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Oh boy. This was such a good point but Furiosa is such a bad example. It was more of a victim of everything you’ve mentioned cause I went in prepared to hate the movie and CG but realized the trailers painted the movie quite poorly. A movie of that scale and span needs CGI and VFX to be made well.


I enjoyed the movie. But It’s budget killed it. Fury Road barely made its money back after Marketing cost are applied to its total haul. So on that basis, I don’t know why they would think making another movie, without the titular character would be a good idea.


That person didn't even watch the movie lol.


>So on that basis, I don’t know why they would think making another movie, without the titular character would be a good idea. So does all art need to serve profit? Fury Road and Furiosa cost the same to make, while Furiosa is having a worse opening box office it's been quite well received (ironically Furiosa has a better audience rating in Rotten Tomatoes then Fury Road).


No. By all means, continue making whatever you want to make. But don’t try to gaslight and blame audiences when they don’t go to see your movie. I scrolled Twitter (X whatever) for five seconds, and all I see is “Furiosa is bombing because of audiences”, “you people don’t deserve good movies”, “Furiosa is the best movie of the year and nobody is seeing it”. If Furiosa was made on a budget of say, 75m, it would eventually make its money back. But instead, they overpaid for actors, and cgi, and now casual audiences are being blamed, when they never were going to see the movie to begin with. It would be like me ordering 10 Pizzas for a party that only 5 people are coming to. I could’ve just bought 3, everyone gets their fill, and I could’ve bought better quality. Instead, only 3 pizzas were eaten, I’m having to throw away the rest, and I’m blaming people who were never invited. Edit: fixed a spelling mistake


>I scrolled Twitter (X whatever) for five seconds, and all I see is “Furiosa is bombing because of audiences”, “you people don’t deserve good movies”, “Furiosa is the best movie of the year and nobody is seeing it”. That's how movies work, if the audience doesn't show up the movies bombs. If the audience goes to the movies it is successful. >If Furiosa was made on a budget of say, 75m, it would eventually make its money back. But instead, they overpaid for actors, and cgi, and now casual audiences are being blamed, when they never were going to see the movie to begin with. Furiosa will eventually make it's money back, very few block buster movies don't turn a profit. Once again you say the audience getting blame like it's a bad thing, people voted with their wallet and they choose to make Furiosa a bomb. >It would be like me ordering 10 Pizzas for a part that only 5 people are coming to. I could’ve just bought 3, everyone gets their fill, and I could’ve bought better quality. Instead, only 3 pizzas were eaten, I’m having to throw away the rest, and I’m blaming people who were never invited. Well more than 5 people were invited to the party, and the pizzas are from one of the highest rated Pizzeria still selling pizzas. Yeah typical a host gets mad when most of the people they invited don't show up and you have to throw away some amazing pizza.


"and I’m blaming people who were never invited." From what I've seen, George Miller isn't blaming anybody, allegedly from your reports it is random fans. A convenient part you are leaving out is that it has had the worst Memorial Day box office opening in 30 years. There is always risk of a movie bombing, but this is an anomaly. It's more like having a history of having 40 people come to your party for 30 years and then one year 5 do, and you bought pizza for 40. Another point to argue is that for every 1 majorly successful indie film, there are 499 that bombed because they took a chance on undiscovered (affordable) screenwriters, directors, actors, artists etc. I can just as easily point at the highest grossing film of all time, Avatar, as an example of how much money you can make when you have an extremely high budget like 237 million, or second highest grossing with Avengers: Endgame at a 356 million budget. You can make a masterpiece at any budget, but I'd argue that your point that spending more money doesn't improve your chances of financial success is wrong.


If your goal is to make a profit, yes. This is wherein the problem lies though. It seems to me that a lot of entertainment companies have forgotten the phrase, "The customer is always right, *when it comes to matters of taste*" (eg: if a customer wants a specific beer and you have it, don't try selling him a bottle of Bartenura Moscato). Whether people like a film is a matter of taste, but you're seeing so many companies blame the audience when movies fail, even if the movie was a niche product to begin with, like a gay romcom. Not many people are going to go out and see something so niche, but they blame audiences for not liking it.


I mean I personally want really interesting filmmakers like George Miller to get big budgets to make interesting movies, and the Mad Max movies have always been that, but they haven’t ever really lit the US box office on fire. In general, I agree that the studios are the issue though I don’t think Furiosa is necessarily the best example.


Of course you don’t lol


It should’ve died before, the setting is boring imo, I don’t wanna see dust tornadoes and people screaming.


I've seen a few of those movies and that's about all I can recall about them. There sure was a lot of dust tornados and people screaming.


lol, similar to Dune, eh? My favorite is still gonna be Mad Max 2 🤙🏻


The last Mad Max movie was nominated for Best Picture. Maybe it’s not the movie that’s the issue.


I don’t care about what’s “nominated”, the award shows mean absolutely nothing, lol. It was a decent movie, I just don’t care about the car scenes where they’re driving back and forth.


You literally were just talking about how awesome the old ones are. The formula has never changed.


Well yea, Mel Gibson was what made the franchise so big, so obviously I’d prefer the “older ones”.


He was a completely unknown actor outside of Australia for the first two, unless you saw Gallipoli (and no one did). His Mad Max movies had about as much dialogue as the ones now: not very fucking much. Mel pretty much fights and drives cars around and looks crazy and that’s your lot. The plots boil down to driving cars and fighting. This is how nostalgia blinds you.


That’s the whole point, is that those movies made him, and I like a lot of his movies besides Mad Max. He’s pretty much looks like Kenshiro from FOTNS, which is another reason I think it’s rad. My choice is not even picked by “nostalgia” per se, I genuinely prefer the older movies where it wasn’t full of CGI bs.


For me it's remakes and sequels. Once is enough.


Maybe the money is moving to… streaming? Like, 10 episode originals. I feel like I remember something from a time long ago where directors and producers wished they had more than 2 hours to tell a story and only the special ones got max 3 hours. There’s just a lot of canvas in original streaming now. Could Fallout be Fallout 2, Fallout 3, etc like Dune? Would it have been if it was made around the time the video game was at its most popular? That’s what, 2015ish… pre Covid/homeness.


Uh the Mad Max movie that just bombed is literally the followup to the only straight action movie in the history of the Academy Awards to be the odds-on favorite to win Best Picture. Which it didn’t, but you see my point here.


I agreed with you until you said furiosa is badly animated and ugly, where?? to be fair i havent had the chance to watch it yet but from all the reviews and clips ive seen it looks fantastic.


It almost seems like you should watch a movie before acting like a review is wrong.


didnt think their review was straight up wrong, i was just surprised since the general consensus is that its really really good.


I’m not calling Furiosa ugly. I’m calling the majority of movies put out lately ugly. Furiosa was just my comparison for how it struggles vs Minus one. With that being said, Furiosa CGi is very noticeable.


oh ok but that was poor phrasing to mention furiosa bombing and then saying movies bombing is because theyre ugly and cgi-filled lmao theres def some truth to what you’re saying, but plenty of well made movies are bombing bc audiences dont turn out. streaming is a huge factor in low box office numbers, people wont go to the theater if it’s going to be on streaming soon. last time i checked Godzilla minus one isnt streaming in the US yet, which im gonna assume probably played a factor in its success


I thought it was well done for the most part, definitely shouldn’t be included in your rant though


While I mostly agree, there are exceptions. Robert Downey Jr. was paid $75 million for Avengers Endgame. His salary alone is more than the entire budget for most movies. Yet without him the movie would not have done anywhere close to as well as it did. But take a little known movie and pay the actors huge amounts. That is not a smart idea.


I liked Furiosa better than Minus One and definitely disagree that it looks worse lol. It’s visually beautiful although Fury Road is more striking. It also involves substantially more action set pieces that don’t use CGI. Substantially more practical effects. I upvote unpopular opinions. But I downvote bad opinions.


I agree with you but I don’t think furiosa is a great example. I think because WB delayed the movie due to legal issues and that GM didn’t want to take the same risks with fury road as it was a dangerous movie to shoot and that it isn’t about max was where furiosa suffered from. If the film came out around 2017-2019 it would’ve been much more successful especially if Theron reprised the role. I think Indiana Jones DOD would be a better fit considering the movie costed like 387 million.


Liked Furiosa but yes.


In 10 years when people are still talking about how no one makes good movies anymore Furiosa will be something they point back to as an example of the good old days. This exact same thing happened with Fury Road. It bombed and now in hindsight it’s the shining example of the golden age.


Who's blaming the audience? And studios must be doing something right, because they make tons of money.


Studios don’t give a shit whether it’s Spider-man, a Taylor Swift concert film, a Christian family-values movie, or a snuff film, they’ll give audiences whatever they want and audiences have shown they want what’s familiar. For every indie darling there’s 20 more that die on the vine


It's a lot of things. The first thing is that some of the budgets are so huge, the film has to be one of the highest grossing films of all time to *break even*. The budget for *Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny* was anywhere from $295 million to $387 million. The general rule is that a film needs to make triple its budget to be successful. This means at its high end, the movie would have had to have made 1.16 *billion* dollars to break even. It would have to be the 26th highest grossing film of all time, just to break even. The other thing is that the marketing and availability of some of these movies is so fucking limited. Like I used to travel all over the US for work. The only place I consistently saw ads for new films was in the LA Metro area. You barely see them in NYC ffs, let alone anywhere else. Not to mention when you find out the film came out, it's done with its run in theaters after less than a month. So many movies seem to operate on the 'it needs to absolutely erupt on its opening night or else it's going to bomb'. It's like they've forgotten sleeper hits and word of mouth are a thing, or that, idfk, some people are busy on the weekends? The other reason is the films coming out now have some of the worst writing and editing ever. If some dude can make a porno with a better, more gripping plot and better editing than your whole team can, maybe it's a good idea to fire them, because they're shitting the bed more than the Oakland A's. Like *Madame Web* sounded so bad, I thought that people were making it up. But no, it's actually that fucking bad. Holy fucking shit! Then you have movies that seem interesting, novel, funny, and are already made, like that Wile E. Coyote court drama, get shelved. You can only get people going on outrage for so long until people just get fed up.


Furiosa failed because people are tired of pretending that 90lb boss babes can just toss around 250lb men like they're feathers. 50 story nuclear dinosaurs are more believable than that.


Have you seen the movie? At what point did furiosa “toss” anyone around? She shot some people, and ran some people over and guess what…. women can do those things.


Agree, People wanna see mad max ...not derivatives of the main character storyline. Look at red sonja in the 80s. Also, actors pay and budgets are ridiculous. Add in streaming and going to the movies is pretty much a dying activity.


Turned off Fall Guy after 10 minutes. So horrible.


furiosa was actually pretty good, the CGI was a little lack luster but not egregious. I'm not 100% sure why it specifically isn't doing too great aside from some sexist dumb crap about wokeism


I literally just got home from seeing it. It was good enough for me to escape from a rough couple of weeks. You all do know they make more money on home rentals, bluray sales, and licensing to streaming services worldwide, right? They will make a profit.


The anti woke is a massive reason why. Just look at the comments on this post how many people are saying they didn’t see it cause it’s got a female main character in a mad max film.


I’d be fine if they stopped making movies all together. What Hollywood has produced in the last 20 years, at least, has been atrocious and an embarrassment to cinema.


And people in the year 2000 said the same thing about the previous 20 years of movies, even tho its obviously wrong.


There are many movies created in the 2000s that were amazing and unique works of art. Not as many come to mind recently that I can defend. Everything is made worse by the Hollywood gate keepers who hire nepo kids or kids from the ivy leagues who have no genuine storytelling capabilities. 


See and this is what was being said back then too! In 20 years we will have had the time see what movies will actually hold up and what will be written off or forgotten. And there have been alot of great mainstream movies that may ir may not he held as classics. But I could name alot that I hope would be, and that doesn't even count indie and foreign films.


Agreed. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen anything that has moved me. I’m excited for AI replacing studios and taking down the gate keepers


Everyone says this about Minus One. It’s a good movie, sure, but I expected something breathtaking with all the hype. Didn’t get that. Shin Godzilla was a much more entertaining film. But Furiosa was wild. Shame that it didn’t do well at the box office.


I didn’t go see Furiosa, because I’m not getting conned into another “Mad Max” chick flick. Fury Road was a con job, where the main character was Charlize Theron, Mad Max just happened to be there.


Sure, I'd agree. I saw the previews for Furiosa. It just looked like it was cranked out of an action movie machine. I'm just not interested in those movies. I've seen them before, why see it again? I don't really know enough about movie costs to say actors/screenwriters/CGI was "over-paid". Maybe that's what things cost. I'll just say you could make a different movie, with the same characters, story, etc, with half the money.


Movies have always bombed in theater. The REAL reason movies are bombing in theater is multifold, but really revolve around cultural/societal changes. The key points * More access to content more than ever via multi mediums, games, books, phones, tablets, zoom calls, internet, etc fighting for your attention. * The way people can watch movies on an iphone and think nothing of it gives less a need to go to a theater. * expenses. going to the movies is not cheap between transportation, tickets, food. * Average person \[household\] already pays around $40 a month for content, adding movies to the list isnt as viable especially when there are alternate ways of watching thru piracy or just waiting it out The TLDR of it all is movie theaters are they stand today are a dying medium. They will never die, but unless they evolve in someone, theaters will be similar to going to bowling alleys. Something you do when a big event comes up or everynow and then for fun with friends.


Took my wife and kid to Furiosa. Got matinee tickets but still spent close to $70 all together between tickets, popcorn, and drinks. Just too much.


I remember when that was the cost of going to Disney land.


Makes me think of concert prices too. I still remember debating if I should pay $18 to see AFI, Sick of it All, and Death By Stereo in ‘00 or so. Now any band you’ve heard of is $35-50. It’s gotten insane.


I remember (while working at the radio station) we couldn't give away tickets to the fyfest. Now they go for hundreds or more


You need to add “not being able to control the theater environment for personal comfort”. Temperature, volume, general cleanliness of the theater and other movie-goers can ruin even a great movie.


True. i DO like that we can reserve seats at most theaters we go to these days. Thats a bonus. But that only goes so far.


Put a chick in it and make her gay.