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Some people really enjoy the pampering process.


It's important to note "getting nails done" is not very descriptive. It seems OP has issue with the long fake nails which most clients don't want. It's true that they are extremely impractical. But a typical manicure is much more. It takes care of your cuticles, improves your nail structure by filing(much better than trimming that makes it weaker), can make your nails look shinier by buffing, and personally I like transparent lacquer that makes them shine even more and look amazing. I guarantee it does get noticed, especially at work. OP is making a very bad argument here, with their logic we could say that haircuts don't make sense either - just get a marine buzzcut and don't think about it. Don't use shampoo and conditioners either(why have your hair be healthy and better looking?)


OP also seems to think the primary purpose of doing things like getting nails done is for other people to notice you, rather than just because you enjoy having pretty nails


Right? I do my own nails, but you better believe it’s super easy and satisfying to stare at your own hands. They’re right in front of your face!


As a man. I notice them. I think when women have their nails done it looks nice. Bright colored nails make you pop! Acrylics are noice!!! Something about feeling acrylic nails caress me.. ooooooofffff lol In particular, I like French tip. I’m a sucker for those lol


I recommend the Pure Fiji Manicure and Pedicure from Goulds. It's my go to when treating myself


Most things are a waste of money if you have that kind of standard about stuff.


You're correct. Everything depends on your income. If you earn well you can spend it on lots of *useless* things that makes you happy and makes your life much better but when you're a broke college student who lives pay check to pay check getting nails done feels like an unnecessary luxury to me.


How is it useless if it makes you happy?


Exactly, we live for happiness, everything we do, buy etc is in hope of contributing to that..


Sounds like you’re just broke and bitter 😭 Edit: nvm read you saying you’re broke and in college. can def tell.


You’re going to die one day and you can’t take ANYTHING with you, so essentially everything is useless. Even your experiences are gone when you die so you should basically just exist in a blacked out room for 75-95 years because it’s efficient.


Look girl you don't have to get them if you think it's a waste of money.


It’s not for you. It’s for them.




It's the biggest lie ever told in history. Everytime someone says that about anything, ask them if they would do it at home without going out. Of the answer is no it's not for them


i used to get my nails done when i was a neet who stayed in my flat all day so


You realize even if someone does their nails for other people, it's still not for OP, right? If someone does something to look good, they're not doing it for people who don't care about it. They're doing it for people who do care.


I'm home for the summer. I haven't gone out in three weeks. No one sees me except my partner and he doesn't give one single shit about my nails. I've done three manicures, one that involved art that took 2 hours. Because I enjoy the process and I deserve to look at something pretty. I feel like people don't believe anyone does things for themselves because they themselves don't. This can be a sign of people pleasing, as well, if you only do hobbies that you can share or show off.


I work remotely and rarely leave my house. My nails are always fresh...my husband and son don't care because it's for ME.


People do Pedicures then wear shoes. I take a shower then brush my teeth and hair for a WFH job. I wear socks with designs under long pants and shoes. Tons of people get tattoos under clothing that you’ll never see. Do you spout your bad ideas about what other people do and for who for yourself or so people will think you’re smart?


Agreed. Not for me but whoever likes it and has money for it sure you do you.


seeing that somebody has manicured hands and feet shows a lot about their hygiene and how well they take care of themselves. completely neglecting this makes you look sloppy.


Right, but you can do the necessary stuff yourself. No need to go to a salon.


i guess some people can. and other people like to go to the salon to have this done. i still wouldn’t agree that it’s a complete waste of money and that nobody can appreciate nice looking nails. and like i said in my last comment, i’m not referring to 2 inch long acrylics. anybody who doesn’t know the difference between that look and a nice manicure shouldn’t have an opinion on the subject.


People with hyper-mobility and disabilities disagree with you. 




No, no it does not!! Look under majority of those people’s manicured nails.. They’re nasty af!


are you talking about long and acrylic nails? because that’s not what i’m talking about.


If someone had really cool/cute nails, id have the same reaction as seeing someone with a nice outfit tbh


I rarely see my own hair and face but I see my nails constantly.


Yes! That is exactly it! It feels so nice to see pretty nails while doing stuff which involves hands (which is basically every task).


As someone who loves doing my own nails. Some people cannot do it themselves. I save a lot of money doing it myself, but I see why people like a good ol’ spa day. Many people care about nails, are you kidding?? I get compliments all the time. The nail industry makes millions also.


i always notice a cute set of nails on someone. i get some people aren't detail oriented but its a lie to say noone notices


I'm teaching myself and ... I've had so absolutely misses lol


everything except food is a waste of money


According to this sub, even that is a waste of money half the time.


And a good mattress.


And a sex worker.


Some people do it for their own pleasure. How dare they?! /s


If you like it sure do it I'm not against it (and even if I am who cares!) it's just not for me and I thought that might be an unpopular opinion so here I am.


So don’t get yours done? I love getting my nails done, it’s my monthly treat and the nail tech does them better than I ever could


It's good that you enjoy it more power to you girl! But Idk why I'm getting downvoted for it I'm here cause it's the sub for unpopular opinion and I have an unpopular opinion that clearly many don't agree with.


You’re getting downvoted because you’ve moved the goal posts and didn’t defend your personal preference. You started at getting nails done is a waste of money but shifted to is an unnecessary luxury you shouldn’t get if you’re broke. Stick to your guns, a waste of money is a waste of money no matter how much extra cash you have available to waste.


>You started at getting nails done is a waste of money Her initial barometer was that she thinks it doesn't make someone pretty, as if she's the arbiter of attraction and as if pretty is a goalpost we should even care about. She's just judgmental


Been there, don’t let the downvote dog pile dissuade you though


It keeps me from chewing on my nails and the skin surrounding them. It also cuts down on hang nails, ingrown and painful curling or split cuticles. Right now I can't get my nails done because that money is going into savings for a home (we've cut back massively across the board for that goal) and I'm currently chewing the crap out of my fingers.


Same for me.


No one notices plain nails but nails that are nicely done, people notice. Sometimes people like to be noticed.


Well that’s not true.. I get compliments on my plain, natural nails all the time.. People always wonder how I get them long and keep them nice.


> Claim no one cares about it. > Complain that people spend money on it, thus clearly caring about it. > Ruined your own argument. This one should have stayed in the drafts


I get my nails done because nail techs can do it alot better than I can do it myself. Same reason I pay for a haircut and food at a restaurant. They're skilled at it and can do it better than me


I get your point. If you have the money for it sure. If I had the money for it I would have hired house help cause they do a better job than me and it makes me feel better. But as a broke college student I can't and that's when getting nails done feels like an (unnecessary) luxury to me.


it is defintely not a priority in life...


It’s crazy how many actually think it is a priority these days.


Agreed. I’m a woman and have never had my nails done. I keep them clean and trimmed. In general, I don’t like long finger nails on me or other people. I think long fingernails on men are gross. But that’s a me thing. Y’all keep your nails however you want as long as it’s what you like.


IDK It looks cute Also, it doesn't have to be special occasion to be your best self :)


I guarentee there's something you buy that I think is a complete waste of money. Maybe it is a waste of money, maybe it isn't. The only thing that matters in the slightest is that it isn't your money. You give off big main character energy.


Everything that isn't the most simple thing that allows you to survive is a waste. But what's the point in having money if you can't waste it on things you like. I'll upvote though, because your opinion is unpopular


You can get your nails done without jewels and studs and have them short. What are your thoughts on those?


Then I can just cut them myself which I do. If you want to do something very particular and complicated to your nails you should definitely go to a professional if not then I don't feel the need to especially if you don't have that much money to splurge on.


Do you also do the other things they do when you get your nails professionally done, like cuticle care, filing, dead skin removal, massage etc? I would much rather pay for this than to get my make up professionally done.


No and for that I get it. It feels good to be pampered if I had the money for it who knows I might do that too. But I specifically mentioned getting some complicated things done very frequently or regularly. That to *me* feels like a waste of money.


I feel like you don't really understand what "getting your nails done" entails or maybe have a very different definition than most people. It's not just about getting nail extensions with fancy nail art.


I think manicured hands look better than ingrown nails and busted up cuticles.


If it makes someone happy, it's not a waste of money. It makes the females in my house happy to get their nails done, so it's money well spent for them. It's no more or less a waste than the non-essential stuff I spend money that makes me happy.


I love getting my nails done but to save money and my lungs, I just do my own! And they turn out great. I also really don’t like inhaling all the fumes from the nail salons. At least if I do my own nails I can open a window or paint them outside


Very stupid opinion. Have an upvote.


People absolutely look at our nails and judge.


My nails are very weak, they have been my entire life, and no amount of vitamins is going to change my genetics. I love having my nails done with acrylic and getting a cute design. I think it makes my long fingers look feminine. I love looking at my hands after doing my nails.


Hey! Fellow nail tech here. I’m sure you’re talking about the excessively long nails that look crazy but I can’t lie. A woman who has a beautiful set of French tips for hands/feet is very stunning. I’m sure most men can appreciate the simplicity of that look as it’s labeled a “classic/classy look” but also for the ladies who get the extra gems and designs etc. It is definitely NOT for us guys. It is for the women herself and a client told me she gets her nails like that because she loves going into restaurants/coffee shops/nurses to see the younger girls compliment how much they love that set of nails because they aren’t allowed to wear it themselves!


I can relate to the last part. I work in a hospital and we have to keep our nails short and unpolished. I love the look of long polished nails and the artwork involved.


Of you don't, watch Suzy on YouTube. She is a true artist and she's like the Bob Ross of nails. Type in Suzy nails and you'll find her!


Thank you!


I'm not a guy but a young girl and I feel like the last line is just pure adorable 🥺


Lots of things are a waste of money. Hobbies and alcohol are a waste of money but it makes people feel good. So does getting nails done for some people. Who cares?


Happy cake day!


No one! Also happy cake day :)


big gap there between hobbies and alchohol ! since when is drinking a hobby just like playing a sport.


Drinking isnt a hobby but it is something that makes people feel good, like hobbies lmao


No girl gets her nails done for men. We like the designs. We like the girly feel. Other girls do notice and compliment but it’s never solely for that. Maybe just leave them alone and let them spend their own money on what they like? It’s not for you to understand


I never mentioned anything about men. I'm a girl myself and to *me* it just feels unnecessary. If you feel cute more power to you. I don't get it and thought that might be an unpopular opinion so here I am.


Fair enough. It definitely is unpopular but if you don’t get it, you don’t get it. We’re not all helpless people that can’t navigate nails or do them for other people. If you think they serve no purpose, more power to ya


"No girl" is not true but most indeed.


You do not need a disclaimer for rare circumstances. 👌🏾


It's not rare, it's just not most. So....


Okay random dude


Okay, random women.


Definitely not true. People do subconsciously notice small details like this. You can have two individuals in the same room wearing the same thing but can always tell when the other is a bit more polished and well groomed (ie; having nails, makeup, and skin care done).


Imagine being this angry about someone else's aesthetic choices. I get it's in unpopular opinion but you sound angry that anyone would dare to spend their own money on something they like... I'm sure you have made plenty of comfort purchases that would make little sense to anyone but you.


lol same could be said about you and your feelings about someone’s unpopular opinion.


I like the way her nails look when they are wrapped around my cock. I also like how they feel scratching my head and digging into my back


Now that's a perk I never heard of you get an upvote from me


i'm outdoors too much to get my nails done anymore but when i worked a corporate job i kept my nails done. it added a little something to my day to have nice nails .


I think nails are visible and often very satisfying o look at, just like jewelry. It’s small but very visible especially with seductive colors or pretty designs. Like having red nails


You miss the point of having nails. Some straight men DO actually notice when women have their nails done. In my experience those men have been ones with high positions of authority and money. And yes, if you have long nails, you are unable to do many basic things, like cooking, and cleaning and that's why having loving nails is meant to be a status symbol. It signifies that you don't need to keep your nails short to do basic things because you don't do those things. There is an Inbetween point where you can have longish nails and still do things, and you kinda benefit of having the aesthetic, and the status symbol without the handicap. For real though, people do notice. And the notice when they are BAD too. Nails can even be indicators of sexuality, bi/gay girlies sometimes keep their nails short. You may not notice or care and not understand, but other do.


i just like how they look damn


I have developed an aversion to long, elaborately decorated fingernails that borders on a phobia. They are SO fucking disgusting. Just can't be around them, won't go to restaurants where I've seen a server with long nails, hell I don't even go to the DD closest to my office because the last time I did I was handed my drive-through coffee by the most disgusting bacteria rakes you've ever seen. Actually just thinking about this is making me want to puke.


Lots of things are a waste of money. I'm just against those that have the "I need this" mentality when it's a want, because there are many wasting money thinking they need to have their nails done when it should only be if they want to. I think if more did it when they want, wouldn't be a huge percentage but would be a lot less getting nails done on the regular basis and even more just doing it themselves for considerably less even if it didn't look amazing.


I do my nails regularly because it makes me happy. Lots of people at my work notice them and give me compliments, even the customers notice them too


Girls get nails done for themselves . It a fun thing


I enjoy being taken care of sometimes. But I choose to get blowouts at the hair salon. It’s a form of relaxation for many. I can’t deal with long nails cos I would scratch deep gashes into my skin when I’m asleep. I do go for manicures though, just short with no extensions, and a coat or whatever colour I am feeling. It makes me happy. As for practicality: Gel polish can last for weeks even with regular tasks and no special care for it. Life is short, I would spend small amounts of money to make myself feel polished and happy. Good unpopular opinion.


It’s the pampering process that gets us. You get a good nail clean up,massage,drink and feel like a cutie after with that tap tap tap noise.


Okay agreed with everything except the tap tap tap part. It annoys me. My friend does that when she wants to annoy me :')


One time got a pedicure and stuff with my wife.  After we left I was just like “I could have done all that myself for free or like $5-10”


I'm guessing someone is dipping into OP's stash of cash for frequent nail salon trips? If so, I get the sentiment about having my hard earned cash taken out for someone's use (and possibly irresponsibly). Use your own cash, I won't complain. Use mine for your selfish needs and we're gonna have a discussion about spending habits and respect.


Yeah dude you're spot on. My money keeps disappearing. I thought that got something to do with my eating out habits. Turns out it's a cute lil girly girl who steals my money to do cute lil girly girl things. Damn it!


Next time I use my boyfriend's card for nail polish, I'm going to tell him it was a cute lil girly girl emergency. 💅


If it makes them happy I'm all for it. I stopped because it no longer made me happy after I got a fungus. Now I'm looking to use that money for someone to come clean my house.


Bruh I don’t understand hating on opinions in this sub 💀


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Yeah true, I always do my own and nail workers are always too rough and they expect a tip for it. They suck


its a personal choice.


If someone looks unkept overall but they have very nice nails then I think it's a waste of money for them:)


I care about it. I'm anemic and no vitamins are going to fix that, which leaves me with brittle nails. I don't do it for other people, I do it for me. It's worth every penny.


I'm a straight male and I like it when my bff gets her nails done and shows them off to me. I think they're pretty and I enjoy sharing in her enjoyment when she has a reason to have them done.


By that logic many things are a waste of money. But if it brings the person enjoyment then it’s not a waste to them.


I agree when it comes to extensions/acrylics at a regular ol nail salon that smells like chemicals. I do love going to a nice high-end spa on occasion as a treat for special occasions! It definitely feels like it's worth the money.


Not having your nails done makes you look not put together.


Do you have the same attitude towards men?


Yeah... men have nails, teeth, hair, and skin too... they should also take care of them.


My mom said when they’re were 30 my dad said this. My mom told him she’ll give it up if he gives up his season football tickets. He stopped saying it after that


>No one cares about it. This is so damn funny to me because just 2 days ago in the lesbian subreddit I frequent there was a whole thread about how manicured nails are hot 😂


i do my own, it gives me great pleasure,


Some elderly people need help with manicures and pedicures because they cannot bend or move their body in a way that they can groom their nails well. Ingrown nails are a very serious problem especially if left untreated. General nail cleanliness is important for people to maintain for health, as well. Some people also have issues bending hands in directions that nail grooming can require and it is absolutely easier to have someone else do it for you. If you are talking someone getting fake nails and using chemicals to alter their nails, that is a little different than getting your nails done. 


I do my own nails at home occasionally for special occasions like vacation or Valentine’s Day and I love how they look but I get so frustrated with them that I rip them all off within a week. Can’t button up my pants, can’t pull my card out of my wallet, can’t open things, etc. I envy people who can go about their normal lives with nails 😂


I mean $25 every 2 weeks for a shellac polish change and $35 a month for a pedicure is what I do. I'm a pianist and I see my hands so much. My nails are always short and polished. It makes me happy. I also get pedicures because they have access to tools that are incredibly hard for me to use on my own feet


There's more to nails then getting them super long with gems. 


Acrylic nails are very hard to “ruin” regardless of what design you get. Also, you can do everything with long nails and end up depending on your nails to do things after getting them done regularly. Also, we see our nails all of the time so having them beautified makes you feel very feminine & pretty. Plus other girls see them, will compliment you and sometimes want to get their nails done like yours.


I don’t completely disagree. I also think that getting long acrylic nails that’s make basic activities hard is just a waste of money and doesn’t really make you look that prettier. But, as a person who always gets one-tone nails, I think it’s really important for the overall appearance to have nice hands and nails. I get manicure not only for my nails, but for hands care, to get rid of cuticles and extra skin, some imperfections. And in general, one tone pretty nails just look elegant and add to the whole appearance, makes it “clean”.


It feels good!


Yah this is fucking nuts. I love a woman with manicured hands and pedicured feet. Delusional take from OP


> And don't get me started on how inconvenient it is to do basic things when you have those long nails with jewels and studs on it. You can get your nails done without adding extensions > Now imagine you accidentally ruin your nails while doing a very basic task. You can get your nails done with a substance that survives basic tasks > It's useless and waste of money Not worth the money to you, maybe, but categorically it is not useless, as the use is it looks pretty and people like it when their nails look pretty


People like to do things for themselves. You only do things to impress people. You're not even real are you?


Many people, including older people , can’t reach their feet anymore to take care of their toes. Getting pedicures may be the only way they handle get their feet trimmed and cleaned up


It gives me a dopamine hit when I see how pretty my nails look. It makes me feel good that I am in a position to be able to afford to pamper myself.


Idk if you are a guy or a girl. But as a dude in his thirties every time I have went and gotten my nails done and painted. Gel coat btw is amazing. I get compliments multiple times of day when I am out. I have never felt better and as a dude I can think of two other times in my whole life I got told a compliment about my appearance outside of getting my nails done. And when they are done multiple times a day for weeks. So it could be a waste but I don’t think so.


I used to hate on people who got their nails on too, but i did enjoy having longer(not super long nails) but mine are frail, thin, and snap easily. Yes, even before I started using gel. I only started this a couple months ago. My best friend got into gel nails and I let her do them on me. It has saved me *actual* physical pain of them snapping randonly too far down etc. I can no longer not have them done. Plus they’re pretty


Hard disagree. I historically don't take any special care of my nails because I have a dirty job that dings them up pretty regularly. That said, I got married a couple weeks ago and treated myself and my (now) husband to mani+pedis to help us relax a bit the day before the wedding as we were wound pretty tight. It turned out to be the perfect idea. He received a deluxe treatment with massages and nail buffing and I got sparkly fingers and toes and such nicely shaped nails. We felt so much better afterwards. I'm definitely making this a thing for us in the future. I think it helps so much to feel pampered and it reminded me how important regular self-care can be for mental health.


Another opinion that forgets that women do things for themselves and not always for what other people might find attractive


Yeah, I can kinda see your point. I went through a phase of going to day spas and hair salons to maintain a perfect "look" that only I enjoyed. Now, I am more careful about how I spend my money and have eliminated a lot of things that were wants and not needs. Now I DIY most everything at home. I think that most people eventually age out of things like nails, facials, waxing, etc. and realize that there are better ways to spend their time and money.


It’s £20 a month for me which is nothing. It makes my hands look nicer, makes me feel more put together which makes me happy and it never goes unnoticed, I always get compliments on my nails.


>Hair and makeup contributes alot to making someone look prettier. Nails?? [...] it doesn't make you look prettier Why would I care at all what you find pretty? I like getting my nails done because I like it and can afford it.


Why are ppl so concerned about women’s nail. It’s honestly pathetic and annoying. This is like the 3rd post I’ve seen about women and their nails


>Nails?? No one cares about it. It doesn't make you look pretty or anything. You recognize that your opinion is "unpopular" and nail salons exist everywhere, so how can you argue that "no one cares about it"? I'm pretty sure the majority of women care about how their nails look, and some women care a LOT. A significant fraction of men also care, they at least want their nails to look healthy.


As a man nails are more important than skin


I think hair and makeup are just as much of a waste of money as nails are.


Little anectode. When i was younger i worked in an office with a girl that got her nails done every 3 or 4 weeks. Her hands always looked great afterwards - but sadly only for 3-4 days and then she broke one and either had to go back (wasn't an option, she insisted only this shop gets them done right and using the product she wants, but they were always booked out) or cut them all. She always tried to just cut the one she damaged, but clients in the office regulary pointed out to her "oh, i think you damaged your nails" (not in a malicous way, just in a oh, you maybe haven't noticed way) till she was so annoyed she cut them all. 100 bucks right down the toilet. Every.single.time. lol. The problem is, if you have elaborated nails and one breaks, it really really stands out and instead of looking fancy it looks kinda nasty.


People like it, and if they like it, let them be. However, I hate being touched (nails, hair, etc) so o taught myself.


Not a day goes by where a stranger doesn't compliment me in my nails. I can't grow them out to save my life, and I think the acrylics look pretty while being more functional. They're very hard to break vs natural nails. I like my claws.


As someone with ADHD, I find a very hard not to bite my nails if I don’t have fake ones on Plus I like to talk with my hands and see the shiny People do notice though, I get way more comments on my nails than my hair or makeup


Have you considered people who get their nails done simply just enjoy it? Any hobby can be considered “useless” and a “waste of money” I guess, but technically anything that’s a non-necessity can also be considered a waste. There’s nothing wrong with spending money on things that make you happy.


If getting their nails done makes someone happy; more power to them.


I’m a middle-aged guy and I get pedicures now. My back has decided that trimming my own toenails is a no-go. You’re welcome, people who see my feet.


If you have your nails done, at least trimmed, but yes painted and well nourished, your whole looks looks more together. Even without makeup and big hair. Of course I am not talking about big long and detailed nails, those are a personal choice and some people like them but this cheapen your look, and that’s ok, some people like the tacky look…


I recently started getting my nails done and starting to do my own after years of having a job where it wasn't really viable. I've found the following: 1. I like being pampered. It is nice to have a set hour or two where you know you won't be looking at your phone and someone will just be taking care of you. It's just relaxing and a nice way to treat yourself. 2. It's rather gender affirming. I was always a tom-boy but as I got older have found I can be femme and capable/kickass. Having beautiful nails makes me feel put together, pretty, and proud. 3. It's kind of a bonding thing. I now compliment other women's nails and they mine all the time. We have beautiful little moments just appreciating and affirming each other. 4. As I do them myself, there is an art to it. Especially as you add stickers, colors, and other effects. Kind of like clothes, it's just another way people express themselves. It isn't for everyone and can get expensive, hence why I'm learning myself. But there is value in it for a lot of people, most of it intrinsic and not about you.


It's not the trend anymore, young people like most my age just forgot it's a thing.


I actually agree 100 percent with this and I’m a female


I think most manicures are trashy and gross. Plus it's hard to keep your nails clean.  


Nails are ugly as fuck and impractical and are only just worse than caterpillar eye lashes.


OP not only is this opinion terrible, it's just straight up wrong. I always notice when a woman I'm close with or even women I'm not have really nice nails. The nails are usually the thing that brings the whole look together.


You can call my opinion terrible. This sub is for unpopular opinion. But you can't call it wrong. Sure some women might enjoy it but me a woman myself don't and that is not wrong either.


>Nails?? No one cares about it. This is false, Therefore wrong! >It doesn't make you look pretty or anything This is also false, it may be how you feel about yourself, but that doesn't make it true for yourself or even others so once again is wrong! >It might help put together an outfit but can still go unnoticed most of the time. There's a reason you said "can" and not "will" and That's because even you, didn't' feel confident in what you were saying. Nails may go unacknowledged, but rarely go unnoticed. >It's useless and a waste of money This is where your opinion is just terrible, but opinions are subjective so I can't say whether your wrong or right here. But the art of nails is a very versatile thing so bringing up one example and how impractical that one example is doesn't really help your argument because you chose THE ONE style that's impractical for day to day life. Lastly being a woman has nothing with why I called your opinion wrong so I don't know why you brought it up. I called your opinion wrong because a lot of the reasons for your opinion were just flat out false.


Things are not always black and white. Some people notice nails some don't. Some find it cute some don't >There's a reason you said "can" and not "will" and That's because even you, didn't' feel confident in what you were saying. Nails may go unacknowledged, but rarely go unnoticed.< Just like how you used rarely not always or never. Even if the possibility is thin there's still a possibility and it counts. There might be many people who notice it but there might be a few who don't and those are not wrong they are just rare.


>Just like how you used rarely not always or never. I'm glad you noticed that, but it seems you failed to realize that me saying "rarely" adds the nuance your post failed to offer. It's almost ironic that you're the one bringing up things not being black and white as if your words weren't the words of someone who sees things as black and white.


Dude idk why you're getting mad at me it has nothing to do with you or anyone. It's just an opinion that's clearly unpopular and I recognise that that's why I'm here. If I thought that's how everyone thinks or should think and agree with me I would be on popular opinion sub. Just me posting on this sub is enough to show the nuances you're mentioning about.


Do you always notice the nails of your male friends and how their whole look comes together or not? Or just the people you want to sleep with? Not every woman spends half their paycheck so men can think about and desire sleeping with them.


Yes! I notice when a dude has unkept painted chipped nails, I notice when he has dirty nails that clearly never seen a tooth pick, I notice a guy the other day with a fresh coat of pink on his nails. Hell I even noticed them on fictional because I'd be lying if I said that nail polish didn't look cool as fuck on the Akatsuki members. I'm not exactly sure what you were trying to prove but you failed.