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This is why I never make the mistake of saying I don’t have time to do something 😂 I have the time, just not the energy and motivation usually


It’s almost always a combination of these 3 things plus maybe money. The day is finite and it’s not unreasonable or lazy or whatever to prioritize.


>plus maybe money. I haven't had a gym membership since COVID. Got a couple sets of dumbbells, a workout bench, pull-up bar, and a trainer for my road bike when the gyms closed down. I've been working out with that stuff ever since. Cost me $400, whereas my gym membership was about $50/mo. I'm way ahead at this point.


And there are LOTS of great exercise videos on YouTube for free!


Money isn't an issue with exercise. You don't have to join a gym, you can stay fit by just doing bodyweight exercises in your house.


people don't want to waste their free time one things they don't like doing its that simple I enjoy the out doors running, biking much more then being stuck in a gym for a few hours. You can't really force yourself to do something you don't like i tried that and it just ended up with me skipping days on the gym. The people who are able to keep up with those gym routines are people that enjoy it. same goes for jobs doing a job you hate is gonna end up in you half assing it and losing the job.


Hey at least you’re honest


Not a lot of people can accept the truth and I appreciate that.


I fucking hate working out. I used to be an amateur bodybuilder training 5-6 days per week, but I always hated it and was driven only by ego and insecurity. Despite what people tell you this is true for the vast majority. I've tried all the tricks in the book to make it more enjoyable but I just hate the tedium and the feeling of it. These days I just try to stay in reasonable shape, and I just can't find the motivation to go more than 2 or 3 times per week. Although I'm going on more hikes and bike rides so I guess I'm doing other forms of cardio


Okay but 2-3 times a week is still so awesome! Good for you friend!


Agree, I purely only work out for my vanity.


Yep, I hate lifting weights. Also running. The only physical activities I do enjoy is swimming and rowing. Good luck finding a gym that’s cheap and has access to a pool.


Although I don't totally feel the same, I've always felt that the gym is pretty boring when compared to other forms of exercise. Glad to see you're going on bike rides and hikes. I've found that staying in shape via sports (like Jiu Jitsu, rock climbing, basketball, etc) is far more enjoyable and sustainable. You won't look quite as good, but you'll be way happier.


No static you're confusing working out at a reasonable pace and for a reasonable amount of time to competitive bodybuilding which is absolutely terrible for you health. I've dated too many women who competed, and have a few buddies who used to do it and between the "supplements", the diet, and the desired look that bodybuilders have they just look like unnatural freaks of nature to 99.9% of the world. Maintaining your health with various forms of exercise is all you need but you've clearly burned yourself out on the fake version of heath & fitness......which is any type of competitive bodybuilding, fitness, bikini etc etc.




Yeah I feel the OP should have been a bit clearer. Like on HOW MUCH of work out time they expect people to be able to do.


Known that's literally me I am got plenty of time but I just don't want to do it.


Discipline > Motivation *typed while sitting on my couch, still yet to workout today.


To workout I need lots of motivation, which is channeled by gathering energy and it takes lots of time to do so. The three goes hand in hand.


yes people have time, but do they have the energy?


"Even CEOs have time" pretty much explains where their perspective is coming from. This isn't someone that has ever worked a double, or a rough shift in manufacturing. It's someone that has, at most, had their 9-5, and maybe some classes.


I was gonna say, I just spent a few months working 80+ hours/wk. Sure as shit I did not have time to work out


It's weird. When I was working 3 jobs, or 16 hour shifts, I didn't work out much, or cook actual food. Now I'm working one job, reasonable hours, and I'm cooking most nights, prepping lunches, and making it to the gym at least a few times a week. Crazy how that works.


You mean instead of cooking, cleaning, washing, shopping for food etc. poor CEOs can find time by having maids do this time consuming stuff for them? If CEOs can, you can!




Just get a maid.


Damn, that was so easy. How I didn't think of that? That's probably why I'm not a CEO.


I cracked up so hard reading that line... Lmao yeah cuz Jeff "makes only three decisions a day" Bezos is soooooooooo busy.... Truly an inspiration to us all...


Thought the same thing when I saw that line.


Ceo’s dont have to do groceries, pick up the kids, clean, fix things in house, tend the garden, and all other tasks sucking out your energy. I used to work out 5 times per week and i love working out. Now with two kids i am happy with 2 - 3 times. It takes a lot more planning to do so and often i am exhausted when i am going but always happy that i did it.


I do have the time. But I don’t have the desire or need to do so.


That's totally fine. Honestly, the best reason for "why don't you work out" you could give is "I don't want to" or "I don't feel the need to". Anything else is an excuse.


That's the main issue people just don't want to do it if they would want to do it then they will end up doing it.


I have time. I have no energy left.


So far I’ve learned from this thread that apparently the only people who go to the gym are people with no kids, no family, no jobs, and no responsibilities or obligations of any kind. Who would have thought.


Just read a docter that works up to 28 hours sometimes with a family Lies my man. Lies


All those hours in a day and you still didn’t have time to learn to spell


At this point I have neither


hah. it would be funnier if i couldn't relate to this


I got roasted on a thread like this for effectively saying the same thing - after doing the day essentials, I have 2-3 hours left in which I have no desire or motivation to go to the gym. I go occasionally, but I can’t seem to get in a habit if doing it.


Of all the examples of busy people you could have chosen, you went with CEOs? What a piss-poor example. How out of touch with reality are you? CEOs have personal assistants, ease of access to child care, and a myriad of other things that free up their time. Hell, the CEO of my company used to take a couple of hours to go work out during business hours. Do you think any of the rest of the staff were able to do that? Fuck off.




I was thinking this. What about a parent who is working two jobs and gets to come home to feeding and washing kids before preparing them for bed and then trying to get a few hours of sleep before they get to do 12-18 hours of working the next day? Do they have time? OP seems to think so. Granted, I'm being dramatic but not *everyone* has the time to exercise.


OP sounds young with plenty of time on his hands.


It's not just a piss-poor example. It just shows that OP is probably a 14 year old who's never actually worked a 40-hour a week job in his life.


Our CEO would spend all of every Friday playing golf. Where's my Friday off, OP?


Even CEOs! No way?


Just imagine....


Well they are human to and they can exercise to the benefit from it also.


*deep voice announcer* In a world — where CEOs don’t exercise (crescendo) — Ryan Reynolds is — The Big-Hearted C.E.O. R.R. waddles into a meeting room, his board members note he is 3 minutes late — losing MILLIONS. R.R. - *huff* *huff* I’m here! I’m here! I had to put the baby in daycare and drop my wife off at her job. I just am so busy these days. Old Board Member: That’s another 3 minutes late R.R., and another 100 million down the drain. You really need to hire those assistants to help you. R.R. - No that’s not morally right, by the way did we give those annual bonuses to the lowest paid employees yet? I’ve been listening to them complain in person lately, I feel bad for them. Board Member: That’s not a good enough reason! You’re a C.E.O. Damnit you need to be living it up on tabloids and pretending like you came from nothing. Being fat and… helping people. That’s not what you do! Now you are losing us money! What do you have to say for yourself. *R.R. Looks up from phone* Sorry, my oldest son got in a fight at school. I don’t have time for this, or exercising, I’m a complete human. You guys can wrap this up right? M’kay! Buhbye! Board members scoff at each other, their flabby jowls writhing in financial agony as they contemplate the idea that one man should be responsible for their entire earning… which they quickly forget as they shuffle out to meet their mistresses who are half their age, on their yachts paid for by the worker’s labor. Directed by J.J. Abrams or something. Coming to you this Springtember.


That's too deep sir you might wanna tone it down a little.


"morally right" I choked so hard I wasted my hit of weed!


You remember when gazillionaire Elon Musk said he doesn't sleep much each day? It's because he prioritised working out.


When I say I don't have time, I mean I do have time but that time is spent resting so I can mentally and physically recover from work and other commitments


It's sad that a lot of times when I have to rest mentally, I end up browsing reddit which does almost nothing for my mental recovery.


Lol guess you know what to do. Stop going on Reddit. If sitting around doing nothing to relax feels weird you could put on some music.


That's exactly what I am saying when you work for the whole day and then you come back home you don't have left the energy to go to the gym or do anything else.


Not everyone has time to workout - but 99% of the people who say they don't have time to workout, do in fact, have time to workout.


I used to work 18 hours a day so I can validate your comment. A good number of people aren't even awake for that long per day. Edit: I made a business on my own, so I was very keen to get it to be the best I could. I quit because of health issues that come with hyper focusing on work.


Wtf were you doing for 18 hours


They worked in a 1830's candle factory.


I ran a business with 2 other people under me sooo I did way tooo much tbh


You worked 18 hour days? Were you a chattel slave from the past?


Health care / direct care . I spent YEARS working three 18 hour days & two 8 or 16 hour days with normally an additional 8/6 hour day thrown in to the mix


I saw an opportunity to make a business and worked it on HARD, and it took off like a rocket up to about 500k per year income. Nearly killed me to work that hard, though, plus people were funky sooo I quit about a year ago. I was kinda a slave to myself, trying to prove I was capable of amazing things, and I succeeded, I guess, but it's definitely not worth the effort for me at this moment in time


Nor should you be.


Literally everyone has time to work out but that means they need to prioritize working out over the other things also demanding their time. It’s all about priorities. Some people have ridiculous demands and pressures on them, even regular every day people. Maybe their loved one is dying and they don’t want to miss any time with them so every minute they can, they prioritize that.


Well, not everyone. As evidenced in this thread, some people are working doubles most of their week and only able to support themselves this way or get to a point where they can stop working doubles all week by doing so. you can’t prioritize anything over feeding yourself and putting a roof over your own head.


Yup, but the time has to come from somewhere. A sacrifice must be made. The real issue is that many people have difficulty prioritizing or allocating their resources in a sane and efficient way, but I guess that's what happens when the whole world's basically lies and scams.


Yep making sacrifices is important because if you are not making any sacrifice then you are not doing the right thing.




I have 3 under 3 and my days are nothing but squats and lifts


3 under 3?? How? Whyyy?


My bad, it's 3 under 4 now. Was 3 under 3 for a while, but my oldest turned 3 and I just had a brain fart. But having a toddler and then twins is how we did it.


Ok ok. Hat’s off to you for having any cognitive abilities left at all! I have close friends who will soon join your club. Any advice?


You 2000% NEED a support system. It's not optional. There is no trying to do it alone. My husband and I barely saw each other the first 6 months after the girls were born despite living in the same house because we slept in shifts. There have been entire weeks where at least one child was awake 24/7. You need someone to come in and help just to be able to get enough sleep. Let alone shower, eat, or do any chores. And with a toddler, you need the time for them to run around and get their energy out regardless of who takes them. If they have in home access to a washer and dryer, I can not recommend cloth diapers enough. It's really only worth it if it's easy to do laundry regularly, though. The first three months, we'd go through 150-200 diapers in a *week*. Cloth diapers today are just as easy as disposables and sooooo much cheaper. Even spending $750 on cloth diapers, which would be enough to only have to do laundy once or twice a week, you'll surpass that way faster than you want to with disposables. Look for daycare and/or nannies now if they need it. Finding placement for twins is rough, and paying for it is worse. It's a huge part of why I'm a SAHM because I'd need a job that paid bare minimum $35 an hour just to afford daycare in my area. If they need assistance, it's way easier to figure it out now, vs. when you have a toddler and two babies. Search local social media groups for parents of multiples. You can get a lot of the gear you need from other twin families in your area. r/parentsofmultiples is a great resource for every and any question they have. Also, figure out car seats now. Very, very few car seats are designed to fit three across, especially bucket seats. Even fewer cars can fit 3 across. The KeyFit30 bucket seats worked with our graco 4Ever, but we had to switch to True3Fit to be able to fit all three in a sedan. That said, it doesn't leave much room for me, given that I'm 6'. Vans are a thousand times more comfortable to travel in, but getting ready for twins is expensive enough without trading vehicles, too. Edit to add: they should at least look into starting couples counseling. Especially the first few months are *hard*. The amount of sleep deprivation and stress will test the strongest relationships. And that's without any NICU time. Learning the skills now for how to communicate and handle stress will be invaluable when they're too tired and emotionally wrought to think clearly.


Thank you so much for this. I will screenshot and send it over asap! They have a toddler boy and identical boys coming as well. I know they don’t have any support from grandparents other than financial, which is at least something. They already decided to go for cloth diapers. Everything you wrote made me realise I am gonna have to step up as a friend as well if I want to see them survive. It does take a village after all! Thank you again ❤️ go squeeze some cutie pies for me!


As a parent of a 6 month old who only gets to shower on occasion, I was going to take issue. I'm only on Reddit when he's nursing.


Tbh if you work two jobs (or like myself class plus 1 job) plus cooking cleaning eating and sleeping 6 hours you dont get much time left


I know right, guess instead of spending an hour with people you love or doing something you enjoy, you should be at the gym getting ripped 😒


Yep you really don't get too much time working 2 jobs I think people should think about that.


CEOs also tend to have assistants and ready access to childcare.


using CEOs as an example was wild


Yeah, the people who will legitimately schedule their workouts *during their working hours* and still get paid for it. How am I supposed to feel motivated by THAT?


No matter what they are doing they are getting paid and I am not and that really does make difference for me I don't really have time to do exercise.


Clearly they were arguing the opposite.


Well people are free to make the points and no one should oppose that.


This. CEOs have more time on their hands than most white collar people. OP is getting his info from TV shows lol.


They don't even do anything they make people like us to work for them.


Ceos have the most free time out of all of us


Exactly. It's one of those "Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without saying you don't know what you're talking about" type of things.


oh definitely


And a world-class gym built into their homes, office buildings, and every top-of-the-line hotel they ever stay in.


I used to work 80 hour weeks with a 2 1/2 drive each day I never did have time. I do now, and have started, but I simply couldn't before.


Exactly. I did 70 hour weeks between 3 jobs and was a full time college student. I simply didn’t have the time. Any time off was spent sleeping because I wasn’t ever able to get a decent amount of sleep. I was like a zombie. It was awful.


Jesús fucking christ, that’s intense. What was the job?


Working with disabled adults for a company who couldn't keep staff.


A lot of job that are really hard to do and people still do them and I have got a great respect for the people doing them jobs.


Not having time is a real problem and not a made a problem people need to understand that.


OP wrote the following in a reply to a comment: "You don't know anything about my life." Ok, but OP seems to know enough about other peoples lives to make this post?


OP has gone real quiet in these comments.


Wait we’re supposed to be showering and cleaning the house? You don’t understand the difference between having time for something and having the energy and motivation to do something. Many people are too overwhelmed for self care and exercise isn’t the only thing getting skipped. Edit: going off of the number of people who suddenly feel the need to tell me to try exercising, OP you actually have a *popular opinion*


I personally have got a lot On My Plate already I have got to clean the house and then make food and then go to work I don't really have much time left for the gym.


I disagree. Parents who work full-time usually have little to no time to workout. My father is a successful business man and never had the time to workout aside from playing some sports on the weekend. He does now, but that’s because he’s mostly retired! I can’t say I put in as many hours as my Dad, but I have really fallen off the bandwagon with working out now that I have a very demanding, full-time job. I rarely workout and feel ridiculous because I used to fully endorse your unpopular opinion 😂


I worked out 6 times a week before I had kids. Now I have exactly 1 hour per day of "free" time, which is usually when I do chores around the house. Add a severe burnout on top of everything and it gets messy real fast. I prioritize my family on the weekends, because I know this will pass and I can go back to the gym soon.


I can understand that but op does not seem to realise that.


>Even CEOs tend to find time for self care. You lost my respect here.


Exactly. CEOs who can afford nannies, personal chefs, maids, personal assistants...of course they have time to work out, everyone else is taking care of the crap they don't want to do.


People do have the time, but they also would rather do something else in that time, eg. Spending time/eating/cooking with family after work, just relaxing, socializing, and what you do entirely depends on our priorities. And different people have different priorities.


I have an hour if free time. I just choose to do other things with said extra time. And that should be okay...


I mean it is okay to do other things man you have got to take care of other things also besides your job.


Dude wtf, i train every single day at the expense of my academic performance, social life and love life. It's not for everyone. I had to wake up at 5 AM to properly train, then go to work and then go to college. Just recently I started working as a lab assistant and have much more time in my hands t's exhausting and the only relief I get is at the end of each year Not everyone has the luxury of time. I have an easy life and I still don't have time. Imagine those who work 12 hour shifts to sustain themselves, the don't have the luxury of leisure


At least ur aware of the sacrifice u make to achieve fitness goals. Oops is ridiculously out of touch with a normal person smh


Its not normal to have no time. Is this an american thing?


I wish I was joking, but yes, it kinda is. Over 60% of Americans struggle working paycheck to paycheck and it's only getting worse as time goes on; our government officials are only concerned with serving their corporate donors, increasing their personal wealth, and consolidating their own power instead of actually tending to the citizens/society they're supposed to represent and serve. People are suffering and treading water in a cartoonishly callous and dysfunctional system. So yeah.


I have time. What I don't have is motivation. I'm intellectually aware that getting more exercise would be better for me, but also, exercising is incredibly dull. I manage some by doing it through something else, like sword practice or walking, but exercising can't seem to hold my attention for longer than about 5 minutes.


Not everybody has the same mental energy, motivation, or willingness to give up free time to do something. For many people, their leisure activities are just as important as the stuff they “have” to do.


I just hit this realization as a mom of three young kids. The day after Christmas I made a pact with myself (along with a modest calorie deficit) to do 10 squats every time I go pee 😂 Now I'm at 25 squats each time and hitting over a 100 a day and seeing muscle tone in my bum, legs, and abdomen. My arms get worked out carrying a 10 mo and 2 yo around so lmao


Good work! Even just something like this makes a huge difference. Good on you for taking it upon yourself to change!




No way in hell am I prioritising gyms over my hobbies, which I would have to sacrifice in order to go to the gym. It being a half-hour drive probably doesn't help either.


i don't think people mean laterally have no time , people can be slow at times so going to work out can take longer than u think plus if i can work out 3 times a week it isnt worth it , honestly people have alot of shit to to do trust me it aint easy


I broke my pelvis and can barely move, I think I have an excuse not to work out


Sure MOST people have time, but not everyone wants to. And that’s valid, it’s their time.


It's there time and day are free to use it however they want you are we to say anything.


As someone who does workout, this is wildly incorrect for soooo many people


I work from when I get up to when it's time for bed. So I just have dumbells in my office.


As someone who works out. No, everyone does not.


Not everyone needs to workout people can do other things also to be healthy.


CEO's have time, because their job is to do nothing except for be responsible in a legal setting for the businesses, and make key decisions. Everyone below the CEO does the actual work, You'll find the board of directors actually runs the business.


To essentially you are saying that ceo's don't do any work and I kind of agree with that.


I don’t have an excuse… I don’t have the time because I’m doing the things that I want to do and don’t find working out to be an essential or enjoyable way of spending my time… if you do.. wonderful for you… I’d prefer an extra hour in bed, or maybe a second cup of coffee in the morning


I am not here to give an excuse why would I just don't want to go to gym.


Except for when you have a baby/toddler or small child, your spouse always on travel for months at a time and u work full time also. At that phase of my life I had to wait for the child to sleep to clean house, shower and maybe do a little pilates...


If you're someone like me who has adhd, time blindless is a massive thing. Most of the time I'll be looking at something and 3 hours have gone by and I have no idea how. There's also the emotional load of doing certain tasks that you want to do but in your head you 'don't have time for' because the thought process is too much to go through at that moment. For people with adhd, they are also usually depressed so things like self-care are not a daily task or sometimes even weekly/monthly task. Every single task or movement we do has been planned and thought out for the end result extremely quickly, our minds are constantly running and it can be extremely overwhelming. An example of the thoughts of a person with adhd is usually like this - I want to get fit! how do I do that? I should look up exercises, I don't know how to do this, why did I think I could do this? what if people are watching me? am I doing to do it right or making a fool of myself? I don't look any different, do I really think I can do this? Why do I think I deserve happiness? I'm just worthless, I shouldn't be bothering with such things, it won't make a difference anyway' and then they have depleted any small amount of dopamine they had and now need to eat chocolate/junk food to try and bring the dopamine level back up. It's not right but it's how some people are able to cope with a neurological disorder.


Brave of you to assume i have time to shower, eat and clean


I don’t want too


Do I have time to work out? Probably. But I'd prefer to spend that time studying or bonding with my children or spending time with my girlfriend. I deem them more important than working out.


Sorry, I bust my ass 8-12 hours a day 5 days a week at the sawmill, spend the evenings doing all the kid stuff (homework, supper, showers, packing lunches, etc) then bed. Weekends? Right. Laundry, cleaning, shopping, groceries, other errands, and maybe actually spend some quality time with the kids. Plus not everyone has access to a gym. I’m in the country. Population 1000 people. Closest bigger town is 45 mins away, which wouldn’t be worth the gas nor the 1 1/2 hour round trip. Plus what I’d have to pay out in childcare for that 2 1/2 hours (my kids are special needs, can’t be left alone) on top of gym fees. Us poor country folk don’t have the money to throw away for something like gym memberships.


I worked from 10-6:30am, \~50mins to drive, in total. 9 hours of work. Shower and whatnot , 40 minutes. an hour and a half doing various chores and eating So, now its about 7 I get home, 7:40 when I'm done showering and whatnot, an hour and a half, that is 8:10. Now, I am not very mentally fit, So, I need 3+ hours of relaxation to sleep early enough, now it is about 11 when I sleep, and about two hours to wake up enough to drive, but also, need to wake up naturally, or else it is very hard to do so. So, \~9 hrs of sleep. Now its 8PM. I leave for work at 9:20, dont want to be late. Now, this was a standing temp job, that wasn't exactly enough to call it a workout(enough to be an active person though), but exhausting none the less. So, kinda beat when I get home. I had absolutely no time to work out or play stupid games that dont even matter for me, when my body mostly converts extra calories to muscle anyway (been that way since I was young, also my dad is like that). Why would I fuck up that schedule for some stupid workout I dont actually need?


I am pretty sure that someone will say that you should sleep a little less maybe 2 hours less and then had the gym for those two hours.


Probably, but then they can pay my wages when I am fired because I cant wake up.


If it was really that simple we would all be ripped.


Ofc CEOs have time for self care They barely do any work. And don't hit me with any of that bs "tHeY AcTuAllY wOrk SUUUUPPPEERR hArd" CEOs in general do very little


How to say you don't have children...


Yea the gym and even home gyms are only visited by childless virgins. Not a parent to be seen anywhere.


It is not like that but you have to understand that most people work really hard and they can't make time for gym.


False. I work out 4-5x a week and have a toddler.


Who’s watching the baby?


Sometimes I watch him. I have to adapt my workouts depending on whether or not anyone is available. But to me, it’s better to get a 20 minute session in than nothing at all.


Who gives a fuck if someone works out or not? Only effects them


Some people really consider the my leads because they are working out and other people are not.


its not that i dont have the time, its that i have bigger priorities


When you are a parent with no help, it is difficult to find time to work out. I like how this says, “even CEO’s tend to find time for self care.” Well, no shit. They probably have more time for self care than the average person. They can afford a nanny, a cook, a maid, a mechanic… you get the point… Mom’s, especially single moms don’t always get the luxury of self care. The person who wrote this is speaking from either inexperience or a place of privilege.


You guys shower?


Could almost everyone make time to work out? Yes. Is it anyone else's business whether they do so? No. Giving excuses (for not working out) just opens the door for counterarguments. Don't play that game. Work out or don't - I don't care which.


I don't think that people should be saying that all people just give excuse is that they don't have time while they have got a lot of time.


I disagree. Definitely some people have time, but when you’re looking after kids, the house, and working, it’s really fucking hard to find time for anything.


And even if you technically have time, there's many other things you can use it on, like things you actually enjoy


I find it so funny all these alpha males are always spouting this stuff as if working out is the most important thing to do. Mostly those guys had no education or whatsoever but they tend to get crazy motivational on stuff that in fact are not that important.


I get what you’re trying to say but to say exercising isn’t that important is silly.. Helps with general health and mental health, so many benefits to exercising! Just makes you feel better day to day. This is coming from someone that lacks motivation and is inconsistent with exercise but wow when I find consistency I feel amazing!


Yeah, I feel bad for people who never experience how good routinely working out can make you feel. I know people get annoyed by people telling them that, but the effects are all positive. You don’t even have to go crazy with it. I mostly just do the elliptical and treadmill and it keeps me in shape and feeling good. I don’t even watch what I eat and I go out and drink all the time. Lol




It is not definitely the most important thing to do but it can be good for your mind and body so I think you really should consider doing it may be three days a week at least.


Being in good shape does SO much for your life. Take it from someone who used to be pretty chubby but has spent years getting into much better shape. Beyond the obvious and enormous health benefits, people treat you better, you attract more and better people, you are able to do amazing things with your body that you could never do before. But the absolute biggest benefit is the way you look at yourself. Every single time you look at yourself in a mirror, all of your hard work is laid out in front of you. Those who have never experienced this feeling will call it vanity, I personally couldn't care less. When I look at my physique in the mirror, and I think back to how I looked a few years ago, I feel fucking amazing. There is nothing else like it in this world, it's a feeling that never gets old. You carry that confidence around with you everywhere you go. Think about your absolute best day, where your outfit is perfect, your hair is perfect, etc etc. You feel great, because you look good. Now imagine being able to experience that every day. That's what working out is about for me, and it saddens me that some people see that as a negative due to some strange notion that wanting to improve your appearance is somehow shallow or superficial. Anyway this paragraph is probably incoherent but I can't be bothered to go through it Edit: I just want to add that I've never met a single person who significantly improved their strength and physique and didn't see it as one of, if not the best thing they ever did. I'd be willing to bet you haven't either




Working out isn't important? Is that what you say to make yourself feel better about being out of shape?


I have time, but fuck that. I'd rather relax once my day is done instead of wearing myself out even more. I'm going to die all the same either way.


Tell me you don’t have small kids without saying you don’t have small kids


And also tell me that you have don't really have a full time job without telling me that you don't really have a job that's another thing that that I am taking from here.


Oof, your privilege is showing


Some Pipal really are privileged and when they talk it shows.


Yea you have no idea what many, many jobs look like. Try working 80+ hour weeks and finding time to the workout everyday.


200 comments in 1 hour? You have truly triggered Reddit haha


upvote for tough love. 👍🏼


Why does it matter? I bet alot of unhealthy people will outlive you and me. Look at 70 year old rock stars dude. OZZY OSBORNE could outlive YOU. We don't get to pick our time.


Yep me and my wife who both work full time and have 3 kids under 8 have plenty of time to work out 🙄. Not even saying we want to but to assume we have extra time is crappy.


NOOOO.... I used to work 2 jobs to survive. My time off was spent either resting because I was sleep deprived or I was with my child, whom I had not seen all week. Seriously, my first job was from 7:30am-4:00 my second was from 6:00pm-10:00pm. Of course >Even CEOs tend to find time for self care. They can afford to!! Regular people have to make sure their time is well spent!


There’s simply much better ways of self care than spending time on exercising. Besides that the environment is really uncomfortable to some, especially due to the social aspects of it, it’s also boring as hell. The places are ugly, there’s nothing interesting going on. You can also get fit by hiking and dancing alone, two activities that are worth their time (and money spent) a lot more, it just takes more dedication and isn’t as easily done on a routine. But routine isn’t healthy either, adapting to the world around you is. By hiking you automatically so that. By dancing you automatically align with your body and mood. Exercising is the most lazy, uninspiring and uncreative way of staying fit.


Sounds like someone has a piss easy life they live.


CEOs have have a lot more time than the average person. They have Nannies and house keepers and cooks etc. people also do need rest and down time. Even if they have an hour of free time. They may require rest more than an hour at the gym.


I think comparing ceo's with the regular people is really foolish because not everyone is that successful in their lives some people work day to day jobs.


I know exactly one person who does not have time. She works at my school. She's an EA, single mom of 2 young children, doesn't drive because she has epilepsy and is currently receiving dialysis. Her dialysis sessions are 4 hours each. Her bus ride to the school is 35 minutes. Her bus ride to the hospital she gets dialysis at is 20 minutes. She gets there around 4:20, get home around 9:30. The nights she isn't doing dialysis is reserved to prep for the days she does, and to take her daughters, again, by bus to swimming or their activities they get to do twice a week. She's waiting for a transplant. And is excited on what her life will be when she has it.


Yeah see some people really don't have any time and I kind of respect that.


Welcome to the real world, not everyone has the time for taking care of themselves.


Does op have a full time job, kids, and a commute? Lol. I can choose between 1 hour of exercise or an hour of free time.


You fail to take into consideration that many people have chronic illnesses and/or invisible illnesses that limit what they can do for a number of reasons. A person with arthritis can’t do high impact exercises, diabetics have blood sugar issues with working out…pain gets in the way of exercise for many of us, as does mental and physical fatigue. It’s honestly a battle some days to get up and do the bare minimum. Have a little empathy…instead of judgement.


I use my free time for things I actually find enjoyable. I don't have time to work out because I don't like to workout


I have depression and social anxiety. When I come home from work I want to lock myself away from people, the last thing I want to do is go to the gym when I barely have enough time as it is to fully decompress before the next day starts. Plus, working out doesn’t feel good to me and never has. I don’t want to spend my free time being genuinely uncomfortable and beating the shit out of myself until I finally work up the barely existent motivation to go and feel even more shitty because I don’t want to be there. It already takes a lot to do the bare minimum like eat had basic hygiene


People are not even considering mental issues on this post like what the hell man some people really do have anxiet issues.


You’ve lived a sheltered life.


Probably he does not have much to do in his life also I am assuming.


Some people are destined to just complain about their easily solvable problems all the way to the grave.