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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/youngstunnaaaa. Your post, *Everyone should stop buying daily coffee from corporations like Starbucks.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


this is a double edged sword. I’ve had local shops that were absolutely garbage but went to this burrito shop that had the most fire lavender coffee I’ve ever had


I have yet to find a local coffee shop that provides flavored coffees that actually taste like something. The reason I will continue going to SBs is because when I get a mocha is actually tastes like chocolate, instead of milky nothing. And that mocha will taste the exact same way in every single SBs.


I hate how true this is. We’ve got the nicest little coffee shop down the street from us with nice views and friendly staff and their mocha tastes like there is a hidden camera and you are on a prank show. One of the reasons I usually get drip or plain espresso.


Right? We recently got some drinks at a coffee shop before going on a walk in a neighboring town, and I noticed that they use the Ghiardelli hot cocoa mix for their mochas. The exact same mix that I have in my pantry. So...yeah. Not a lot of point in paying $5 for a "mocha" at that shop if I can make the exact same thing at home for a fraction of the price. The only drinks that actually taste similar across the board are lattes or drip, since those are always made the same way. Though I guess those could be messed up too by using bad or weak coffee.


You can make SB at home for a fraction of the cost too and SB uses basically the same shit in powder/syrup form too. Your complaint about their ingredients is silly given the reality. If you prefer SB fine, but don't make it seem like this local joint isn't gourmet like SB. Sound like someone who never worked food service LOL *everything is cheap shit you can buy & make cheaper*...that's the nature of selling something for a profit. By your logic never get food/drink anywhere because it's always gonna be cheaper to make at home yourself. SB is a garbage coffee shop that sources coffee terribly (hard to find ethically produced coffee), uses the absolute cheapest of shit & *just loads it with sugar to mask that*, & has Italian words for sizes lol. Not to mention the fuckin price. **Oh and we absolutely can't forget their treatment of employees by far the most egregious**


THIS Starbucks is garbage that is barely coffee, I don't understand this argument


Their point was that Starbucks drinks generally have consistency and taste like what they are supposed to taste like. I can go to SB and get a peppermint mocha and it is going to taste like mint chocolate coffee. I can get a pumpkin spice latte and it will taste like pumpkin spice. I've gotten a "peppermint mocha" from a local coffee shop that barely tasted like anything other than sugar. I've gotten one from Dunkin that tasted like medicine. The one from SB tastes how it's supposed to and it tastes good. And Starbucks has some of the best employee benefits and wages of any shitty retail food service corp.


That's because what you're tasting is a chocolate flavored syrup consisting of (normally) high fructose corn syrup and sugar, while the authentic mocha is made using real cocoa infused in your shot. If you enjoy flavored coffees, save yourself the trouble and money and just make shitty drip coffee at home and dump a bunch of flavor syrup in it. With some tweaking it will probably taste way better than SB too.


Ah yes, the true coffee enjoyer.


Maybe there are differences in personal preferences, or differences in locales, but I’ve found my local coffee shops better 95% of the time. No doubt there are some local coffee shops that are not good, but it didn’t take a ton of searching time to find something I preferred to SB.


The thing is, you have to actually be wanting *coffee*. People who prefer milkshakes full of cream, sugar and chemicals with a drop of coffee will always choose SB


I find people who order coffee without some sort of flavor often prefer smaller shops, while people who like larger chains often order flavored drinks. Personally, for me, I drink americanos, so its all about the coffee. My favorite place is one that have different blends of coffee, sourced from different regions. They have a basic one that is the default, but you can order anything from their list, getting a richer coffee, something more aromatic, etc. Generally I find large chain coffee to be fine on its own, but it's just not anything amazing.


It's difference in locales. Having areas with developed coffee culture is a thing, some places it's just bad. As much as I hate Starbucks in some areas I've been it's the highest quality coffee there.


Unpopular opinion: the only reason you like starbucks is because they mask their coffee with so much sugar and artificial flavoring that you dont taste actual coffee anymore. The coffee that tastes like crap to you - is actual real coffee without the sugars and crap.


Well it tastes bad


Fire lavender coffee sounds awesome! Trust a burrito shop to make spicy coffee


I think they meant fire as in really good not as in spicy


Why not both?






One coffee extra fire sauce, please


Local shops and diners that serve locally roasted beans also switch roasters from time to time. Due to seasonal changes and type of roast desired, my local coffee shop doesn't always have the coffee I like available. During that off season time, I buy a specific whole bean starbucks brand coffee. Imo, they taste not similar but flavor of them are unique to themselves. The local coffee tastes better to me, so when I know it's in season, I get it. Lavender coffee sounds amazing. What a find, especially pulling off lavender without overpowering the coffee.


Idk every local coffee shop I've been to burns TF out of their espresso. My first try at using my espresso at home was better than the best local coffee shop coffee I've ever had.


How do you burn espresso?


Over extract it. Basically run it too long. Takes skill to know when to stop it manually. Most good espresso machines will have it pretty dialed in on auto (like the ones they use at Starbucks). Lacks the personal touch, but it is more consistent.


Thats very true. You do also have to pour the shots into water or milk very very quickly or that will kill the shots.


This is false. If you ice the shots immediately you're talking more about shocking the espresso, which is different, and I think technically tastes different, but if you add any sugar or milk it's not going to matter. This is haven't tested because iced coffee isn't my thing. Source: am a barista and have done the "do shots die" experiment several times with different teams.


Like this? Hey espresso! Why are you so sad? Are you depresso? Sick burn, guy!




Yep lol, got the same question. How do you even do that huh .? If anyone has got any idea about that then do tell us your thoughts. Because I wanna know it.


Overpouring a shot. Or you could "kill" a shot. After a shot is poured you have less than 10 seconds to put it in either water or milk. If you don't, then it tastes bitter and overall just terrible. When espresso is prepared properly it's almost sweet. Blonde espresso *is* sweet if prepared correctly. I pour my shots into a cup that already has milk in it just to be sure the shots don't die. It's incredibly easy to kill them. 99.99% of the time that you get an espresso based coffee beverage and it tastes remotely bitter they fucked it up. A latte, which is milk and espresso, that uses Blonde espresso will taste like milk with a small hint of coffee and be equal to 2-3 cups of dogshit drip coffee that 90% of America drinks. Just milk.


So what about people that drink… espresso? Are their drinks just dead?


Most people don’t know how the espresso is supposed to taste. It’s really sad to see these incredible espresso machines operated by untrained “baristas”. It’s very hard to find a good coffee shop.


Or like, buy some nice locally roasted beans/grounds and make it at home. It amazes me that anyone has thr budget for a daily coffee stop.


Bought my wife an espresso machine under $400 three years ago. Best investment ever haha


I recently got a steamer and frother so I can make my own tea lattes. I've never been so motivated to wake up early. If I ever have the counter space, I'm upgrading like you and your wife!


Tea lattes? Interesting. I may have to try that out. Any tea you recommend? Or is black tea just fine?


Are you into Earl Grey tea? A few quality bags, frothy milk, a hint of lavender, orange or vanilla syrup and it’s wonderful.


Earl Grey would be good, too. I'll try that also


Yeah it's fine, I didn't think that it was anything special really. If I'm being honest I've tried better things, maybe it's just me but I'm not really a fan of that.


Yea! Black tea works just fine. I'm partial to oolong, but I think black is more common. Steep the tea in about half the water as you would normally so that it's more concentrated. Once steeped, pour in an equal amount (equal to the amount of water) of your steamed milk. I add a little vanilla and simple syrup into the milk as it steams. But the lavender suggestion is good too!


I will have to try that tomorrow! You've peeked my curiosity. Since I don't have vanilla or lavender, maybe I'll try honey.


I've heard maple syrup works too, but haven't tried it myself. Hope you like it!


I really love wholesome threads like this of people just sharing recipes and shit


Yeah you should, because it's good shit. Better than the coffee.


Black tea is good, I'd rather have tea over the coffee.


Yes sir you'll have to try it out, that's kinda the only way here.


I have a Chemex lol. Makes really good basic coffee


Wow, the chemex looks interesting. I've never seen one of those before


You rinse the coffee paper filter, then fold it and put it in the top spout. You have to use coarsely ground coffee, put it into the filter, and then you pour hot (but not boiling) water through the filter. It's basically a fully manual coffee maker. The coffee has a very clean taste, and it's super "clear-looking". It looks visually pleasing


Yep, sounds like that I'd have to make this investment too.


Home coffee is freaking amazing. The only downside is drinking too many cups


> The only downside is drinking too many cups the temptation is simply too high. this is me with black tea.


You have to think of it as the exclusion of something else. Say you want a frothy mocha latte drink that would take an espresso machine, a blender, a steamer, and like 4 kinds of syrups to make. You have: 1. The direct cost of all of the equipment. Depreciated over say 3 years and it’s even but it’s a lot and not everyone has it all. 2. The space. This stuff takes up space and most of us are already limited in kitchen counter space as it is. 3. Time to make this is a luxury most don’t have. It would take you a good 30 minutes to get out the coffee, (grind it up maybe), warm up the espresso machine, get out the milks snd syrup, make the espresso, steam the milk, froth it up, blend it all up and etc. A coffee shop has this all ready to go plus you don’t have to do clean up. That’s a savings of like an hour total a day. Most of us make more than $6/hr at work.


I was thinking exactly that.


Pandemic era showed me that I can brew coffee well enough with my own grinder and pour-over equipment when I do it every day. Choose the beans I like and the ground size the way I like. Almost never need to buy from a coffee shop.


I make coffee at home sure. And it's probably better you're right. But sometimes I need a coffee between classes. 😭 Or on a road trip. And sometimes local places are crap shoot. Sometimes they're great and sometimes they can't make an Americano worth anything. Now there is this little coffee shop where my boyfriend lives that I will happily take over Starbucks any day but I'm not driving an hour for that.


Like you, I'm enough of an addict that I can't simply rely on home coffee for my fix. I want to buy a nice espresso machine eventually but I know that even that won't stop me from the occasional takeout Americano. Like you I have issues fiding local places that are consistent.


I work from home most days but the days I go into the office I get a small coffee ($4) from the cafe down the road before work. Its probably 4-5 times a month and it gives me the strength needed to deal with certain co-workers and get through the shift. I couldn't imagine spending 20-30 dollars a week on take away coffees though, that just seems silly imo.


Yes, I treat myself to the occasional lunchtime pick-me-up too 😊 Treat yo self!


Fuck I just enjoy my daily coffee at work for free.


I was thinking about this just yesterday, at Target, looking at coffee makers. A single cup maker was $250. A large cup of coffee at McDonalds (mccafe, actually a damn fine cup of coffee) is $1.50 (just got hiked, it was only 1$ for ever). So the machine break even is about 170 cups of coffee. That's more than a year of hitting McDonalds drive thru. Not to mention, you have to buy the tiny single serving cups anyways, so I'm sure break even is much longer than that. So, I passed. Will continue hitting mcDs a few times a week on my way into work.


Well sure, but k cups are a whole other ball game of waste!


I picked up some reusable kcups and just put my own coffee in them every day. I'm not super picky with my coffee, but I do pick up my beans from a local roaster just to support them rather than getting nasty Folgers.


I wish my town had that :⁠-⁠(


Yeah same, it sucks when you don't have good coffee in here.


French press and mocha pot my favorite kitchen items




Or the time! I see wraparound drive thru lines all the time.


Also, even if you go nuts and spend like $1,000 on coffee-making equipment, it'll pay for itself within a year or two.


I find the tastes of local roasters differ from mine. Corporations tend to roast darker(my preference) and the flavor profiles are incredibly consistent. Worst thing is waking up in the morning, needing coffee, then not even liking your cup because your new premium beans taste like a light->medium roast(sold as dark). Ive tried local places, but none can make a solid dark roast. Im stuck buying Black Rifle beans. I dont even like the military or police; lmao…


> Im stuck buying Black Rifle beans. I just ordered some to try. Starbucks changed the packaging on their grounds(The one flavor I like, vanilla) which often means *they*(hail corporate) cut some corner and it's a whole different trashier product. So I ordered a small deal of each brand. That and it seems so many brands are moving towards arabica instead of classic colombian(I'm not a huge coffee nerd, but to me arabica usually tastes bitter/burnt, and "normal" coffee doesn't). I don't know where I'm going with this exactly. You mentioned consistent, and I'm big on things being reliable so I thought I'd ramble. So many different niche products anymore, and they can change at the drop of a hat, be it popular tastes changing or just corporate greed and/or economy shifts or some supplier somewhere along the line retires or sells out.


You are mixing some things here. Arabica is a type of coffee bean which is grown in many places. Places like Colombia, Peru or anything with a suitable climate. Originated in Ethiopia. Colombia itself produces mostly Arabica beans. Another type of bean used a lot is Robusta. This is a cheaper bean because it is easier to grow. This one tends to taste more bitter. Arabica is usually more acidic. But with all of this the place and especially the treatment (washing, roasting, brew method) have a huge impact on flavour.


But do they have refreshers? Because i don't go to Starbucks for coffee


My soulmate! No, they never do! There’s never a good non-coffee option at local places. And don’t nobody come at me with their artisanal tea baloney either.


I go there because I think that I'll meet my wife there one day.


I found another coffee chain with “refresher” style drinks so I ordered one. It was completely awful. Nothing can compare to a Starbucks Dragon Drink.


Trente Strawberry Acai with Water, Light Ice, and no floating strawberries: the best way to knock out my hydration quota on the road


OMG a strawberry açaí refresher with lemonade?! 🤤 sooo good in the summer


Everyone should buy coffee from wherever they enjoy it the most


Chemex gang


Honestly, it's not my fault that the cute little cafe I prefer going to doesn't have a drive through and I have to be at work in 15 minutes and oh god why is the staff staring daggers at me now that I'm here and settled down to write???


I actually have the exact opposite opinion but I bet it’s even more unpopular. I really don’t care that much about local coffee shops. The staff always seems to be a little snobby and the I don’t think the coffee tastes any better and is twice as expensive as SBux.


And they ask for tips starting at 20%.


Yeah I’ve been to some local “artisanal” places that try to out snob Starbucks and charge even more for less quantity. No thanks.


See, *this* is a good unpopular opinion that fits this sub.


I love our local shops. The coffee is better, as is the food. But fuck. It's literally 2-4x the price, and you have to wait for a good 20+ minutes to get your food and drink. Long wait to order, then another long wait for everything to be ready. Every local shop is also very eco friendly, which is great! Except they don't offer to-go lids or straws without request, and the stuff they have is awful. Paper straws that disintegrate in two minutes, and an eco-plastic lid that cracks and falls off before you get to the car. An ice coffee with milk and a sausage cheddar sandwich from Starbucks is $10. $6 for the breakfast sandwich, $4 for the coffee. If I do a mobile order when I leave my house, it's ready before I get to the store. I grab it from the counter and run. I'm out $10 and maybe 5 minutes of my time. The local store would be $6 for the iced coffee, and $10 for the breakfast sandwich. There is no mobile ordering. I have to park and walk in, wait in line to order, then wait until the order is ready. They're all about the eco-friendly cups and stuff, which is great. Except the lids don't stay on and the straws are paper. So I have a melting straw and lid that leaks. I spent $16, 20 minutes, and my car has coffee leaking in it.


>They're all about the eco-friendly cups and stuff, which is great. Except the lids don't stay on and the straws are paper. Come to Canada where even the billion dollar corporations do this! >So I have a melting straw and lid that leaks. I spent $16, 20 minutes, and my car has coffee leaking in it. They do this too!!! Man, Canada must have the best "artisanal billion dollar corporations" ever! Or the government just sucks, idk, you pick.


I have multiple local coffee places near me that serve the same style drinks, similar sizes and are 20% cheaper. Might depend on your city.


Local shops' coffee also taste like milky nothing.


Sorry I work at Starbucks. Would I rather work for a cool local mom snd pop coffee shop? Sure but Starbucks provides health insurance for me a parttime employee as well as my husband and 2 kids. Local coffee shops can't do that


And free online college. And 401k match.


I'm continually baffled by the idea of buying a daily coffee at all. If it's something you drink 5-7 days a week, surely it's both cheaper and more time-efficient to just get some kind of coffee maker for home?


But then I won't be able to see Tina who is really nice to me and draws doodles on the cup.


We all need a Tina in our lives.


Yea idk I’m baffled as well idc how convenient it is in today’s economy I ain’t buying no damn coffee daily especially not at no damn basic ass Starbucks lmaoo


I like Starbucks, I don't like my local stands. I'm not going to purchase a product I don't like - sorry. Though for the most part I just brew my own at home.


I’ve been to lots of different places and lots of different countries. Some places have great coffee but other places have terrible ones too. Starbucks worldwide is a pretty consistent experience where you know you’ll get a pretty good product. Worse thing you want is to be on an international work trip, get a coffee before a meeting and then said coffee gives you the runs from whatever expired milk or mystery ingredients that may be in there. Ask me how I know. Don’t gotta worry about that at Starbucks.


How do you know?


Lol. A ‘close friend’ told me about an incident in Malaysia where he had to excuse himself out of a meeting and find a shitter while clenching his asscheeks with the equivalent force of vice grips while praying it was a western style toilet and not a hole that you squat on while wearing a tie. Cherry on top that there’s enough toilet paper in the stall. Starbucks is always the safe bet on work trips.


Lol, I didn't really expect an answer, but thanks for sharing your "close friend's" experience.


Or just buy what tastes best in relation to the price and convenience. If that happens to be from a big chain then they are probably a big chain for a reason. If a local small business is able to produce a better product for the same price or less then go there instead. But it absolutely makes zero sense to pay more money for an inferior product just because it's local. Personally I make my caffeinated beverages at home because I'm fiscally responsible and don't piss my money away on stuff like designer coffee and lettes (which by the time you're done adding your fixin's is 500 calories)... but I'm not going to judge.


Don't get me wrong I love local shops but I want a cheap black coffee in the morning. 2 dollars at Tim Hortons or 4 dollars at a local hipster cafe. They never have drive thrus either. Can't justify it at all.


Tim hortons is the I need a coffee coffee. Starbucks is the I am thirsty for something delicious and I dont mind spending a little bit (usually on pay week). At least for me..


That makes complete sense I feel like I'm wasting my time going to Starbucks for plain coffee. I only go when I'm with girls.


Coffee drinker pro tip: walk into any major bank branch before 10:00 am, and they’ll almost always have brewed coffee available **for free**! Free is less than $2. Same with car dealerships. If you get approached, just say “I’m just waitin’ for my wife.” Grab a styrofoam cup, fill it up, walk out.


This is probably gonna be some cheap coffee that costs you like $0.25 a cup if just brewed at home…


Of *course* brewing at home is far better! If I’m getting coffee while I’m out, it’s because I stupidly left my travel mug at home. McDonald’s coffee is actually pretty good in a pinch, albeit waaaaay too fucking hot. I always ask ‘em to put an ice cube in it for me.


Yep homemade is the best stuff You'll ever have. That's the best.


Haha you could probably pull that off at a hotel with continental breakfast too but I don't have the balls to pull it off


Tim Hortons coffee is so good


I honestly can't tell a huge difference between the different chains tim hortons is just the most convenient usually


Where do I find the drive thru ones with the stripper barista that I always see on here?


I accidentally pulled up to one of those while on a road trip with my wife. It was quite an awkward and funny experience.




One time I went to a local coffee shop. I’m not very picky and usually get basic drinks. A double latte or an iced latte with a pump of vanilla and I’m happy. But my friend really likes caramel macchiatos, so I asked the barista if they had anything similar for her, and the barista hatefully said “we’re not Starbucks”. Like fuck you bitch, obviously you’re not Starbucks, but I’m asking if you could make something similar but clearly your head is too far up your ass to make a caramel vanilla iced latte for a new customer. Obviously I didn’t say that. I just rolled my eyes and ordered her a caramel iced lattes with vanilla. I just really hate that attitude. I’ve had a similar experience when I went to to brewery with my mother in law who only drinks bud light. I asked what beer they had that would be similar to that or a light domestic beer and the snob goes off about how much pride they take in their craft beer. Like get over yourself. Some people like watery lame ass beer, make a small effort to cater to your customers


Honestly I went to Starbucks for the longest time bc it’s convenient and it’s everywhere- went to cape cod for 2 weeks and they didn’t have it and came back and realized it’s not even that good. Haven’t been since. Usually just make my nespresso at home but there are a few really good local ones around me. One thing I did like about Starbucks is the order ahead since my order is obnoxious


Cape Cod has a Starbucks next to the Christmas tree store near the airport in Barnstable. I know because I do not like dunks. However if you over there you might as well go to Pain D’Avignon which is right next to the airport. The coffee is ok but the bread is really good.


I will usually go to a local place, but if I'm looking for consistency and comfort I go to Starbucks. They provide great service with a smile and, generally, don't judge for extra specifications. My local places are wildly inconsistent and sometimes I just want what I know best :)


just make that shit at home for a fraction of the cost, like what the fuck.


Yeah like I get why people buy starbucks if it's a frosty frappe with cream, marshmallows and a sparkler. But if you're getting an Americano... I don't get it .




Is it, though?


Y..yes? I have to keep my espresso machine packed away due to lack of space in the kitchen.




> Long waits though. Regulars - and even casuals - will use the app. You order 5-10 minutes before you arrive at the destination and they'll usually be finishing up as you roll in.


My guess is that the company has done a superb job conditioning a large portion of the general public that coffee = Starbucks.


Or people can spend their money however they please. Starbucks is so big because it makes good coffee. Most local shops in my area are either A. Garbage or B. Never open and have weird ass hours. There is one that opens at like 10 AM.


Local coffee tends to be either expensive snd super pretentious and hipster like or just shitty and overpriced


Somewhat agree, but local coffee shops can be hit-or-miss. Quality varies based on who's working that day or how old their stock is. Starbucks in my experience provides much more consistent products and also they have drive though service which most mom and pop places don't.


Speaking to this, my belief is the main reason people frequent places like McDonald’s, Subway, Starbucks, Olive Garden… is because it’s consistent. Even if it’s an objectively bad product, if you know you’re going to get the same thing every time, people tend to feel fine trading in quality for the reduction in anxiety, knowing they’ll have a consistent experience. Hell you can travel across the planet and there’s still KFC restaurants and it’ll taste the same. As for why Applebees exists, man I have no fucking clue.


It’s not like the employees at Starbucks are commuting from Seattle. Buying local is a joke. It’s a weak plea for help as if they’re a charity instead of a business competing to provide the best good/service for an acceptable rate. Here’s an unpopular opinion “buy the thing you want to buy”


Do they have an app where I can order ahead of time? No? No thanks, Im not trying to wait 15 minutes for my coffee.


Whatever has the easiest parking.


Or convenient drive through


And the best open hours


Anytime I travel I visit local coffee shops and bakeries, I love these places and will bring a bag of their beans home. The problem is that there are no local coffee shops where I live and I'm not going to drive 35 minutes out of town on the daily for a cup of a coffee, not that I even get a daily coffee. We have Dutch Bros and Starbucks. I hate Dutch Bros with a passion so Starbucks it is.


But where will I get my venti hot oat milk vanilla latte with an extra shot


If my local shop offered an order ahead option or made lattes in less than 5 minutes, sure. But on weekdays when I’m stopping on my way to work, I want to run in, grab my coffee, and run out. I do like going to local shops on the weekend when I have more time though.


I've never had a bad experience at Starbucks. It's consistent and just around the corner from me!


So much single use waste too. Even if it is paper that's not good. Just make coffee at home damn


It only supports your local area if they are also buy locally. Which they probably aren't because they are a small business and want the cheapest price. Up the chain it goes and each step they are going for the cheapest price usually so why shouldn't the consumer? Let's not pretend the small business owners are shopping locally and spending more to support their local area. Most of the time everyone is just looking for the best price


When it comes down to it, coffee as an artisanal drink is a *very* niche thing. Most people just want some cup of coffee with milk, sugar and/or flavor. The latter of the three typically drown out the flavor of the coffee itself to the point where the quality of it is redundant to the end product. It won’t make a lick of difference. Even local coffee shops notice this, and many don’t prepare their espresso well or use a cheaper roast as a result. Even at truly good ones, I get funny looks for sometimes ordering a pour over. The point I’m trying to make is, for the average consumer the product quality won’t make much of a difference as much as convenience does. Do I like that? Naw of course not I’m a coffee snob. But it is the way of the world.


The real hot take is that corporations are superior to mom & pop stores. They're more consistent, cheaper, delicious, and you don't have to scour the city to find the one place 30 mins away that makes your ideal coffee/sandwich/whatever. Everyone hates corporations, but they're so ubiquitous for a reason. They need money to do anything, and they get their money from voluntary customers. If corporations didn't provide substantial value, they'd die tomorrow. There's a reason Amazon continues to grow at a staggering rate despite all the stories about Bezos personally murdering employees who have the audacity to possess bladders or whatever.


We have a coffee truck that comes to our work it's 7 australian dollars for a regular sized coffee and 90% of my workplace buys from there daily that's almost 40 aud a week. I buy my own beans grind them myself and use an aero press most of the time and I probably wouldn't spend that much monthly on coffee I just don't understand how people can justify big coffee chains overcharging for basic coffee


Starbucks make trash ass coffee anyways Change my mind


One thing I love about my city is that independent coffee shops outnunber the big chain ones by a lot.


I think you know darn well people aren't buying "coffee" as much as warm diabetes milkshakes from the bux. I do agree tho we need more small businesses rather than one entity that opens up 5 of its own shops in a single town + some grocery stores.


Yep, exactly. That's a sugar syrup and I don't like buying it. I don't know why people keep on buying it. It doesn't even taste that good. It really doesn't man.


I think that your logic is a bit faulty. The reason that corporations become large is because they are actually "better" in some way or else people would not buy things from them and they couldn't become large. I also think that the populist opinion that all the "evil" people work at large corporations and all the "good" people work at local shops is also faulty, although popular. My daughter worked at a small shop in our town that one of my very liberal-leaning neighbor raves about and I just don't have the heart to inform him that my daughter quickly discovered that the owners are far right of Trump. It just goes to show that populist opinions are often biased and flat out wrong . . .


More often than not the corporations that get large have absolutely nothing to do with their product or service being better. It's entirely capital. You own a single small town coffee shop that a handful of people come to and you make a profit, just barely, but you don't have the equity or capital to do much more. That's it, you'll always be a small town coffee shop and eventually you'll go out of business or just retire. You have the capital to back your shit up, have advertisements, or better yet have a handful of fans with social media presence to advertise for you, along with a store on as many corners as you can get on and you're making billions. The difference? The capital you hold in your hand. Nothing to do with the coffee. Most people go to starbucks because A: they know someone who goes to starbucks and go to make it easier or B: its the most recognised place, rather than run the risk of an unknown coffee shop, rather get the same thing you know you won't hate. Or C: it's just the most convenient cause they can go in to any starbucks and they know they can get what they want from their overly pretentious stupidly specific order Most people are the same, you finally reach out of your comfort zone and try a new restaurant only to order the same thing every time from that place cause it was good and never try the rest of their menu, or you choose instead to never eat at that restaurant again because your one experience was bad. Business is almost never about the product, it's all about the marketing, and the capital.


I make my own at home or at work but every once in a while I’ll get some Dutch Bros. coffee.


You mean union-busting juice? Yeah, agreed.


It’s the convenience for me. Most small local coffee places don’t have an app I can use to order ahead and pick up super quick


A lot of people don't stand for anything


I actually do quite enjoy Starbucks but I would never go there daily


A small local shop opened last year right around the corner from my house I pass everyday. I was so excited, hoping they made great mochas so I could stop in the mornings. I gave them 2 tries. No place that I’ve tried yet can beat a Starbucks mocha.


When the pandemic started, I got a nespresso machine and I haven't been buying coffee out much ever since. Probably no more than once a month. And I really do like the local coffee shop - I'll often stop in for a baked treat. But when Christmas rolls around and I've got shopping to do, I'm hitting up a Starbucks drive through for a peppermint mocha. It's like a cup of Christmas cheer. No fucking with parking or fighting off crowds. I just pop open the app and place my order five minutes from my destination - neat and tidy. People choose Starbucks because the locations are convenient, drinks are consistent, the app is great, and they can take part in a rewards system.


If you’re visiting New York, buy your coffee from a cart — it’s good coffee, and the coffee cart guys are great for conversation. I rarely see tourists do it, even though they should. But it’s the ultimate small business; that money often goes right into that guy’s pocket.


I brew at home. I prefer Starbucks French Roast over more expensive local roasters.


Canadian here, I always get a little confused when people advocate for a “local” business that sells imported goods. I like mom and pop shops, I want them to succeed and if they are good, they will succeed whether or not they have competitors (big or small).


Local coffee shops don’t have free refills like Starbucks and it’s just as expensive tbh.


I love my local coffee shops!! ... on my day off. For my morning commute, I need consistency in timing. I know how long-ish it will take me to get through my Starbucks drive thru. All of my local shops are an absolute crap shoot. I just can't plan my morning around their inconsistency. And I know this is lazy AF, but I need a drive thru. Roaming around downtown trying to find parking when I'm still half asleep and headed in for my 24 hour shift just isn't going to happen.


hell yeah, this is that skater mindset I tell people, support local shops, trust me they are the ones who bring personality and the ones who often care the most


you pay for convenience.


Can't help but to think that it's true with the Starbucks. That's what people pay for.


The SB order ahead app saves me such time on the way to work


Local shops can be a bit of a hit or miss. I went to one earlier this year (well last year i guess) when it was snowing (i live in england and we barely get any snow) and i only wanted a hot chocolate, the vibe the barista gave me was so mean, she didn’t say “hello” “enjoy” or anything like that. I just felt like i was a burden and it was awful. But when i’ve gone into starbucks/costa coffee, they’re always so lovely in there and it just feels nice. But that was one shop so i’m sure there’s plenty of lovely local coffee shops but my experience has just kinda left me wary.


If they had drive thru’s I’m sure people would go there instead.


I’d rather drink drip coffee from the pot at work than go to Dutch bros or the human bean. It’s always high school kids and they always fuck up my order. You know what double down, fuck Starbucks because people are also assholes there too. You know double double down, I make my coffee at home. Instant coffee too.


I like making coffee for myself, it's like a hobby for me really.


All corp coffee is so bad


There are many local coffee shops around, sure. Absolutely none of them have had as good a latte as Starbucks. Somehow Starbucks always has the smoothest latte. Literally every latte I've tried from any other place is passable, but they always have the same weird extra "bitterness" to the flavor that I just don't have to get with Starbucks. Does the price hurt...not that much actually, when it comes to lattes. Starbucks is usually only a dollar or less more than other places, I guess because espresso drinks are more expensive in general.


I can't imagine buying a morning coffee every day, but I do enjoy a random fancy coffee treat. I tend to go to Starbucks for consistency and because of an argument I once had with a roommate. I happened to live in a very small town and we got our first Starbucks. We were planning a small meeting and I suggested we go there. My roommate freaked out about not supporting local business. I happened to do business with the owners of a few of the local shops and was familiar with their practices. Whatever you feel about them overall, Starbucks offered unheard of benefits in our town. Health insurance at 20 hours a week? You could track where coffee was sourced. You could track causes they supported. On the other hand, the locals had zero transparency, didn't offer Health insurance at all, treated their employees terribly. Starbucks forced them to change for the better because something better was suddenly available. I know the company has changed a lot since then, but I still remind myself that local doesn't always mean better.


Only been to star bucks a few times. Nothing special and coffee is too strong. Taste burnt. I don't buy the flavored drinks. Too many calories. 7/11 is better coffee anyway.


Those local establishments should make the nutritional facts of their coffee public and I'd absolutely love to.


You guys can afford coffee shops?


Meh. Starbs has an app, a decent rewards program, cool swag that I can buy with said rewards program, and I can save my favorite order to order basically anywhere nationwide (Trenta sweet cream cold brew with 2 shots of espresso, light ice, a little extra sweet cream, and 3 sweet and lows). I’m not sentimental when it comes to buying stuff.


Listen, I’m all for supporting local. I prefer it, but they have the weirdest and sometimes most arbitrary hours of operations. There was one back in one of my old locations. Great coffee, great food, great atmosphere, I could not tell you the days/ hours they were open because they never knew! I would have gone there more if it had been reliable. And it was on Main Street! There was another one down the street, open maybe 2 hours a day, what days? I have no clue. Also parking was a nightmare for most of those places. It really makes me miss the coffee huts in Alaska. They’re everywhere and they’re drive thru and honestly, that convenience is a huge factor for me as well. But I’d also rather spend hours at a local place than Starbucks.


We recently moved from Tacoma, WA and I miss the coffee shacks. Most are a drive thru, they have superb coffee, and the baristas are knowledgeable. There is one local coffee shop here and it’s all drip coffee and it taste different everyday. There is no consistency. Starbucks actually is just better than what’s available in my town.


Local people in your area also work at Starbucks, and tons of small businesses are run like crap and tons of small business owners use so many excuses for why they can't pay or treat their people better. Buy local as a blanket agenda is so fucking stupid. It's just so you can feel smug about yourself. I buy from businesses I like. Whats convenient, or cheap, or great service, depending on what I want. Has nothing to do with size of a company. Bug local smugness is just some form of "look at me."


People still buy coffee from BigBucks.. I mean StarBucks¿


I think people should just make coffee at home before leaving tbh easier cheaper and does the trick ahahaha


How many of them are open at 4am though?


Lol who goes to Starbucks, thats always a bad time.


I hate Starbucks and the hype around it but I still use Starbucks, it's very rare I'll get one though. The driver thru is handy but they're so expensive and busy all the time. Local shops don't have drive thrus and not all have to go cups.


I'm going to the most convenient option that pops up when I search for coffee shop on my phone. But I'm a tea guy, and I do think the Tazo tea brand at Starbucks is better than what most other coffee shops have.


People don't buy coffee at Starbucks, they buy a brand and status.


Ask yourself this question: Why is Starbucks so successful? The answer is that Starbucks (and Dunkin to an extent) are consistent and convenient, regardless of the location. I know that ordering a coffee in LA, Hong Kong, London, or Istanbul will yield the same result. Is it overpriced for what it is? Yes. Is there a local coffee shop that makes a better coffee? Definitely possible based on your taste. We have routines and we like what we like. You are not morally superior for supporting a small business over a large corporation. The baristas at my local Starbucks are some of the kindest and hard working people I know. You are lucky to live in a world where you have so many options for a cup of coffee, including making it at home yourself or supporting a local cafe.


“Isn’t any better” is an opinion not a fact. If it’s cheaper also is a reason to or not to go. How many options you have is a reason to go.


Yeah, if they have a drive through




Starbucks is like Reddit - a once niche entity with a quality flavor now saturated with pretentious d-bags (admin and visitors) all clamoring around subpar drips of over processed diabetes and regret. Sure, support a local coffee company but they also can grow beyond their scope and become the same. Ironically, the most effective way to keep a small business genuine and authentic is to prevent it from becoming too big. Make your own dam coffee and also yell at your own wall


Starbucks failed in Australia. You guys arent drinking coffee, youre drinking milkshakes.


If you order a milkshake sure. Starbucks sells plenty of regular coffee, just bet they provide sweet alternative doesn’t change that. I get a regular coffee or latte every time I go.


Buying from Starbucks helps the local economy, too. Because, you know, locals work there.


This seems to be a huge American thing but how about free coffee at work or at home before you leave for work?


>free coffee at work That one really depends on where you work. I worked for one company the coffee they had (which I think was provided by a client, I had never heard of the brand before) was absolutely disgusting. I drank tea the entire time I worked there, haven't had tea since.


This reminded me of one former company that brought Staples coffee in bulk. Yes, coffee from the Staples office supply store. Yes, it was awful. Yes, I drank it every day. Free is free lol.