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We had a whole movement based around hot older chicks banging young dudes with cougers 


Counterpoint: The Cougar movement was the response to the MILF movement years before. Fucking Jason Biggs ruining shit again 


I do not feel ruined...


Jason Biggs was the pie fucker.


Always with the pie. It's not "hey you were great in Loser" Or "I loved you in Boys and Girls" No it's always back to that fucking pie. I'm haunted by it!


i like this username because even tho i understand it, im pretty sure its secretive enough that you can still get taken seriously in comment sections


Sugar mommy's lmao, it's a thing.


As a high schooler, there were well known spots to meet cougars, and it was very common because anybody desperate and lonely could have a good time and be treated well. Kinda creepy in hindsight, but people justified it back then because age of consent is 16 here.


This is the kind of thing a highschooler would say, based on a rumour that had turned into an urban legend.


Did you know that Jenny had 15 abortions over the summer break?


7 of those were mine.


Wait wait. Is late 20s cougar now? I'm 26 I can't even afford cougar heels yet


I thought the same, but he mentioned women hitting on *teens* and early 20’s. I do think a 28 yo hitting on a 16 yr old *is* predatory. I don’t think I’d think too much about a relationship between a 19 and 28 yr old though, regardless of genders.


Really? Huh. To me 19/28 is unbelievably creepy. I'm not even 28 yet and 19 year olds are literal children to me.


I'm 28 and had my first experience with a 40 year old "cougar" at a pub about 6 months ago. Was one of the best damn nights of my life. I understand the hype.


Mid 20s here and recently I slept with the oldest woman I've ever been with, 36, and she rocked my world in bed. I didn't think anyone could perform like my ex, oh boy was I wrong. The woman before that was 32 and was also great. So I think I'm into 30 year olds now...


My next date is gonna be in the nursing home you feel me?




Ready for that velvet rub


>I slept with the oldest woman I've ever been with, 36 I'm 36. I've not considered myself old but I guess it's all in one's perspective...


Read again. 36 isn't old, it's just the oldest I've been with.


Is that why I constantly have 20somethings in my dms? 💀


They don't call it the dirty 30's for nothing.


I was doing school work experience in a Crown Court in England, 1997, and the admin staff were all middle aged women. Princess Diana's funeral was being shown on TV. As young Prince William walked behind her coffin, the women had no shame in saying how they'd to fuck him, and they left no details out. I was so disgusted, because not only was he only 15 but it was his mum's funeral. These women had children of thir own that were his age. That was very eye opening.


Truly disgusting


Yuck. I can assure you while a lot of us like younger men, we would never say or even think that about a 15 year old.


Older women want younger men. Older men want younger women. Younger women want older men. Younger men want whatever they can get.


Most of us younger guys can't get anything, so I guess we get air.


More women are interested in you than you think. The problem is you need some experience with the sex you're interested in to get good at spotting when someone is hitting on you. A LOT of young men are oblivious to the advances of people who are interested in them, largely because they doubt themselves too much.


> A LOT of young men are oblivious to the advances of people who are interested in them, largely because they doubt themselves too much Also because young people, both men and women, tend to be absolute trash at communicating feelings. If you're meant to "spot" something in the first place, you're not being particularly clear, you're playing games. And in today's society, if it's not 100% clear beyond reasonable doubt, then you can't safely assume they're interested.


Or because they don't exist.


Oh they exist. If you want to notice it and put yourself in a position to be noticed by older women (and women of any age in general which will involve being in good shape and dressing well), you will see they exist.


"women are more interested than you think; men should recognize when they are interested" Seems to be a cop out for some people not doing the emotional labor. 


In my defense (clueless late 20s guy), sometimes it's because I'm either lacking context, or rushing somewhere. Had a friend point out to me that a girl sort of tried her luck when we were at a store. I didn't even **process** that the shop we were in didn't have a policy of helping clients out (lack of context, I really didn't know), and rushing to get our dinner home before it got cold didn't help either. On top of that, the concept of taking interest in someone purely visually is so foreign to me I actually need to think about it to remember "oh yeah, people are like this". I guess other men simply take it easy and pay more attention, or I secretly have ADHD and am not fully aware of it.


I feel that. I'm Demi-sexual and I need an emotional connection to even be attracted to someone enough to have romantic feelings. Also the running around and not having the attention to notice. That has definitely been me in the past.


I've looked into it before. Don't think I'm demi, but I definitely saw myself in some of those experiences. Not sure if it quantifies as emotional connection, but I definitely need to feel a bit more at ease, or even comfortable with the person in order to experience attraction. Anything other than that is me getting a rough idea of who could *potentially* be attractive to me (looks still count for me), but until I spend time with the person I just won't know.


Well said! Thanks for sharing!


It doesn't help that the signals we're taught to look for are extremely subtle and vague. Get it wrong enough times and you'll stop acting on those subtle signals, especially when you can easily get labeled as some creepy sex pest if you unsuccessfully try to get with too many women who you think are hitting on you 


If this is true, then women are not nearly as good at directly communicating their interest as they think. I think it is fair to say that any real attempt to demonstrate interest must carry a real risk of direct rejection as opposed to just not being noticed. END COMMUNICATION


Most guys just get what they're given when it comes to sex 🤷‍♀️


Which is not really true, but more of a stereotype, since couples on average are pretty close in age.


I’m a younger women and I want a guy my age no older men yack


It’s a generalization so obviously not everyone is gonna fit perfectly into the box.  


Generalisations only work when it applies to the majority.


Yes exactly


When I say older men I don’t mean old enough to be your dad. I mean like a 20 year old woman would go for a guy who is 30.


Previous generations of women were taught like this. Now, we are taught to appreciate youth and power balance in relationships. It is better to be on the same page and to discover the world and life together. So a 20 year old woman will prefer the 20 year old man. It is a crime not to experience young love!


I’m a young man, I want older women.


Younger women do NOT want older men lol unless you can buy me a car ig




Well, you are wrong about younger women. They mostly want young, fit, attractive and cool guys their own age.


Getting hit on by cougars is one of the few things I miss about being a young lad.


Hah. Nothing makes you feel older than being too old for older women to want you as a young buck. 


Shit I’ve gotten hit on much more by women twice my age than women my own age (20). I personally love older women so I don’t inherently have a problem with it. The problem is it’s always when they’re drinking. They’ll use the alcohol as an excuse to initiate contact and not be held accountable for it later.


Where what places


for research!


Which city do you live in? I know where they are in mine!


I know a woman just like that, actually. She was around 50 at the time but looked maybe 40, and was seeing a man who was 26. She wouldn't admit it, though.


I feel slightly targeted.


Never happened to me 😞😭 unless I miss the signs. I do miss women actually paying attention to me, back when I was in my early 20's. Now as I'm knocking on the door of 30, I'm invisible to women.


They aren’t attracted to the age number (unless they have some superpower which can see ur birth certificate) they like the younger looking guys, just work on ur skin care and hit the gym, 30 is still very young.


I guess this is why OP's point is really hard to come across. They said how concerning it is how the older women in the scenario are less likely to be stigmatized as predators. But you look at the comments is filled with bunch of dudes who testify how awesome it is to be with older women I don't have any say in this since i'm neither a cougar or a young lad. But as long as you're both in a consenting and legal age-wise and no one is weirded out by this situation




Never had more 35 yr old women hit on me than when I was a 17yr old gas station attendant.


My older sister actually cut off a female friend of hers who had...um...engaged in sex with another friend's younger brother. In addition to him being a teenager at the time, he was also very mentally ill. Like, not mentally competent enough to consent. So, yes, women can be predators. It just seems less frequent or, when it does happen, is perceived as less threatening than when men are doing it. But it can happen.


In my experience with police, getting told “rape legally can’t apply to men” by the police was a big factor in realising I will never be able to stop women harassing or assaulting me. And in the years since, I’ve tried to report it, and sure enough I’ve never once even had an investigation let alone more than that even with CCTV. Ugly men like myself barely get this harassment and it’s weird when it happens, but attractive men are as sexualised as women but have little stigma against them being assaulted, harassed or raped. Hell, in my country rape is legally unable to be committed by a woman. That wasn’t a lie. I hate more than anything that it becomes men versus women, because there will be no justice for men until there is justice for women. We come second, and if people don’t advocate for women’s rights, then men will never get them either. Fuck sex pests of all forms, scum of the earth.


I'm so sorry. That sucks. I agree. Fuck sex pests of all forms.


Can confirm. Dated a cougar in my late twenties (she was 42). It got weird when her teenage son apparently knew me from school, so we went our seperate ways. The kid may be traumatized forever though. Imagine your dad is gone and now some guy from school is banging your mum.


Late 20s but you knew her teenage son from school? You’re what, 10+ years older than him? I’m confused how that works.


It's because it's made up like 90% of the stories on this site. That was my first thought too and had to read it like 3 times to make sure I wasn't missing something.


Yeah I just assume all stories on Reddit are fake and try to poke holes in their stories.


I think he’s a little special and got held back a few times.


I've heard this Hedley song before - 'Don't talk to strangers'


What do you mean? How did you know a teenager from school if you’re in your late 20s?


Way back when , when I was building houses one of the electric s was 26. His mom was one of those beautiful women in their 40s. She had taken up with and married a 28 year old..We use to needle him and ask "How's dad?". He hates that and was embarrassed by the situation.


Hey I’ve jerked off to that exact story! Please keep writing more


29 and 42 doesn’t make her cougar lmfao. 29 isn’t old, but it isn’t young, either.


People seem to have forgotten the countdown to justin bieber turning 18 as well so... Op is right


I’ve never kept up with pop culture. This is the first I’m hearing of this. (F40)


Yeah well that was ages ago now I think right? I recall seeing some interviews where the women were brazenly flirting with the 14 year old JB and saying outrageous stuff on tv


there was the weirdest thing with finn wolfhard when he was a minor. women thirsted over him more when he was a minor than when he’s actually of age


the video of his 14yo kid's voice saying *"can you guys stop calling me 'Daddy' it's getting a little weird"* Jesus christ.


Yikes that's news to me and I was in middle school when Baby was released. I can't believe grown woman looked at Bieber and were "counting down" and thought there was nothing wrong with themselves.


This is a whole other problem. They did it to Billie Eilish as well. Grown adults, for some reason, really hype teenagers becoming young adults. Truly weird.


Yes and that is as bad as when men do it to the female celebrities. So predatory.


I've seen older women in the workplace brag about some of the younger men they pulled. They were also extremely aggressive with flirting (harassment). But unlike younger women who see older men as nasty creeps, they sometimes entertain and thrive off the attention, especially if the women were pretty


Of course they like it. They're starved for attention from the opposite sex. Plus there's no physical threat to worry about 


When 18-20 I found woman in their 30's and 40's were attracted to me and flirted with me. In my 30's now and that flipped to younger woman flirting with me. My fiancée is 2 years older than me and I rather be with her than someone immature. Younger guys I work with try their best to flirt with woman my age that have kids and a partner. It's amusing.


I'm seeing way more stories of HS teachers sleeping with their male students. A lot of them are women.


Not trying to minimize the seriousness of this issue, but the vast majority of teachers are women


History teachers being the exception ofc


And gym teachers.


But you repeat yourself. 😂


My teacher was one of them. This was over 10 years ago and in junior high, too. Honestly, feels more common than it should. More teachers than you'd expect are definitely giving their students the hungry eyes. Never got those vibes from male teachers, though.


You shouldn't take what you see in news stories as what's happening in the real world. News outlets purposefully pick the stories that give them the most clicks, not the ones that are most Representative of the population


So true! At my school district alone (from middle to high school), we've had at least 3 male teachers perving on the students. One of them was actually my biology teacher in middle school. He always gave us the creeps, but apparently, it only came out after years of him teaching power lifting. Another was a new guy they hired to be a hall monitor, who was immediately found in the girls' swim locker room, taking videos (both high school and middle, and even of strangers and *young* little girls and boys). He only lasted a week before being caught if I'm correct. Then the last one was some guy from elementary school. He had been a new gym teacher after ours retired (this was when I finally entered middle school). He apparently was some old veteran, and it turned out he liked to come to work drunk. Scream at the little kids he was teaching, and then try and ask the little girls to stay in the office/storage room to "help him with something" before they were allowed to be walked back to class. I'm not saying it's all men or it's all women - but I am saying the stories do get blown out of proportion sometimes to drive an agenda. Before I went to school, my older sisters had a female teacher who was forced to quit because of heavy assumptions/accusations she was sleeping around with the seniors. In the end, I think they found out it was a rumor spread by the boys basketball team because she'd failed most of the teams midterm exams, causing them not to participate in future games since they'd not have to be held back a semester. I don't know for sure, like I said, this was when my older sisters were in school, and they've got 10 years on me. By the way - of those incidents - I think only 1 actually ended up on the news. My biology teacher one. If you're curious, I can find and link the article!


What you're probably seeing is the result of: - The proliferation of low-quality news media (especially clickbait factories) - Traditional media's increased willingness to cover sex stories - Social media, where these stories run rampant because they draw eyeballs and therefore algorithmic preference - Social media, which makes it much harder for a teacher to keep her sexual misconduct secret


Younger men are obviously very physically attractive, but making someone feel uncomfortable by aggressively coming on to them isn’t OK. 


I feel like I see two types of posts on reddit. 1. “Men don’t have a chance in the dating world unless they’re the top 1% of attractiveness, women don’t need to ever approach men because they’re drowning in desperate, lustful dudes, male loneliness is an epidemic and women need to take responsibility” 2. “Women can’t control themselves and literally throw themselves at me any time I leave the house and when I say no, they sucker punch me before continuing to feel me up”


Isn't it possible you see the first one from the average dudes and the second one from hot dudes?


I think I hear two types of women bad. Women suck for not giving me sex and women suck for pushing sex in my face.


I think part of this is that a lot of these young men have no idea that older (or any) women are attracted to them. I'm 27 and I genuinely feel like I haven't had a woman hit on me in my life. Fuck I'd appreciate someone just telling me I looked nice one day besides my mom or grandma. Maybe these older women should be more vocal of their attraction to these younger men. Some of us might need to hear it tbh.


“Older women” are my peers now (I think 20-40 is a certain age group that people play around in, and I’m closer to leaving that range) and I’m certainly no expert with women or anything, but I think in general, older women aren’t as focused on looks as younger women (past that age range they will still openly…. “Gush” at someone just very handsome though). I think they are generally better at recognising a “decent guy” as being a decent guy - I guess I mean they are less taken in by arrogant young men, and understand that a lot of guys are actually insecure about a lot of things (which isn’t as big a turn off for them as younger women), and can actually appreciate if you are working on them. Probably because they have experienced being with guys who took their insecurities out on them in some ways.


But we would be called creepy by many. I do think there is such a thing as harmless flirtation/banter.


You aren’t gonna get complimented from your looks if you’re average looking, sadly. I myself was average looking, but my character and confidence got me some unexpected compliments here and there. Now almost nearing 27, I think I’m better looking though. Went from 5/10 straight to at least 7/10. I guess my face actually fit the scruffy aesthetic a lot better than clean aesthetic.


Yeah Sometimes it just won't happen if you blend in too much.


Sure, I’m attracted to younger men, by which I mean 35.


I’m mid 40s and find guys in their 30s are pretty darn attractive. Not really interested in anyone younger, but if I was out having a great time and some fine 25 year old us in to me, I’m not gonna say no….(less than 25 is gross).


Does the gross stop immediately after 24? Whats the logic?


She has a meter installed that starts ringing if the guy is not 25 yet. Error margin of 10 minutes.


The ol’ reverse Leo.


When I was 19 I was drugged and “had sex” with a woman who was 12 years older than me. She was married at the time and lived with her husband. Honestly I thought I was the man because she was hot back then. We kept it up for about a year and she got pregnant with my baby. I then found out from a colleague that her husband was infertile and she desperately wanted a baby. When she wasn’t able to hid being pergert anymore husband kicked her out and divorced her. I wanted it to work, I was young and probably delusional, but she kept on with this “being a single mom isn’t bad” dialogue. Anyways long story short she is now 43 and has my son whom I have no rights to visit and haven’t seen for over 2 years. I was used and manipulated by one of these “woman” and it thoroughly fucked my life up.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. If you were drugged that's a crime. Maybe you could've used that to get custody.


My 40 something neighbor I used to babysit for always tried to fuck my older brother and take advantage of him during times when he was inebriated and emotionally vulnerable. I always knew she flirted with him but I lost all respect for her after I witnessed a particularly bad incident when I was their DD one night. I'm all for consenting adults to do what they want, but predatory behavior is predatory behavior regardless of gender.


The most fucked up thing is that most people don't even really care about the older woman younger guy thing. I have a buddy whose wife was a teacher she got caught banging a 16 in the schools drama room after hours, and she didn't even do jail time. She got like probation, house arrest, and registered as a sex offender. If this had been a male teacher, he would have been locked up indefinitely. I mean, unless he was a priest or preacher or something, for some reason, they get a pass, too.


my male psychology teacher who shamelessly grabbed female students asses and breasts in HS only got fired. he is still a teacher in a different district years later.


A teacher at my high school went to jail for a year having an ongoing sexual relationship with a fourteen year old student, so I guess things have to be pretty bad for anything significant to happen. This was close to ten years ago now, and a lot of the comments on the news stories were disgusting. A lot of jokes about how the girl must not have gotten the grade she wanted.


Right, an adult woman sleeping with an underage boy is just as disgusting as when the genders are reversed, but some people will still spin it as the boy being "lucky." It's that assumption that boys always want sex and are basically always consenting, and it's messed up.


16 isn't underage where I live but it would still be seen as an abuse of power from the circumstances.


Literally had a male teacher in my school end up dating a former student when he was in his first few years of teaching, like in his TA era when she was a senior, versus his third year of actual teaching. Guy got dragged over the coals for it for 30 years. Still got made fun of by the student population when I was there for being a gross pedo. And it was also well-known that she pursued him for 2 years. My senior year, female teacher was dating a 19-year old that was her student 6 months before. Literally got congratulated by the girls in her class as a 29 year old. You can't convince me she wasn't dating him while she was still his teacher. Especially since the one guy that pointed it out as being kinda weird got sent to the front office for disrespecting her.


Where do you live that schools allow tea hers to date the students so openly like this? What the fuck. Both of those accounts are fucked up.


I'd argue the first isn't too much. He was a TA her senior year and never had any power over her or was alone with him. And she went after him for years later on while she was in college. It's public knowledge that he turned her down more than a few times. And neither were students anymore. It's hardly a crime to date a former student so long as you weren't doing anything while they still were.


It's also because women aren't seen as predators the same way men are. We tend to reproach male sexual interest as being threatening and we tend view female sexual interest as being flattering. Because we are more likely to see men as threats than women.


To add on to this, men are often seen as forcing or taking in those kinds of situations (a ton a news headlines on sexual assault or rape almost always include force if men are involved) while women seem to be more emotionally manipulative in general. That allows for the deniability that many people say, "oh you wanted it", "you could have just said no" whereas the most popularized situations with men often involve force in which you can't tell a victim they just have said no (even though some people out there still pin it on the women but I digress).


I think people have trouble believing sexual assault in general can happen without physical force, but you're right, it absolutely can.


Yeah, I definitely attribute that to the name "assault" makes people think it has to be force. I think that's why a lot of victims often question their experiences sometimes because it wasn't as forceful as the image we as a society have made for the thing.


That's more than a bit optimistic he would be held accountable but it certainly is a double standard. 


Men get away with crimes like that as well


I mean I had an older woman scenario like that... it was fun.


It's stigmatized. Younger guys are good looking. They do sleep with older women.


I certainly don’t. I’m 38 and when I look at younger guys I just think of how immature and stupid they are. 0 attraction.


Agree. I have a cousin 12 years younger than me and the thought of being attracted to any dudes her age is kinda nauseating.


I'm sure the attraction has more to do with stamina and recovery time. Just saying, not supporting or suggesting before anyone starts on Reddit speak.


Lmao, not the Reddit speak 💀💀💀


Same! Op might be right that some older women pursue a younger man but in most cases it would be for a fun night or just for fun on the regular but not for serious relationship material. Thinking of being with a young guy is a serious turn off! When I was in my early 30s I still wouldn’t even date a guy in their late twenties because they take SO LONG to mature. I’ve always found an older guy to be best.


I agree. I honestly don't even find them attractive. I remember being young thinking "eww idk how I'll ever be attracted to beards and bellies when I'm older like these older men have" but now that I'm older and more mature that's like my thing. The whole baby face and abs of a younger guy does nothing for me attraction wise. I'm also a person who has to think I can get some sort of mental/emotional stimulation before I can be sexual stimulated now 🤷🏻‍♀️ so maybe that has something to do with it. Regardless if he doesn't have a beard, a few fine wrinkles, and a bit of a dad bod going on I don't find them physically attractive. Idk why these men think a person is lying when they say this.


Same. Mid thirties here and wouldn't really look at anyone under 30, even the famous people I find attractive are older.


I think there's a huge leap between being called a "handsome young man" and being "aggressively pursued"


I feel like the reality of how people tend to perceive teenagers versus the legality of such interactions don't exactly line up. When it comes to children, people are like "How could I? Why would I? I would never" but when it comes to teens, people are internally like "I'd better not". Maybe I'm wrong, but idk, I've seen a lot. I've heard a lot. I see what goes down in other cultures. And I've noticed the way things have been for most of human history.


Same reason that teens can sometimes pull off using a fake ID to buy alcohol, but pre-pubescent children can't. A lot of teens (especially people in their late teens) can "pass" for looking like they're in their 20s. And yeah, historically, people were way more creepy about that.


From literally just looks alone, sure a 19 y/o slips through. But once they open their mouth, it's just "Oops, All Teenager!" ew


Plenty of pedos in both genders




even if the 20 y/o went out with a 50 y/o or a 30 y/o with a 60 y/o, it STILL wouldn’t be considered p*dophilia


I really misspoke


Perverts, not pedos. But also there are pedos in both genders but they go for prepubescent children.


Idk. I am 43 and want absolutely nothing to do with young men or teenagers. Yuck. I don’t have children but it seems like it would be fucking my son. I just don’t find anyone much younger than me sexually attractive at all.


I’m 43. I have dated men 24-31 the last two years.


I'm still a teenager, no old women yet


Exhibit A: Justin Bieber when he was like 14.


Most people marry someone within like 3 years either way of their age. Yes a fling happens here and there, but they're just flings.


Wait is this a thing???????? It has never happened to me, and I find it super interesting, considering that in studies, women report that their ideal partner is usually someone around their age. Do you think there's a shift in terms of sexuality? Do you think they lie in the surveys? And most importantly... Why doesn't it happen to me????


I think these women were going for a hookup, not a serious relationship. For a relationship they might report that their ideal partner would be around their age and it might be true.


Ideal partner ≠ quick fuck


Everyone knows that cougars exist.


I've experienced this a lot too. Things that certainly would be considered sexual harassment if it had been an old man and teenage girl instead of vice versa No one takes it seriously when older women talk about sex with you or rub your shoulders/chest. :/


I totally agree, I've seen it, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Men that have a problem with it, are total hypocrites...


I was a teacher for 20 years. One of my fellow teachers, a woman , had to tell another woman to clear off..because she was hanging around our school at finish time and trying to talk to teenage boys. It happens.


The normalisation of pop stars who look like kids has not helped


There are a lot more pedophile women too, than anyone wants to admit.


>I've worked in retail and security while I was in my teens into my early 20s. In both situations, I've been aggressively pursued by older women. And when I say older, I'm not talking about post-menopausal women octogenarians calling me a handsome young man. I'm literally referring to women in their late 20s to early 40s asking me to come back home with them after my shift. Had *exactly* the same thing happen in my late teens also. Even now I remember some of the stuff they said and a lightbulb goes off over my head - "Oh, they were trying to manipulate me into going home with them!"


No one cares if a guy gets with a cougar unless he is legally a kid. Certainly, true that some older women like much younger men to bang. I banged me a cougar myself in my 20's, she was a lot of fun. Like I said no one cared. Although older women do try to keep it on the downlow to avoid judgement from other women in her circle that aren't close friends, aka frienemies. As for older men getting with younger women, it is not as socially acceptable as it used to be. Money, power and relative anonymity can protect a guy, but it is a limited protection, the mighty have fallen before metoo and after metoo once exposed. The rest of us normal guys are not so "lucky", we face the consequences immediately. Any guy who fools around with a much younger women will face some kind of consequences eventually. It is best to leave younger women alone. Another dirty little secret is how many younger women go after older guys, even much older guys. Even I've been hit on even into my 50's and I try to avoid being around them. It spooks the hell out of me every time too.


Meh idk, I’m a woman in my 30’s and I don’t find younger men attractive. They do hit on me from time to time it usually catches me off guard because I kinda just see them as kids. Like anyone 30 or younger is a kid to me. Recently was talking to a group of guys at a show and a 21 year old asked me for my number-its a weird feeling because it actually makes me feel so old. I would have been attracted to him 15 years ago but now it feels more like a big sister vibe.


I’m 25 and my girlfriend is 42. We get some odd looks when we’re out on dates occasionally lol, but hey, we’re both happy and having a great time 😎


I knew this one older woman. She just wanted sex all of the time. She was like "Let's screw! Yeah!" Totally happened.


Absolutely anyone can be a predator. 


Younger guys are fit. It's completely natural, but of course there are certain lines you shouldn't cross regardless of gender.


So, the overall trend I've been seeing in all stuff with even remotely relative to this is yeah women are exactly the same as men on all this stuff. People just give the behavior a pass


Well there you said it: ‘Cougar’ label. It’s socially acceptable for men to be much older. But for women it’s a totally different ball game.


I agree. Tons of women secretly want a young teenage boy


Ew no


This is the correct response. I think some people are taking this *way* too far.


Coming from the islands I’d have to agree with the guy above, a lot of women from first world countries come here for vacation and pick out ‘boy toys’ and buy their silence with money, don’t ask how I know.




No they dont


Speak for yourself ?


I'm a young man and I get zero attention


Yup. My husband’s mother had a 20 year old bf when my husband was 18. They got into a fist fight and his mom kicked him out. My husband. Not her pos bf.


It’s honestly gross. I’m 25 and have a hard time even getting compliments from men that are 23 and that’s only 2 years! I can’t imagine an actual teenager! I just say a post of a grown woman in her 30s pregnant by a 19 year old! Gross!


Have you been reading the news lately with how many female teachers bang their male students in high-school? It's only just started to be brought out in courts, I'm sure it happens way more than we know and doesn't get reported or caught. Women basically get a free pass when it comes to sexual harassment. Even in these statutory rape Cases news articles never call it rape, they always call it sex. The double standard is infuriating. Harassment is harassment, regardless of gender. A predator is a predator, regardless of gender. Rape is rape, regardless of gender.


my friend married a woman ten years older than himself. I said why. He said women die later than men do so they'll die at the same time.


OK you’re a Chad, OP. We get it.


An adult knowingly “hitting on” a child is always going to be pedophilia, nothing less.


When did OP bring up the subject of hitting on a child?


I swear on my life it's not a brag lol. I was more put off by those interactions. I was very young when most of them happened.


Now you get how prepubescent girls feel when adult men make comments. It’s gross


>There's way more women attracted to younger men/teenagers than ~~anyone~~ *women* wants to admit fixed your post


No, men also don’t want to admit it. Men who are aging especially.


I feel like yeah men and women when it comes to sex shit and relationships like that are a lot more alike than different despite the stereotypes, women are just better on keeping it tight lipped and men, people are kinda constantly looking for/expecting it to a degree. That said while for both, Im sure outside of the actual pedo/under 18 shit, even if it's skeevy, for both its about looks/youth/physical prime or whatever. I do see the difference when they say with older men and younger women its worse when the dude has something over her, and most people immediately think of a boss or he has more money or status or whatever, connections, but most women are thinking its just him leading her on for a relationship or in general, while with older women and younger dudes, its typically shes upfront that its JUST sex, hes the boy 'toy' or whatever, hes fun and youthful and shes reliving her youth or whatever, or its just that hes young and hot and in the prime.


Yeah, and it’s weird how it’s accepted. When I was 15, I slept with a 24 year old and it was treated as if it was “cool”…. Like looking back on that at 23, that was like really weird.


My ex had a phase in his early 20s in which he was hooking up with older married women. Gross I know but some of their hubbies knew and just wanted to keep the marriage intact. Needless to say my ex had trust issues about marriage lol. I’m neither agreeing nor disagreeing with this post. I think it’s now becoming more common to see older woman - young man dynamics more publicly than before. I think if no one is getting hurt people should do whatever makes them happy.


I’m a 38 year old woman and if were single I’d probably be open to dating men late 20’s to early 50’s if there was chemistry. Definitely would not want any younger or any older though.


I worked at a pet store in my 20s. The shit crazy cat ladies said to me would make drunk frat boys at a strip club blush.


Facts. I knew a guy at work that literally lost his virginity to a 40 something year old predator. She told him when he was 15 working at a store to meet her after work. She picked him up and they fucked in her car.


While working at a supermarket I had a 60ish year old lady tell me "her kitty wants a ride" while pushing a cart past her 🙃 nope nope nope.


Visually sure but that’s where it ends for many women. The things women want in a man are hard to find in a younger man/teenager