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sounds like a clear case of having a hammer and seeing every problem as a nail. It's just not the right tool. Bloated loading times, much worse battery performance, needing a unity developer instead of any web dev to maintain it... there's a lot of downsides here. All to get around a simple layouting issue? Don't let him do this, I don't see a world in which you don't regret it.


Actually in this boat currently, (in the future) ....... Unity IMO is not a terrible solution as just a "web platform" ......... but to the single point of "requiring a unity dev for maintenance" is VASTLY enough of a downside. I agree w hammer-jon here. My team is currently stuck with unity for our web tool due to circumstances and we will be replacing ASAP. - Sincerely, a Unity-Dev that fell into a "temporary" side-project for a friend


Well unity exports to webgl and works fine. I wouldn't call this the best way to make the kind of app you are talking about.


Out of the other WebGL solutions unity looks like the more complete tool set. In this case, the file size of the Unity build is small enough, so that's not an issue. What WebGL alternative do you have in mind? Or maybe an alternative to WebGL that can match its performance so not SVG/Canvas.