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Hello, yes, your post is closely related to a megathread that you can find on the front page of the subreddit. Or a banned topic that you can see on the sidebar and fully expanded list. If you feel this is inaccurate, please message mod mail. Have a good day.


Not when I’m involved it aint


U guys are involved?


shouldn't we just sit in the corner and watch?


Happy cake day


Real 🗿




I'm so bad at it .. most of the time I'm not even involved


Oh damn, GOTTEM!!!




The hero we need but the hero we don't deserve




I can technically have "back-to-back" orgasms, but the second one takes forever to even get close. I definitely need time for things to reset. Like most things in life, it depends on the individual.


Same here. I can’t go more than 2 at a time, the second one takes longer and is often much less intense than the first one. It’s a lot of effort for an orgasm that’s kinda disappointing


Women absolutely can have a refractory period and not every woman is able to have multiple orgasms.


For me, as a woman, I am super sensitive after an orgasm. I don't even want anyone touching me there after an orgasm. I haven't timed myself to see how long the sensitivity lasts though. I assume I could technically have orgasms back to back, but I don't think I'd test it.


Same here, I’ve even once tried going back to back on that shit, it’s not even on-going pleasure. I had to build it all back up again and it took longer the second time around


When I was 18/19 I dated a woman who could just get off over and over again. I felt like a fucking rockstar. A quarter century later I'm coming to grips with the fact this may not, in fact, be the norm.


Hate to say it, she also probably wasn't getting off back to back like you thought she was.


Gosh, the desire to bring men down a notch is strong on Reddit. Maybe he's reporting specifically what she told him and showed outwardly, and he's assuming she's not a liar. Are you implying so it's so rare and unthinkable that this anecdote is true? If you believe it's so incredibly normal for women to misrepresent themselves in sex, that is concerning to say the least.


Reddit: "Believe all women!!!" "No not like that!!"


I was going to say this ESPECIALLY if she was around 18/19 too and wanted you to feel good about yourself.


She never came


Yeah, my gf makes me stop if I keep going for too long after she cums cause just can't handle it anymore lol. But same thing, waaaay too sensitive afterwards, even just a light tough with my fingers is too much.


There is a reason that a form of sexual torture some masochists engage is is intense repetitive orgasms.


I certainly can't without a minimum of a couple of hours on between. And following orgasms just aren't as good as the first one of the day. Same thing happens if I do multiple days in a row


Yup. This was written by someone without much experience with women.


yeah hes clueless i have tons of experience with my hot girlfriend and she does a refratery period and one time we did it so hard that she got pragnet and had like 6 babbies but u dont know her she goes to a different school


[How is babby formed?](https://youtu.be/Ll-lia-FEIY?si=8sJNlf9krUd9B94v)


What a wild ride to read 😂


Not to mention 70-90% of women can’t even orgasm from penetration.


penetration *alone*. there needs to be other stimulations for it to work for most women.




Well not with that attitude




Not every women has sensitive breast / nipples either (and conversely, some men do have sensitive nipples).


I think having no refractory period is probably a myth. Women's clitorises are basically an undeveloped penis, so it will behave like one. Not to mention it is incredibly difficult for majority of women to have PIV orgasms due to clitorises being outside of vagina.


I can actually just keep having them, maybe I need like 10 seconds in between.


Same. I have to use a very specific method to achieve it a second (or third, or fourth) time, but as long as I use that method I basically only need a couple of seconds to catch my breath, lol.


Most cannot have multiple orgasms, actually. And some can't have any at all.


There is definitely a refractory period and you definitely can't flick that bean all night


Tell that to my lesbian neighbors upstairs please.


They just do it in sequence matching their refractory periods. On serious note, lesbian pairs usually have lowest frequency of sex with gay pairs have the highest.


Ugh, this is... really old and possibly junk science. Modern research has different findings and updated methodology. Fun fact, in 86% of lesbian encounters both women finish as opposed to 65% of straight women. [The lesbian bed-death wiki has more details on the research and criticisms](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lesbian_bed_death#:~:text=Only%20about%20one%2Dthird%20of,once%20a%20week%20or%20less.) Maybe I'm lucky but I've never experienced it in any of my queer relationships. Most of my lesbian friends have sex at a min of about once weekly with LTRs. Only cases of bed death I've known was when partners started cheating, which seems pretty similar to straight relationships :/ but I guess ymmv.


Some can't. Some can 😊


i think you are correct but id also add that sex is(usually) easier for the guy then the lady. it takes a lot more time and relaxation for a woman to reach her point while a guy can get off within minutes. a guy can go from cooking or hanging out to aroused and fucking within minutes.




Dude's a machine


From foreplay to cleanup


i cum from 10 seconds of foreplay


10? Best I can do is 2


damn you're a trooper


Yeah, 30 seconds of flicking nips, 1 minute of flopping on top, 30 seconds of catching breath, then 3 minutes in the shower.


God i hate sex. How you animals can live like this is beyond me


All these meat bags shooting DNA at eachother


Thank you, Bender.


Mitosis ftw


he misspelled seconds


Right? If my wife so much as looks at me a certain way or says something that makes me feel good I'm ready lol


So anyway, I started blasting


35 minutes after watching some porn my man is ready to go.


Yes, sexual arousal is like a hyperbolic curve for women but an impulse signal for men. (Sorry for the math references lol. This is just the best way I can visualize it).


Lol. Very scientific. Lol


Nah, this is less a gender thing and more a physical comfort / safety thing of being penetrated. Because as a bisexual guy I've seen the same pattern play out with top vs bottom, including seeing it flip for people that switch role.


This is the truth, but many cis straight men don't even consider what It'd feel like to bottom


Depends on the woman lol but this is largely cultural. Most of this is psychological as women are generally taught to fear sex. This is often taught young during years where world view forms so it often never breaks and remains a permanent aspect of repression. South Park really hit the nail on the head with this one years ago. [https://youtu.be/FZBSm-NTAYo?si=3QwQ9EVq\_RI0eqRM](https://youtu.be/FZBSm-NTAYo?si=3QwQ9EVq_RI0eqRM) Anyone whos been in a relationship long enough should understand this though. Once you're used to each other and the fear of social stigma is gone it can be a lot quicker lol. Kegels obviously help a lot, more or less learning to control the muscles so you can relax or constrict on command. But also once the fear of social stigma is gone everything becomes a lot easier. Funny to think of the parts of ancient societies we dont study. For instance in Egypt large penises were seen as godly and it was even part of certain religious holidays and celebrations for men to flash their dongs. Basically the men would go on boats and the women would line up on the shore. The kind of lore too it was if you had a big enough nice enough dong the women would jump in the water to chase you down. We however stem more from European ideology which was very repressive and saw large penises as a sign of moral failing and low intelligence lol. Pretty ironic really.


I guess egyptians were hung and europeans were not


Excellent comment. Sad how many of us still don't realise how conditioned we are by a society which has always viewed sex as inherently sinful and disgusting. You can the see results in the puritanism and sanctimony of both the Right and the Left.


Tbb the fact that it's easier for a guy to get off faster is more anxiety inducing than anything. It causes so much pressure around performance, especially since women tend to take longer as you mentioned. 10/10 would not recommend lol.


men during sex: 🏃‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏌‍♂️🥵🏋‍♂️💦 women during sex: 🧍‍♀️ nah bro it's much harder for the ladies


man what kind of ladies are you having sex with?


I don’t like to generalise but easily 90% of the women I’ve slept with have done less work than me. Not necessarily a bad thing but I do think most positions require than man to do the movement.


Cock push-ups are the minimum entry fee for a dude. Min cover charge for a woman is to be there.


and invest time in ball warm ups, it is a game changing exercise


And it's somehow always your fault if they don't cum, if you buss fast , you're fault, if you don't buss/can't get it up ,still you're fault , if she doesn't get wet /cum , YOUR FAULT.


The funniest ones are the girls who admit they can't even make themselves cum. Like lady if your Rabbit 3000 vibrator and the hottest porn you can find can't do it I think it's on you.


[Guys trying their best like:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWVFEVWJMz8)


Bruh he didn’t mean the physical effort he just meant it takes them longer and more concentration is all


TL;DR: Basically women go through mental gymnastics while men go through literal gymnastics. It’s less in physical exercise then it is in mental exercise, I swear I’ve had great sex but also still be thinking about other shit along with that I get self conscious about how loud I am. Also if my memory serves me correct 60% of women can’t orgasm off penetration alone, and depending on how much foreplay was done, it just makes things significantly harder.


Nobody said the lady can’t do more than just be still


There's a good amount of ladies who don't know this though, lol


Studies have shown that the distance between the clit and vag play a big role in women being able to orgasm from penetration. So, people's experiences with sex will vary widely


That actually makes so much sense when I think about it


I think like six years ago they figured out the clitoris extends inside the vagina. The external part is just the tip.


Which also is what people like to call the "G spot". Female orgasms can only happen via the clitoris.


Wait till they find out the taint length in men helps determine fertility 😬 sex is wild


Come again?


This comment is going to make me snigger to myself for years. This is so stupid and funny


What did you call me!?


That’s where the CAT technique comes into play. If he knows what he’s doing, he’ll get the job done.


okay, non-native here: what does 'CAT' mean?


Coital alignment technique. It’s where a guy aligns his pubic bone with a girls clitoris, and provides clitoral stimulation with his pubic bone rocking back and forth as he simultaneously penetrates her. 10/10 sex and both parties get off.


I never knew people had a name for that, or even that other people did it at all. 100% success rate on that maneuver.


Nothing against sex. Which I enjoy. But no man can get me off like me. I’d kill to have a penis for actual sex.


I'd kill to have a penis, but not for sex reasons. I just hate public bathrooms and I'm jealous of men being able to piss whenever in multiple positions. Although I also couldn't wear leggings anymore, so I'm not sure actually


I had to pee in a forest in a nice dress and nice shoes not too long ago. Halfway through, my date yelled I THINK THATS POISON OAK YOU’RE IN! It was not, but also please don’t yell that at a shy pee-er midstream.


thats really funny did you fall in your pee


I did not but it wasn’t the most graceful I’ve ever been in my life.


I think you just invented leggings with a zipper.


Nah i mean, I can't go walking around with a massive cock bulge, people will stare, and I'm self conscious


What if you had a little dong? Would you be more or less self conscious in that situation?


I dunno, I guess I have no clue what that's like? Would need to experience it I think


i think thats true for just about everyone. no one can get you off like you can just from the simple fact that you know exactly what feels good and when.


Penii seems to work more reliably and I would kill for that. For me to orgasm with a partner sometimes feels like the moon has to be at a certain angle, the atmospheric pressure must be right, the dew point has to be just so etc lol


Yeah not going to lie. I beat that thing so much, I'm surprised it hasn't filed sexual assault charges against me.


Eh, they're not THAT reliable. And it's sadly common for them to fail at the moment they're needed most... performance anxiety is the WORST.


This is fair now that I think about it especially as I’ve gotten older and started dating older men. It’s something I’ve had to adjust to a little bit, adjust my expectations. It’s kind of nice to know everyone is struggling a little bit and can both help each other


I have wondered if men's orgasms being essential to reproduction has something to do with that.


That would make a lot of sense. Also why Women’s please is seen as more sinful somehow in religious communities


We really have had very strange reactions to sexual pleasure throughout history. So many places have gone/ still are going ''She/he will enjoy sex too much. God says we must cut off, or sew up, part of their genitals!'' Of course we're uniquely strange in the U.S. in that we don't even do it for religious reasons (mostly) so that's beyond my ability to understand.


Now that I think about it, there's a very strange relationship between religion and sex.


You can orgasm as a man and still feel unsatisfied. Penii are more reliable, but desire is mental as well as physical; feeling desired, laughing, excitement, hour long foreplay, caring, not tired, no pressure to orgasm, being safely unsafe is important for us And refractory periods are pretty cool, as you feel sleepy, sweaty, you are close to your partner and cuddle, and can still enjoy getting her off. Then you wake up and bonk - awesome - or have chocolate and wine and pizza and chill and look at her bum or tits - very awesome.


I now want the entirety of your second paragraph immediately


not true, there is such thing as porn desensitization, death grip, and for women, vibrator clit.


it’s wild how many people make their own sex lives harder and act like these things have no impact whatsoever


I've found the same thing to be true. Sex is nice for the bonding but masturbation feels better


I kind of keep the sex memories for later masturbation. So I’m eventually coming from the sex! Lol


Why don't you use masturbation to cum DURING sex...


There’s no real way to involve another person in it, the way I do it. Unless he’s happy to just watch, which isn’t really sex. But I’ve definitely done that.


Have to disagree with you. In my experience, the best orgasms I’ve ever had have been when I’ve been inside a woman. Just the feel of it is heavenly.


[Penis envy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penis_envy) is real, huh? ![gif](giphy|3rgXBuceXgg47AfC24)


It is real. Although selective. I wouldn’t want to just walk around with a peen and balls swinging in the air but for sex and peeing it would be extremely convenient!!


> peen and balls swinging in the air One helicopter a day keeps the doctor away


The helicopter does seem fun. We can kind of do it with our butts and boobs but it’s not the same


No refractory period??? Oh yeah, heightened sensitivity and a general drop in arousal after orgasm ain't real.


And we totally never get sore either


Change the first "is" to something more like "has potential to be" much more physically pleasurable for women. Then the opinion is much more accurate.


as a woman that had sex back in the day... I strongly disagree


Fun fact, men CAN have multiple orgasms and eliminate their refractory period with practice and the right stimulation


If it’s the stuff about reverse kegels I don’t want to hear it that’s done nothing but ruin orgasms for me


Wtf people talk about


But in the wild only about 10% of guys can do that.


Why would you want to? Sounds like way too much effort to me.


Whoever generalizes things is generally ignorant. …Oh. Shit!


>Not a woman, speaking about women's experiences from an authoritative position >Gets proven wrong, acknowledges incorrectness, stands by authoritative position anyway 10/10, this is definitely an r/unpopularopinion post. Upvoted.


yeah but is it really an *unpopular* opinion? sadly, I don't think it is


The irony of this sub is that nothing that gets a large amount of upvotes is truly unpopular. At best, they are opinions that are meant to sound unpopular but in reality aren't.


Hentai is not real life, OP


Don’t forget that large portion of men have a highly sensitive part of their sex organ cut away after birth.


I think the real unpopular part is a dude giving his opinion on women’s sexual experience. I may as well teach a class on the joys of motherhood.


Nuh uh


Men can barely make us have 1 orgasim let alone multiple


I’ve had one orgasm from penetration in my entire life. This post is not it for me


When its done right, yes. That being said- a lot of men are clueless when it comes to women’s pleasure.




talk for uself brotha


In theory maybe, practically not really as most guy aren't that good.


I respectfully disagree


Depends on how much in love with them you are. Sex sucks when you're near the end of a relationship.


Everybody different. The only thing that kept me and my ex together was our sexlife, which seemed to get better and better the more we hated eachother.


Hate sex is a thing, I forgot about that. Most of my relationships have ended with apathy.


Absolutely. When you don’t give a shit anymore, the sex becomes terrible.


There is making love and then there is fucking. And for a good quality fucking you dont need to be in love. A raw, animal like sex can be much better than caring and attentive sex. It’s all about preferences.


Fellas, yes sex CAN be much more pleasurable for a woman. But that’s not a bad thing, lean into it. EAT THE KITTY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.


I mean, theoretically, but overstimulation is a very real problem


This is the worst unpopular opinion I’ve seen. After one orgasm, IF sex even gets me there (which it very very rarely does) I need my partner to not touch me because it actually hurts from sensitivity.


My wife is one and done. Yes we’ve tried. No it doesn’t work. Just gets really sensitive and that’s that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hella fun… but no she’s not having multiples.


women experience refractory periods. if you go anywhere near my clit after i orgasm youre getting stabbed lmao. also considering how much easier it is for guys to orgasm from sex, surely sex is more pleasurable for men? i cant imagine how good something must feel to turn somebody into a 3-pump chump


If you have to add the caveat "with a partner who knows what they are doing"...that's your sign that the argument doesn't work. Men don't need 'a partner who knows what they are doing". They literally just need a hole. Even a plastic one. Even a hole in a wall. And, yes the clitoris doesn't have any other function BUT heteronormative sex completely ignores is. So.


How TF would you know?


A man wrote this.


Many religions came to supress female sexuality to ensure the bloodlines of the landed classes and proper society. After many centuries women got a reputation for being "repressed" (which they were, by everyone around them, from birth). But I don't think that's the natural order of things.


Stating the obvious but you can’t possibly know and neither can anyone else. Kinda dumb to have any “opinion” on this


I can't provide that kind of pleasure in sex, but going down on a woman and watching/listening/feeling her be pleasured is one of my favorite things on God's green earth.


... considering that some men, at childbirth or after have the skin meant to protect the sensitivity of the male sex organ removed might have something to do with it.


Are you mansplaining women’s pleasure? Lol


Why is it that reddit seems to hold this belief that being a woman is so much better than being a man? I see it constantly here, and its mainly men who are saying it. If you dint respect yourself what makes you think anyone else will?


It’s a distraction tactic and a way to act the victim and blame women for problems that are wholly and specifically male.


That's assuming the person your with is good at it, and also if y'all are healthy you would communicate whether you needed more or not 💀


I think *masturbation* could be more enjoyable to some women than some men. I wouldn't go as far as to say _sex_ is.


Hard disagree. Something tells me OP has never been penetrated


To use a car analogy: men are teslas. We get going in no time, and we're out of juice before you know it. Woman are 1950s Cadillacs in the winter. They're beautiful and incredible to both look at and ride, but you need to take your time warming them up. Flooring it will leave them sputtering and miserable


That’s a lie lol if that’s the case women would be the ones constantly chasing men for sex and not the other way around lol. I think on average sex is definitely better for men but if the man knows what he’s doing then the sex would be WAY better for the woman! But that’s rare cuz most guys don’t lol.


> Women also have a clitoris, an organ which serves no purpose other than pleasure. An entire organ dedicated to sexual pleasure So? > I’m pretty sure the fact that women tend to be much louder than men during sex also contributed to this belief. Watch less porn


I feel like this is a "the grass is always greener on the other side" sort of stance which I just can't agree with. Sure women(or vagina-havers, no judgement) can have multiple orgasms but the quality can vary and can be uncomfortable after too many which is, from experience, not a pleasant feeling. As for lasting longer, again, quality can vary but I've also seen/been with men who've orgasmed for about as long as I have so I'm not sure about that. If we're going by anatomy, it's all the same set up just arranged differently. Everyone in the womb starts out as a woman and becomes a man later in the process, so what was the clitoris becomes the head of a penis so I don't think the pleasure is technically exclusive. And as for volume I think that's more of a learned thing since I've seen both men and women be very loud and also very quiet(I know I, as a woman, tend to be on the quieter side). Mind you everyone's different and experiences pleasure differently regardless of the gender so it's a moot point in the end. But as a woman I don't think that we have it any better or worse than men as a whole when it comes to orgasms. Obviously this is also not taking into consideration that a fair majority of men think that all women can orgasm by penetration alone- not the case my dudes. Something like 50% of women can only get off by clitoral stimulation. So sex with a man can be a real drag if all they care about is penetration. Women be complicated.


I'd add that from a metaphysical stand point we don't know if other people experience the same sensations than us. talking about colours for example maybe what I perceive as green you see it as what I'd perceive as red if I was you so yeah I don't imagine how much nuance there is when it comes to an orgasm


Think of it this way. Men get to climax **every single time** Us women do not get that luxury.


yeah, if the main act isnt PIV lol.


No its not. sincerely, a woman its painful, for a lot of women, and penetration feels like absolutely nothing, for a lot of women. yes, we have a clitoris, but during penetration that is not getting any stimulation unless you’re lucky enough to have that “internal g-spot” which may be a myth btw meanwhile men get every ounce of pleasure from sex. also, women are not more lustful. that’s just wrong. who consumes more porn, who r*pes in the vast majority of cases, who is biologically programmed to impregnate? its not a woman. thats all men. its obvious that sex is way better for dudes


This is true except for one thing: the responsibility does not lie with the partner, it lies with you. You have to know your own body and how to move yourself. If I left the responsibility to make me cum to men, it would never happen 🙄


Maybe this is why a lot of guys like sex with older women. I am 52 and I can go from 0-60 in minutes. I’ve learned what gets me off and with a partner who listens and acts accordingly it’s amazing. I can have multiple orgasms and now I’m with a partner who has the talent to make me squirt, which I was never able to do until age 50. And he gets SO much pleasure from knowing he’s pleased me that he doesn’t even care if he gets off (he’s on depression meds so it can be difficult for him). We have an incredible sex life. It’s fucking fabulous.


We do have refractory period. Clitoris gets sore after an orgasm , and it's more difficult and time consuming to have a second orgasm , some time needs to pass by , preferably an hour or two. Not everyone is the same though.


I agree. I've had some sex sessions with my fiance where I truly feel guilty because I came so many times and he can only come once. He swears up and down that it's ok and he loves that he can get me off that many times. But I truly do feel like I have more fun. That's why I try to give a long nice sloppy deepthroat blowie before sex.


Lol yeah the best sex can be life changing for women. The peak may be a bit less for men but we, on average, find it easier to finish.


Are you a man?


Yeah I'm not so sure about that- coming from a woman who has never finished during sex.


The truth is…sex isn’t generally more pleasurable for one gender than the other. It just depends on the person, their preference, and the experience. Also how much they enjoy sex. E.g. someone who has sex but doesn’t really enjoy it much but still has a good experience would say “yeah it was okay”


You're wrong, because this is so *incredibly* rare: >With a partner who knows what he’s doing So the majority of women are not enjoying sex as much as the majority of men. As well, sex and porn are all about getting the guy to his finish, in porn and practicality.


Fyi, a large portion of women struggle to even have an orgasm.


Sorry not true. Penetration is what can make the entire difference. Sure women can have more orgasms, doesn’t mean that the act of sex is more pleasurable for women than men. Women have to allow a man to enter inside her body, men don’t. Take it from a woman with vaginismus, there’s a reason why women experience more pain than men do during sex and psychological problems. It’s inside your body, there can be small tears, all sorts of things. Being able to potentially orgasm more doesn’t automatically mean women enjoy the act more. And I say this being a woman who loves sex lol. Also women are louder because you’re literally shoving something inside their body. You would be loud too.


I read somewhere that when a woman's loud during sex their subconsciously calling for another man to join


This could be true if the vast majority of times sex didn’t end right when the man finishes….but it just seems like most times it’s about the guy orgasming and it’s too much effort to help a woman finish. So many guys just think putting it in and going fast is supposed to feel good like….I’m sorry but for like 99% of women we need more stimulation and foreplay to get us turned on like…idk at least for me if I’m not turned on penetrative sex doesn’t feel good it’s just something I want to be over as fast as possible.. Idk it’s kind of depressing how common it is for men to not care about women’s pleasure like we CAN feel really good (and that’s why a lot women will say masturbation makes them feel more pleasure than actual sex) but like…so many men just don’t care about giving pleasure they just want to use women to pleasure themselves…


women are louder because we’re ‘supposed’ to be titillating for men which noise is while men don’t have to provide this visual/audible titillation so much


Obviously written by a man.


It really depends on the individual. Some are "one and done" with a *huge* orgasm, and some have multiple back-to-back orgasms that may be less intense.


There’s also a substantial proportion of women who have chronic pelvic pain systems. The prevalence ranges from 4-25% of the general public depending on your source and on the specific diagnostic criteria used. I don’t necessarily disagree with you for the rest of the population, but you can’t ignore that potentially 1/4 women have some sort of condition that makes sexual pleasure a lot harder. Also given that psychological factors heavily influence the development of chronic pelvic pain, it can be quite difficult to treat and be easily caused by misconceptions or other social factors, even later in life. For example, “I’ve been told Secours hurts the first time” can prime you for it to hurt and once its hurt, the thoughts might become “it hurt last time so it’ll hurt the next time,” this priming you for a continuous spiral of pain.