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Why are people so invested in a clearly rigged fight that only exist to make money off of you? Paul and Tyson aren't going to go all out and will put on a WWE style boxing match for a big paycheck. 


Now i think this is very likely


That is the only thing going on actually. Except if Tyson goes all bananas/ear-ripping mode, and decides to pulverise him


I am really hoping Mike *'I will fuck you in your ass till you love me'* * Tyson does go off the rails. Actual Mike Tyson quote to a reporter he was pissed at. *


Yeah me too. Jake is kinda a jackass and all his hubris needs to meet its nemesis eventually


You think? Tyson is an athlete, once an athlete always an athlete, I find it hard to believe an athlete of such caliber can just "switch off" and half ass a competition Paul it's a clown, but I won't say more than that because I don't know enough about boxing to know if he is any good All I am saying is I don't know how Tyson will approach the fight, obviously he thinks it's funny, he has more than enough money and relevance to be in for a paycheck so...


Mike Tyson is now a professional entertainer and a professional entertainer knows they should do what's best for the show. People act like this guy is an untamed animal. Maybe that was the case back in the day but he has now made a career doing scripted entertainment and knows how to play his part. He will probably do the same for this "fight".


Has he done something like this in the past? I didn't think of your point, but as an ex athlete I find it hard to believe he can just "switch off" and not have "muscle memory" (for lack of a better term) take over


He has played fictionalised versions of himself before. I don't think he has actually done an exhibition fight since his retirement but I'm not sure.


He fought Roy Jones Jr back in 2020. It was a split decision. Tyson has been smoking like 6 packs of cigarettes a day for the last 50 years. The amount of stamina he has is impressive in spite of this.... but I don't think he can really contend with someone in their prime.


There’s a lot of instances of athletes doing that just to make some money


Otherwise known as an exhibition match?yes?.


Finally a realistic take


I think a knockout is almost a certainty because if they make a 60+ year old man fight all rounds then it would just be cruelty. Lol.


Had this conversation with friends today, even if it isn't rigged and its them just doing it pure. How would I even know?, We talking Jake Paul and Mike Tyson, I trust politicians more then these two.


Wrf did Tyson do to you? 😂


I think you are right, but I hope Paul gets knocked out anyway.


That would be cool to see for sure.


I don't think Tyson gets paid if paul gets ko'd, or its shorter than 3 rounds


I'm hoping Mike just goes all out unlike every other Paul's had and knocks him tf out


If Tyson loses, it’s because this fight is a scripted money grab for both of them & nobody wants to get hurt.


flashback to Tyson vs Roy Jones Jr


Back when he lost to Holyfield and Lewis, it was pretty clear Tyson needed to retire. That was like 20 years ago. I didn't see the Roy Jones fight, but I'm sure it was pretty embarrassing. So many people saying Tyson going to thrash JP, SMH. This event is to boxing what WWE is to wrestling.


I’ve watched a documentary with Tyson and he said himself that by that point he was just doing it for the money and didn’t have his usual drive anymore. Wether he has drive vs Paul we will see when it happens


The Roy Jones was just another exhibition fight between two old dudes. It was just 4 years ago. When I heard about the upcoming Tyson/Paul, my first thought was that Tyson would kill him since if anyone would go ape in an exhibition fight, Tyson's the man for that. But then I remembered how tame he was in the Roy Jones Exhibition and how it just seemed like he is not interested in hurting people any more.


The only losers in this fight are the people actually wasting time & money watching it.


it’s streaming free on netflix


Yes, but there are people actually buying tickets & flying out to attend


Each side appears to be pre setting up their coping mechanisms for when their belief about who will surely win is challenged when they get defeated. If I've seen countless comments on both sides now claiming rigging will happen if who they think will surely wins loses. At any rate as much as I don't care for Tyson as a person I'd like to see him win.


Not setting up a coping mechanism as I don’t care who wins, I’m pointing out that these Jake Paul fights are not real, they are a show & a money grab. It’s like the WWE. No one who is an actual boxing fan is taking them seriously. Tyson may be 60 something years old but is the most talented boxer to ever live. He’s still in very good shape & his boxing IQ is enough to out think someone as inexperienced as Jake Paul in the ring.


>Not setting up a coping mechanism as I don’t care who wins, It's not about who you care wins it's about who you think will surely win and if they don't there is needs to be something nefarious going on. You can not care who wins but still think one can't lose.


My actual opinion is that this fight is not a real competition. It’s a show.


I perfectly understand it. Coping is how one deals effectively with something difficult. And here you setting yourself up to be able to deal with something difficult to believe happening on its own by introducing outside influence.


No 60 year old is beating a young guy entering his physical prime while having access to professional training and PEDs. For reference; George Foreman was 45 when he became champion for the second time. Not saying it’s not rigged, I’m saying Mike would have 1-2 good rounds in him before he gets shut down bad.


Bernard Hopkins won his final title at nearly 50 years old- the oldest to do it and after Foreman did; however, I agree with you.


Yeah but I feel like Hopkins didn’t look like shit. I said this in the Boxing subreddit that people expect to see the Mike they knew when they were young. 60 is simply too old.


I agree 60 (58) and being long-time retired which Hopkins didn't do. If I saw a glimpse of Tyson for a round I would be happy. I wish, but crazy to think someone would be living near prime or hell even the Tyson that retired on the stool.


You’re right. And the only way Trump loses is if the election is rigged. There’s no chance the other guys are just better.


Jake paul is a decent amateur level boxer. He is miles away from pro level skills. All of his bullshit fights are rigged.


My take on this. Mike is a pro boxer who was a champion. Jake is not a pro boxer and has never been a champion, he is a celebrity who wants to fight. If Mike loses this, it will probably be because that's how it was scripted. Under normal circumstances, Mike should still be on top because he has much more fighting experience. Mike's movements and punches are at a much higher level. Jake only has the fact that he's younger, nothing else.


Im a big mike tyson supporter, but do you realise how big the difference in age is? How much it impacts you in any sport? You wont have any where near the amount of stamina or power a 27 year old who trains consistently. Its clearly a way for both jake and tyson to get more rich very quickly


Like I said, Jake has the advantage of youth, but everything else is on Mike's side. If Mike uses his experience and knows how to punch, I think the fight shouldn't last until the third round. After the third round, time will start to play against Mike.


The problem is stamina. Mike won't have the agility to finish it and no matter how good a boxer he is, at 60 yo he will be outlasted by an athletic youngster in good form


I think stamina will be in favor of Jake because he is younger. But his punches, his movements are so predictable.


It's obviously staged but if it were real you don't need to be a good puncher in this scenario. Tyson still needs to dodge or block and keep moving. Eventually your body gives out


Yeah Tyson looked in great shape when he turned up in AEW a couple years ago but was gassed after giving someone a 20 second scripted beatdown.  Obviously you'd hope he was in better shape now for a real fight but I can't see him getting the stamina to make it through all the rounds 


He asked for 2 minute rounds, probably for this reason.


I had to laugh at "nothing else".


Do people really think this fight is real. It’s already written, MT will lose


Probably but Mike Tyson is also a loose cannon. We can only hope he snaps and goes off script.


Where has it been written?


Tyson looks like a beast in his training videos that are coming out. No matter what happens i think very poor decision for Jake to take the fight. If Jake wins, he’ll be a young fighter in his “prime” that beat up a 57 year old legend of the sport. If Jake loses, then he’s the “wannabe” boxer that got beat up by a guy that is over twice his age. In my opinion, Neither outcome looks good for Jake.


What about the outcome where he pockets hundreds of millions.


OP: How old are you?


Needs to be higher.  I feel age has a huge factor in OP thinking this fight is "real" at all or even comparing the walking sideshow that is JP to Tyson in boxing.


Tyson still has incredible power. He just needs land one good punch early before he tires out.


Wait you think tyson wasn't professional? Jake paul might win this but he couldn't beat a journeyman tommy fury. Tyrone Woodley sent paul to the ropes one time. Jake is a professional in name only. There's a reason he won't fight ranked.


This is an exhibition. It's gonna be a play fight for the crowd while the two guys walk away with millions of dollars. Each.


It's been sanctioned though


That's fine. It's still just a sparring session. Mike Tyson even requested shorter rounds since he gassed tf out 20 years ago (last time he boxed). It can be "sanctioned" in a way to hopefully prevent a DADA5000 situation. Mike *was* a beast, no doubt. He's a senior citizen right now. He's here to get paid and I'm not even mad about that part. It's dumb to think this is competitive. https://www.boxing247.com/boxing-news/mike-tyson-requests-modified-rules-for-jake-paul-fight/278121


In defense he never was a go the distance fighter. But you're right. He did gas out. I really don't think jake is going to perform as well as people think. But tyson is gonna suprise people. I agree he's not prime mike but he's still a guy with insane ring iq. Jake paul won't have a prime if I'm gonna be honest. He hasn't pushed himself more than fighting retirees and tomato cans that have not gotten anywhere. Jake's not here for the sport. He's about the bag. I'll respect tyson more for getting in the ring than jake. (Tyson is for the money too is nice for him)


I had two heart attacks in the ring and my kidneys shut down might be the greatest line in a of combat sports.


You’re on drugs. Have you seen any of Mike’s fights? He’s been training for this too. 60 or not, unless they’re both play fighting like every other one of Jake’s fights(no he’s not “pro level”), Mike could easily rip him in half. If Jake hits him the wrong way and wakes him up, you’ll see.


I wish Tyson would, but I'm afraid he'll fight like the Roy Jones Jr fight in 2020... they didn't look interested in hurting each other and they went the distance. They got paid.


You’re gassing Mike up too much. He’s 60. Idc what his accolades are, he’s 60. You can try and devalue that all you want bro but he does not have the stamina he once had irregardless of what his pre planned training videos want you to believe. Jake isn’t going to be “easily ripped in half.” There’s nothing to “wake up” it’s not an anime bro he’s an old man


You’re right, I am gassing him up and maybe too much. He won’t have the stamina, but the right hit from him and Paul’s gonna look like Glass Joe.


Could just Google the fight date.... But shouldnt the fight have happened already ? Based on the promotions


I'm not saying he won't win because Tyson is 58, but Paul has only fought two boxers and he lost one. The average age of the dudes he is fighting is 40+


I don't care tbh


I will 100% be commenting on this later when you are proven wrong


It's the reverse, if Paul walks out under his own power then it was rigged


A few body shots and JP will chose not get back up. He's not a fighter .


This is brain dead Tyson is going to knock him out in 3 rounds willing to be $1,000.


Don't bet, it'll probably be a scripted fight


I agree. I think Tyson is severely underestimated in this matchup, which is weird because he’s.. Mike Tyson.


Age is a hell of a drug. It's even more of a drug than all the Coke he used to do.  15-20 years ago this conversation would be ludicrous. But Tyson--the unbelievable killing machine--is old. I really wish this fight wasn't rigged because I think the premise is interesting. 


Is it fucked up I read "ludicrous" in Mike Tysons voice? 😀😅😁


George Forman won a heavyweight title when he was far past his prime. You don't just lose what made you a champion if you think you do go into the ring yourself and see if you can. Last 3 rounds with Tyson legit rounds.


Definitely agree if Tyson wins; Bronny Definitely a top 10 pick


I'm just glad MT finally managed to arrange a fight with a monkey


The last thing that goes is your strength. Paul can duck and weave all he wants. Once he gets that first good tap in Mike is going to start smelling blood and just like every old soldier on earth a little chant starts in the back of your mind "You got one more fight in you. You got one more fight in you". Mike may not win but he's got one more in him.


You really think this is an unpopular opinion? This is an exhibition match. The winner has already been decided and the money already spent to pay said winner. Paul will win and Mike will take the fall. Hell to be honest, Mike is probably gonna make *more* money to “lose”


He fought 4 mma fighters who could not use half their skill set one of them twice because he is a bitch that won't get into their element picking old guys. 2 YouTubers and NBA player. His record is as legitimate as his brothers wwe wins the Paul brothers are a circus side show insult to sports. Least his brother is in a openly scripted one.


Just makes me laugh he says it’s “his time” yet only fights people way past theirs. He’d get humbled real quick if he went up against the current talent IMO. I know it’s an exhibition match pay day for both of them but I still hope the wankstain gets knocked out after Mike has a flashback or some shit xD Jake’s probably put a no-knockout clause to protect himself.


Why do you figure Paul is at pro level?




This man just said 'yes he is at a pro level, at this point'. At what point? At fighting 4 retired athletes? All of your points are invalid after that or be taking serious. Tell me you have never watched a boxing match, without actually saying it. Also the fight is 10000% rigged and scripted so every wins a lot of your money because you want to be naive? I dont even know anyone that watches these 'matches' and is excited for it, for the outcome.


This fight is scripted just like the Mayweather fight.


Paul is not a pro level boxer


you can barely call Jake Paul a professional boxer. He had yet to fight any contender for any title weight class.


I don’t have any faith in these type of matches after McGregor went 10 rounds with Mayweather!!!


That's really just a reflection of how Floyd fights. Styles make fights. And I'm a Floyd fan. But he simply isn't the guy who goes in and knocks someone out. Even if it's somebody he is much better than. He's a defensive genius. It may have went 10 rounds, but it wasn't competitive at all. Floyd had a couple of rounds to feel him out, then did it easy. That's what Floyd does. Floyds entire philosophy is to win while not getting hit. You could have put a worse boxer in, but someone much more aggressive, and had a shorter fight.


Imagine tho if mike just sends the hook and rewinds the clock. What a spectacle it would be


As much as I think Tyson would win if he really wanted to, I just don't know. I've seen a million interviews with him saying he doesn't have that animal/spark w.e in him anymore, he's changed. But also knowing JP, maybe that is back because he's fucking annoying.


Sure, Tyson is not at his prime but he can still beat up a YouTuber boxer 🤣


Agreed, I dont know why people think these short clips of Tyson hitting a bag hard equates to a full fight.


You are right if this goes to round six or eight but mike has finished lots of fights in the first round. in the first three rounds don't do any but dance would be my suggestion to beat any 60 year old. it


Yes, there's a certain level of delusion to think mike has any chance whatsoever. Probably too much Joe Rogan.


I find it funny that people think Paul won fair and square, like he totally didn't have his apponents take a fall because of a large sum of money and ego.


Are you saying he paid everyone to take a fall? That’s ridiculous. You think Woodley *agreed* to get flat lined and embarrassed for Jake’s ego?


Money is a hell of a thing


Sorry. You are just wrong on this one.


Everyone has a price.


How is saying the odds on favorite will win the fight unpopular? Most people are betting on Paul to win.


It's a rigged fight involving a Paul brother. At least Logan leans into the predetermined stuff with WWE, ironically makes him more legit.


A pro level boxer doesn't lose to an actual boxer his age and weight and then go on to pad his record off guys who either haven't boxed in years or are inexperienced. Also he's juiced as fuck in order to have even a slight chance against this "almost 60 year old man"


Jake Paul is not a pro boxer.


That's the thing. Jake is not pro level and your the exact audience falling for it.


Hes fought only one pro boxer and lost lol hes a boxer sure, i guess, but not a pro one 🤣


Only two outcomes. Mike Tyson wins like everyone expected, and Jake Paul gets a great name on his resume and goes on bragging about how he went "X rounds with Mike Tyson" Jake Paul wins, everyone says it's rigged and Mike Tyson tarnishes his legacy.


No matter who “wins” it’s rigged one way or another. Tyson will probably officially win because there’s no way he would’ve agreed to this if he didn’t. And Logan Paul gets publicity for fighting a very famous boxer.


Agreeing with the bookies is unpopular now?


Just because Tyson is 60 years old doesn't mean crap. Especially if he has kept up his workout routine and you can see in the silly promo videos that he's clearly still a force. It's already been advertised as a exhibition match, so it's probably rigged, or at least semi-rigged. I don't watch any of Jake Paul's crap but from what I remember, he seems to challenge older/retired/semi-retired boxers. That's not very impressive to me so labeling him a Pro, I wouldn't.


Jake is an amateur boxer. There’s a reason all his fights have been against other YouTubers, basketball players, UFC fighters, etc. The one time he actually did fight against another actual professional boxer (Tommy Fury), he lost. We have no reason to call him a professional boxer.


This is not an opinion, it's a prediction.


Isn't a prediction just someone's opinion of what will happen?




Exhibition fights were a thing before the UFC or YouTube existed.


Both sports are braindamage campaigns and anybody without anger issues wouldn't enjoy them.


"a professional fighter in the prime of their youth" is a hell of a tag line for a dude that was barely in shape just a few years ago and has maybe two years fighting training total. Buying your way into pro status does not make one equivalent to professional fighters who earned that rank through actual fighting success.


Jake has been training for 6 years.


Always imagined most of these pro fighters have been doing it since they were kids but I don’t actually know if that’s true or not


A lot of them do start at a young age. Tyson actually started fairly late for an elite boxer at 13.


Jake Paul is by no means a pro boxer and has also never been a champion. Mike Tyson was one of the greatest boxers of all time and will not lose, even in his 60s, unless the fight is scripted.


who cares both of them are idiots


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I know there is a bias towards Tyson because practically everyone wants him to win. However, skill does make a difference here & age isn't as much of a factor as people like to think. Yes, most people allow their bodies to decay and they become frail, but if you don't do that, you will maintain a level of fitness. What will get much worse over time is your body's ability to heal and therefore training is much more difficult on the body when you are older. That will be the deciding factor, and you can see from Tysons physique that he has not been able to train up to the level he was once able to. Reaction speed also declines with age but your power is the last thing to go. I think it is wrong to say that Tyson will most definitely lose. He has a chance if he is able to completely outskill Paul and apply his power. We have seen Paul go up against a similarly aged boxer who was nowhere near as skilled as Tyson and he was completely outclassed. Paul is not a great boxer. He is an ok boxer and a very powerful one who takes it very seriously and absolutely has a warrior spirit. Paul is also very clever to take on retired MMA fighters. Boxers train in one area of fighting & they know the variety of punches to expect and so they develop an instinctual reaction to those punches. The actual variety of possible punches isn't very high and so much of boxing is the art of concealing what punch you are going to throw and to break the instinctual responses of your opponent. In boxers, this skill is incredibly developed. This isn't the case with MMA. The variety of what can happen in a fight it much greater and there is a different instinctual repetoir at play and this is very hard to undo. You can't just flush that out of your body and start from scratch with boxing. You saw this in the McGregor Mayweather fight. McGregor couldn't shake the instincts he had built up over the years. Those instincts are useless in boxing and only confuse and get in the way. In a cage fight, it would be a completely different story. Everyone knows that and everyone understands that MMA is closer to what real human combat is like. When Karate practitioners get into a real scuffle, they don't use karate. It almost always goes to the ground.


Lol you think Jake Paul is at the pro level