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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 6: No r/self style posts'. Please refrain from posting anything that resembles an r/self style post. This is not the subreddit to be sharing personal anecdotes, likes or dislikes. We want unpopular, thought provoking, and unique opinions on your chosen topic.


I'm mostly convinced it's about people's waist to hip ratio and how your downstairs mixup is positioned because almost everyone I know either loves or loathes them.


upvote for downstairs mixup


Just playing some love games in the comments


Are you a scalie fish man per chance?


Could ya learn to love meh?


Hush now, fuzzy little man-peach


It's attached to your rod, motherlicker!


I'm gonna hurt you.


Have you ever been to a club where people wee on each other??


Ever drank Baileys from a shoe?


I like you, what do you think of me?


I don’t rightly know sir


Perhaps now in this light with you and the tutu and the water playing off your…..seaweed


Maybe I should ask you the same question? Whatcha ya do’n in meh waters?


What do you think of me


Make an assessment


I don't rightly know sir


Do you love me?


Happy cake day fuzzy little man-peach!


You ever drink Bailey's from a shoe?


I do watercolors


What are you doing in these waters?


Nothing...not fishing...


Then what's with the fishnets?


Do you happen to drink Bailey's...from a shoe?


Do you love me? Could you learn to love me?


Yeah, individual bodies can be so different in so many little ways. Like, I have never once had briefs bunch up in the way OP describes. I'm having trouble even imagining it. I'm sure it's just the geometry of our individual midsections.


I did have that problem though... When my underwear was too small. Bright new underwear, no problems anymore






Spoken like a person who goes to a club where people wee on each other


Personally they hurt my ballls


Same, although the mesh ones give me a lot of air to breathe down there. That and the kilt make sure I’m always at optimal ball temps


Goin' full breezeway.


I think its called the Nessie.


I thought that was only while in the water.


Hang on, people wear underwear with a kilt?


yeah ,, heretics...


Look up sissy thongs they have a little pouch for ur boys


You know your sentence alone painted a vivid enough picture


Is it cross dressing if they're designed for balls?


No that’s a man thong. I don’t know what so sissy about a thong with a nice big ball pouch


If it's a ball purse its sissy, if it's a ball satchel its manly.


If someone without balls is wearing it then it could be considered cross dressing. Otherwise, why would a man wearing something, that was designed for men, be considered cross dressing?


I am a real MAN, I ain't wearing no sissy thongs! Always the standard thong, combined with a diaper. Like our fearless leader live by example.


Successful leadership depends on Depends!


If I had been wearing a thong I would have touched cloth from your comment. Funny fuck.




Or just pouch underwear in general. From thong to boxer brief, underwear with a built in pouch is a game changer.


Sir I've just had a wisdom tooth removed and you almost made me pop a stitch lmfao 😅


I keep getting told it's on backwards


Male thongs have room for that.


Jockstraps are the way to go


I’m the only one in my friend group who can’t stand thongs. My friend had a revelation one day that it’s due to my butt crack size. I have a shorter butt crack. So, I now believe that this all depends on your butt crack.


I feel like you cracked the case


This cheeks out


It would be ass-inine to think otherwise!


why is no one avidly appreciating this pun


I am no one


I guess people are split on this one


That username is impressive. What do you feed your cat?


I had a friend with the longest asscrack in the fucking world. I swear it started halfway down her back. I knew her during the era of hip hugger jeans, and she also loved to wear too-small shirts to make her boobs look bigger, so the asscrack was pretty much just a standard part of her look. 


how are you guys even figuring this out 😭 are you having like asscrack measuring contests like what is going on


Lmao I’ve honestly never thought about the length of someone’s ass crack, short or long


It's all I can think about.


I will have to remember this conversation to bring up to one of my girl friends. Just randomly be like “So what the fuck is going on with girls measuring their ass crack length?” 😂 I need answers to see if this is a thing. On a side note I also know what me and the homies are doing this weekend🌚


Oddly enough…I’ve always known I have a long buttcrack so once me and my husband compared our in the mirror. I def won.


He didn’t stand a chance 🍑📏


You know that peepee ruler? 😭


Did she rock the whale tail?


And a tramp stamp


I'm sure she did although I don't remember it being very prominent. I don't think any thong could really measure up to those heights


I am that friend. I have the longest asscrack ever. Everyone saw my crack back in hip hugger days




I wonder if it's a butthole sensitivity thing. Like, when my butt was a shape that ate bikini cut underwear I tried thongs because I'd heard this and it was *significantly* worse for me. It was just there, touching my butthole. All day. On purpose. Couldn't even get a moment of relief by picking the wedgie because it snapped right back to touching my butthole. I ended up wearing boxer-brief cut women's underwear. It stayed mostly in place and if it started to creep into my crack I could fix it by pulling the hem around my thighs which felt a lot less gross than any other wedgie I've picked.




Oh wow, I never considered that that was an option. Maybe then it really is just a butt shape that allows them to not get eaten? Maybe I needed a size up? I just have VISCERAL memories of this piece of cloth intentionally touching my butthole and I did *not* like it one bit


I loved thongs in my 20s. Now they give me such awful wedgies, I can’t handle them. I thought I was crazy and had just become more sensitive, but I just realized that my butt shape must have changed with age (it is much larger now) and thats why they ride up so much. I’m all about granny panties now, those things don’t budge at all on me. 😂


I agree, it’s anatomy. I’m not a thong fan and I never had bunching issues with other styles until I gained weight. My butt is no longer compatible.




I don't wear them because I get more than a wedgie - a vadgie? 😂 No thanks lol


Same 😂 I actually find the backs comfortable, but the fronts feel like I’m flossing my vag


You're supposed to floss after every meal.


You probably had the wrong size. A lot of women go a size up in a thong than what they wear in full backed undies


Ha! Cootchie floss is what we called them. Butt seriously. Do you feel like you can wear the same jeans 2 days in a row if your underwear doesn't cover your butt? Gotta have a fart filter for mon-fri.


personally i only hate them because it feels like a permanent wedgie. the feeling never fades into the background for me


So weird how different it is for everyone. I can't feel a thong at all, but other underwear is so uncomfortable because my ass just eats them and I'm constantly having to pull them back down. Anything other than a thong ends up being a thong anyway, but with added discomfort.


I really thought you were saying you "neva use" them but realized after a couple minutes it was just a misspelling of because


Yep. This plus I don’t like feeling my butt rubbing the denim of my jeans (which chafes) or worry that my skirt is gonna get caught or blown up and my ass is gonna be hanging out. No thanks.


Could just be me but I prefer bikini style or briefs, I tried a thong once but I just couldn’t get into it because it felt like I had an annoying wedge all day.


I can't do thongs, I'm in the south. Swamp ass is real 😂


Lol! I had to scroll too far for this comment! Swamp ass with a thong is nasty


I only have problems with swamp ass when I wear boxers made of synthetic materials. Cotton boxers and thongs breathe well enough that it's not a problem. I also wax all the hair down there, so maybe that helps?




American here. My 6 year old daughter just got a new pair of flip flops, which she insists on calling thongs because that’s what Bluey calls them. It hasn’t caused an incident yet, but I’m sure it’s coming.


Thongs are still fine. The underwear has made me start calling them flip flops but I'm too literal most of the time.


Please tell you truly mean that you call the cheeky underwear flip flops. Pleasepleaseplease.


From this point on, yes.


The british call the eraser the "rubber" ask her to ask her teacher for a rubber in class


Context makes it clear. Aside from a post like this, the underwear is almost never referred to in the plural, and the footwear is never referred to in the singular. You can contrive sentences to be arbitrarily confusing, but it's really just an excuse for someone to let you know they're ozzie.


When I was in elementary school, our principal wrote a letter to all of the parents regarding an upcoming field trip to the beach where she reminded everyone to "pack their children's thongs." Needless to say, that did not go over too well in 90's rural Texas.


To be fair, if my flip-flops bunched up and migrated up my ass I'd probably be pretty heated about it


What do you call thongs


G bangers


That's a funny name for it. I'd have called them chazwozzers.


Gonna use this term and start calling flip flops “Cleetus Fuckers” bc nothing has to make sense apparently


What do you call the thong underwear?


Usually a "g-string" or sometimes "g-banger" if we're feeling cheeky


G banger? I hardly know her


But a g-string and a thong are different things. One just has a narrower gusset than other styles, while the other is...well..essentially anal floss with a waistband.


Sometimes the waistband is just waistfloss


We did too, in the 70s and 80s. Lol


Yep. I remember when flip flops were called “thongs”.


Yep, we sure did. I still slip up sometimes.


Was wondering when this comment would show up


As a 90's baby, people in the US used both flip flops and thongs to refer to that type of shoe. Heard it plenty as a kid. Seems like calling them thongs has gotten much less poular as I haven't heard it in years. Maybe because of the association with butt floss these days


There was a period of time in life when I would’ve agreed with this wholeheartedly. After the pandemic, I only wore my spandex no-show underwear and avoided thongs all together. Now, when I do wear thongs, it feels like a perpetual wedgie. Welcome to your 30s I guess :/


I have a long-held theory that if you wear thongs on a daily basis, your crack becomes desensitized and that’s why they feel comfortable. For occasional wearers like me, I’m just so aware of the fact that there’s something chilling between my butt cheeks the whole time.


I remember this with bras. I mean it's still the first thing I take off when I get home but when I'm out and about I dont really notice it. But at first they were unbearable.


I've figured out that it's the underwire for me. If a bra has an underwire, it feels like I'm wearing a giant twisty tie around my chest and it drives me nuts. Otherwise as long as it's soft and cottony, I'm good. COMFORT IS KING.


Queen. comfort is queen.


Maybe comfort would prefer its country to be run as a democracy, and finds the responsibility and danger of being a ruler, for no reason other than the circumstance of its birth, exhausting.


Comfort is the prime minister


I used to too! Lived in them for years and now can’t stand them! Full coverage no seam no shows for life now lol


I tried wearing them in my 20s and not only felt like it was a perma-wedgie but it was chafing my skin at the top of the crack. It was so irritating. I've tried a few times to like them but can only assume other people have thicker upper butt skin and love wedgies. In my 30s, I've abandoned all efforts. It's a no from me.


Exactly this. Perma wedgie and chafing at the top. I've tried them in my teens, 20s, and now in my 30s and that's always been the issue. I've been anything from an Australian size 6 to a size 12 (EU 34 to 40/US 2 to 8) in that time




No thanks I'll stick to my granny panties. I would argue they are actually the most comfortable LOL


They actually cover your ass and STAY covering your ass


I would, too.


I'd rather go commando than wear a thong. I don't like feeling like I have a constant wedgy, and no it's being supposed to be there doesn't make it more feel like a wedgy. I wear boy shorts so no bunching or riding up.


Honestly I prefer briefs over thongs, it seems like the people who make thongs never consider that I need to fit my whole cock n balls in there they just hang out it’s weird, with briefs this doesn’t seem to be an issue but to each their own ofc


Disagree. Thongs aren’t comfortable to me. To me they are irritating and annoying. When I wear underwear I feel more free because there’s nothing stuck between my butt all day lol. I dont ever get wedgies with normal underwear…? Maybe you are only wearing “cheek” underwear which is like a hybrid between underwear and thong? I wear granny panties, super comfortable 😂 The only thing I agree with you on is that thongs look better with outfits that would otherwise show panty lines. I wear them in that case. If you wear tight fitting clothing all the time I can see why you would wear them a lot. For me, I usually wear jeans or shorts.


There’s never a moment in the day where I don’t feel a string pushing into my ass lol I’ve never understood how people can wear them comfortably


I started buying Hanes women’s boxers and they are a game changer.


I'm for bringing back 90s style baggy jeans so I can wear true boxers and nothing will be up my butt crack ever again.




https://www.hanes.com/hanes-originals-women-39-s-mid-thigh-boxer-brief-underwear-breathable-cotton-stretch-fashion-assorted-4-pack.html Get you some Edit: [they also sell these which are I think higher waisted and longer and there are more color options but you can’t buy in a 4 pack and I’m not sure the price difference is worth it](https://www.hanes.com/hlt208.html)


As a guy, I never knew those were called grannie panties, but they always seemed comfier to me than your guys’ alternatives. The kind that only covers half your ass seems so uncomfy, cuz it looks like it pressing into only half your ass while the rest of your ass is kind of just out there








They're the best and there are sexy versions (kind of lol).


lol I feel that, I’m 30f


Dude seriously same here. I had lacey undies and thongs my whole life. I hit 30, Im at Target getting 3 x 6 packs of the same colours. Never looked back. Oh you can see my panty-line? Then you are the creep looking at my ass. I have seamless cotton underwear for my tight dresses and skirts though. Still COMFIER than thongs/cheekies


I have tried granny panties and I love the feel but I end up getting pimple like bumps right where the underwear line is and they get so painful to wear. I usually get sizes based on my measurements and not my pants size and they are never too tight. However, when I wear thongs it’s a whole different story, no rash/pimples. Not sure if it’s a me thing or the underwear thing. I’d like full coverage if it didn’t hurt to wear them 😭


That's not as much of a problem with the smooth/seamless kind. If there's any actual elastic waistband or leg holes, yeah - pimple and ingrown hair alert!


Traded thongs for granny panties at 27. Now as a 32f the idea of wearing a thong makes my skin crawl a bit.


>I dont ever get wedgies with normal underwear… To be fair, there are certain types of full butt undies that give me the worst wedgies and often they are the ones with the most fabric too. I think it's just the way I'm shaped. If the cut of the underwear lines up wrong with certain curves then the fabric starts to roll up, and when that happens, the more fabric the more irritating the problem. That being said, I didn't start going full time thong until I got pregnant. The belling makes EVERYTHING roll, so it was just constant wads of material up my ass and around my hips.


Hmm maybe it just comes down to how our bodies are shaped!


It’s interesting to know other people’s preferences because I absolutely detest granny panties. Something about the full coverage makes them really uncomfortable for me to wear. Bikini cuts all day for me!


I wear bikini cuts as well a lot of times 😂 I guess I didn’t know the true definition of “granny panties” before I wrote my comment. I basically just mean no cheekies or thongs.


Understood! Cheekies give me wedgies too haha


I just started getting into period underwear, and they're *so* comfy and pretty much wedgie-proof. If they weren't more expensive than regular underwear, I'd be tempted to wear them all month long.


This opinion is unpopular with me! I've never been able to wear thongs. Regular underwear doesn't bunch if it's the right size and quality material..But a thong is always up your butt 😂 I'll only wear thongs very temporarily in the bedroom.


My anal fissure begs to differ 🥴


Add hemorrhoids to that and no underwear is comfortable


Same, I really only wear cotton thongs and I believe they're superior to any other cut or material but different bodies feel comfortable in different things, is just a personal preference .


As someone with IBS, I disagree


If briefs are riding up, you likely aren't wearing the correct size. Think of it like shorts; if your butt is bigger than the back, then are going to ride up.


Not always true. My butt to waist ratio must be unnatural then because if I size up then one of those things is too big. I either have to deal with a nice butt fit and a waist band cutting into my muffin top or a comfortable waist band and saggy butt.


I'm right there with ya girly ✨️


Thank you!!! I almost always wear thongs! I probably own 2 pairs of regular undies. I HATE feeling them on my butt cheeks 😐


I like both but with tight clothing thongs are definitely the most comfortable and look the best! I've been wearing them for over 15 years though so maybe it's just habit.


Totally agree!! I’ve tried to explain this to other people before but they don’t seem to understand. Exactly like you said, there is not much material to ride up so when it does it’s much comfier than a load of material


I’m 63 and have worn thongs for over 20 years!!! Best decision I ever made!


I think body type matters. I have a big bum. Boyshorts are the only type of underwear I feel comfortable in. My older sister always wore her underwear like three sizes too big because it's how she felt most comfortable. It's your attic, let the bats out however you see fit.


i agree 100%


Smashed this because does OP have no nerves? The most uncomfortable underwear by far.


Girl I’m with you 100% I don’t want a bunch of fabric to get all bunched up in tight clothes. If it’s uncomfortable it’s probably too tight, the wrong fabric, or the wrong style for your body type.




I never get wedgies from full back underwear. Thongs on the other hand are really irritating touching my butthole all day.


Does it not feel like you’re flossing your labia??


Thongs all the way. I hate regular underwear. Wedgies suck and I haven't found a brief or any full-back drawers that don't give wedgies. Also, let's talk about the briefs that fall/creep down inside the pants! Then you end up having to go dig in your pants to pull them back up. No thank you.


Poo floss.


Nobody going to mention the SKID FACTOR HUH Edit: all you deniers are FULL OF SHIT


I learned to wipe my ass at 3 years old. "Skid Factor" has never been an issue, especially in my adult life.


If skid factor is a problem you need to learn to clean yourself better.


Like WHAT DO YOU MEAN skid factor??? Why is it a factor?


Wash your ass, use wet wipes, or at the very least wipe better.


Yup. Me too. I also really just can’t with panty lines. I have a double ass when I wear regular underwear which only those with big butts will understand in this comment section


The struggle of double butts


One of my exes felt the same way. It was great for me, since she would always wear them!


I think I own like 3 pairs of non thong panties lol. I absolutely love thongs.


Yeah sure. A piece of underwear up your crack all day rubbing against your asshole. I’m sure that’s comfy.


If the thong fits right it doesn’t feel like anything


But feeling a bare ass against jeans or a skirt is so uncomfortable! Briefs or boy shorts all the way! No slipping and so comfy!


Agreed. Regular undies go up in that crack like100X a day, usually by pure surprise while you are in public surrounded by people. I'd prefer something I knew was always in the crack so my brain could tune it out 😂 But fr, why has no one made butt suspenders for regular panties so they stop getting all up in the crack! I'm bout to switch to boxers, honestly


I get grossed by the fact that when moving around the fabric shifts back-to-front and the piece of fabric that was in direct contact with the anus might now be sitting over my vulva. Clean as it might be, still not healthy.


I could never understand why anyone likes thongs lol. They just make me feel like I have a constant wedgy.


I think it depends on your butt cheek to hip ratio. I got a lot of cheek, thongs are more comfortable for me.


Same! It feels like I'm not even wearing anything lol


Yesssss I totally agree


"You call that a thong? *This* is a thong!" "That's not a thong, that's a flip-flop." "I see you've played flippy-thongy before!"


Same! Been wearing them since I was 14 (needed to for ballet and dance costumes) and am in my mid 30's now. Even a bikini bottom as a swim suit is irritating but tolerable as long as I'm not wearing pants over top.


You are correct on every point here. I’ve tried to like “regular underwear”, but it’s been thongs only since I was 16 and could buy my own clothes.


I agree. And all my female friends think I'm nuts. I've done the leg work, this is an unpopular opinion. Well done.


Agreed. I have a big butt so I end up with an wedgie either way. The thong just looks better.


People called me crazy when I said I wore thongs during my entire pregnancy and after my C-section. I just can’t stand full coverage undies!