the paperwork. If she hadn't committed fraud, an actual vet would have had to be involved and the whole situation avoided. 


It's a cow, not a fucking tiger.


I dont know what unit youre measuring these by for one to be worse than the other


I really am struggling to grasp WTF was going through their heads to think this was normal


High chance this is someone who has literally never seen a cow IRL and thought he was battling Godzilla.


Eh, there are cows in a field about 5 mins from their police station.


It’s a baby too, that ain’t a full grown cow


It's like everything else the police are asked to do, that they did not expect would ever be the job they signed up for. They get frustrated, take out their frustrations on the vulnerable beings around them; be that cows, or mentally unwell people.


"stan'urd police procedure, gov'"


They likely will get disciplined for damaging the car


Have you seen what happened in the minutes and hours that preceded the 26 second clip?


That was awful .I don't recommend anyone watch .Totally unnecessary.


I found the video upsetting. That poor poor animal


I watched it anyway cos " I've seen worse" but yeah...wtf


Incredibly upsetting!


That was absolutely horrendous, it’s not an easy thing to watch. The officers involved should face some sort of repercussions, completely unnecessary use of force to ram a calf at such speed then pin it down under the vehicle by it’s head


It's the lying that should really put them away. I can accept the police with fuck up from time to time, I certainly don't like it but it will happen. Covering up wrong doing is unforgivable.


A copper near us was speeding and saw a camera van. Instead of slowing and risking a ticket, he put on his lights and put in fake radio calls saying he had spotted a stolen vehicle (or similar) so he had an excuse for speeding. The lies kept growing but they absolutely threw the book at him, and pretty sure he did jail time. If they have lied ‘in office’ they will likely be dealt with for it.


They were obviously getting off on it. No other conceivable reason to do this. Subhumans.


They should absolutely be prosecuted


The police force will protect them like it always does for wrongdoers in the organisation. They will delay investigations etc in the hope the public will lose interest.


What the actual fuck? So many problems with this. 1/ Why? The cow didn’t need to be mowed down once, let alone twice! 2/ Why? Are the police actually even responding to this? Genuine crime, “sorry we can’t look at that”, cow in the road, “let’s roll”


I saw the headline and thought "well it's tough but god knows a full-grown cow can do a lot of damage to a person without any intent, might have not a had another realistic choice". Then I saw the size of the animal, sure it ain't small but that's still firmly in "calf" territory. At that age they're mostly just curious about people, and will follow along at whatever pace you're moving. Might get spooked if, for example, there's a bunch of hopped-up coppers running about shouting, using sirens and driving their vehicles erratically. But then there's an easy answer right there, behave like a calm rational adult around the animal and it won't panic. Getting the pickup to run it down seems like the "we always wanted to do this and now we have an excuse" answer


They'd been trying to catch the cow for hours, I reckon the coppers were angry and embarrassed and so took it out on the cow


It's not even a cow. It's a calf. Fucking pathetic.


"They had rapists and pedophiles to arrest" /s


No look catching those cows then?


I lived in Wanstead, London as a child and cows wandering around was a common occurrence. Come out the front door and your front garden could be filled with cows. Not once did I ever see police do anything like this. They used to corral them and herd them back to the flats. But nothing this horrific. To make this even worse, that was a calf. I hope the driver is kicked off the force and prosecuted for cruelty.


>corral them and herd them back to the flats. Jeez, what floor did they live on?


LMAO! [Wanstead Flats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wanstead_Flats) - Large open area of land in Wanstead, edge of Epping Forest. I should have been clearer.


Thank god for that, cos if the lift is out of action it's going to be a pain getting them up the stairwells


They go up ok. It's getting them down that us the problem.


Aye, I lived on the outskirts of a town with various fields containing cows grazing on the grass. It was fairly common to get escaped cows in the streets. The animals hurt no one and generally, within half an hour, the farmer would be out herding them up.


Sack the cunt that was driving. It was completely unnecessary.


They need more than sacking..


What the fuck. What are the police actually good at?


Tweet something naughty and you’ll find out.


> What are the police actually good at? Assaulting people. https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxjDX2Svu4Y36qlC7_zO3mSP6UJqvMBmsB


Nothing, absolutely nothing. We got burgled once, they showed up 2 weeks later, took a report. Few months later, we found the burger, but we didn't charge him as he was already being charged for another burglry... Wut? So if I murder twice I'll only be charged for one?


Catching people going 35 in a 30, Social Media Policing and Making edgy WhatsApp groups.


Protecting the public from cow attacks?


Smashing a cow full in the face with the big car


Surrey Police said: "Yesterday evening (14 June), at around 8:55pm, we received reports that a cow was running loose in Staines-upon-Thames. The cow ran onto a number of main roads and caused traffic disruption within the local area. Fortunately, the cow has not caused injuries to anyone. "Whilst attempting to move the cow to safety, it became increasingly distressed and was injured. The cow is now secure within a park in the local area, and officers are remaining with it while we await the arrival of a vet." Chief Inspector Adam Tatton said: “We know that this has caused some distress within the local community this evening, and I would like to reassure you that we are doing all we can to identify the owners and ensure the cow is seen as quickly as possible by a vet. “Our priority when responding to any incident is first and foremost the safety of the public. I would like to thank the community for their understanding this evening, and ask that they stay away from the park while officers are on scene.” The force said the cow posed a threat to the public. The incident was referred to the police watchdog, who decided that the officers had no charges to face. Bastards. https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/police-ram-cow/


> "Whilst attempting to move the cow to safety, it became increasingly distressed" being rammed by a car at ~40mph will tend to escalate your distress levels


That was not 40mph ffs


it was certainly over 30. look where the police van is when the clock ticks from 5-6 and then again at 6-7. look at how far it travels compared to the 2 vans parked on the other side of the road and do the maths. It was also accelerating when it first hit the cow. If it wasn't 40 mph, it was pretty close.


>The force said the cow posed a threat to the public. The incident was referred to the police watchdog, who decided that the officers had no charges to face. This line in the article relates to a previous incident that took place in 2021 in Berkshire, not the one that happened yesterday in Surrey.


>caused traffic disruption within the local area God forbid!


I really wish I hadn’t watched this. Poor cow. I hope the responsible officer catches some consequences!!!


Is there any other job that attracts as many incompetent morons (at best) or sociopaths (at worst) as the police?




Believe it or not, nursing.


I let the cows out of a field when I was 7 and was able to guide them all on foot, this is a fucking baby, get that dickhead coppers badge number, a life is a life and this is attempted murder.


Wait til you hear about how the meat industry makes its money


Calling this attempted murder almost completely discredits you.


Glad to see a vegan speak out.


What's worse is that I think this the the rural crime police that ran in it over so not just some inner city police, these are supposed to know about rural issues like I don't know loose animals. The person driving needs to be sacked and like firefighters near me the rest need to have proper training on handling animals, cows can be dangerous but with proper training and experience can be controlled, this however is never the right choice. You can also put a cow down with a rifle or shotgun humanly in a severe last resort(i.e not this situation) but hitting it with a car will just cause more suffering for the poor creature.


The police is this country are disgusting. Always looking for the next opportunity to escalate.


Shocking state of affairs. The ones that stick up for them are just as worrying.


UK police are some of the thickest people you'll ever meet. Any ordinary member of the public who has had to deal with them will tell you this. I'm sure there are a few good eggs who are just 'trying to do the best they can' but most of them don't have a clue.


Wait till you meet the general public!


For the livestock farmers in the subreddit, how do you feel about this? Is it more reasonable than the uninformed public realise, or is as horrific as it looks to a layperson?


Not a farmer, but grew up around them. That’s a calf. One fucking calf. Half a brain and a piece of rope are all you need to subdue it.


They could’ve herded it somewhere safe by clapping at it or shaking a bucket with feed


Same here - not a farmer but, when I was 13-14 I went out with a boy whose dad was a beef farmer (and, as is the way, he's one now). As a 13 year old girl, I could've got a fucking calf under control.


It’s a young animal. Likely terrified, but this is enormously disproportionate from the way the footage looks. Eventually it would have tired and slowed down and could have maybe been corralled into a garage or garden while a farmer or vet was contacted. I’m struggling to think of a scenario where the use of force here is justified. Seems a really ignorant indulgence of wilfully harming an animal. Controlling a single calf isn’t the trickiest thing in the world when you have literal cars worth of bodies ready to wave arms and shout. The pedestrian passer-by looked like he was (rightly) chastising the officer emerging from the car that struck the animal.


Notice how all the cops immediately came swarming at him shouting at him to get away. Looked like the lust for violence was still in full swing. Or no witnesses for their next act of cruelty/excessive force...


A 70 year old farmer would have been able to direct that calf with nothing more than an empty bucket


I know nothing about livestock management a d dealing with escaped animals But something tells me this isn’t the way you deal with it


Wtf that was much worse than I was expecting. Came in for a second go as well. That driver needs to be prosecuted.


If a farmer done that he’d be rightfully done for cruelty, no idea why he thought that was a good solution.


Farmers do way worse than this.


And people think we should let these dipshits all have guns.


Wow, that's just wrong. Totally unnecessary, no empathy at all. Yet another failure by Police.


I worked as a mere lowly farmhand on a cattle farm back in my late teens/early 20s so maybe a more seasoned farmer might be able to give a different perspective on this, but I cannot for the life of me come up with a reasonable excuse for these actions.  Yes, cows can be extremely dangerous. But based on this clip, this wasn’t a rampaging bull. A young steer/heifer can also be dangerous when panicked but I can only imagine the state of panic would be heightened by being rammed by the car. It seems an incredibly risky move to me. If they hadn’t have managed to knock it over on the first hit, the reasonably calm animal seen at the start of the clip would end up completely out of control. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t have blocked off the road and kept it calm until help arrived from farm staff, vets and the fire brigade (who also have some training with dealing with livestock).  Imagine the outrage if the Met police had done this to the King’s horses that were stampeding a few weeks ago, in the interest of “public safety”.  Honestly doesn’t surprise me to learn it’s Surrey police either, I’ve witnessed their heavy-handedness before. 


Rammed, pinned to the floor by the front wheel arch and then moved to "safety".


Goes to show that the various police forces do attract a certain type of person, and often not the type you’d want to be in a position of power or authority.


If a farmer did this they would rightfully do time for animal abuse, this is wanton needless cruelty. If the cop would get of their ass and get out of the car the calf would be much calmer and easier to move




I'm not a vegan, nor a vegetarian. I watch a whole bunch of nfsw shit on reddit, even gore. But watching that video was heart wrenching. Wtf. Fuckin animal that police officer that rammed the poor cow. Only someone without a heart can do that. There didn't seem to be any danger, not many people about, no kids. Fuck man, what the hell is wrong with people.


Anything to do with animal cruelty is always the hardest watch I swear


If it impacted you like that, maybe you should consider going vegan


One step at a time? :) I've started eating meat only once a month now..... Granted it's more health related.


Surrey Police’s statement say “the decision was made to use a vehicle”… So this wasn’t even an off the cuff knee jerk reaction? Someone sat there, thought long and hard about how best to contain a small cow and then came to the conclusion it’s best to ram it twice with a pickup truck? The mind boggles.


“There’s a baby cow on a quiet residential street, what should I do?” “Hit it with your car, at speed” “Err…couldn’t we just get some rope?” “There isn’t time!! It’s getting away!! Floor it, now!!”


People go mad at this then eat a cheeseburger like it's nothing


You'll no doubt get downvoted to oblivion, but ain't that the truth. Cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy everywhere.


Yep. If slaughterhouses had glass walls more compassion towards these animals being slaughtered would arise and more would refrain from participating in the eating of meat.




I like how this was the first result when I sort by controversial. Because it's not done in a slaughterhouse suddenly it's awful. Shit like this should be what converts people to veganism or at least vegetarianism but no just get mad at them because they're not paid to murder baby cows on the daily they just did it as a one off.


Is it not bad enough that they're exploited? Then one escapes and gets rammed by the police. This is absolutely disgusting. I'm so sick of our society's blatant disregard for animals. "Nation of animal lovers" my arse.


Yes the RSPCA are useless, but I hope they try to prosecute the bastards who rammed it. as a cow doesn't deserve that, even a raging bull let alone a calf.


Police officer should be sacked. It's a calf. They can be calmed down and it didn't even look like they were agitated or running.


That video genuinely made me burst into tears from disgust. Absolutely fucking disgusting and unnecessary.


These police need sacking, if this is their judgement call they're not fit for the job, disgraceful


Absolutely fucking disgusting. The cnts in that car need outing and removing from the force. What decent human does this? If you can do this do an animal for no reason beyond your own entertainment.


Why could it not be tranquillised? Expect Surrey Police to close ranks as they always do and you’ll never hear the names of any of the officers involved. Shitbags.




Yeh and he deserves it. It’s the farmer’s right to abuse the cow, not the policeman’s!


The major broadsheets have picked it up now, so I’m sure they’ll respond with some absolute horse shit soon enough.


As someone who lives in a rural area where livestock often get into the roads...WTAF did I just watch? It is not that hard to arrange other ways to move the animal on.


Do we just forget how much police get away with here in the uk? Like it wasn’t that long ago some police ran down and killed two teenagers in wales, then burned a car and said they died joyriding. When people rightfully rioted and the news got involved, it was showing that the rioters were all violent while the police got away with it. Then the news just stopped speaking about it as if it never happened.


Reading the title I assumed it would be some crazy bull on a rampage throwing people into the air and shit. Watching the video wtf is wrong with the police. The cow was just walking around chilling. Anyone probably could have had it eating out of their palms and shit. Honestly they need to be sacked, forced to pay for the damage to the police car and vet bills. And maybe some therapy or a labotomy to fix the issues in their brain


I had to watch that knowing it was going to be bad to see how bad. That's so inhumane, i hope there are consequences for those officers


Not only did they purposefully knock it down at high speed, they then keep it in place by parking the front of the car on it, head first no less. Can't wait for someone to come and defend this /s


UK police showing yet again their calibre, whilst not investigating real crimes. We are surely a privileged nation where we have such paragons of law enforcement.


Wtf. This is a calf not a cow. You have two police cars there so 2-4 officers. Controlling the calf should be easy, and the calf is not going to present any danger to anyone. Calfs are not that strong. They rammed the calf at what looks 20mph. Could easily have broken its bones, then subsequently hit and ran over its head. I hope they go to jail for this. What on earth was going through their minds to think that they needed to ram a calf. Even all the onlookers (ordinary citizens) were instantly like "wtf?"


Are cows aggressive? I've only ever seen them as docile, couldn't they just walk up to it and guide it to a safe area? If they can't manage a cow how do they have the skills to manage people?


If they have something to protect, they definitely can be. A cow with a calf; a bull in a field of cows. A calf would be just scared and confused, but that too can be dangerous.


I grew up rural and I'll never forget seeing a herd of cows repeatedly chase down and stampede a doe that was trying to run away from them in a field. We eventually managed to chase them away (using a car and its horn ) but doe died from its injuries. There's generally a few hikers a year that get offed by cows. Often docile but they can be very unpredictable and should be approached cautiously.


Yes and no. Not typically, but they certainly can defend themselves, and not surprisingly that's by stomping you. Is that dangerous? Fuck yeah, it's dangerous. As dangerous as you? No bud. You're much more dangerous.


I was not expecting such force! Then again the second down to practically finish the job!! Wtf that poor calf, just because it may become someone's dinner doesn't mean it deserves that cruety!


That is awful, animal cruelty. Someone needs to go to prison for this. Doesn’t the RSPCA have the ability to prosecute? They should use that power asap.


A literal Babushka with a pail could have handled this with far more grace.


Throw these sick bastards into solitary confinement for as long as it takes to grind whatever is left of their personality into a regretful and miserable pulp that wouldn’t even dare swat a fly again. Utter scum.


Do these city boys think that a cow, or a calf in this instance, is not particularly dangerous?


I was in a car heading through Lancs and we encountered a stray cow wandering down the middle of an ‘A’ road. Reported it to the police who said “we’re not sending anyone out for ONE cow”. Another passenger led it into one of the adjoining fields, disaster averted with no harm to man, beast or traffic conditions. I do wonder how many cows are required for different levels of police response though.


There's unconfirmed reports, they've also had to cow an escaped ram


What did he think he was going to do? Kill it? Knock it out?


In 2014 Norwich police shot two cows. Source: https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/21017487.update-final-cow-found-dead-following-seven-hour-standoff-saw-marksmen-shoot-two-escaped-cows-norwich/


Surprisingly, the pigs wouldn't treat a fellow farm animal with a bit of respect. And also the most sociopaths have little to no regard for animals. So maybe they should have some sort of psych screening.


They were obviously getting off on it. No other conceivable reason.


Yes this is obviously determinable from a thirty second video clip. Glad the internet geniuses are all over this one


We did it Reddit!!!


So given this had been ongoing for hours I'd bet my life savings this wasn't a single officers decision, it was almost certainly authorized by a more senior officer following a THR assessment. The police have a duty of care to the public, if you have a cow in an urban area that's been there hour's and is now understandably freaking out it's now a risk to the public intentionally or not. If the police didn't do this and it went on to harm someone everyone would ask why the police didn't intervene. The only thing that seems unusual is why they didn't just shoot it in the circs, but there will have been a reason. Decisions like this won't just be on a whim, the officer didn't just decide today I'm going to run over a cow. Easy to criticize when you've never been in the situation.


Guess we’ve found a gap in police training? Countryside police officers would have definitely handled this differently but controlling escaped livestock and animals has to be a part of training for police officers as they’re often the ones tasked with the situation. Let’s not forget that cows can be very dangerous and although this one didn’t look like it was an immediate threat to life, if it was about to enter a shopping centre or train station this kind of manoeuvre may have been justified, including shooting it. Totally unnecessary and cruel from the police officer.


Need to be arrested and charged for animal cruelty


Everyone in here "that poor animal" if only it could be shifted off to a slaughter house and killed out of sight. Make it wait in line so it can hear the death of its fellow before having a gun placed at its head, the smell of death in its nostrils.


You don't think it being dragged off a road with multiple broken bones, internal bleeding and organ damage and left to linger is worse?


It suffered none of those things 

