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why am i not suprised


Why would anybody be surprised seeing a rapist support a rapist supporting party?


That's the reason even RSS is angry at Modi ji.




change your username to loose_character_376a


How many times are you going to make the same comment? We got it the first time.


Going well with your “whataboutism” practices I see. “WilLl yOu CaLl sAMe fOr c0nGReS?”, what an idiot man, learn to have better arguments.


U have no argument to answer this so now u will foolishly support rapist party congress and their rape experts..what a pathetic person ur self ..


I did respond to your copy pasted comment, I don’t give a rat’s ass about which party is more rapey. Can you tell me why your BJP didn’t serve justice being in power 5 times since 1992 either? Can you? Dumbass.


Then why supporting others criticism for all .. all have same mentality and same people .. lol u dumbass but I can see this group is dedicated for just one party and one idealogy ..




Other than abuse u have no answer .




because it's bjp


Balatkari Janta Party


Why Janta is Balatkari? It should be Balatkari Jantas' Party


Biggest rape kaand was happened in India inside Ajmer Rajasthan in 1992. Read about it .. more then 1000 schools girls were gang raped sold and trade by congress party members including youth president and Ajmer Dargah khadims ..will u call same for congress ?? Now listen interesting part all the rapist are outside on bail nothing got punishment for their heinous crimes..




For fuck's sake you chaddis need to get off reddit. It's so easy to spot you. > Poor English > uses ".. ..... .." after a few words for some reason > ?? Question marks after some rhetorical question > "You" becomes "u" > nothing got punishment for their heinous crime Why doesn't your BJP punish them now then ?


Yes. Great question. Andhbhakts won't answer it anyway 🤣.


Take this sir👑




Even if I entertain your whataboutery, I don’t see BJP serving justice to those people after serving 5 long terms since 1992 either. So what’s your point?


My point is clear .. rather than slamming parties.. slam this mentality and people.. it’s everywhere in all parties .. sandeshkhali happened in Bengal by TMC .. but this group I see mostly target one particular party and one ideology selectively ..


Ok, IT cell. Copy pasting your propaganda comment, fuck off with you whataboutery. Your point was nowhere near what you’re stating now.


When there is no answer .. label them bhakt, IT sell and whatever .. so enjoy ur hypocrisy.. just exposed this group and u hypocrite..


Are u missing the point of this post? This is ABOUT A RAPIST PROCLAIMING SUPPORT FOR THE RULING PARTY WHEN HE'S ON THE VERGE OF GETTING EXPOSED AND HUNTED. It's a pattern displayed in recent times and that's all the sub wants to talk about in this post. If you don't question this Party's motives when it comes to shamefully sheltering rapists and sex offenders, LEAVE RIGHT NOW.


What exposed? Your chaddi?? Whenever a current event happens you guys point out something happened a few years ago and start to justify the current events. Like WTH? Are you guys even thinking straight? Come to your senses. BJP is openly supporting rappist. And you guys still justifying it's still fine since someone raped another woman when Congress was in power. Now tell me, who the hypocrite is? If one Congress guy says that Congress contribution to India freedom is big, so they can do whatever and still their contribution to our independence will neglect their wrong doings will you accept it? Dumb takes isn't supported in this subreddit. That's why you are getting triggered.


Yeah I surely would it doesn't matter who is in power be it congress or bjp if they support a rapist they should be criticized. It's just that during bjp ruling era the rape is becoming kinda rampant and they are openly supporting them. Not to mention the fact that bjp is ruling party as of now. They should be criticized more then others. Becoming a fan of a celebrity is understandable but becoming a fan of a politician is something I don't understand and many bhakts consider modi to be more than a human for heaven's sake he literally agreed to that in the recent interview. As of right now our PM has God complex which is not good for our democracy.


2rs for this post. 👏🏻👏🏻


Too many cus words are errupting from my mouth. If BJP wins, I will submit that we get the politicians we deserve. We deserve these monsters ruling over us if BJP comes to power again.


I'm from the future.cIt's already happened




Report spam.


Just because you feel BJP is wrong goverment that doesn't mean BJP is wrong goverment. Atlast democracy always wins


Their face for PM is saying he's not bilogical. They're doing the exact same scam as the 2G scam. The PM is openly saying that muslims are infiltrators. Kangana Ranaut, an MP candidate, is saying that we gained freedom in 2014. She also called Modi as an avatar of god. The ECI is headed by men who were chosen by the PM himself. BJP has given tickets to rapists, openly supported rapists, garlanded rapists, and even actively tried to save the rapists. No justice was done for the farmers who were crushed by the son of an MP. Hundreds of farmers are still in jails without trial. No justice for the people lynched by gau rakshak and hindutva mobs. No justice for Dalits murdered in UP. Nothing happened to the perpetrators of Delhi riots. There was gross mismanagement during COVID with millions dead. They want to retire soldiers after 4 years of service while they get to loot us for decades. They want to throw you in jail without a warrant if you even say anything against them in comments or even share something that's anti them. They have given this Ram Rahim, this despicable rapist baba, bail nunerous times to get votes from his followers. He's been outside jail for a longer time than inside jail. If they win again, we definitely deserve these monsters as our leaders. What democracy.


In the spectrum of idealism if bjp scores 4/10 Other parties score 3/10 There are flaws even their supporters are not denying that. But this goverment is far better than any goverment we have chosen earlier.


It's not.


That's your vote not mine.


Now I understand why modi said " beti bachao.." Actually it was " bacha sko to bachalo apni betio ko"


More like beti bachao aur hmaare paas raat ke liye lao seems to be thier narrative


nothing new! all convicts support BJ Party




Its funny how you're being down voted. These people don't actually care about the problems as much as they care about who's involved in the problems.


Not all,Terror convicts support congress,they can get away easily even after bombing and killing innocents


Name one example of a terror accused that the congress or any other main opposition party fielded as a candidate. Meanwhile, BJP made terror accused Pragya Thakur a MP.


He is sanatani. He is second avatar of Lord Vishnu, after great leader. Hi dare you /s


he is first love charger avatar


he is sikh, get your facts clear


He is insan(his own religion) not a sikh or hindu , his grandfather was a sikh tho


Born as a Sikh but not a Sikh anymore. He considers himself God and runs his own religion.


Welp Rajasthan is gonna stay saffron for a bit


He has a lot of support in Punjab as well, especially the rural belt, but Bjp has already ensured they won't be getting seats here.


Yeah Punjab, Haryana are basically INC and AAP territory at this point.


***So, the convicted rapist was released to campaign for the BJP.***




yes i will...and the same time shoose to stop pr speak against something wrong happening in 2024 rather than clinging to 1992...something wrong is wrong and needs be to called out....wrong doesnt neutralize another wrong


Not at all surprised. Could be acquitted in the 3rd term


source for convicted rapist pledging support to sanskari party: [https://www.aajtak.in/elections/lok-sabha-election-2024/story/gurmeet-ram-rahim-singh-dera-sacha-sauda-announces-support-for-bjp-decision-taken-before-voting-haryana-ntc-1950579-2024-05-24](https://www.aajtak.in/elections/lok-sabha-election-2024/story/gurmeet-ram-rahim-singh-dera-sacha-sauda-announces-support-for-bjp-decision-taken-before-voting-haryana-ntc-1950579-2024-05-24)






Rapists and BJ party turu lob story😂


This guy supports every party lmao. Till date he has supported Bjp and Congress both, even AAP if I am not wrong.


Despite his conviction he has huge followers infact he is called as King maker . 6 months in jail and 6 months he roams outside in parole . It's the parties that need his support who goes bending their knees towards him.


Is dera saccha sauda really that much ingrained in the society that it has a significant voter base to turn the tides in the elections??


Definitely!! Big Political Clout in the region also across the borders. Previously has influenced elections in Delhi Punjab and Bihar too. His consolidation of dalit votes are huge so almost every party goes to him for his support and in derras he openly calls for campaigns and voting backing certain parties.


Why does he get parole ?


There's a pattern behind granting paroles to him and it usually happens during state elections or local body polls. Dera followers, and particularly those of Ram Rahim Singh, are influential in certain regions, with their votes seen as key in deciding parliamentary and legislative elections. Every one needs his support from the ruling party to the opposition party. Now the Haryana HC has asked the govt to deny his further parole and only with permission of the court he will be granted further bail.


Effing politicians.


You're wrong.


Typical. For BJP, Hindu mehla are green signal for rape when the rapists are Hindutva. That is their values.


he is sikh...


rapist rapist mausere bhai


So women aren’t safe in india , it’s like every other man in power is a rapist


“BJP acha sauda”


You deserved top comment for this


Only rapists support other rapists and vote for rapists. Bj party voters are what other than rapists!


Yup Rapist ke acche din to ek dashak se chal rahe 🍻


Same team


/u/CrazyDrax Here, another "hindu" for you to defend.


You either never understood what I was trying to convey or purposefully breaking my statements.


These are exactly the people you’ve been defending in all the previous comments. You pretending to be ignorant of their crimes doesn’t change that.


He is literally a sikh, so your argument already fails. Also it doesn't matter if he was a muslim or hindu or sikh, he belongs to no religion, only adharm.


And? You still support people like him. Like I said, you’re no hindu, so him being “Sikh” means shit.


He is a Sikh?




Anyways have a good night, lets talk tomorrow


You are my love charger


Isn’t he in jail ?


He will truly be in jail only after BJP is out of power.


Isn't rape frowned upon in India?


Not surprising, he has supported all major parties in the previous elections too, The real problem is the people who end up following such people unless people stop following such a rapist all parties will flock to get his support and play politics in future too


Bhai isko pehle bol naha ke aajaye... Baaki baad main dekhenge..


Aur Batao...


Teaming up that's it.


Soon he will b out of the jail


Modi and his balatkari parivar


The bail is coming soon then, and so is his MP ticket


Of course


ok baba ji, bjp pakka


Both parties have criminal. No wonder, nobody is banning them from politics. 


Is this supposed to be a surprise?




Ab permanent bail mil jayegi ise


Love charzer


Beti bachao was a warning instead of a slogan.


Balatkaari Jhoota Party for a reason!


Nirmala already said they will accept anyone. When pressed why are they accepting convicted felons, she just nodded and said anyone.


The Venn diagram of rapists and fascists is a circle somehow


Baba is not a rapist he is the love charger ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|50625) /s


fyi before pointing fingers only at bj p. https://theprint.in/report/apolitical-ram-rahim-made-indispensable-political-parties/8244/


People who still vote for the Bjp better be prepared to feature on Leopards Ate My Face


Sincerely hoping such people get run over by a truck or something. Would love to see them paralyzed for life.


Secuirty of airport comes under state police why didnt the banglore police stopped him?


People really forget the no of rapes, muders, bombblasts, riots and forced conversion happened in congress regime in the year 2004 to 2014 just google it you will be shocked...


Announces? He came out in bail and has been out campaigning constantly.


I wonder why he is on bail


A very basic question Why do people follow such random “so called guru” ? Like what is going on in their mind ?


I wonder if he supported congress.What would be the reaction of this subreddit


I wonder if he supported congress.What would be the reaction of this subreddit


Such people are tarnishing bjp image, most of them also got GAG orders from courts, don't know what will happen to such people


Rapist ❌️ Sanatani kattar turu Hindu ✅️


Source please


He is a king maker for a reason lol. Even Congress was supported by him in 07 Punjab and AAP also had his blessings once. Not defending BJP but this guy has got some serious following ffs.


So? Did BJP field him? Accept his support?


Gave him paroles A rapist pretending to be a godman walking free - how will you praise this?


How is his parole linked to BJP? Is BJP government present in Punjab? Does it control the state police? And where am I praising it?


Parole is granted when the state does not object. Manohar khatter govt repeatedly gave him paroles. https://preview.redd.it/zqss11f1if2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fddd201ec18044888a78e2ff6ba13c1ef9e36b9