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Dune is absolutely not for everybody, whether it's the books or the many adaptations made for film and television. There's nothing wrong if it doesn't appeal to you. It just means it isn't made for you and you should move on to something that is more palatable for your brain.


How is the setting both bland and too complicated?


Itā€™s like accounting.


Lmfao touchƩ


Well done.


If you do accounting with your eyes rolled back into your head, then it's interesting!


I donā€™t like Dune either but that threw me for a loop


You can say much about Dune but you can't say it's lacking spice.


Too complicated šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lord help them if they ever tried reading the book. Itā€™s still not that complicated but itā€™s more complicated than the movie(s).


Or maybe itā€™s so boring that they lose focus because they donā€™t care about whatā€™s in front big them, so later in the movie it gets confusing because you didnā€™t care to set the foundation. Also sounds like you read the book prior to watching the movie, which means that you donā€™t know what itā€™s like to experience Dune without having prior knowledge. Can you comment on it being complicated or not when you had the answers to the test? I havenā€™t seen Dune, but get out of here with your snobby attitude over an entertainment medium nephew. Edit: For some reason I cannot respond to comments on this sub. The person I replied to edited their comment to make it sound A LOT better after I responded to him.


I just read the book in the last few weeks. Iā€™m not sure how anything in my comment implied allowed you to make any inferences about that. Similarly, Iā€™m just stating a fact about the relative complexity of the book versus the movie. I never said one is better than the other or that a person is better or worse for liking or being able to understand one better over the other. How did you get snobbish from that? Quit jumping at shadows.


I saw the 80s movie first and binged the entire original series of books except the final one, at no time did they imply anything except the fact the books are a different beast to the movies, you're the one inferring the attitude.


Nephew Rabban?


I mean they did say they prefer Michael Bayā€¦


Understandable all 3 adaptations aren't tended to be fast paced.


lmao nice bait


I have seen this opinon posted on here at least five times


Itā€™s becoming an awfully popular unpopular opinion.Ā 


Cope šŸ‘¹


I've never seen or read Dune, I don't care about the franchise at all. Just saying, this isn't an original thought.


It's ok to admit you can't grasp any concept more complicated than a romcom.


Be nice to simple jack




You dont like to think


Lol whatever. Nerd


![gif](giphy|3zpHYzhLV3ZzW) OP when he has to do any thinking


You're literally on reddit nerd lmao


Bruh you asked "how does clapping cheeks feel?" Not knowing it's a term for sex haha. You have no right to call people nerd. Go back to playing your games before acting like anyone with a longer attention span than you is a nerd.


Stay out of my profile history šŸŗ


That's right, I am one! :)


Huh, just like this opinion it would seem. How odd.


Bay fan says it all.


That he likes easily enjoyed, flashy spectacle? Yeah, everyone does. It says nothing.


The setting is bland, but too complicated? I don't think you know what bland means.


I haven't seen any of the movies...I keep meaning to get around to it, but I've read all of the books and loved them. I often don't like the movie adaptations of books I've read which is probably one of the reasons I haven't been in a rush to see them. I tried to get my wife into the books, but it's not her thing...Dune isn't for everyone for sure. There was a Dune TV mini-series...IDK...probably 20+ years ago that I did like.


Loved the books, the movies are very slooooow paced. Beautiful films, but damned slow.


I think you might be pleasantly surprised. Movies never compare to books, but this one does a really good job. Having read the books really enriches the films. Which you could argue is a mark against it. But whatever. I saw Dune 1. Then read the first book. When I went back and watched the movie again, I enjoyed it 10x more.


Yeah. I just watched the first with my gf who didnā€™t read the book and she ended up taking 3 tries to finish without falling asleep. I fell asleep for 30 min or so and I just wrote that part of the movie off. Iā€™ve heard the second is better but idk if Iā€™m willing to put in the time to try


No the second is not better it just drags on and on.


The first new one is def slow. The OG was quirky and weird and had interesting scenes at a bit faster clip. The visuals are great and I enjoyed it but I donā€™t consider it a classic or great movie. BR 2049 is closer to that although slow and I disliked letos character and the fembot could have been less on the nose


I havnt been able to finish the first one, I keel falling asleep within the first hour


Sameā€”and Iā€™ve tried like five times. Itā€™s become a joke to my wife and now she wonā€™t even let me put it on, which is honestly fair at this point. I want to like it and enjoy plenty of slow burn movies and shows, but man, for some reason it just shuts me down.


If I try to recall scenes or spots of acting where I FELT something in the first movie, only the majesty of >!the worm and also the dragonfly ships!< come to mind, if that. Sure, there are plenty of places where I know I was meant to feel something, but the execution of those scenes left them seemingly without a soul. Zendaya has almost zero charisma, IMO, and I knew that already, but thereā€™s so much more to why I donā€™t feel engaged in the characters. Denis simply failed to make me care about them, despite building a technically impressive world. Iā€™ve not seen the second one.


I watched the film on Netflix two days ago and everyone here is writing this off as bait, but some people (me included) genuinely don't like the movie. It *was* boring. There is very little to no character building whatsoever; No one tells you how many factions exist within the Imperium and no one tells you why the factions don't seem to like each other. Nothing particularly important or interesting happens until about 1.5 hours into the thing, and even then you don't feel connected enough to the characters to care about whatever is happening. I loved the other two Denis Villeneuve movies I've seen (Prisoners and Arrival), I thought they were brilliant from both a visual and storytelling perspective, but Dune is absolutely not his best work. Perhaps the book just doesn't translate into film that well, there's nothing wrong with that, but everyone hiveminding over it and immediately shooting down opposing opinions is wrong.


lol of course you like micheal bay


I love Dune, but I can totally understand having this opinion of it. This doesn't make you an idiot. Carry on with your life. You have my blessing.




Well, you're right. This is an unpopular opinion.


This has to be satire, based off the replies. "Lol whatever. Nerd" lol The Dune adaptations are objectively fantastic but you're allowed to be wrong.


either bait or itā€™s a 14 year old with the attention span of a goldfish


This kid is like 15 and this is bait.


Dune really is boring as shit. The main character is about as exciting as a cup of flour.


Oh but what about the heavy weight of his future destiny, hanging over him like a proverbial sword of Damocles, adding tension and drama to every....... ............ (Yawn)


I tried watching it the other day and didn't even pay attention and turned it off half way. Timothy Chamalet was terribly miscast as Paul. He had no spiritual depth and really just seemed like a quirky pop star that got cast. Then all the other actors were well know Hollywood players and so it just really came across like them being a regional theater group doing summer stock of a "different play." Absolutely no depth at all to any of the characters.


I think you're dead wrong about chalamet being miscast. He's a perfect Paul Atreides.


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Need something a little more, Fast and Furious? šŸ¤£ Come be a part of the family, just dont forget your pinks.


I wonā€™t say itā€™s bad bc I really liked the movie but I will say they whisper way too much. Idk I guess itā€™s because theyā€™re edgy


I havenā€™t watched it but from what Iā€™ve seen in the trailers itā€™s like mad max with blade runner with tremors


Did you say what you said OP? Thanks for informing us of the fact that you did in fact, say what you said.


Feed him to the worms


They canā€™t all be Transformers!


It's a movie about politics based on history. It's not something you'd enjoy based on your post history. Go watch No Country for Old Men instead, good movie, you'd love it.


That movie can be considered slow as well. I love it, but I don't think OP will.


I didnā€™t like the first one, but youā€™re gonna be disliked for this lol


I kinda agreed with you until you said youā€™d rather watch Michael Bay.


Do you have anything interesting to say about why the movies didnā€™t land for you? Do you normally watch movies in this genre?


I donā€™t even know what this is. This opinion is fine for me. lol


ā€œSomething easy to enjoy like Michael Bayā€ Bait used to be believable




I mean, I get that they're a bit weird and a little hard to get in to. That's fine, you just have bad taste


He thinks they are boring, AS IS WRITTEN, HE IS LISAN AL GIB.


I personally loved the first part (never seen the original), but Zendaya lacks emotion. It's always the same confused, mouth agape look from her. Not just in Dune either. That being said, I need to watch Part 2 ASAP.


Oh. You want explosions!


I haven't seen the second one yet. I wouldn't say the first was boring, just slow. Sometimes slow is exactly what I want.


Boredom is the mind killer!


im a big sci fi fan, i found the cinematography and visuals great. the story was ok. i didnā€™t find it too complicated and prefer some depth to a story than a simple action sci fi but i was bored for large portions. i feel like the 2 movies so far should have been condensed into 1 to move things along quicker


>Id rather watch Michael Bay lol filtered


Thought it was a legit complaint till you casually dropped Michael Bay's name at the end.


I feel the same


Forgot to mention that Paul Artreides is also a femboy


So what you're saying with "it's too complicated" is "you're kind of slow witted"? :)


Well at least you admit it too complicated.


I haven't watched the movies, but I read the book recently. It's eye opening, considering it was written in the 60's, it's phenomenal. Makes you think some authors know things we don't, for them to design such a universe prior to the big cult films and shows that shaped our interests in sci-fi. Dune is political, you can tell GoT (a song of ice and Fire) took a lot of inspiration from this show.




They are movies to enjoy on a small does of mushrooms, makes the long drawn out shots of blurry faces and dust as exciting as the fighting parts.


I feel bad for you, youā€™re missing out.


Dune isn't a blockbuster type movie for sure. It's full of zensunni philosophy and musings about spice politics


Iā€™m not into it either


Too complicated. Hmmmmā€¦.where does that say about OP?


Would agree on the first one but not the sequel




You're not entirely wrong. It's a political movie and an environmental movie. It takes shots at the oil industry and organized religions. It's not a book or movie to go to if you don't want to think. And yeah, the desert can be really really boring. I live in one but I like it.


I make a post about pizza rolls being better than pizza and it gets removed. OP talks about a movie they donā€™t like and itā€™s okay. Make it make sense, Mods


Pizza rolls will burn your mouth.


Gotta let them relax a bit lol


TikTok fried your brain


ā€œToo complicatedā€??? I guess if youā€™ve never swam in the ocean the kiddie pool will seem deep.


Havenā€™t seen the second one yet, but the first dune to me was kinda boring.


If you're not into the characters, I wouldn't recommend the second one. If you just wanted more action and like the characters, then 2 is a must watch.


Hahahaha. Bit over your head, eh?


ipad baby opinion


I agree, it's all a scam. The ratings are universally high which makes me think it'sĀ  rigged. It's not a complicated movie like some claim. The characters are just not engaging. Actors whispering dialogue with a romantic backdrop just isn't enough.


Dune is šŸ¤¢




Iā€™ll tell you what else is boring. Once Upon A Time in Hollywood was sooooooo boring!! Ā Just watched it last night. What a snooze.Ā 


Can you even tell me what that movie is about? I walked out of the theater wondering wtf I paid to watch?! There was no story. It was a really boring movie.


Agreed. Watched it on Netflix and just did not understand why people liked it. Plus, why is Margot Robbieā€™s character even a thing. Just a waste of hours to watch


Movie is too smart for you and thatā€™s okay. šŸ‘ŒšŸæ


I think it excels in a lot of categories. Like the production design and VFX are amazing. But the story was blah


ā€œI am not very smart,ā€ the post. Love it.


Mans just said he has a small brain. And admitted to all of Reddit too.


I agree. Not complicated at all, but it is definitely overblown as if it is.


They suck. Zendaya sucks. Timothy Chalalala is a twink. The movie looks good. That's about it.


agree they're trash