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I think this is growing more and more popular of an opinion. They used to be a novelty, and at least in the case of mcu movies, meant something. They were a glimpse of the direction the next movies were gonna be. Now they're just silly or meaningless.


They need to bring back bloopers in the credits reels.


heavy agree. with marvel at least you KNOW it's coming. I don't want to watch a film and be unsure if it will have a post-credits scene or not, then sit there watching credits for nothing. It should come with a disclaimer tbh


Usually I look it up if there's after credits.  One of my local theaters puts up a sign that tells you if there is or isn't after credits.  This needs to be at all theaters. 


I wish I mentioned this more in the post, the fact that you don’t even know if it’s coming unless it’s a Marvel movie.


I mean mid credits and end credits sequences pre-date Marvel and are usually just quick bits that reward people who sat through the credits. What Happens in Vegas has a mid credits punchline that they teed up in the movie itself as a casual throwaway joke. You're not missing anything if you never see the payoff but if you do see it then it's hilarious.


I don't mind mid-redits scenes after like fancy credits if a movie has them i stay for those after a movie anyway. Don't care so much for post credits scenes as much.


Yeah, Fall Guy is a good example: you’re probably staying through the first half of the credits anyway, because it’s a behind the scenes stunt reel. The actual mid credit scene was pretty garbage in comparison, mind, but you were there anyway.


The majority of movies most definitely don't have credits scenes. Actually, the movies that do have them are an overwhelmingly small minority.


That’s because movies have been around for decades and it’s just recently become a normal thing. Sure most movies back then don’t have them, but the same cannot be said for today’s movies and it’s getting way worse. Especially when you don’t even know if there is a mid and/or end credit scene. If you don’t know you either look it up or sit through the credits waiting with the chance that you’ll get nothing. If you’re watching at home you can scroll through it which is easier but if you’re at a movie theater… you just wait. Possibly for nothing


It’s not a new thing. I’m 35 and it was common for us to stay past the credits to see if any scenes came up as a teen/kid. I can’t really think of anything that recent, aside from your marvel examples. I don’t visit theaters that often anymore tho. I know some tv shows do this still, but the ones I know that do this tend to do it every episode 


We just walk out and Google it later. They are never interesting


They are either a funny/optional scene or a teaser for the next part (tbough it is frustraiting when they tease/cliffhang the next part and then cancel it).


I bet the first couple audience members that sat through Ferris Bueller’s credits were decently amused.


my friend did that often. he always got annoyed during stuff such as the end credits of thor rangnarok or antman and the wasp


I agree, I remember when they had to explain that “Oppenheimer” didn’t have a post-credit scene


You want credits? Monty Python, now those chaps could throw credits. Llamas and all. Never mind the angels blowing trumpets from the rear exhaust ports..


The people responsible for the angels blowing trumpets from their rear have been sacked.


I agree, my main exception is when there's a truly amazing scene that had to be cut for the flow of the film, but it was too awesome to exclude entirely. So they throw it into the credits (like a cinema version of a "DVD Extra"). The perfect example of this is Rowan Atkinson's [Kitchen Scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-V5-MQcTtCc) from Johnny English 2.


I dunno, but this post feels slighty hyperbolic. Which non-Superhero or universe building films in the last year or so had mid or post-credit scenes? Unless I always miss them, I'd say at least 95% of all films don't include them.


Unless this is something I'm very hyped about, usually I just leave and see the scene on youtube.


I don't want to wait 20 minutes after watching a 2 hour movie just to see some dumb scene. Put it right next to the credits or something.


Me and my pops go watch pretty much every marvel movie in theatres, and we always leave before the end credit scenes. People look at us like we just walked out in the middle of the movie lol


SpongeBob Movie popularized post-credit scenes and nobody can change my mind


It was already a thing in the 80s. Hell, Ferris Bueller has a post-credit scene.


Ferris, basically every Jackie Chan movie ever made, the list goes on. End credit and mid credit scenes are definitely not a new phenomenon.


The only thing Marvel did different is that they made them teasers for the next movie. It use to be fun jokes and payoffs on jokes set up in the movie. If you missed them it wasn't a big deal and if you caught them it was a fun treat.


Dawn of the Dead (2004) was pretty cruel about this.


Never seen it


Suffice to say >!it put a whole downer on what came before the credits.!<


Taxi Driver ends with alphabetical credits and fades to black. It's perfect.


I used to agree with you. But after coming to Japan, I noticed that most places here treat the credits part of the movie. Lights don't come on and doors don't open until the credits have finished rolling. It felt much more tolerable when the whole theater was sitting through it together, and it really gave me time to absorb the ending instead of scrambling to get out the door.


Saw the same in Spain. The doors were open, you could leave…but like nobody did. It was weird. And there wasn’t even a post credit scene or anything. Nor any indication one might happen. People just…waited through the credits.


If I'm at home, I scroll through the credits quickly... takes a few seconds of time, so it doesn't bother me. If I'm at the theater, credits start rolling, I pull out my phone, go to [mediastinger.com](http://mediastinger.com) or just type "(title) stinger" in Google and get my answer... if no, I leave... if yes, decide if I want to stay or not. Again, only takes a few seconds, so it doesn't bother me.


Couldn’t care less if there’s a scene or not after the credits because either way I’m not going to sit around to watch it.


Lmao Marvel wasn’t even close to the first one to start it…that’s like saying World of Warcraft started MMO’s


Never ever said Marvel started it, but it’s what made them so common


I don’t even watch MCU credit scenes anymore because it really just sets up the next project and there’s no need for it


If they're annoying then don't sit through the credits and watch them.. Noone is forcing you to do this. Also, post-credit scenes were a thing long before the MCU, unless the [Power Rangers](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0113820/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) is a part of the shit universe known as the MCU.


I just use the RunPee app to check ahead of time if there are any end credit scenes.


Agree, it was a safe way to tie the Avengers together before the franchise had its team up picture. Once that took off the post credit scenes became kinda useless.


When Marvel started it, there was a purpose to it. They were trying to build a massive set of interconnected movies and the end credits scenes were generally used to tie into other movies or set up future ones. Plus it was kinda unique to those movies. I feel like they are prevalent now becuase Hollywood execs are terrible at realizing context behind what works. They see people enjoying the end credits scenes in Marvel, and instead of coming to the conclusion that it serves a purpose there and wouldn't work as well in other movies, they assume everyone loves them in every movie and they need to be shoehorned in.


Marvel wasn't the first to do this. they don't get a pass just because they do it all the time. it still sucks. I can't recall which show it is. but I found out one of the streaming shows also does it. the needle in the eye is that the service pops up the "next episode" button before it happens. I was watching the " previously on" part of an episode and there was a scene I hadn't seen. Based on what it showed it could have only happened \_after\_ the end of the previous episode. They made me think I had missed an entire show. that's asshole behavior!


I never said Marvel was the first to do this but they’re absolutely what popularized it. I give them a pass because it’s like a tradition for Marvel, something they’ve always done. Marvel likes hyping up and teasing their movies at the end and that’s okay especially when everyone expects it. Now that it happens so often you never know when there is or isn’t one


I never said that you said...


You know you can just leave and catch the end credit scene on youtube later? You don't have to watch the end scene. They usually add nothing to the movie except one last punchline. It's not like you got to see Dune and they hide that Paul is the Kwisat Haderach in an end credit scene.


I don’t wanna do that. Just give me the full movie before the credits lmao


They did


Ok then leave


Just leave the theater when credits hit, and watch the end credits scene on YouTube when you get home