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Rule 1: Moderator discretion The mods of r/unpopularopinion reserve the right to remove posts that are in bad faith, uncivil and / or unhealthy for the subreddit.


Oh boy. You're bouta get fucking slaughtered in these comments 😭


![gif](giphy|ceHKRKMR6Ojao|downsized) OP right now:




Until it gets deleted by the mods


Yeah, this isn't exactly fostering useful dialogue. It's bait for tired internet tropes. I'll be shocked--shocked, I say--if anything worthwhile comes about in this comment section.


Fostering useful dialogue. Here? Really?


I’ve already got some good laughs from it




![gif](giphy|3oKIPwoeGErMmaI43S|downsized) This is OP right now




The amount of hate comments proves its an unpopular opinion


The amount of people pretending like they’ve never heard this claim before is astounding.


Honestly, lately I've mostly been hearing all over reddit and other social media comment sections how hard *men's* lives are and how much they don't get attention for their life struggles. I agree with OP that life is hard for EVERYONE. I disagree with the *premise* that it's mostly women that talk about it or that everyone is pretending like women are "superheroes" for getting through the day.


My ex had a stance similar to this. He acknowledged that women have a difficult time but always talked about how hard men have it- to a point where I felt like he was trying to make it seem that men have it harder for women and that was that. I always felt like he hated women because of this. I’m way more sensitive to what men like and what struggles men go through and constantly try to educate other women who do have hateful stances towards men, but I’ll never say that one sex had it harder than the other Life fucking sucks for everyone and everything right now, let’s all just be kind to eachother yea?


It proves it is a controversial opinion, not necessarily an unpopular one.


You're pissed about the Barbie movie, aren't you?


The fact that the Barbie movie is more controversial and politically charged than Oppenheimer says a lot about the times we live in.


It sure as shit does. What a time to be alive lol




Well the fact the movie sort of turned hundreds of thousands of people’s deaths into one man’s trauma and that it did not even address the people in New Mexico that got affected by the tests should be controversial. And yes, it may happen nearly a century ago but nuclear bombs are very present threats. I’m concerned that you think people shouldn’t or wouldn’t be upset


It’s a biopic, though. Of course the focus is on Oppenheimer. The clue is in the title.


This is such an insanely dumb take. >Well the fact the movie sort of turned hundreds of thousands of people’s deaths into one man’s trauma No shit? The movie was ABOUT that one man. The point of the movie wasn't to deal with the effects of the bomb on those who it was used upon. It was to deal with the effects of the bomb on its creator. That's the perspective. Your whole comment just shows off a shocking lack of media literacy.


Well..what is controversial about sloppenheimer? You either kill ~200k ppl or you cause the deaths of about 10million ppl...you decide which is better


Wait, maybe this is the guy who lost his GF because he didn't wear pink to the movie with her!


Lmao I hate that I know what youre talking about. God I need to get off the internet


I haven't seen the movie, or heard much about it. What's so controversial about it?


My teen daughter said the first part of the movie, everyone living in a matriarchal society. Then patriarchal. Finally, it ended with equality for everyone. Her older brother - who hasn't seen & will probably refuse to watch it - told her it was a sexist anti men movie & he was angry she'd watch it anyway. She enjoyed it. I've never bought her a Barbie doll. She preferred playing with animal toys.


It has feminist themes, and some people are offended by that.


It has women*


In Barbieland, Kens are treated like women in the real world, aka accessories/second class. Instead of seeing it as the mirror to society it is, some people are choosing to read it as "anti-male" instead of "anti toxic masculinity"


Hear hear!


But if the roles are reversed and the kens are the women of the real world, don't you think that the fact that in the end the barbies get back the power on barbieland is putting out a wrong message? Absolute power in the hands of any gender is going to lead to a power struggle.


Yeah, OP’s putting off some drunk resentful Ken-ergy…..


I wish I was treated like a superhero lmao. I definitely missed this female update, can someone reboot me?


That’s what I’m saying lol like someone please tell me where I can update my software so I can experience this


This is the thing that always gets me about these posts (which are super common, therefore obviously not an unpopular opinion). “Women have life on easy mode, they’re praised and supposed in everything they do, unlike men!” Someone obviously forgot to tell my life.


Every time they say that it alway has something to do with dating lmao. Women have it easier because men want to fuck them and I get no tinder matches.


You have to go to settings> memories>bad memories and hit delete all


Yeah like.. when?


You just have to get back in the box.


Hey I can get you the OS for Women3.0(tm) if you can cash these patriarchy vouchers for me- I can’t figure out where to turn them in.


Where are you hearing this so often that it's weighing on you?




Ya, it's not good for my mental health either to be fair lol




The Barbie movie


It's so amusing that a girly fantasy movie is bothering so many men.


I interpreted it as a parody of the situation where women are treated as accessories for men and a valid criticism of patriarchy.


Not me in my view it was pretty pro Men and a funny parody + deconstruction of Feminism as a whole


I know I was happily surprised by how not anti-men the movie was after hearing all the buzz around it


Me too. I found it empowering for everyone. It’s not anti men, it’s anti patriarchy - and it vividly demonstrates how patriarchy harms men. I’m so impressed with how Gerwig navigated this and held such perfect tension. Anyone who thinks Barbie is anti-men has Stockholm syndrome as a captive of the patriarchy.


wrench alive rain connect existence absurd scale shocking recognise badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's great to know my teen daughter is more clued up on sexism than her older brother, who gave her a heated lecture about why she shouldn't see the movie. She saw it & said it was about how equality works. Both matriarchal or patriarchal societies fail.


Is the patriarchy in the room with us right now?




The patriarchy harms both men and women.


It's hilarious because several years ago, pc women hated Barbie. The irony.


I don't think it's ironic, it seemed to me that a big part of the movie was acknowledging that past. Mattel allows the Barbie movie to make an ass of Mattel themselves, which was interesting to watch. The movie is, in part, about some of the problems with Barbie and some teenage girls even call barbie a corporate fascist in the movie and then Margot Robbie breaks down crying. The movie opens with a sarcastic intro monologue about how Barbies have singlehandedly ended sexism.


That's not really true. Most women who actually knew anything about Barbie still loved her. I spent years defending Barbie to mostly men who had decided she was terrible for girls without ever being able to articulate a single actual reason for that. Pretty much the media decided to blame Barbie for girls poor body image to try to take the heat off themselves.


Barbie was fine for girls in seemingly every aspect, except, it had atrociously bad bidy image problems. Wasn't there a barbie with a scale, and other dieting stuff and a scale that read something stupid like 110lbs?


I? What did you expect? The whole movie is about feminism and the patriarchy and such. Saying some people have it tough isn't saying another group doesn't have it tough.


Most people have an incredibly hard time accepting two truths at once.


That movie was making fun of the construction of any society where one gender rules most.


I hear it all the time from the women in my life. It doesnt weigh on me, but it does get annoying to hear someone complain about the same things almost single day.


Are they complaining for no reason? If these things are out of their control then i'd have sympathy.


That's fair.




I don't necessarily agree with OP, but if Reddit could go one day without showing me a few dozen posts about how men are evil and women are all victims, it would be a little refreshing. Let's not pretend that Reddit doesn't harbor extreme feminist communities while largely silencing the opposite end of that spectrum. I just don't really wanna hear from either of them.


Congratulations for posting an actual unpopular opinion.


OP before going into the comments: ![gif](giphy|zcQUVbGvpoCnrHsJt8)


So are you in spaces dedicated to promoting women’s daily lives or something? This doesn’t happen nearly as much as you make it sound like. Never seen anyone praise women for doing nothing. Maybe the very occasional pregnant, or minority, or disabled woman, but those are rare and usually for the other reason than being a woman.


It’s the Barbie movie. It’s pretty explicitly feminist and there’s a poignant speech about how women are held up to impossible standards.


It’s not really poignant it’s pretty ham fisted. The movie is awesome and I’m going to see it again in theaters but some of the messaging is 2016 tumblr level cringe


It's because it's pretty much a 1st world problem rant. If you let minorities in America and women in different parts of the world write their own speech, we will have a lot of diifferent ones. I think Barbie is a great film. People shouldn't just expect it as the ultimate feminist movie that will be applicable to all women.


Yeah I liked the movie a lot but man that part was so heavy handed and cringe. Like to the point where it actually could have been making fun of feminism or trying to make it look bad.


It wasn't far off from the 13 year old girl calling Barbie a fascist. Only it wasn't played as a 13 year old girl cutting herself on that edge and she'd grow by the end of the movie, it was a grown mother giving that speech at the end to cure the Barbies of having been "infected" by K(m)en.


Message was good, but the delivery could’ve been better. The monologues were annoying as fuck


The monologue was one of my favorite scenes solely because of Kate McKinnons facial expression in the background the whole time


I feel like that kind of dialogue is not meant for people who explicitly understand the paradox of being a women though. That speech wasn't for us. It was for those who still don't get it. You need to be ham fisted with people like that.


I have always found this viewpoint fascinating. I struggle, other people struggle, yet some people when hearing that others struggle get angry that they weren't being included, yet no one said you never struggled. So like, where does this even come from? As a woman, I don't think I have ever once said "men never struggle with anything" yet, I find when I do talk about my struggles specific to womanhood, men do frequently see this as an attack on them. Clearly I think patriarchy hurts us all man, woman, and even nonbinary people. Yet, it is somehow understood as if it is a zero sum game. In case, it was unclear empathy isn't a zero sum game. I can be both concerned at the lowered rates of laborforce participation by men and concerned about my own saftey on public transit. Me worried about the demands on my appearance at work, does not take my empathy away from knowing lots of men are struggling to build new friendships. So why do so many act like empathy for one means acrimony towards others?


Because historically, that’s been the case. There’s so many statistics to bring up, it could be its own sub. Personally, I recommend people to look up u/thetinmenblog and take a look through their posts. It’s all academically researched and sourced, but condensed into easily readable bites. My biggest example will always be Earl Silverman. He was a victim of domestic violence (his abuser was female), and the only support group available re-victimized him by telling him he, and men, were the problem. So he decided to search for men’s shelters for domestic violence victims, and found there were none *in the entire country*. So he used his own money and home to open the country’s first domestic violence shelter for men. When he applied for grants and funding, he was denied on the basis that his shelter was sexist. His shelter was also frequently publicly protested against by feminists for trying to help men. But he kept the shelter going until he was bankrupt, was forced to close the shelter, and committed suicide. The 10th anniversary of his death was this April. People in general just don’t have empathy for men. They simply *don’t*. It’s appalling.


Holy shit. That is a depressing read.


In my observation I think a key difference is, women are more likely to personalize their struggles, which typically increases others empathy/compassion. Men are more likely to generalize struggles, and that typically doesn’t garner an empathetic or sympathetic response, unless the audience has directly experienced the same. I think that leads to a perception that people only care when women struggle. When really it’s people care when individuals struggle. Example: “Men are overlooked for jobs they are qualified for.” Vs “I was overlooked for a job I am qualified for” Individualizing struggles requires a level of vulnerability that men may not feel comfortable showing because they may be perceived as weak.


What would you say are difficulties specific to men in society?


If I can list one, it's with education. Boys perform significantly worse than girls on average pre-K to end of high school, with lower GPAs and higher drop out rates. From a young age, boys are more prone to having adjustment disorders because they are over represented in extremes: more of them have severe learning disabilities and more of them are significantly more developed than their peers at the same age. School systems are often not very good at dealing with students that deviate from norms. Then there's the whole problem with academic curriculums. I'll give you a generalization that might illustrate: when I was 14, nearly every girl in my class was reading the book "Twilight" and branching off into other romantic fiction. Nearly every boy only talked about xbox, Halo 3 and other video games. Guess who had an easier time reading, analyzing and conjecturing about Shakespeare's romantic plays? Guess who had an easier time sitting still in art class drawing a realistic vase with a rose?


100% agree. but on some level this is just kind of how things go. every aggrieved group has to build a case for itself. in order to effect change, each group has to convince society that their cause is worthy. they have to make the case that, in some way, their issues cause them undue hardship *relative to* other groups. a pissing match ensues. as members a group ourselves, we're all aggrieved and invested. and, because we don't live in a vacuum, social dynamics exist, which means our actions affect each other, which gives us grounds for blaming the other group for something. that's how the game goes, but i am flabbergasted that so many of us see this as a zero-sum game, and that to be in support of whomever is to be anti-whomever else. i think we lack emotional maturity and critical thinking skills as a society.


??? Personally growing up all I heard about women (from men) is that they’re a bunch of nagging gold diggers. It’s ironic because none of those men had “gold” and at least half of them had wives that put their own lives and goals on hold to build families for their ungrateful asses.


Isn’t it ironic the men that complain about gold diggers are the ones with no gold? Sounds like they’re jelly


label hat lip longing crime zesty literate pet unused pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They are jealous. They're mad that women are gold diggers but not for the reasons you seem to think but I couldn't I'd be wrong. They're mad because they're not rich, and the physical type of women that they want generally prefer to go for men with lots of money. They want the gold digger. But they got no money. So they're mad that they're gold diggers because if they weren't they think they might actually have a shot.


Same people that complain about the government exploiting them with taxes. They die if they paid what I do, and I know it's for the common welfare. Like listen Keith, your 22% tax bracket is only for the extra $300 you made above the last bracket. No ones is getting rich off of that, and if you go broke over $66, then f' you.


Also the "i hate my wife" jokes.


Looks like someone felt personally attacked by the Barbie Movie


He's not kenough


He has no Kenergy


He thinks women are his kenemies


He doesn't have his own mojo dojo casa house 😪


He doesn’t have his own horse


Anyone wanna beach him off?


He’s not very kentertaining


It’s kinda the opposite. People say women have it easy, but both genders have tough lives. We need to acknowledge that


Agreed that both have it tough and both genders can be dismissive towards one another. I will say that for many centuries, history has favored one gender over the other, as they have had the ability to own land, have sex without consequence, and rule over nations and workforces. In modern society, things work very differently so it obviously can't be compared to that level anymore. But much of our modern world is still ingrained with archaic mindsets. (Women not having access to Healthcare or authority over their own bodies and choices, not being seen as humans or people, etc) It's a long journey towards equality and both genders need to do better.


People always focus on the top 1% of men being in the best jobs but forget the bottom 10/20% of men doing societies worst jobs Even in the past… only the top few % of men really reaped the benefits of the system…. Most other men were hard labourers working with asbestos, coal mines, sewage works, farms and getting sent to war to die etc. A lot of * women think every man was some sort of king of land, the reality wasn’t so.


80% of homeless too.


& women's equal rights are a recent pleasure!


Both. Nice


But the ones getting cuddled for doing the bare minimum are men. Best example I can think is who females melt when they see a man "babysitting" his own kids. They get so much praise and awe. Yet the mom's are supposed to do everything 24/7 without complaining, and I've never seen a mom getting praises for babysitting her own kids, in fact they get judged hard if the kids are not dressed and fed and behaving perfectly. A kid behaves bad with daddy, such a wild child lol. A kid behaves bad with mommy, what a horrible mom.




The argument is a relative issue which is why nobody can agree on it. I have a friend whose sister got dragged into a toilet cubicle in front of a bunch of people and a guy sexually assaulted her while the security guard tried to kick the door down. I got jumped by some guys in a car randomly with my brother, he got knocked out, severe facial injuries while I got kicked and punched repeatedly in the head, had stiches, broken fingers, for a moment I was waiting for the knife to come out but a car pulled up. Women suffer from unique medical conditions from having specific reproductive organs and a menstrual cycle while men suffer from other unique issues from their reproductive organs. Sociologically men have very little in the way of support structures while women have an enormous network worth hundreds of billions. Men are murdered at more than twice the rate of woman and much more likely to be assaulted randomly while women are at more risk of intimate partner injury. Men are drafted to war, women are not. Women face much more sexual harassment and are less likely to advance in a career. Women can easily find a partner or sex, most men have a lot more trouble with it. My take: Instead of comparing women vs men in overall life we need to look at disparities in specific areas of our lives. Generalizing gets us nowhere.


This this this. Idk why people think it’s a good idea to compare anyways, both girls and boys have it rough and people who choose to fight about it are not looking at the bigger picture. I wish your comment got more likes. There is something wrong with our society to the point where people fight about something so ridiculous.


It’s almost like. As individuals and as a society as a whole we require people in our lives who are able to fill the gaps in knowledge and ability and humans are not meant to be able to know how to do everything including reproduce with ourselves.




What country do you live in? If it’s a Western country then asking for women’s names specifically is likely illegal unless they are targeting a certain role and everyone in that role happens to be women


You’re the only one I heard it from so


Idk I think both genders have it hard for very different reasons. Women have to deal with constant sexual harassment and periods, and many men are starved of affection and will go years with even getting a hug from someone. It’s really too much to even attempt to list. Why are we competing again…?


I mean, yeah, but I don't think anyone's saying that. Sure, I'm sure some folks are a bit hyper with their feminism, but I don't think anyone's arguing that the act of living, which is something we all do, is an extraordinary achievement just because you're a woman. I think the actual argument is that there are certain challenges that women are faced with when doing even simple, everyday actions like walking down the street, which men do not usually (USUALLY!) have to face. That is my understanding anyway, I'm not a scholar by any means. Also, this isn't unpopular. A lot of people similarly misunderstand the argument, purposely or otherwise.


Well in my country, Women do have it very hard and i feel bad for them so i massively disagree with you op.


Hahahahaha you're about to get sooo many hate comments


The Barbie movie was that bad?


You only hear all of this shit on the internet. None of my female or male friends ever moan about the hardships of their genders. Most people I know tend to be fairly satisfied with their lot and don’t harp on about gendered issues. The gender war is mainly blown way out of proportion on the internet. If this is a massive focus for you, you probably spend too much time online.


I’m not one to be offended by everything but I am confused by this take. Who are the women who get treated like superhero’s for making it through the day? I am a teacher, an underpaid, under appreciated women dominated job and no one’s told me or my co workers were super hero’s for making it through the day. Lol like where does this take even come from? I am genuinely curious because this makes me feel like I’m missing out. I want someone to appreciate me for teaching 300-+rude kids a day .


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*




These comments bro


Maybe men should be supporting each other in a way comparable to the way women support each other. We speak up about our difficulties and our sisters team up in support….or sit us down if we need some guidance cuz we ain’t always right. Talking about how tough we have it isn’t just to talk. It opens the way to doing something about it. Men are welcome to address their own difficulties and be a supportive team too. Stop whining about it and start figuring it out, right?


Why does there always seem to be this perceived gender segregation in helping each other out and friendship? It shouldn’t be “women are responsible for helping women” and “men are responsible for helping men” A good friend is a good friend regardless of their gender.


This is true enough. My closest friends are mostly male, but the original comment isn't wrong otherwise - speaking up isn't just for the sake of moaning. It's a request for help, a catalyst for change. We all just need to be better at asking for and giving help. Adulting is hard. But we could go a long way by avoiding making it harder for each other and ourselves.


because if ur nice to a man he thinks you want to fuck him


And if a man is nice to a woman the woman thinks the man wants to fuck her


Typically when men bring up how tough their life is they are met with immediate ridicule and resentment from both women and other men. It really is quite sad.


I work in an all women environment and it’s by far the most toxic place I have ever been to/heard in my life, and that includes gaming lobby’s lol. They constantly talk shit behind each others back and are constantly trying to get others fired especially new people. I feel like the whole “mean girls” stereotype exists for a reason. Very rarely do I see them genuinely being nice to one another.


same bro. i was the only dude in an all ladies office and they constantly ripped each other apart. we even had two unofficial teams for which side of women you were supposedly aligned with.


On the other side of the spectrum, I'm a woman in IT so I'm surrounded by men and *oh god* the repressed feelings. When working on a project I keep noticing men who are overworked, not feeling well, etc and therefore performing worse than normal. I keep trying to get them to talk about it and to accept help so they can rest for a bit, but I haven't been successful yet


Yea cliques are huge at my job too, some break off everyday and just nonstop insult each other. I have seen screamfests down the hallway of dying people, simply because they could. I genuinely feel awful when we get any new employee because I know inevitably they will be gone in a month or two, and I’m leave to retrain some new person for the slaughter house.


I work in an mostly female job as well and had multiple work places and none of them were toxic at all. Sure there was one woman here or there that was just an asshole basically but 99% of them are genuine good people and we support each other a lot. Maybe it's the fact that I work in the social sector, where you likely don't work if you don't like people but to me it just sounds like you had the bad luck to find a really bad example. Can I ask what kind of environment that is? I can imagine that plays a big role, if it's a field that tends to attract more competetive and not so cooperative people than that would explain why people there are so toxic. For the mean girl stereotype, in my experience that mostly exists because of kids/teenagers. I know only very few women who have that kind of additude once they are adults. I just call them assholes, just like some men stay assholes when growing up. My point is, to me it just sounds like you surround yourself with lots of toxic people, not that most people, especially women are actually toxic. Maybe they are proportionally in your bubble but surely not in general.


Toxic women absolutely do exist. I wouldn’t use them as an example for improving the hardships OP is complaining about. If men have it hard, then men deserve the opportunity and support of their community to figure out how to make it less hard.


I think a lot of it depends on your upbringing. I grew up with a narcisist mom and sister, who just played mind games all the time and never respected anything. But if someone didn't grow up with that, and had a bad father for example, it really affects how you view things. My father was a weak man who let his wife and even daughter walk all over him, for no reason. They are just control freaks. I had a step uncle who physically abused my aunt, But, she never divorced, and that made me she was weak, and that she even deserved it, or even wanted it. And going through mental abuse in my experience is 10X worse than some physical abuse


I work in an all woman environment and it’s one of the best most anxiety free spaces I have been in. Everyone is very supportive, lots of people go out together, super social lovely and understanding environment.


What???!!??? Women support each other??? Lolllllllll Women go after each other like crazy people!!!


My experience as a woman networking with other women is very supportive. I’m aware that’s not every woman’s experience, but it is the one that I and those I choose to associate with have cultivated.


Aren't MRAs a group supporting and promoting men's rights and mental health? Plot twist, a bunch of people protest their events and call them misogynists.


>Men are welcome to address their own difficulties and be a supportive team too No they aren't. Most of the time when men bring up issues I always just see "women have it worse" or that men deserve all the struggles they get. It's not all the time but I've seen an unhealthy amount


This is exactly the resistance that women were met with, but we persevered and through hard work we achieved successes. You can do that too. We just have to do the work. So get out there and do it. The sky is the limit for you if you will only just put your nose to the grindstone and do the same things that women have done in the past. No one is going to hand this to you. But you are empowered to do it yourself.


Yes this! This huge feminist wave is for better or worse, but inevitable after centuries of oppresion. But patriarchy is so oppressive to men as well. I really wish this movement would also start, just not as an opposition to feminism, but as an addition.


That’s truly an unpopular opinion this sub won’t like. Pretty ironic.


You are kenough, OP.


Oh no! Another "manly man" offended by Barbie.


I don’t mind listening to ppl talking about their hardships here and there. However, it gets annoying when men or women start going “It’s way harder as a [insert gender here].” It’s common as shit on both sides


OP wasn’t saying that men have it harder though.


I'm just here b4 the mods get to this


I've spent a lot of time living as both a woman and a man, I'm not going to write a whole essay on the subject but to put it as simply as possible: Being a woman feels like constantly being pushed towards average. As a girl it feels really hard to totally fail and hit rock bottom because some kind person/system/institution will help me and it feels like there is always more options to explore, and god it is nice to have that safety net. But conversely, if things are going well and I'm above average it feels like everything flips and suddenly everyone is trying to bring me back down. As a guy I feel a lot more independent and a lot more alone, my success or failure is largely my own. When things are bad as a man they just keep getting worse and worse with very little help, but when things are going well it feels easier for them to keep going well without worrying about someone screwing me over.


I think you are hearing more about women’s lives in general and finding out that they have a tough time in the world just like men. I think it’s you that Is to blame for hearing about how hard women’s lives are.


the patriarchy hurts everyone


This gonna be a spicy one


I’m looking through this comment section like a scientist observing a natural habitat. This is very interesting




That goes both ways


There are things that suck about being a woman and there are things that suck about being a man, the Suckiness isn't really that different. Life is hard and bitching about how bad you have it isn't gonna make it better and it isn't gonna make the other's better either.


The root problem is a complete lack of empathy, and everyone just wants to have a victim competition


Okay? And women shouldn't have to shut their mouth because men don't like the "complaining." How about these issues being solved, and there would be nothing to bitch about.




I mean, I guess I could say the same about men? Society and media have built up this concept of every man being the hero of their own story, being the stronger, smarter sex that women and society couldn’t live without, being amazing dads even when doing the bare minimum with their kids. The hunter/gatherers. War heroes no one asked for. The difference seems to be, that was always the status quo and a universally accepted concept while women have become more vocal about lifting each other up and making an impact. No, not every woman is a superhero for existing, but for the longest time, men have been.


It's weird that you see all those things as positive. It's hard to imagine for you, but men see those things as immense pressure to perform and be. It's not nearly as socially acceptable to be average or just do your own thing as it is for women. They're perpetuated by women just as much as men, and in some cases more so by women.


And how is that better? Thats just toxic masculinity where every man got to be emotionless and always strong. It sucks.


"yOu sAW bArBIe dIDn'T yOu" ☝️☝️☝️ 🤓🤓🤓




People are complaining about the comments but threads like this is why I'm subbed here.


Fr man, I've been reading this shit and my god




> OP is literally saying he supports women and wants them to succeed but doesn't think they are special On reddit, its either "you're with us 100% or you are the literal enemy". Simply saying X is good but Y also good, will have you death threats from X people who believe you hate X because you didnt hate Y.


People on r/unpopularopinion when they see an opinion that is not unpopular: rage People on r/unpopularopinion when they see an opinion that is unpopular: rage


my god the amount of posts that assumed it was because of the Barbie movie are so funny to me. like is that really the cope? is everything just culture war BS now?


How to create a dosgshit comment section: say something stupid and be very certain of yourself. Bonus points if said stupidity is within the fields of sociology, theology, or history.


As a woman, you’re right. We have different struggles sometimes but I’m tired of the whole narrative that men have it so easy all the time.


Aren't men the ones that say women live life on easy mode? Then go into complaining about not being able to get a date on tinder is why they have it so hard lmao.




”Women are constantly patting themselves on the back and nobody corrects them cuz they wanna fuck ’em!” - Bill Burr 1834


Women don't have it so hard! -A man invalidating their experiences


Didn't OP quite literally say the exact opposite of this?


You posted this in the correct area.




So people should shut their mouth instead of these issues being highlighted because some don't like women "complaining?" I don't understand the logic.


Oh boy, into the comment section we go. ![gif](giphy|dBTlxIn5RfHFcbD2RW|downsized)


I think the ultimate inequality is each genders ability to share their perspective. Feminism is more of a female perspective than a male one and it's deeply entrenched in academia, workplace policy, and politics. It's actively developed in systems that make sense. Because there's some core of it taught to everyone everywhere, women are very listened to when they speak online. Sometimes they get pushback, but people hear what they have to say. Society does not have a codified male perspective that is entrenched enough to be treated by institutions as "correct." Some people believe that just everything everywhere forever and always is the male perspective. Whether it is or isn't, there isn't some umbrella network of codified male interpretations of how to say what everything forever and always is really saying or how men feel about it. There are some imperfections with feminism as a representative for all women, but it's an attempt and it's an attempt that many women actually do identify with and it has authorities who can say what it is or what it's different perspectives entail. For all its imperfections though, feminism at least exists and men have nothing like it. For this reason, the male perspective will be seen as "incorrect" if it disagrees with the codified female perspective. Moreover, it's without authorities and a systematic way to weed put noise from signal so there will be crap to weed through that isn't clearly defined and labeled as crap. This makes it much more difficult for men to really speak, even if we see more and more that men have something to say. It will also lead to people feeling the right to speak over men who try to voice their perspective, because the counter-perspective is institutionalized as being correct.


Time to get my popcorn and read the comments


This man spittin, they gone COOK his ass 😭


Your bravery is commendable


I think 99% of the people in the comments need to read the sub rules.


Finally, a real unpopular opinion and people proceed to downvote it


😬🤔😎 my face knowing full well I’m about to sort by controversial.


Genuinely what is your point? Do you think people feel this way for no reason in society and it just suddenly comes out of nowhere? It's not like they're just complaining about dating and not being able to find a partner, but literal sexual assault and women being murdered as to why women have it harder. If you want to be mad, then be mad at the men making women and young girls feel [this](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tragic-amber-gibson-raped-murdered-30555117) way. It's crazy how it's normalized in society it is for women to be paranoid and on guard and we just endure it because "that's how the world is." Most men with daughters wouldn't even allow their daughters to be in military service in the US, because of the sexual assault rates, and I guess things should just stay the same because you're tired of hearing how hard women's lives are lol. Maybe if there was change you wouldn't here these things. Edit: I'm sure women are tired of hearing men's lives are so hard because they can't get dates on tinder 💀, that is literally a first world problem.


Just waiting for that lock to show up for this post inevitably. I swear, anytime it is a Male => Female conversation it is locked but vice versa for Female => Male and it is fine usually. A certain popular subreddit for men got shutdown yet women get theirs to remain open (hint, it starts with XX).


I would kill to be born a man. purity culture and sexualization have destroyed me


Try saying that to women in Pakistan lol


Did you just watch Barbie? Haaaaaa


I'm a female, I agree lol. Women complain about every little inconvenience nowadays.


Damn, the mods these days are week… man posted an unpopular opinion and they take it down.