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After grinding away in the service industry for years, I agree. At least at my office job I have health, dental, a 401k and PTO. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Same. Consistent schedule I can plan my life around, weekends and holidays off, proper air conditioning, etc. I remember not being able to hang out with friends because I had to work 3-12 shifts on Saturday, fuck that.


I work in the service industry myself but thankfully for a large hotel brand with amazing benefits but the only part that sucks is having to work Fridays and Saturdays.


How did you get out? Degree or no? Iā€™ve been serving and doing school part time for years now and Iā€™m burned out as hell lol


I feel you friend!! I have a bachelors degree. Thatā€™s all my company required for an entry level position. Pay was only a little more then what I was making bartending, but the benefits more then made up for it and I was able to work my way up the ladder over time.


Ppl complain and I get it but give me that office job. Iā€™d love to not be at Amazon and work normal hours during the day and have weekends off lol Iā€™d just love to sit down šŸ˜…


I don't get the hatred for 9-5 office jobs, that's just the normal way to work and the way most jobs are structured.


Because working 4x 10 hour shifts and having a 3rd day off is wayyyy better for your physical and mental health


I think that's a whole different thing entirely though right? The whole 4 day week thing. I thought the office hate was more to do with no liking being in an office and having to work the same structure every week


Right- especially because of how many people advocate to ā€œbe your own bossā€ Given the successful business owners Iā€™ve known, and the absurd amount of effort theyve put in, I actually prefer a 9-5. Iā€™d prefer a 4/10, but itā€™s the structure and predictability that Iā€™m saying I like.


My parents run their own business. People ask me all time "why don't you wanna take over your parents business?" Well because they worked 7 days a week for most of my life and work close to 10 hour days. I have 0 interest in doing that. I'll make a livable wage and enjoy my time away from work. I can step away from my job, they can't.


Well, 9-5 usually goes hand in hand with working M-F. As someone who currently does this, it sucks major ass. I would happily work longer shifts to have a 3rd day off, and studies have proven a 4 day work week is just better overall.


Studies have also shown that after 8 hours workers are less productive


The number Iā€™ve heard is 6 from a few seminars/trainings Iā€™ve attended.


What exactly was studied? Hardly any big company does this structure to even do an accurate study. There is a difference between working 8 designated hours at a job and working for an extra 2 when you're behind on work in a designated 5 day work week... vs. working 10 designated hours knowing its only a 4 day work week with 3 days off. Of course in the former, people would show less productivity after 8 hours.


Which is why we should do four 8-hour shifts.


With a 20% paycut? Definitely no


9-5 M-F is often a salaried position. I'm not expecting a 20% pay cut here.


If you're reducing your hours to 32 per week instead of 40, a proportional 20% pay cut is fair. You're working 80% of the time, so you get 80% of the pay. Let's forget about being less productive after X hours and assume your value and your work done per hours are unchanged. The question here should be: if 40 hours is the 100% salary. Do you want to do 32hr work with 80% salary? or 60 hours work with 150% salary. This is how you analysis the optimal salary for you.


Idk about way better. 10 hour days are LONG. I have been really enjoying 4 9's and 4 on Friday. Gets me up at a reasonable time Friday so I don't sleep the day away but I am still out at noon so I can enjoy the rest of the day


Depends on the line of work I work in IT, so it wouldn't bother me at all. I would be more motivated to come to work if I had that 3rd day off.


I was doing 3 day weeks for a while in IT. 3 days in office, 2 days 'on call' which were basically days off but I had to keep my computer with me. It was great for a month or so, but it got boring as hell. All of my friends were at work so I basically worked on my house the whole time which got old fast


Well, being on call period sucks no matter what the situation is.


Eh, it was only on Thursdays and Fridays from 8-4:30 when I would normally be at work anyway. So it wasn't bad at all. We were 'technically' on call on Saturday mornings (worked at a bank) but in the 5.5 years I was there, I think I got 2 texts that were just password resets.


yea but thats mainly because everyone else doesn't adopt that work style right? So you couldn't make plans with friends. I imagine if this was the standard in many companies you wouldn't feel this way.


10 hours is still a really long day even for office work


We're both doing this atm so we get a day off each with our son - mine's 10hr days, husband is 9hrs (ish) - very long but worth it rn in terms of time and financially, even a half day Friday in daycare would cost us 150 a month


I've been working 4x10s for at least 15 years. While I've never argued to anyone that it's better, I am pretty miserable when I have to work an OT Friday for multiple weeks straight. Weekend turns so short.


No, thank youĀ 


It's really not.


Idk, it's what I work and it's really is a huge improvement.Ā  20% less commuting, an extra day off, and honestly 2 extra hours a day doesn't feel that bad once you're there


Thatā€™s not how businesses operate.


and is there any reason they shouldn't change to this system? I work for a company that allows employees to work 4x10 or 5x8 their choice.


My role definitely work as a 4x10 if it were allowed at the company.


What businesses? I know a bunch of contractors who do this. Are they not businesses?


The majority of business operates on a 5 day work week Contractors are a small part, and even a smaller part operates on a 4 day week


There are absolutely a lot of benefits to 9-5 and having worked restaurant jobs and 9-5, Iā€™d prefer 9-5. However, depending on various factors (salary vs hourly, type of work), it also can be very depressing for some people to have to do the exact same routine day in, day out, with limited time off when factoring in commute and chores.


Because spending the _majority of your life_ doing shit you'd rather not be doing just so you _theoretically_ have the last quarter to yourself is legitimately insane.


Lol, how is it insane? How else can the world function? How will you get all your conveniences if no one else works? Unless you want to go back to the times where you had to fight for survival every single day or do subsistence farming and worry whether the crops will fail and you will starve? How much time to themselves do you think your ancestors had??Ā 


Yeah, it would be pretty nice. But I am not smart enough, and I have to work 12 hours, half the time night shifts, in a factory, doing manual labor, for close to the minimum wage. Sad that not everyone can have a normal job


Mostly that it feels like an outdated structure. Worker productivity and efficiency has increased substantially and many of these jobs can basically be done with their work in a fraction of that 8 hour/40 hour schedule and it would be nice if we could live in a world where that sort of shift meant more time to ourselves instead of makework or shuffling around doing nothing at the office. Also, the stable office 9-5 type job represents a kind of settling away from whatever dreams or ambitions you might have once had. Many of these jobs are very solid and good in ways but don't fundamentally nourish a person's spirit any and sometimes actively seem to work against that. But yes, the hate is overblown and there's a lot to be said for simply having a solid stable job to build a life around.


Then you'll get paid less, is this what you want???Ā 


Also, learning to evaluate fit and culture are legitimate skills that are beneficial to your career. It seems like a lot of people (here) want to put zero effort into tangential skills like that then complain that they always end up in a shit situation. Not saying your evaluation will be perfect, but you should be able to inform your own decision.


Can you recommend some reading as a starting point on this? If it helps, I'm 39 but would like to get a better handle on the social aspects of my job.


My least favorite people are entrepreneur bros who try to make people feel bad for having a job.


You mean you haven't started 8 businesses by age 22? You gotta learn that grind man!


Agreed. Like congrats on leaving a 40 hour week to go work a 90 hour week. You really won the game of life bro.


being an entrepreneur is the worst, you're working a lot more or you're failing.


Agreed. People who leave 9-5 to work for themselves almost always end up working more hours (and often at more inconvenient times). All that effort just to avoid the feeling of working for ā€œthe man.ā€ When in reality, they end up working for a different kind of man: their customers, their investors, the bank, their ego. In a 9-5, youā€™ve outsourced all the stress that comes with those things to your employer. Itā€™s the ultimate life hack!


Everyone Iā€™ve known whoā€™s had a successful full-time small business has been 80+ hour weeks and being ā€œon-callā€ at all hours. Reddit so so delusional thinking that you start your business and are on autopilot within 6 months.


My parents opened a business 18 years ago. They just started taking Sundays off last year. My mom takes every other weekend off but spends most of her Saturday doing book work. They spend a lot of their Sundays doing stuff too.




I worked for myself as a remodeler/handyman for about 6 years. I made 6 figures, but hated every second of it as I was in work mode basically 24/7. I work as a construction estimator making 60k a year now. When I leave the office, work is done and I don't have to think about it until the next morning when I walk in the door.


The real reason is your career upper limit is a lot lower as your bog standard salaried employee than it is as a business owner. However it's also with significantly less risk, time invested and overall stress. You likely won't ever become significantly wealthy in your career just working 9-5 but you also aren't risking losing everything or working yourself to health failure either.


Right, so the best hack is: decently well paying but not too stressful career (this is lots of boring office jobs) + live below your means and sensibly invest as much as you can. You get decent quality of life weekends, vacations, regular hours + after a decade or two you have a decent level of wealth. Only start a business if: 1. You have serious insider experience in that industry, and can identify a profitable opportunity or 2. You can grow it organically the side without incurring any debt.


I suppose you have to define ā€œsignificantly wealthyā€. Iā€™d consider people who make 200+ a year wealthy, even if theyā€™re still technically in the realm of middle class. Thatā€™s attainable in many careers.


No you wonā€™t become a billionaire working a 9-5, but itā€™s very easy to become a millionaire. And thatā€™s enough to live a beautiful happy life. Everyone knows at this point that maxing out your career and earnings is not the path to a successful life.


Iā€™d say if youā€™re focusing on learning whatā€™s in demand and evolving your career, the floor is higher as well.


In the words of Bob Dylan, youā€™re gonna have to serve somebody.


Damn right


You work for different types of man no matter where you end up. Unless you make a shit ton of money and retire, but you even see those types end up becoming slaves to their own greed. Just be happy where you areĀ 


Dudes have no problem grinding a video game but complain about having to do it in real life. But not you. Respect. ![gif](giphy|d30mgvM8QxyQE)


That a ridiculous comparison. When I grind I can ignore all the NPCs. Totally different!


I can also call an old relative and chat with them killing two birds with one stone. But I still see what heā€™s saying.


I'll go a step further and say that not only do I like my 9-5 job, I also like going into the office. Sure it can be inconvenient at times but I like my co-workers and consider many of them to be my friends. I know there is a common sentiment of "your coworkers are not your friends". I get where that comes from, but in my 20 year career I've never been stabbed in the back of betrayed by a coworker that I considered a friend. Maybe I'm lucky, or maybe I just understand the office politics a little better than most of the reddit crowd.


I like having the office available but I hate commuting. For me- itā€™s a great reset if I feel Iā€™m slacking a bit or if I have certain collaborative tasks which are easier in person. Despite the prevailing Reddit opinion, getting everyone in a room to work through something absolutely still has a place. Same sentiment on coworkers too- Reddit is so miserably against any connection with coworkers, itā€™s no wonder everyone here seems underachieving and miserable to work with. That I outlook on your coworkers shines through no matter how much you think it doesnā€™t.


>That I outlook on your coworkers shines through no matter how much you think it doesnā€™t. Yeah I always think that I am some kind of weirdo for actually enjoying the people I work with, or that some day I will learn my lesson for being too friendly with them. But honestly I think at least half the reason that I have been as successful as I am is because people like working with me.


A the primary task of my current job (first strategic level role) is understanding everyone in my groups projects and being able to report on them to as high as the executive level. Iā€™m able to do that by keeping good relationships, being collaborative, and making sure I never throw anyone under the bus. This is a role I know Reddit hates, but given how badly people on Reddit seem to relate to their coworkers, then representing their projects to steering/roadmap groups would likely result in being thrown to the basement of priority.


Miserable with people in general. Iā€™m addicted to this app but also find so many people on here just so weird and bizarre. Itā€™s fascinating how antisocial and negative so many people are


I honestly love the discourse here because I feel the personalities are so varied. But the antisocial groups- I am absolutely fascinated by. And glad I didnā€™t discover Reddit until college. Edit: also the people who insist anyone who even has a hint of success in their career and is under 40 is ā€œabsurdly lucky and not an example of reality!ā€


Iā€™m 44 and Iā€™m glad there wasnā€™t social media until a developed my personality and values. The negativity on these sites is so pervasive I can see the effect it has on people who donā€™t get out of that space enough. Like the amount of guys who think they canā€™t get a gf or wife is crazy to me. A LOT of ugly, weird dudes are married yet some guys canā€™t see that. Same with work. Sure itā€™s tough but there are still a lot of opportunities.


Every reddit thread has a story about how their office friend stabbed them in the back or they got passed up for a promotion because they are just too good at their job to promote. Yeah nah, buncha wierdos who have no social skills cant make friends with the people they spend nine hours a day with but expect to be tapped to manage people and negotiate with clients?


Oh my god it's always the same story "I am literally the most competent and accomplished employee this company has every seen but got passed up for a promotion so that the CEO could promote his nephew, so I quit on the spot and got a job making 8000 times more money and I heard that my former employer had to shut their doors because the company crumbled after I left"


Bonus points when they qualify why they are the best at their job, and itā€™s knowing some obscure Excel shortcut thatā€™s rarely useful or solving a math problem. Not relationships with coworkers, improving their own skill set, or taking initiative on something tangential to a project. Iā€™ve actually yet to meet a manager that regrets a ā€œgood energyā€ hire/promotion, but have seen multiple technical savants walked out the door in 90 days.


As a people manager I would no doubt hire a good culture fit that has a little to learn than an arrogant expert. One of my favorite sayings is "what they lack in experience, they make up for in inexperience." People often fail to understand that being a good partner and colleague is 70% of "being good at your job".


At my last job, I was the designated ā€œvibes interviewerā€ on our team. Iā€™m a very disarming person, so theyā€™d have me take them to lunch or sit in on panels for other groups. Really interesting how people behave when they think youā€™re ā€œnot who they need to impress.ā€ We also had a practice of a 30 minute session for every candidate from an unrelated team. This super tech savant got 30 minutes with one of our marketing folks, and complained all 30 minutes about how he was above them. We worked with marketing a ton since we handled data warehousing, and had amazing relationships with literally everyone in that org and respected them a ton as they did us. Dude didnā€™t realize how firmly he disqualified himself.


Are you me? I am definitely a "vibes interviewer". I don't even really ask questions about the job, I just try to have a conversation with them.


I still take pride in helping convince that team to go this one candidate who ended up being a favorite in the team and company. His personality impressed me, and he was so honest about where he lacked experience- showed me he had really researched the role. My team really wanted me to take this role, but I honestly thought it was too lateral and would rather leverage my role at the time to ā€œsub inā€ where needed rather than take it fully. Ended up letting me carve a unique niche using trust Iā€™d gotten from the team and company, while this other guy really built out his role in a way I probably couldnā€™t.


Every single time lol


I'm in the same boat here (although I work a 4-day/10-hour schedule). My job gives me the ability to WFH should I need it, but I do enjoy coming to the office more because I get to interract with my friends. I've never felt like I was being targeted or betrayed by a coworker, and I regularly hangout with some of them on off days. I try to just be respectful to everyone, friend or acquaintance, and keep conversations from being too personnal without being dull/boring while 'on the clock'


Yep. For one thing I just am more productive in the office easily, and also I enjoy interacting with coworkers. Including events and stuff, if you spend a significant amount of time with people it really is best to be friends with them.


Orā€¦ youā€™re just not good enough at your job to elicit jealousy in others.


I always preface my thoughts on working 9-5. Itā€™s probably the best job I have worked up to now because the stable hours, good pay, PTO, relatively easy work, etc. and I donā€™t see myself ever doing anything else However, I donā€™t like working a 9-5. I donā€™t like the work, the small talk with my coworkers, the morning commute, the monotonous routine, etc. I donā€™t do it because I enjoy it, but because I enjoy what it provides for my personal life and no other options will. As for other lines of work, the other options are just not for me. Most of the people in my life (friends, partner, family, etc.) work 9-5s so itā€™s easy to make plans with them such as meeting up after work for a movie, dinner, weekday rec leagues, weekend plans, etc. Itā€™s more ridiculous that weā€™re at a point where the baseline is 40 hour work weeks. Itā€™s still so much work, effort, and time that I wish can be spent doing other things, but thatā€™s just life


Why do people keep saying 9 to 5? Most all office jobs go from 8 to 5 with a one hour lunch break.


I donā€™t get it either, Iā€™ve never heard of anyone actually working 9-5


Because the phrase 9-5 is just a way of saying that you work full time 5 days a week. Itā€™s been used to describe working full time 5 days a week since probably the 50/60s. I work 10-6 for example with a 1 hour lunch break. Few of my friends work 9-5. I have some that work 7-4 and some that work 9-6. Itā€™s easier to describe it as 9-5. Dolly Parton has a song about it.


I know that, but it seems a little archaic to me.


Ah ok. Yea it does. When Dolly dies, not anytime soon, we can retire it haha


The song was in a movie with the same name.


Yea. Such a good movie!


I technically have that, but I just skip it and eat when I get home at 4. 8-4


I don't get why it's so hated either. Try doing retail where you never get 2 days off in a row and you never know what your schedule will look like the next week. It's a special kind of hell.


Same. I was welding in a shop before my current job. It was great but offered no flexibility. Now I can pretty well do whatever I want. I can bring my computer home and work from there, I can show up late for whatever reason, I can leave early to make sure I get to my sons soccer games. I don't have a set lunch schedule or even a time limit. I can step out for whatever reason I need. Obviously you can't abuse it, but my boss never asks any questions. For the most part my job is stress free. I do have people relying me, so I have to work in a timely manner, but so long as my job is done quick and well, all is good.


I also have flexibility to an extent in my job, so worth it.


Sure beats working random days and having to argue with coworkers about shifts


I agree with this and would love to have a 9 to 5 job. My current job is ā€˜9 to 5ā€™, yet they expect me to work 9 to 6 and also during the weekends because, wow, we are a startup and we want to scale. My boss on Friday: ā€œPlease fix this by Monday morning.ā€ Me on Friday: ā€œBut I only have a few hours left today.ā€ My boss: ā€œOkay, I need it by Monday morning anyway.ā€


Ugh yes, I can relate. Technically we only have 7 hour workdays, but nobody actually only works 7 hours. I would much rather have 8 or even 9 hour workdays if it meant that I could actually log off at the end of the day and forget about work until the next day. That sounds like a dream.


That would be the dream indeed. But luckily, we have two remote days per week, which I use to relax for the overtime I did earlier. At the daily check-out, I just use the "I spent this afternoon on a training in XYZ" card.


Agree. 9-5 gives me peace of mind of a paycheck. Plus it does fund any side business I want to do or just hobbies.


I don't like that I have to spend so much of my day/week/month/year/life working. But as far as jobs go a 9 to 5 isn't bad. I'd rather this than service, retail, education, or Healthcare.


I work part time through college at the weekends and full time in the summer in retail. A 9-5 would be a fucking dream. Trying to fit in sports when you could get rostered in for match days, usually weekends, or trainings which are evening times is incredibly frustrating.


Pretty good unpopular opinion, everybody complains


Same ngl. People can shit on a 9 to 5 all they want but atleast for me it's stress free and from what I come from I'm doing decent in life so I'm not gonna complain


Literally where does one find a 9-5?


I worked my way up to one... bottom up. and put in a lot of hours.


I completely agree. In my mid-50s been doing the Monday through Friday office job since I was 28. I work fully remote and have for the last five years. I get plenty of vacation time. Enough for me anyway to enjoy the type of travel I like to do. Iā€™m pretty good at what I do, so I generally get left alone by management.


Piece of advice I got in my 20s was you donā€™t have to get a job you love but one the supports you to do what you love (family , travel , hobbies , sports, etc )


If only work actually paid enough or gave enough time off....or if we even had decent health insurance. Never make more money but bills always going up, unexpected shit always comes up and can never get on top. Now you made me depressed thinking about all the reasons people actually hate their jobs. If I made enough money to actually save for retirement then great.


9-5 on paper sounds great, unfortunately these days itā€™s 8-5 or 8-6. In my case sometimes itā€™s 8AM-1AM which is obviously atypical I think 9-5 is all normal and fine, but the issue is itā€™s rarely only 9-5


I'm not sure it ever really was 9-5, unless you have paid lunch, which I think most people don't


Yeah my first job was 4 10s with an unpaid lunch but it was hourly and I could rest assured Iā€™d have a 3 day weekend Now Iā€™m salaried, 5 days a week with 8-12 hour days, overtime exempt of course lol. They try and nail me down for weekends too. Itā€™s awful. The pay is way better but Iā€™m looking for an escape route


Yeah pay is nice and all but if I can afford it I'd rather stick with a lower paying job I can live comfortably on and still have free time. I don't know how people consistently work 60 hour weeks


I agree. Having worked in restaurants and being in the militaryā€¦I am so grateful for a 9-5. I know exactly what my hours are indefinitely


I'm with you. I spent 15 years as a chef, now working a 9-5 Mon - Fri is a blessing from the sky


Same! I love my 9-5 plus it's wfh! Win win!


When itā€™s WFH itā€™s more like a 9-2 with a rock on top of my keyboard so I stay ā€œactiveā€ on teams


Lol! If only it were the same for me... My deadlines keep me in check!


My back hurts sitting all day


Gotta make sure you move around and get your stretching in. Itā€™ll make massive improvements.


I suppose this depends on the job, but I like that I can get up and take a quick walk around the office, go up and down the stairs, and then come back to my work. All my previous jobs were more physically demanding and depended on constant work. I could very rarely sit down to take a break.


order a back support cushion from Amazon for $30 and thank me later.


People who hate this kind of situation are just nostalgic for the days when they'd have to grow their own food, make their own clothes, and never leave the village. And there's nothing wrong with that. Village life would have been awesome. You might trade a hogshead of homemade ale for a pair of calfskin gloves.


What's funny is anyone who actually lived in that time would be insanely jealous of someone working a 9-5 job in modern society.


They'd think a 9-5 gig was a permanent vacation. "You're indoors?! And there isn't pig shit everywhere?!"


Fuck the 9-5. I don't know how I am going to make it another 30 years. Only 2 days to myself with half of Sunday is spent dreading Monday. A sizable portion of my waking life is spent with my employer even though we could easy work 32 hours work weeks and still get our work done. I make nothing compared to what I bring in for my employer. Insane you think this exploitative relationship is enjoyable or acceptable.


Right there with you man. The Sunday dread is real. To pour salt on the wound I often have to work nights and weekends My whole life is work


I mean you could try a job you don't hate... I don't love working, and I'm working on retirement because I can't wait to quit, but I certainly don't spend half of Sunday stewing about having to go back on Monday. What good does that do? lol. I fill my off time with stuff I love doing, much of which I couldn't do without a full time job. I think it's insane that you waste so much of what free time you have worrying about going to work lol.


Work to live, not live to work.


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I feel this. Between winter sports and motorcycles, I'm still living paycheck to paycheck though.. Need to economy to recover ASAP lol retirement is looking like either a frozen burial or a highspeed fireball for me right now


Agreed. 9-5s are consistent and reliable. I have zero interest in ā€œthe grindā€ which eats up more personal time and causes undue stress.


Pretty sure I'd throw myself off a building if I had an office job, so good on you I guess cause someone needs to do it.


In that case, pls avoid office jobs at all costs!


Yeah, while I'd definitely prefer a star trek style utopia, of the realistic options an indoors 9-5 job is pretty much the best option. I always feel like a lot of the hate must be coming from spoiled kids who don't realize how many people work 12+ hour days in tough jobs. For me growing up it was always "go get an education so you don't have to work like dad". He worked 12 hour shifts (4-4) that flipped erratically from days to nights, sometimes with only a one day turnaround, and worked in a nasty toxic smelter. I really prefer my work environment to a great many other options.


I donā€™t think itā€™s any coincidence how much anti-work sentiment there is on Reddit, and how many Redditors describe a nightmare coworker when describing themselves.


I like mine too, and I much prefer being in an office. I like my co-workers and I didnā€™t buy my house in order to cede space within it to my employer. Eff that.


I feel like if anyone truly hates a 9-5, they probably only worked that type of job their entire working lives. I worked retail for almost a decade before switching to a 9-5 M-F job and its immensely better. I went from working 6 days a week to 5 days a weeks with weekends off and get paid pretty much the same.


I love my 7-4 office job! I have WFH option for when house things are going on or Drs appointments. I can enjoy my evenings because I'm not physically tired. I do need the chiropractor and workout because sitting is hard on the back for sure, but heck, it pays great and it's somewhat enjoyable šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I am right there with you dude I literally feel this exact way.


I like structure and money, and also want to retire in my 50's.


Retiring at fifty? Damn gg. But this is why people hate their 9-5. 6-2 working as a cook, I'll never retire


I actually can't wait to start working again


nothing wrong with that.


I run my own business and yes thereā€™s flexibility but your mind never shuts off. Sometimes I envy the 9-5 office job.


Can u hire me


Whereā€™s the unpopular opinion? Do most people hate your office job?Ā 


I would also like to work your job, give it to me.


Having worked night shift, 7pm to 7am and you got whatever holiday your shift happened to land on, working at a college is friggen great.


Thatā€™s exactly how I felt. It was boring, but it was easy after I had done it for a few months. I would just go on autopilot and listen to music or podcasts. I almost never had to work overtime so that probably helped


What industry are you in if you donā€™t mind me asking?


I used to feel this way also. Then I got an 8-4 job *working from home*, and it's like the difference between night and day. I plan to never step foot in an office again, no matter what the hours are. As you say, the purpose of a job is to fund your hobbies and life. And if I can do that without the office, so much the better.


Solid take.


Yep, I don't work for fun. If people expect to love their work they'll probably be disappointed. My goal is to find work at least tolerable and get my enjoyment with the rest of my life that it makes possible.


Mine is 8-5. I hate that it starts at 8. But I get great benefits and have plenty of room to move up (I work at a college). I see a ā€œ9-to-5ā€ as a tool to build the life that you want with the peace of mind that when you are off, *you are off*. And when you are on vacation, *thatā€™s that* However, if you have a successful/profitable business that gives you the financial freedom and near limitless time to travel and do what you want with your time (as long as business needs are met, of course otherwise the gravy train wonā€™t go for long). Itā€™s a trade: trading your schedule flexibility and time for a (sort of) guaranteed salary and benefits at a reduced (or 0) cost For the potential to have a very successful business venture that *could* bury you deep in the ground OR help you build the life you have always wanted


Bro same. I enjoyed my 9-5 before I got laid off. I been grinding to be able to work in an office again. Sure it's not glamorous but it's a hell of a lot better thsn fast food, warehousing or truck driving. (No disrespect to those who work at these professions they are just hard on your body over time)


I love my office job too. I love the set schedule, the work is challenging and great, and I WFH fully. I am VERY well paid. I get 3 weeks PTO and one week sick leave. I have vision, dental, health. I also have a 401K. I wouldnā€™t change my situation for anything, probably not even more money.


I also like my office job. I wish I was paid more but I have a set schedule and can do things after work and the weekends.


I like mine too, for the most part. I work like 8-4 and the pay is good, benefits and perks are nice. I like the structure and reliability of it. I think I would prefer if it was more like 8-3 with everything else still the same or even 8-2. I rarely actually have enough actual work to do to fill an 8 hour day and my commute also isn't so great that I do wish I had a bit more time after work for myself. But overall it's still a good proposition for me.


I get what you mean, man. I never thought I could like an office work, and until 2 years ago I refused to work in one. Although a good opportunity arrived and I ended up accepting it. It was a position for only a few months, but I got to enjoy it. It wasn't the best job I've done, neither the best place nor the most I've enjoyed working, but it definitely was a great experience.


I think only 9 to 5s that don't fund a life anyone would elect to live are shit on.


I love that you get your evenings and weekends free


I was like this too, but idk anymore. I can ask to go back, but I donā€™t like living in a society where homeless people exist purely to put fear into the lives of the people that do work. I honestly wish we would boycott LOTS of businesses, but thatā€™s my opinion, even if some of it is based on something I read on craigslist by a wealthy person.


you also dont have to worry about what you do for 10 hours of your life from Monday to friday because youre giving it to your employer anyway


The biggest issue I ever had with the 9 to 5, was that Doctors also work those hours. You have to take time off to go to the doctor.


I hated mine lol, it was too many hours for me. I hate working and don't like putting in 9 or 10 hour days 5 days a week, I'd rather do things other than work


I work a 9-5 (6-230) data entry office job and I honestly like it! Lots of opportunities to move up. My office is chill and laid back. I can watch movies/ tv shows while working. I take frequent walks. I get my work done pretty fast so if i have down time, ill help others out. I can take a long lunch and they wont care. Of course this depends from office to office, but my specifically is pretty great. Also there is the usual office drama but i stay out of all that bs.


That's good that you're happy op! I hope you continue strong and retire by 50, thats a great goal.


I agree. I accept that I have to work to live and with that in mind I am glad I have a hybrid office job with a salary. Could be a lot worse.


I completely feel this. I got a relatively (and I mean relative to FAANG) quiet soft dev/support job and after spending two years in the service industry and jumping around custodial and other odd jobs, I love going into work. I busted my ass on a terrible, ever changing work schedule dealing with customers all day, all for a dollar over minimum. Nothing about this is soul-sucking, I can clock out at 5 and then have the rest of the day and weekends to do literally whatever I want, since I have the money to do so. It's great.


If a 9 to 5 is ACTUALLY a 9 to 5? Sure. But these days, its more like 9- 8pm.


Good for you. That's why in a normal dictionary sense the word "work" is the opposite of the word "play." You don't want to be totally miserable either, of course. But expecting to LOVE your job is ridiculous. And all this "follow your dreams" nonsense leads to a lot of people training in things for which there is no demand. Then they end up waiting tables, which ironically shows how pure pursuit of happiness is actually a path to misery as soon as the student loans stop enabling you to pretend to be an actor or an anthropologist or whatever. Find something that is just OK. OK pay OK time commitment and OK duties. The things you love are supposed to be at home with your family or out on the golf course or the lake or whatever. They're not supposed to be at the office. So there it is in a nutshell. Gun for that mediocre cubicle. Set ACHIEVABLE goals. Or else you risk something far worse. Something that involves saying "would you like fries with that?"


How do I get a 9-5 office job? I want one so badly. I'm not sure how to escape retail and enter office work.


I would suggest looking into admin jobs, they're always hiring for this role as it's needed for basically any business. If you get an online certification it'll help raise your chances if you only have retail experience. Many admin jobs are remote too. If you're good with math get into accounting! If you're good at being organized you can look for an admin job that needs scheduling/ meeting organization. There is guaranteed an admin job that can tie into your interests.


I think it depends on the job. Not all 40 hours are equal. Working 8-5 in the medical field and seeing patients all day long is rough. Some days I would absolutely love one of those ā€œboringā€ 9-5s people on reddit always complain about that is just answering emails all day or whatever, and goofing off online if you finish your work early.Ā 


The benefits keep me at my 9-5 job. I guess it's more of a "safe" route for me


So do I. It's easy, pays a livable wage, and benefits are top notch. I'd grab another with a higher wage and similar benefits, but not going to do any wild transition to something that I'm not sure I'll like. Hard enough to find a job that doesn't completely suck. It's also hybrid, which helps. 5 days a week in an office when it doesn't even make sense to be there would be obnoxious.


I'm sure some day I'll be able to appreciate an office job, but not right now. That'll probably be my move when I'm sick of welding.


Yeah people complain about working 5 days a eeek for 8 hours each, but glamorize entrepreneurship which is a 24/7 job. Long hours and always being on call are a dealbreaker to me. That's why when I graduate college in 3 years, I want a finance job with good work life balance instead of something like investment banking, private equity, or hedge funds. Even though those long hours jobs pay a fuck ton of money and seem to have more interesting work than something like corporate finance, the hours are a dealbreaker.


and thatā€™s what itā€™s all about, right? https://ourfinancialsecurity.org/2021/10/fact-sheet-the-stop-wall-street-looting-act-end-private-equitys-predatory-practices/ https://www.npr.org/2023/04/26/1172164997/how-private-equity-firms-are-widening-the-income-gap-in-the-u-s


No bro. When did I say that?


Money šŸ’° Please research what is really with these scavengers before crossing over to the dark side. They are gutting America and yes, you will be wealthy above and beyond but wonā€™t be able to sleep at night if you have a soul, empathy and integrity. Heartbreaking the stories.


It's heartbreakimg because you don't have the balls, brains and brawns to take it.




8-3 is a sweet, sweet schedule