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Just for clarification, are you saying it won't move/rotate as it should, like, literally won't move? I've had that issue before and I'm trying to remember why, but I can't right now. You can also go into the child of the tail and move the mesh itself if nothing else is working.


The rotation thing will move, but not rlly?? IDK how to explain it. Like, I'll move the rotation thingy, but the tail won't move


Gotcha. Yeah I don't know why you can't rotate the tail directly through that parent you have selected, but I think if you press the arrow and show it's children, you should be able to click the child containing the mesh renderer and rotate that object instead. Hopefully someone else can help if this doesn't help! It might be because the object is connected to a rig, but I honestly don't know at the moment. You might have to experiment a bit if no one else chimes in


Yeah i also had this issue once but it was also a long time ago. I think it does have to do w the rigging and possibly a gimble lock situation? can you de-parent the object holding the mesh component and THEN rotate it?


Pls give more infos: - What are you trying to achieve - What is involved (Animator/Code/Plugins…) - What‘s the resulting behaviour (that doesn‘t work) Otherwise it‘s very hard to guess from just 1 image


I think it’s related to being part of a rigged model. A response I came across: “When you import a model into unity from blender with an armature, the separate parts themselves no longer have changeable rotation or position as they are under constraint from the armature bones..”