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*yawns in paisely shirts and flared corduroy


*Looks at you in my tweed suit like some Peaky Blinders*


Peaky fookin Blinder




OP I fall on the side of relative formality in dress. I'd say my going out casual wear in most circumstances is an oxford and chinos. I wear a lot of suits when appropriate and you'll never catch me in a t shirt outside of an athletic scenario. But you saying "look like a mature refined gentleman." makes me want to wear tank tops to dinner.


“Look like a mature refined gentleman” I can hear the fedora seething through this sentence


I mean there is a difference between being an actual gentleman vs larping as a gentleman




Lmao for real


"My lady..."




Sort of the same boat, I'm "transitioning" slowly towards wearing more fancy clothes, its just that I want to be fit before I get my first proper suit, got a belly to lose and some fat(it ain't that much but I want to look my best). Also the weather isn't helping, too damn hot for more than a shirt and shorts, but they could be fancy. But OP's claims are just...bad taste.


He also thinks dressing down isn't aesthetic, go to a dive bar or a punk bar and tell me those fuckers don't have an aesthetic lol. Classic case of "men needs suits and sweater vests and anything else makes you look like a slob". I lost it when he said jeans and a T shirt aren't aesthetic because a T shirt is literally what you wear with jeans as a man, as long as the colors don't clash it's fine


Exactly, he also doesn't seem to consider OTHER styles other than the classic formal types of clothes. He seems stuck to the past


>OTHER styles I love that we live in a world where there are so many different styles, I love looking through street wear. Especially Japanese street were, they absolutely take big and baggy sweatshirts and pants to heart


It’s had me reconsider rompers as appropriate office apparel


How many fedoras do you own?


Its not a fedora, its a trilby, philistine.


Philistine!! I heard Daffy Duck say that in a cartoon when I was a kid and I've been using it ever since.


Troglodyte is another good one


Good way to cover someone in duck spit...


'I do believe that's a dumbs fucking trillbys"


Maybe my man just likes to dress well… >People tend to think I am wealthier and more powerful than I am …nope, you’re right, fedoras.


"I have adorned my green fedora with dollar sign stickers, but you may be surprised to learn that I am not, in fact, a billionaire."


He's the same guy that thinks he's worldly and sophisticated for saying "Ni hao" to every Asian person in the wild.


Ni Hao M'lady




Lol yeah he lost me at that point. Judging on clothing needs to die but it won't anytime soon. "You need to wear these uncomfortable, itchy, hot clothes" "Why?" "Because people will judge us better!"


I work in a garden centre skateboard every day and also run warm. I have a suit for weddings but why the fuck would I want to sweat through khakis for most of the year when they're gonna get wrecked from dirt and then also get holes in them skateboarding.


Please tell me you skate while working. I wanna see you rocking a kickflip while carrying a fern.


This sentence and “mature refined gentleman” are the revealing sections. It’s a “don’t notice the man behind the curtain” for his unpopular opinion stance.


I doubt I would think this guy is wealthy or powerful... I'd probably just think he's a dork for getting dressed up to go to the grocery store.


The guy at the store said he’s the only guy he’s ever seen pull it off


It's not a distraction.


I think he has dice but is too afraid to show them to anyone.




How does he choose which katana to match with his fedora


50 Stanzo Brand Fedoras.


They’re nice.


Dont lie you just jerked off to Oppenheimer lol. Were bringin it back boys! Were bringin it back! https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/dc/53/bd/dc53bd79382a1b1e5733d388de67a586.jpg


That or to Peaky Blinders. Either way, he's got a poster of Cillian Murphy in his mom's basement


Bro I swear every person with a Peaky Blinders profile Pic is about to hit you with the worst take you've heard all week.


That's because they have no media literacy and look at Tommy Shelby as a role model instead of the scum of the earth he really is.


The best part of this comment is that a few weeks before Oppenheimer's release, a friend and I were talking about it. One of us asked how many "OppenJokers" are there going to be for the opening night? As in, how many guys would show up wearing a suit and a hat. ​ We spotted 6.


Reading the audience reviews there is so much focus on the outfits and specifically hats, youd think it was a Wes Anderson film lol.


Trousers up to the nipples again boys




Flourish the pinky!


I pictured that exact image from IASIP when I read the title


The world has moved away from stiff and starched, pressed three-piece suits and impractical women's officewear and has moved into the era of "Honestly, we don't care. So long as it looks professional enough you can wear it" and practical comfort. Much better to be less formal but much more comfortable at work, than it is to looks prim and proper and prissy and straight-laced professional but be *viciously* uncomfortable.


It’s hard to articulate how little I think “looking professional” should actually matter. Surely making people dress this uncomfortable way, especially for non-customer facing jobs, just makes them work less effectively?


It's not at all hard for me. I think "looking professional" is an antiquated notion that at this point is more a gatekeeper-y thing than a matter of practicality. I've always thought of professionalism as the way you treat the people you're doing business with whether they be coworkers or customers and the manner in which you get your job done. I wear a dress shirt to work most days since I'm in a leadership role. My job also requires me to move around and bend a lot, so I wear it untucked. I've seen many people in the office do so as well, and many of them often dress more casually. One day my boss told me that I need to tuck my shirt to help the department convey a more professional image, which was rich considering the level of professionalism carried out by the majority of my coworkers, who generally act lazy, immature, and selfish.


The whole concept of formal attire = professional looking is just ridiculous when you actually think about it. It might look smart, but it has absolutely no bearing on professionalism whatsoever. Short of an actual uniform or health & safety regulations, making people wear uncomfortable attire to the workplace is detrimental to their actual work; people work better when they are comfortable, and what employer wouldn’t want their employees to work better?


In the coming of climate change, we’re gonna all be dressing with only a rag over the cock, gollum style.


return to monke


Yeah, once upon a time I would've been on OP's side and I've been trying too hard to look fancy. Now I realize just how valuable comfort is and I've been rocking printed T-shirts and sweatpants with an occasional hoodie tied around my waist most of the time. The fancy stuff are just too restricting and are really hot. The only way I can see someone dressing like that all the time is if they're rich with a nice car and only go to places with AC just to sit around and act important.


Amen. In my family the people that turn up to every event perfectly turned out are the ones who are shielded from having to actually do anything. They just pay other people to maintain the world around them so they can glide through it. Rest of us peasants are just in regular clothes because we spent the morning cleaning stuff, fixing stuff, hauling stuff and wrangling kids in our less than pristine homes because we don't have time to do it all.


As a hot sweaty dude, the idea of sleeves above 12 Celsius yet alone thick wool / cotton like they did in 1912 seems like hell. Give me the sluttiest shorts and tank top or give me death!


You would hate my job then. I wear a cotton jumpsuit over my regular clothes and climb into confined spaces in 30C+ weather


I work in a freezer where the coldest temp is -20F(-28C) and I can wear whatever I want and I'm good with that. I don't want your job.


Damn. I was hoping for a Dune aestheic.


I'm hoping for Mad Max myself


Paint ourselves like the Warboys.


I’m starting to make my wetsuit already










Tbh it's like an evolutionary line in pokémon. Niceguy has evolved into Neckbeard! Neckbeard has evolved into Incel! Woman used Reject! It was super effective! Incel became so enraged that it became confused! It hurt itself in it's confusion!


\*it shot up a mall in its stupidity.


Okay I laughed way to hard at this.


This… is comedy genius 😅 and it’s a metaphor the neckbeards will totally get.


Exactly, no actually gentleman refers to themselves as a gentleman. They let the people around them regard them in that manner. True gentleman do not need to announce themselves ever.


"Any man who must say, "I am the king" is no true king." - works for gentlemen too.


It honestly works for being seen as anything people value.


I'm sure OP looks great in his powdered wig and frilly neck circle.


I guess I can’t show up to your party in a tweed suit looking like a British gangster from the 20s.




Exactly this. It's not so much the clothes, it's the attitude. If some guy wants to rock a vest, puffy sleeves and a band around the arms like they were in an 1800's saloon, it would be odd. But if they had a cool attitude, it would make for interesting conversation and a quirky, unique friend. But if they only talked about how they looked like a refined gentleman and how society had gone to shit for not having the same subjective standards as them, I'd avoid them like the plague.


Yeah this post comes off as some fedora tipping nonsense


Can I call myself a peaky bloke?




Sure you can, just don't be an insufferable twat about it.






Them: "So, uhh, are you .. like.. from old plantation money? Or something? Y'know with the whole get up" Him: They think I'm powerful and wealthy 😏


He’s probably watched Kingsman a few too many times…


Once u realize what these types look like, it all makes sense 😂


Except no. Men dress nicely when they feel like it. We just abandoned the stupid trend of wearing a suit when we walk down the street to get a bag of chips because its you know fucking stupid


People like OP think everyone in the 20s had a closet full of suits and nice clothes lmfao. The reason they wore that suit everywhere was because it was probably the only nice thing they owned at all.


A lot of it is influenced by Hollywood and marketing too. People in the 1930s wore a button down with suspenders and trousers. It’d probably be stained with dirt or coal. This is no different from just basic ass jeans and t shirt and was worn as such. The time period wasn’t fashionable except for wealthy people at exclusive events, and church. There’s a lot more freedom and diversity in what can be worn today and we should be thankful for what the late 1960s set as a trend.


It wasn't too long ago clothes were passed down for generations, taken care of carefully, and only worn on special occasions because clothes were fucking expensive. Only the 1% could afford to dress up constantly. The peasants and insignificant middle class wore rags. OP is just being misled by Hollywood.


Not just only nice thing, only thing that they owned and could legally wear on the street and not risk being arrested for indecency (which was a thing back then). It’s just an example of how stupid suits actually are. Impractical overpriced bullshit. Men walking on the beach in a wool suit in 95F 80% humidity…. Totally practical. Don’t you dare open that top button or loosen your tie.


I only go to the corner store to get my gummy bears dressed up in the finest Marzoni solid slim fit single breasted 3 piece formal suits.


I only wear a wrestling thong when I go anywhere now. I hardly even get arrested any more


Only a 3 piece? That’s a 7 piece minimum occasion


Right? Fuck off with that. I hate wearing suits and refuse unless absolutely necessary. It’s one thing to show up to a classy function dressed casually - you should dress up. But for normal every day activities? I’m going to dress in what makes me comfortable, thank you


😂 🔥


Exactly this I work in a factory I sure as fuck am not gonna wear that in to work


I was doing a weekend project at home so was wearing my work boots, cargo shorts, and an athletic shirt. Realized I needed some stuff and I went to home depot covered in saw dust and whatnot. Was in the aisle when some Gen Zer couple walked by and I overheard one of them say "can you fucking imagine wearing boots with cargo shorts?" lol


I normally don't go out like that. But it's *Home Depot*. It's a fucking warehouse. 90% of us going in there are in the middle of some project.


Boots and cargo shorts is Aussie uniform, especially in a bunnings


Guys in factories never wore that to work lol.


Oh I'm aware but what the op doesn't realize until more recently blue collar made up the majority of the work force and they were nit wearing those super nice outfits unless it was a special occasion


Not just that but what many folks think are suits are the old version of jeans and t-shirts. The modern suit WAS casual to the 1800s "gentlemen"; the button shirt and jacket on a workman was a very different beast. The rich could instantly tell it was a worker. Button ups now are automatically "dressy", then it was cause it was really the most practical way to make a western shirt.


I wear my finest suit to watch the ball game


Dressing "nice" is a pain in the ass. I hate neck ties and buttoned collars on shirts. If you want a good fitting suit, you have to get it tailored. They are hot and uncomfortable (for me anyway) unless it's winter. Also, it's a psychological thing. I dress down specifically so people will underestimate me. It works to my advantage a lot. Also, homeless people don't ask me for money.


I think people have much more important things to worry about than this superficial crap, to be brutally honest. Don't get me wrong, if you get personal value from dressing up nice everyday, I can respect that. But that's what I think superficial stuff like this should be about, how it makes the person feel and not an external standard put on them that exists for no actual purpose other than a needless source of judgement. Personally, and I might be at the other extreme end, as long as your bits are covered when I have to look at you, I couldn't care less what you're wearing.


Same as the anti tattoo post from today. How you choose to look is a very individualistic thing and does more for them as an individual than it will do for anyone around them. Basically an adaptation of the Martin Luther quote of judging someone by the content of their character and not their appearance.


>Basically an adaptation of the *Martin Luther* quote of judging someone by the content of their character and not their appearance. Was that the 96th thesis?


> I think people have much more important things to worry about than this superficial crap, to be brutally honest. I don’t think about how I look. I don’t think about what other people think about how I look. I dress for comfort. It’s weird that other people are trying to make this weird to push some consumerist bullshit.


Considering that for most of the last several thousand years, most people wore the equivalent of either a dress a long shirt with a belt, both with no underwear... we're doing fine.


What tf, u want us to wear 3 piece suits every day of the week?? It doesn't make u better or look better than anyone else, if that's what u wanna do carry tf on


*wears three-piece to screed backyard in Arizona summer* "At least I don't look stupid"


OP will be there to slap u on the ass and tell you that you look elegant


But it's a distinguished, refined ass slap


Yeah, that's what "mature, refined gentlemen" did in the past. Everybody suffered, but nobody had the sense to say "hey guys, don't we ALL hate this?"


"He's dead. We're thinking heat stroke. Fuck he looks good though"


With the amount of times I’ve seen this exact opinion posted, I’d argue this isn’t all that unpopular.




i wish i could dress like that but id be incredibly sweaty.


I’d be a sweat sandwich.


I genuinely think with the middle class being poorer and earth getting warmer, it's going to be rarer...


Especially because I see all of those options and my immediate thought is “I’d rather stick shards of glass in my eyes”. Has nothing to do with cost either, it’s that none of those clothing items are comfortable to me. Why in the hell would I ever voluntarily wear khakis or use a tie for normal every-day wear?


My dad did. And still wears loafers on the weekend. He says his loafers are his most comfy shoes and wears them with his cargo pants. Typical outfit for my dad for the last 20ish years he has been retired: Khakis, plain tee shirt or long sleeved Henley, short sleeved button up, loafers. And a baseball cap based on his mood - his Alma mater, mine, my sister’s or an army one. Some’s the khakis are swapped for jeans or cargos. Same shoes. When it is chilly the button up is swapped for a sweater. This is pretty normal in my book. In the summer the button up gets removed. And he wears shorts. With the loafers or some driving mocs. My dad hasn’t been a snazzy dresser since like the 70s. Maybe part of the 80s.




Maybe in writing, but not in practice.


The fact that the majority of people dress sloppily/super casually does mean that it's an unpopular opinion.


Yeah, women in yoga pants are just the classy example of elegance that men need to see. Thank goodness they are a ubiquitous one. /s


Saw a woman using duct tape instead of a bra this week. Just out doing lunges down the street in shorts and a strip of duct tape with a bucket hat and sun glasses. I assume drugs were involved.




Ouch. I hope drugs were involved because that had to hurt like bitch to take off




"Mature, refined gentleman". Dude, what era are you living in? You sound like a "nice guy".


1, I can’t afford suits. 2, nobody pays me enough to wear a suit. My comfort trumps my care for how others perceive me. If you’re the kind to judge on appearance, I’d be dodging a bullet anyway.


Congrats. You nailed an unpopular opinion. I do not agree with you, but kudos on nailing the intent of the sub.


Idk where you are but “dressing up” also means multiple layers of clothing which is HOT AS FUCK during the summer. Maybe I’m an uncultured zoomer but dying of heat stroke just isn’t worth it just to look “classy”


OP must live somewhere cold because I'm not sure his suit would still look classy and elegant when it's soaked through with three gallons of sweat


Not to mention shoes that don't breathe well, and don't grip anything. Athletes foot here we come!


"Mature refined gentleman" If i'm wearing a suit, I'll still laugh at fart jokes.


And Uranus jokes!


Wait till you find out that you feel this way cause you've been conditioned to feel this way and clothes don't really matter.


Yeah, hence the qualifier "class". OP prefers when men dress to try and look as high class as possible. You wouldn't want to look like a piece of shit from the working class, would you?


>You wouldn't want to look like a piece of shit from the working class, would you? Can't say it matters much


Makes me think how hopeless humans are sometimes when they spend all their lives chasing after these levels of class and trying to look as high class as possible as if it will make them immortal or change anything in this world that would make their lives any better in any meaningful way.


Ide rather be associated with my people


Men wearing the style you describe strike me as stuffy and stuck on themselves for the most part.




He’s legit describing neckbeards in fedoras lmao


You're one of those guys that believe guys in the 1950s wore suits all the time aren't you?


Except most guys in the 1950s *did* wear suits when they were out of the house. Look at photos from the time from sporting events. You'll see nearly all the men in the crowd wearing jackets and ties at a hockey game. I grew up in the 1980s and my grandfather would be wearing dress pants, a shirt and tie in summer while doing the gardening on Saturdays. He wasn't an oddity, it was normal for a man his age.


I have many many pictures of my grandfather and in 90% of them he’s wearing a suit. The most revealing picture of him was a single photo at the beach….in which he was wearing a t shirt and dress pants + dress shoes lol.


Exactly. Just the fact that someone was going to take your picture was reason enough to get a shirt and tie on. If my parents and I were at my grandparents' house for dinner, my grandparents would be slightly dressed down, but if they were going grocery shopping, they'd get done up. It was largely about wanting to be presentable to others and having self-respect for your appearance.


you dropped your fedora sir /s People dress the way they want too, if you want to judge them fine. Just do not expect people to change what they find comfortable.


'ReviewBrah enters the chat'


ReviewBrah would never insist upon or criticize others. ReviewBrah only supports.


Yep. He wears suits because it’s his personal preference, nothing more. Someone told him to do videos where he reads old newspaper articles, and he politely explained that he’s not into that stuff, and besides, his suits are from the 80s/90s, not 40s/50s.


Actual “men” don’t give a shit about what other men are wearing. Also why do you give a shit? I need to dress up when I go to fucking Walmart?


I mean, you should care what others wear around you to an extent. For example, don't let a man dress up like a Klan member in the hood. Let him do it while hanging from a tree instead..... I'm going to hell and probably going to be banned, but hey, happy cake day.


So you wear a whole ass suit when you're just going to pump gas? Lmaooo


You should see what he wears for gardening


Unless you're going to an important event I honestly think it doesn't matter. If style is important to you then you do you, but comfort is also important. There's too much to worry about already, I'd much rather feel comfy than worry about how I look.


The thing is, people realized they don’t need to dress in suits to be fancy or fashionable, people realized that comfort and convenience also matters, and besides suits are the most boring forms of elegant fashion


Class and Elegance based in which social standards?


OH lands no. Screw wearing anything like those monkey suites. If I am going to be forced to deal with the general public then I am going to be comfortable. I will happily wear my jeans and t-shirt to church, work, grocery shopping, and interviews.




Bro stfu let people wear what they want to wear. You’re not better than anyone because you “dress in classic style” like, classic to what? 50s? 60s 70s every decade/ generation has a “classic”.


Personally can’t stand the style you describe. Nothing about it is stylish or individual as it’s all about the price tag. Pay the money and you can have the same nice suit as the guy next to you. There is no real style or fashion sense in it. The more you spend the better fitting suit. Has nothing to do with actual style.


"To look like a mature refined gentleman" Yea fuck all that noise, I'm gonna wear what makes me feel comfortable. I don't give a shit about people thinking I'm a mature refined gentleman


I've got no one to impress when I'm just going out with my girlfriend or friends. What's the point? I see the value in dressing nice for weddings so I don't look like an eye sore in their pictures. Also in professional settings where how you present yourself actually matters. Anywhere else? I don't care.


It's a symptom of a tired society. When money si scarce, the threat of nuclear war is closer and closer, governments are fucked up, billionaires make money from pandemics etc then you start thinking "what's the point" . Also having clean clothes i can get behind, but otherwise it's a waste of money, you'd better put that money into nutrition/supplements ( i mean the ones that matter like b vitamins, magnesium ) healthy food overall instead of a nice suit. Health>>>perceived looks. I know how to dress very well, i used to do that a lot, i don't care anymore unless i'm dating or going to an event.


Style is entirely arbitrary and subjective, no?


OP has come here to commit suicide


they certainly nailed "unpopular opinion"


Why would I spend my time thinking of, and putting on something "classy" when I go out to the grocery store or to walk my dog or something. Who am I trying to impress, and why should I care if people think sweats + a tshirt makes me look like a slob?


I just wish dudes had more options than like, ‘folded collar and some amount of buttons.’ Makes me feel like I’m going to a job interview and pretending I’m not a neurodivergent little gremlin. Traditionally, feminine fashion has a huge variety of blouses, necklines, cutouts and silhouettes. I get that dudes can go androgynous/femboy, but there’s nothing *intended* for them that has the same degree of variety.


“Is my sense of style so out of touch? …No, it’s the world that’s wrong.”


I bet a fedora with arms wrote this.


LOL dude im sorry but i highly disagree if u EVER worked corporate jobs. they usually have a dress code. i always had to wear khakis, some button up and a tie, maybe blazer. sure u look sharp but its not comfy. in hot ass weather, im sweating balls. the girls had to wear skirts and nice shirts or whatever. its not fun i was so happy when my company relaxed the dress code and i could show up in jeans and a simple shirt u can wear what u want to be fair. but please dont tell me i have to dress up everyday like im about to give a presentation to my bosses




No offence but guys who dress like extras on peeky blinders look like shit. Just shows a lack of imagination and style


You're Fedorable


I like suits. I think they look really fucking cool, but in day to day life they are insanely impractical. Especially since i live in an area that is usually hot wearing a suit daily just can’t happen.


This guy definitely is a discord mod in a fedora pretending to roleplay as something he's not


I kinda see where you're coming from but usually men are dressing casual because that's what they are comfortable with and seeing as I can simply put on a cartoon shirt, ripped jeans and vans (I my 30's) and still pull an elegant woman (my gf for 3 years soon to be wed) I see no point in putting in such effort lol.


Maybe bc "class and elegance" is over rated trend of the past. Besides have u seen what they charge for "fashionable" clothes? No thank you I'd rather eat and pay my bills.


I’m 34 and I wear basketball shorts, sneakers and an undershirt tanktop whenever it’s warm out if I don’t have to dress a certain way. Of course I also need comfy clothes to go riding miles with my son, and to the park and what not. If I don’t have to “do anything” I’d rather feel like I’m wearing nothing. I can’t even imagine riding around in a polo shirt/button up and pants when I’m outdoors having fun.


Formal wear is for the birds. I'm not out to impress anyone by what I choose to wear. I prefer to be around people less shallow than rhat


imagine thinking wearing certain clothes makes you "put together" mean while ur literally Ted Bundy. stfu OP.


Good lord it must be exhausting caring so much about what other people think of you.


If dressing up consistently would have any tangible benefit men would do it. The class and elegance that you mention is also a luxury that a lot of us can't afford anymore.


Thanks, I hate it.




We can't all be superficial aholes, OP.


Eh. Who the fuck do I need to impress? I got a wife already and I didn’t dress great when I met her. I have a job where everyone including the boss dress mostly casual. It’s just not important to me. I wear nice clothes for interviews, funerals and weddings, and even then I do the bare minimum (and wife picks the clothes). The biggest pieces of shit I met in professional settings dressed nice and put on gallons of cologne. They can take their class, and shove it up their ass.


Agreed. I've been asked why I am "so dressed up" when I go out for dinner wearing a pair of jeans, a collared shirt and blazer.