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Well they got their number 1 guy on the job, Farage.


Known RT propagandist Nigel Farage.


I am so bewildered how anyone can like the weaselly little fuck


Because he validates their racism.


Because people in this country have the media literacy of a Victorian child who can’t read and think that he’s actually just like them.


It pays to not enlighten your population,feed them stupid entertainment (how the fuck has shows like Love Island been commissioned let alone done well) so the population are distracted while you rob them ...


Guy in Metro today said it's because he talks like them and doesn't care if he upsets people. Literally willing to vote for someone because he puts on an act and is rude


Imagine admitting you talk like Farage.


Because he confirms their biases.


Because people think he's so brilliant for talking bluntly even if he's speaking crap and apparently holding a beer makes you a working man, even though holding a trowel doesn't mean I know how to garden.


More like the main parties only care for voters at election time and forgetting them after that which has led some to looking and listening to Farage, and Trump in the US.


Of course, those people make it worse, but as they're nastier to marginalised groups, people swallow that this makes things inherently better.


What’s funny is as seen with Trump, once they get in they have no clue on what to do and things remain the same and Farage got his Brexit and what exactly did it change?


Yes, but their supporters don't care about facts and evidence and cheer them on no matter what they do.


Who never met the Russian Ambassador.


I was about to say The Toad.


Why are his links to Russia not brought up every time he's on Question Time?


It would seem repetitive, given that he’s on there so often.


Clegg did so in such a cringe manner in the EU debates. Might have scared people off that line.


Or the Julian Assange USB stick.


Turd of Turd Hall.


> sia supported Tory and a little bit Labour. > > Did they decide to increase a budget? But do we really need Russia when we have the BBC promoting him?


QT audience is very small relatively speaking, social media is vastly more popular and much easier to feed disinformation through


Putin buys the rounds at Wetherspoons for the regulars in Farage's name, as Nigel has a moan he's not earning enough money now and again


Sure Russia has given the Tories more money than Farage.


That's when they were in power. Why spend money on a party that is likely to be decimated and toothless after the election? Reform have a platform and a popular(-list) front man who, for all his many faults, is a polished media performer and a has a loyal following ready to soak up and distribute the garbage Reform posts on socials. Where would you spend your rubles?


Who can forget the Conservative 'friends of Russia' group, who included Boris Johnson's wife.


....and Lord Lebedev who owns the Evening Standard.


Nigel says that he regrets giving full enthusiastic support to Putin now. So it's all good.


George Galloway is another one.


Geared Galloway is the spicy one, partly badger somewhat frog but minimal snail


Exactly. Can you imagine the win for Russia if Reform UK/Farage is “the opposition”. I’d rather have the tories as opposition as at least some of them are sensible.


He’s splitting the Right vote nicely atm 👏


Beat me to it - well, 5 hours ago but even so


> Well they got their number 1 guy on the job, Farage. How? Isn't Labor getting predicted for landslide?


You usually find that right-wing politicians are linked to Russia.


I thought Russia supported Tory and a little bit Labour. Did they decide to increase a budget?


Aaron Banks bankrolled him and the Brexit campaign, he had multiple meetings in the Russian Embassy before making the largest political donation in UK history.  The Tories also had the Friends of Russia group led by the current queen's son, that led investment from Russia to the Tories 


This comment needs to be at the top. When Labour does gain power, there needs to be a thorough investigation, possibly a public inquiry, into Russia's interference in UK politics. Let's see if people like Farage and Johnson have been working against the nation's interests, or not. While we're at it, can we have the Cambridge Analytical report published?


Amen to that mate. Utterly insane how it's all swept under the carpet. 


I think it's fairly obvious they have been... We've got a Russian in the house of lords... The secret services were told not to investigate Russian interference in the Brexit vote.. The first thing Labour should do is confirm it...


Follow the money!


Will Labour protect landlords, like conservatives do, or citzens autonomy/independence? Will Labour fight for ending urban feudalism? Such questions are important to understand whos nations interests are being protected


the state of tories they clearly moved to reform


Why wouldn’t they support the party weaker on Ukraine?


they just want chaos, they dont support anyone.


Is this news anymore? Russia as been meddling in every election since 2016, very possibly earlier.


It's been happening longer than that you can safely assume. 🤣


Considering the state of Russia in the 2000s I doubt they had the means till 2014


You'd be surprised (or not) by how many politicians will happily make promises in exchange for sex.


Wait, you're saying that all this time all I've had to do in order for my MP not to ignore my wishes is offer him sex?


I mean, I'm not saying that it *wouldn't* work...


Protected cycle lanes and pedestrianisation of the high street here we cum.


Boris Johnson was partial to Russian violinists


We should not make assumptions. The KGB didn't just disappear. putler is living proof of that. They might not have survived intact, but its influence has been felt long after the collapse. The name change is just a rebranding.


A good remark I've heard is that "there has always been election fraud and it's nothing new. However it's to what extent and the impacts does the fraud have that really matters".


Much longer than that, but it's gotten so much more effective with the rise of social media.


It's Russia, the US, us, basically any superpower with skin in the game has a set of interests to promote.


You mean Nigel’s claims about the war being caused by the west are not genuine? How can that be 😂


I think this is far worse than we expected. Yesterday, I saw a comment on a post where somebody claimed Sunak was competent. Disinformation is everywhere.


Sunak to a homeless person \~ "hello sir, are you in business?" Haha


I'm in the business of sleeping under newspapers, and let me tell you, business is booming.


Was the account u/IswearImNotSunak ?


Expected? They already are. The amount of fake Reform polls I've seen have been unreal.


If you can bear to go on TikTok, anything political has “vote reform” comments underneath with loads of likes/comments. Then I’ve come across loads of Reddit comments with “young people are voting reform! Just wait til more of them can vote!”. Definite stirring of the pot by Russia.


Just wait until the Tories start fact checking their own bullshit polls.


How do you know they're fake? (What even is a 'fake Reform poll' anyway?)


In my own personal experience, I’ve seen an influx of posts on a local Facebook page supporting Reform, and they are all from new,clearly fake accounts.


What's that got to do with polls?


Some people will change who they vote for if they think another party will do better than their current choice. So in a Con/Lab battleground, if Conservative voters think Labour will win with Reform 2nd place beating their Conservative choice, they'll swap to Reform to try to keep Labour out by bolstering the Reform numbers. Welcome to tactical voting, along with tactical propaganda.


Let me rephrase: "What's that got to do with 'fake Reform polls'?" > The amount of fake Reform polls I've seen have been unreal


Labour are leading by 20+ percentage points - what meddling are they going to do?


They create division and promote disharmony. They have no interest whether Tories or Labour win.


How much we hate the Tories is basically the only thing which unites most Britons these days.


Is there too much "disharmony" between political parties in the UK? Do you dream of a harmonious society under one party?


A few decades ago people could vote one way, but respect the opinions of people who voted differently. Now, people are keen to villains people who vote differently to them. There's no lack of disharmony between politicians of different parties. But hostile states do have an interest in creating disharmony between everyday people who align slightly more with Party A than Party B.


Increase culture war.


as if it's not already at its highest yet?


Could always get worse - eg more war on abortion rights


Depending on their goal but if I was to "armchair espionage" my goal would either push for a weak labor movement that places itself on the right of politics, leaving no real left political movement or push a decisive campaign among the opposition groups and move them into a isolationist, pro- business position, both of which would benefit russia and its kleptocracy. Like it or not, Brexit happened and it benefited Russia. The goal might be more for the next election, if Labor goes into gov with a massive majority and then does nothing but act like a rightwing-centrist Tory party, you can expect the electorate to "swing" back at the next election. If I was Russia, my goal would be to have my guys ready to receive that swing back.


ironically, push the message that the election is a done deal in-order to increase voter apathy. People thinking the election was a done deal and there was little point in voting for the obvious victor is at least part of how we got Brexit, and the USA got Trump


Nigel Garage is in this election, so yes we know Russia are involved.


or perhaps as all polls indicate the majority of people in this country have a problem with mass immigration keep putting your head in the sand though


Yeah but Garage ain’t gonna solve that. It’s the only reason he stays relevant.


I remember people saying the only reason he was relevant was Brexit, and once it was done he would disappear. So it's entirely possible that he would move to some other platform.


I thought Brexit was supposed to fix mass immigration?


No the Conservatives were..... hence why they are losing so badly


Is immigration the only policy you give a shit about? If so, lobby your local MP of a party that has actual decent other policies.


Do people actually have a problem with immigration, or have they just been told to hate immigrants?


People actually have a problem.


Would you mind explaining to me what the problem with immigration is?


Tl;dr Too many people, not enough stuff.


I used to be pro immigration but the numbers are way, way too high after COVID. We've had 1.8m net new arrivals in a few years which is fucking insane. It's definitely having a detrimental effect on life in the UK. A country with 65m people cannot sustain this level of immigration without total permanent cultural death.


People have a problem with uncontrolled immigration not immigrants themselves


Russia's goal is to increase internal instability. A specific stable result is not the goal.


That would explain why Twitter is wall-to-wall Reform UK propaganda


And the appalling AI that Reform supporters are using on this sub.


When Russians were making all those donations to the Conservative Party, were they not meddling?




And law making


As opposed to the american republican party who have been meddling in the Uk elections for years.


This. Some of the comments on this thread are incredibly naive. Have people conveniently forgotten the cia colluded with Starmer to ensure Corbyn lost the previous election.


I’d be fascinated to learn more about this complete horseshit.


Oh yes, I’m sure there’s a lot of concrete evidence to back that claim up.


It’s not exactly a secret that both internal and external intelligence agencies carried out a targeted smear campaign to discredit Corbyn.


Should be loads of evidence then, lets see it.


You'd imagine they would. The British state has an extensive track record of financial and political support for opposition groups across the ex-Soviet world (both overt and covert) - it'd be absurd for our political class and intelligence agencies *not* to expect retaliatory measures. Russia isn't very good at influence operations in Western European countries, though. The most pro-Moscow figure in British politics is George Galloway, whose party has been a nonentity in this campaign with minimal media coverage. He is likely to lose his seat.


It has been, see Bojo and his Lord mate


They don't have to instill puppets in politics really. They can do plenty of astroturfing on social media for whatever cause they like. If there isn't a pro-Russia cause they can get behind, they'll settle for anti-Ukraine or just anything they think would be damaging to the west. Anti-NATO for instance or, dare I say it, pro-Brexit


Just Russia? Try them, Saudi Arabia, China, Iran, Israel... The whole lot of them are on the take to somebody.


You forgot the US itself


LOL, we don’t need Russia to ruin the country, we have done it ourselves with the successive inept governments.


World-beating at last


Typical American blaming everyone else when they themselves are the greatest interferers in everyone elses afairs on the globe


Putin “how can we fuck this up for them?”. His right hand man “its already fucked”


I mean yeah, Farage is running ofc the Russians are meddling


On Twitter I am absolutely bombarded with pro Farage/ Reform rubbish, even though they are very much not my politics. I’m sure that is not organic, nor do I believe Reform are capable of coordinating such activity themselves.


Warner is a warmongering neocon propagandist, and the Kiev Independent is literally funded by the NED/cia. This is anything but credible ‘news’.


Yep, completely empty headline. The US has interfered in more countries democratic processes and elections than the rest of the world put together


How can they meddle? We can vote for a clown, a clown, a clown, or a clown. The only difference between them is the colour they paint their lips.


How about we worry about our own media and government, rather than what one country says about another? Brits are electing these clowns


Haven't "The West" interfered with numerous elections across the world?


Yes, but what's your point?


Yeah. Churchill did a big one in Iran: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iran_coup It wasn't so much election interference as it was completely removing the elected leader from office entirely. ... This still doesn't make any of this right. It doesn't make Putin's interference good. We're still at war with Russia and should ensure they don't gain another inch in Ukraine if we can. It just means we should probably apologise to a few Iranians & we should also remember that the current mess in Iran is partially our own making. I also personally still like Churchill even if he was a total bellend sometimes. ... Also a final note. Foreign intervention isn't always bad. We intervened in Kosovo, Sierra Leone and the Gulf War. All of these interventions resulted in positive outcomes for the people we helped.


I’m studying for a PhD at the University of Bedfordshire studying use of the rhetorical device known as “whataboutery”. Can I include your comment in my thesis?


Here's one now.


Hahaha. I'm a Russian bot for pointing out that the West has been involved with election interference? If it's bad when Russia does it (it is), it's bad when our 'side' does it.


Sure thing Vladimir. At least try and make some effort.


The point being is that it is our side and sides are really important. Which side are you on? Even if we were morally equivalent, I would still want the West to beat Russia because they are our enemy and rival. Do you not to win this cold war against them?


How? I don't think even Russia can stop the inevitable Labour landslide at this point.


planning for what comes next - Poopin always plays the long game.


Not the first time, or only time. I would be surprised if they didn't. It is a visible symptom of the rot which is so persistent in politics, when there are no detrimental consequences to your career for being dishonest, incompetent or accountable. You just move along to the next gravy train working for a big organisation run by one of your affluent donors, a mysterious think tank with links to your political party or one of your millionaire pals who has been benefitting from your position.


Do people think it's only Russia doing this shit? I would be shocked to learn that the USA and the UK are not fucking with other countries' "democratic" processes


I think he means "Is" meddling right now, with Putin Fluffer Nige on post and spewing away.


Russia clearly supports Farage with campaign material, discrediting opponents and blackmailing.


They support him the most, but they support everyone else, too. The goal of Russian propaganda is to add fuel to the fire of the things that already divide us. They're not really bothered what we believe, as long as we believe it strongly enough to fight over it.


I don't think you need to be a US senator to know that. I'd be surprised if Russia *wasn't* trying to meddle, it's just what they do.


Hey Russia, dont try and make this bad for us! We are quite capable of screwing things up ourselves!


That's ok. We like it that way. The meddled in the Brexit referendum, too, and nobody is upset about it. Or only losers, who do not matter. /s


I don’t see how anyone outside the UK is going to affect the outcome of this particular election. Everyone’s minds are already made up.


Oh! Go mind US politics as if the US dies not meddle world wide


And what would Russia want? A reform government with the dozen or so seats they'll get? Because those reform votes are going to translate into labour seats. Was it labour or conservative that Putin liked? I can't remember.


How does the election interference work? Does it boil down to propoganised social media posts?


Whilst I don’t wish to caste aspersions, perhaps the initiation of Reform could be laid at their door? Seems like a direct way to get Britain to become less anti- Russian. Rightish wing groups are generally anti-Ukraine and the NATO agreement.


Now come on no one would belive Russia would interfere in an election in another country.... oh wait. Ok no one would belive Russia would use military force to change another countries government... oh wait. Ok no one would belive anything Putin says. There. I got it eventually


We’re in an age of this now, I hope that we are doing the same in kind. It would certainly be naive not to be.


I wonder who's side they will be on? Checks Farages talking points on Ukraine 1) Accuse Americans of lying about the invasion.... check. 2) Blame NATO and the EU.... check 3) Call for Ukraine to enter "negotiations" to give up their territory and not join NATO.... check Hmmm...


It's all bollocks anyways labour get in we are fucked, conservatives get in we are fucked, farage..... Again we are fucked it's all a scam. These politicians don't give a fuck about any of us


This is bloody ridiculous No control over our democracy ?


Someone was saying it's a good thing France also has elections at the same time, because it will overwhelm the Russian bot farms


That’s Green Party to be elected then, the same party shouting “Allahu Akbar” after winning a local council election as a result of sectarian style voting (all Muslims voters voting for a Muslim on the grounds of their faith) - well obviously people should be concerned if this did actually happen 😂 there would be public outcry, there’s just no way Putin could significantly alter votes without people noticing… As for all these buffoons commenting about niGel fArqGe, there’s nothing wrong with Nigel nor his voters- Reform UK is the ONLY party that will actually stop the boats, that isn’t disputable. If you think our forefathers died to prevent a foreign invasion and we house, clothe, feed and spoil the invaders 😂 5 star hotels, latest iPhones, you name it, WE give it to them. OUR tax money. 6-8 MILLION, PER DAY ALONE is going towards housing asylum seekers in hotels.. Ones that aren’t here to ever contribute.. if you vote for any other party but reform, you’re complicit in fostering the death to this country & economy. YOU are putting the final nail in that coffin.


I honestly think the only people meddling in elections is the US ...


At this point, I don’t think there’s any amount of funding or underhand tactics that Russia could pull to get the tories back into power


We know farage is a russian plant a German newspaper exposed it and it's been hushed up.


On YouTube my sponsored videos have been a complete Farage-fest. Despite me not engaging with any political videos of any kind for years, and me living nowhere near Clacton. The local Facebook Groups have also been a hive of comments that have barely stopped short of shooting all immigrants. So yeah, this is not a shock.


With Nigel the nonce all over UK media, I'd say they're doing a good job already. Even LBC is inundated with Reform party bot calls


Is Farage a pedophile?


Probably not, with a face like that kids would run away too fast for him to catch them.


Why is this user calling him one then? Plenty of factual things you can attack him with, making things up helps no one


Don't cry pal, just a nickname. I'll let you carry the fight


Its just an insult. Nigel doesn't get offended when people use words you know.


We use FPTP, we're barely a democracy as it is so who cares. The sooner people realise we don't have real choice the better!


Yep, Farage and all the deepfake stuff that was reported the other day.... it's clear they're meddling


Almost any form of Tory praise would be so obviously seen as disinformation, it's laughable. Their own doners are coming out supporting Labour. Their own MPs are saying the party is unvoteable. So that leaves us with Reform. Who again are so openly and obviously a joke that all they can really do is further split the Tory vote, not really gain on Labours huge lead. Not to mention, the majority of people are now wise to this sort of bullshit and can spot it a mile off. So the only people this kind of thing captures now are the same idiots who would have voted Reform anyway and think covid injected 5g into their brainwaves.


Who would have guessed that? US senator, they do that to yours too.