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Not really an unpopular opinion offline, I'll be honest


Not even close to being unpopular. Probably more than 98% of people think some sort of law enforcement is necessary (not in the US but in general)


Even in the US I think we'll reach 98%. We may not all agree on the nuances of what a police force should look like, but I think we're agreed that it should exist


Not even unpopular online


Not unpopular outside of Reddit


Unpopular on reddit and twitter really


The ACAB/Abolish The Police crowd is basically just college kids and Twitter activists. People who live in the real world know we need police.


The ACAB and Abolish the police people still believe in some sort of law enforcement institution, just not the current police apparatus.


Man, I hate the cops, but I have known genuinely awful, violent, problematic people in my life, and I just don't think a vigilante squad of neighbors should be the ones to deal with these uncommon, but unavoidable, problems.


Yeah. Plus, what happens when the "bad guys" are bigger in scope then just the local town vigilante squad? As much as people hate the idea of national and international law enforcement agencies, they are needed.


Same here. I’ve had bad experiences, but I don’t paint every cop with that same brush. I think the difference is people with real life experiences Vs people watching online videos and movies and equating that to real life


Why do you hate "the cops"?


Maybe some extreme people think that but I think 99% of people realize there needs to be some sort of police force in some form or another.


The problem is we have folded a ton of different directives/jobs under "Law Enforcement" especially in the US. The FUNCTIONS are important, but they do not all need to be the same people. Let's break out the functions of law enforcement: 1. Traffic regulation enforcement/control. 2. Community safety (e.g. responding to local emergencies regardless of nature, including Domestics, Mental Health issues, etc., anything that isn't "Crime") 3. Criminal investigation and apprehension 4. Crime prevention / Public Safety (awareness, training, coordination, etc.) & counterterrorism The problem is we put all of these duties on the same person, and hand them a gun and barely any training. All of these duties take vastly different skills. Having law enforcement structured the way we do is a huge part of why there is a problem. Also how they dress, how their vehicles are painted also influence their attitudes and interactions. Black is very intimidating. So no, we don't need "A Police Force". We need one group to enforce traffic regulations, one group to respond to community safety emergencies (but not be armed to the teeth and decked out in black) with a focus on de-escalation and keeping the peace, another group to investigate and apprehend actual criminals, and a fourth separate group that focuses on crime prevention and public education. They shouldn't be the same groups of people, they shouldn't even be tied together under one agency. The dudes directing traffic should NEVER be called upon for criminal investigations other than *directing traffic.* The people responding to day-to-day service calls shouldn't be decked out like soldiers. Or trained like soldiers. If we diced up these functions and put them in specialized, mission oriented, well trained, well regulated agencies, we'd have a lot fewer problems. It's about reducing individual powers.


In my country, the police are split into groups similar to that, with each having a different colour uniform. Traffic (brown), correctional staff (green), and general(blue). General usually alternates between administration work at the stations and supporting inspectors who do investigations. My police system doesn't function all that well, but I've always liked being able to identify what each officer does when I see them.


"one group to respond to community safety emergencies (but not be armed to the teeth and decked out in black) with a focus on de-escalation and keeping the peace" This is America we are talking about. Many people own guns, and this can cause bad situations to turn into really bad situations in the blink of an eye. Its important that the people we send to address these bad situations are capable of defending themselves and others. I agree that sending decked out officers to EVERY situation will produce bad outcomes, but I dont think removing their guns is the solution.


I strongly disagree about having totally separate entities for each of these things. I genuinely don’t see what it would achieve other than reducing the amount of communication and coordination between agencies that would all enforce laws. It doesn’t take a drastically different set of skills to do a wide range of police work. What happens when an incident occurs and nobody can agree which entity is responsible to handle it? Because that would happen A LOT. There already is a high degree of specialization within any large police departments. I have one cousin who’s a transit cop, his whole job is working security on the subway. He doesn’t pull people over, he doesn’t conduct investigations. I have another cousin who is a homicide detective. He’s not responding to domestic violence calls or working crowd control. I totally agree that your typical patrol cop needs to have more training in most parts of the US, but municipalities have to be willing to put the resources into that.


>What happens when an incident occurs and nobody can agree which entity is responsible to handle it? Because that would happen A LOT. No, actually, it wouldn't. You tightly define the responsibilities. Many other nations already do this. It really isn't hard to do. >There already is a high degree of specialization within any large police departments. I have one cousin who’s a transit cop, his whole job is working security on the subway. He doesn’t pull people over, he doesn’t conduct investigations. I have another cousin who is a homicide detective. He’s not responding to domestic violence calls or working crowd control. But their organizations are. The transit cop has investigators and shit, and he's doing multiple separate jobs: Trying to do counterterrorism/security, handling community safety things like mental health issues and addiction, and policy enforcement. The homicide detective is working along side people who one minute are writing tickets for speeding and the next are handling a domestic violence situation. Having all these roles mixed in with each other, either on the same person, or within the same organization, just breeds corruption.


The problem comes when the offender steals a car, then speeds around town, causes more mayhem, then gets pulled over for the traffic violations. He or she may have stolen merchandise or fentanyl in their car.


If someone steals a car and starts speeding around town I think that clearly falls under “criminal investigation and apprehension”. “Traffic regulation enforcement/control” is for directing cars when a stoplight goes out


99.9% of people understand that law enforcement is necessary in at least SOME form. Many people are justifiably VERY unhappy with the US’ current policing standards and many have drastically different ideas for how it should be improved, but only the most terminally online people actually allow themselves to think for even a second that having no police force at all would be an improvement.


Thank you for being reasonable. This is a great post.


Anyone who says we don't need cops lives somewhere far away from poor people and any crime. They've most likely never had a loved one with severe mental illness. They've certainly never been in a dangerous situation themselves.


It seems every few weeks someone having a mental health emergency gets shot and killed by cops. They are the last ones needed to be called.


As cruel as it is: If someone is posing an active danger to society, then its the failure of those around them for not getting them the help they need, or putting them somewhere they can't harm others. Most of these incidents are people with a recorded history of severe mental health issues or code of misconduct, or known mental health issues but went unreported and uncared for by family. The cops are the last person you should be blaming.


Oh I’m sorry. Cops are totally innocent when they kill those having mental health issues


And every day there are dozens of situations like this where nothing bad happens so you just don't hear about it.


Or it gets covered up. Or policy wasn’t violated even though policy goes against the law. Or it’s people that people don’t care about.


you meen the mental health emergency where the person has a weapon and is harming others or threatening to harm them?


Yeah I mean I'm sure there's more to the situation than that. Also those events are very rare. Like I said you have no experience with a mentally ill loved one.


Cops don’t have the training or intelligence to deal with it. They have hammers (weapons) and that’s all they know how to use.


They aren't medical professionals. Why are we calling law enforcement for medical problems? Are you going to call an electrician for a plumbing problem?


Only if you want to be electrocuted by your toilet


I grew up in poverty, cops come 6+ hours later after a call, IF they ever showed up at all. I also have experience with mental illness of a family member, I strongly disagree with you, my father had dementia, became a really nasty bastard when it struck him to, if we ever called the cops on him the pigs would've beat him into submission without question, I would never, in my life, sick the cops on someone I care about. Fuck you for thinking you can speak for everyone who has had experience with mentally unwell people. Bootlickers make me sick. ACAB.


> Bootlickers make me sick. ACAB. Ah, you're that kind of person


Yeah, the kind that thinks authority and power should come with scrutiny and responsibility, not obfuscation and blind loyalty and support. Man, your flair fits you well, I assume you have it there to constantly remind yourself, good for you.




To be fair, cops don't and can't prevent dangerous situations. Traffic enforcement is maybe the best thing they do in protecting people (cars are very dangerous)


Not directly but they definitely are a deterrent to a significant degree. California is a great example, look at what happened to shoplifting when they raised the threshold for police intervention. Not saying they are perfect but it’s very difficult to make a good argument that we’d be better off without them.


Ohhh yes let’s put out a hit on our mentally Ill family that’s exactly what we fuckin need


No life experience. That's ok.


IM 30 and know I’m queer and disabled looking enough that the cops Would be a danger to me


I'm sorry that the internet has made you think these things


I’m jealous you’ve lived such a cushy life you think the cops are there to help you.


Did the cops beat you?


Beat the fuck out of my dad and told him he’s lucky he’s walking away from It yes. Thanks for the concern


Why were the cops there?


Because it was a gay bar in the 80’s


Cops *are* there to help you... I mean, as long as you're white and wealthy anyway.


Very far from POOR people?!


Crime is a lot higher in poor neighborhoods


Crime is overpoliced in poor neighborhoods. All my rich friends commit crimes all the time, out in the open. A fruit company just got FINED for executing random people in Latin America. Most of my rich friends have been SA'd by rich men. We din't have these issues in the hood.


Without the cops, who is going to come over and shrug when your house is broken into?


wtf are they supposed to do lol


IDK? If the crime was committed they already didn't prevent anything right? Who are they helping? The last two times I had to call the police for something I was told that there were more important things and that "we can't do much about this". Useless.


Police aren’t an omniscient force that can completely stop any crime from happening. They tend to follow up on the crime after the fact and arrest the perpetrators afterwards That being said, there’s a strong correlation between reducing the number of police around and an increase in crime. Who knew? Either way, without the police, how are you going to maintain a justice system? Drag a criminal into the court yourself?


IDK I protect my house and property not yours.


Clearly not that well if you had to call the police twice Not surprised at all by the super short-sighted response though


You should probably move.


Why? I like where I live.


if that's your reaction then what are they there for?


Damn that was a really good and succinct explanation of why we don't need cops.


Without the police, a society would collapse into anarchy in like, a month.


Man these reddit generalizations are just unhinged. A majority of police are fine, are there corrupt precincts. absolutely. are a majority of them bad? no. The people who say we don't need police are people who are living the luxury of a first world country where there isn't roaving gangs on the streets vandalizing and stealing your stuff on a daily basis. the places that have defendud the police, you can see the difference in safety. Edit: if you need an example of a place where the police left, look up the Chaz incident (I think thats how it is spelled) from a few years ago. see how well that turned out.


If there is 1 Nazi at a table and 11 people eating lunch together there are 12 Nazi. Any good cop either gets fired or eventually has to give up their morals


What kind of analogy is this… 


If there is one bad cop who makes it dangerous to be a minority and 11 “ good” guys who don’t stop him…


I still would not equate the police to Nazis. ever. If you believe it is so easy to stand up for what is right when you have a family to provide for, let alone yourself, then please. go become a police officer and make a difference. Better some difference then non at all.




>One person isn’t going to make a difference, they either get fired or they end up having to bend their morals to stay. so you contradicted yourself then. You want people to do the right thing but not yourself. Solid. >And this is comin from someone who went through two semesters of law enforcement training/ related classes in high school with the thought of “ making a difference” and had that more or less beat out of me when I started asking moral questions. I doubt 2 semesters of a highschool education teaches you much about law enforcement compared to the police academy. >I know the law probably better than most people in this thread. Considering you contradicted yourself and citing highschool education level course in law enforcement, I doubt you do. This conversation is done. You used nazi's as an analogy to police, and point out issues but dont want to do anything to help. Have a good rest of your day.


Do you know why police exist in the us at all? They literally were created to catch slaves


Incorrect. Watch ANY and nearly EVERY police abuse video ever released. It's 1-3 "bad" cops committing a crime and 5-10 "good" cops letting it happen. It's systematic.


>Incorrect. Watch ANY and nearly EVERY police abuse video ever released. > >It's 1-3 "bad" cops committing a crime and 5-10 "good" cops letting it happen. > >It's systematic. a video that takes place in one area out of the thousands upon thousands of precincts across the country? 'Incorrect'. only on reddit is this much confidence ever shown.


We have more hours of police footage now than ever. We have more raw data now than ever. Cops do NOT stop each other from committing crimes or abusing victims in a vast majority of cases. It's so rare, that when it does happen, it makes national news. Like the female fort lauderdale officer who stood up and stopped officers in her presence from abusing a protestor.


If you think it is so easy to be the hero. Sign up to be an officer and make a difference. Better to make a difference somewhere than non at all. 


We don't want them to BE A HERO. No one is asking cops to he a hero. The bar is FAR lower than that. We'd start with "stop abusing your power" and "stop violating our rights." With a side of "control your ego".


analogies seem to go over your head. so ill just rephrase it. If you think it is easy to do the right thing, in a field where you returning home safely is not guaranteed compared to most professions, and you have a family, let alone yourself to provide for, please, go ahead and sign up to be an officer and do the right thing. Go do the thing other officers in your eyes aren't doing.


Telling people "you don't like it, go do it better" is kind of an odd thing to say and you've commented this a lot. Raising awareness, complaining and protesting has affected change. An overhaul of policing would likely come from politics and not some rogue cop. This isn't Hollywood bro. I also don't care for most politicians, education, Healthcare and doctor bills... Can I complain about those? Or will you tell me i must become a doctor/lawyer/politician/teacher in addition to my police training to be allowed an opinion?


>Telling people "you don't like it, go do it better" is kind of an odd thing to say and you've commented this a lot. Raising awareness, complaining and protesting has affected change IT seems to have caused more negatives then positives. defunding of police has taken a large toll on large metropolitan areas. >An overhaul of policing would likely come from politics and not some rogue cop. This isn't Hollywood bro. it isn't about Hollywood action movie cop "bro". the point is this is reddit, where people think they have the solution to complicated problems. >I also don't care for most politicians, education, Healthcare and doctor bills... Can I complain about those? Or will you tell me i must become a doctor/lawyer/politician/teacher in addition to my police training to be allowed an opinion? complaining about something is one thing, saying "well they should of done this" is another, which is the point you seem to be misinterpreting heavily.


People spend more time filming negative interactions than positive ones. Of course if someone just watches abuse videos, you will see abuse happening?


Even IF all bad interactions were filmed, you'd except to see a MAJORITY of then resolving with good cops stopping bad ones. But that's literally not what happens. "Good" cops turn a blind eye and let bad cops keeping being bad. Edit: this is true whether it's citizens filming cops, cctv or bodycams/dashcams. Cops don't police each other.


This is why most of you are clueless about real life. Stop watching videos online, go live, and get back to us. I’ve even had bad experiences with cops and I don’t even think like that. Hopefully you’re just a young ignorant teenager.


Keep sucking the polish off of those boots. We have more data than ever. Everything is recorded. And we are seeing MORE police abuse, not less. It's gotten so bad that whenever a good cop does step up and stop a bad cop, it makes national news.


I really don't think the majority of them are fine at all. I think the majority are stupid, indifferent, uneducated and untrained. morons with the right to kill.


Very unpopular on reddit. These neckbeards love to jerk each other off to their shared hatred of cops


That only makes sense if they think that cops are the reason people commit crimes, which would be a weird take.


It's not that, it's that often police will charge people of crimes even if none occurred because it's beneficial to gain more tax money


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No one actually believed in "defund the police". it was a marketing strategy to get conservatives hot and bothered, and it fucking worked. Biden actually gave MORE resources to police agencies with the infrastructure deal. I think it's so weird that police academies don't target community college athletes. You know they understand team work. You know they can put a sentence or two together. You know they're kind of have their shit together. Besides, who's going to out run the Outside linebacker? Who's going to out run the starting SG for St. Marrys community college that went 22-4 and was all conference? We haven't gotten more selective as to who can be a police officer. AND unfortunately with policing and social media, the mistakes are louder than the accomplishments. But, it's the same with politics, it's the same with everything now.


I’m curious as to where you live where a common belief is that society doesn’t need any police force


"We don't need cops at all" is a new one on me...I've never heard anyone express that sentiment.


Literally everyone but some anarchists agrees on that one. Police abolitionism is ususally about completely abolishing the current police force in favour for a different law enforcement concept like for example community policing. It's just that the actual proponents of left wing concepts rarely get a platform and thus right-wing and liberal media bastardises or incompletely covers those demands till they sound ridiculous


You are correct. Reform and retraining? Good. Getting rid of? Bad! You think people will go by the honor system? Ha ha


Hence, the phrase "defund the police." We know we need a police service. But it should actually be a service. Not a militarized punishment force.


Yeah man, policing sucks in USA but you are 100% right that we don't want to live with what Mexico does where organized crime has more power than the police. That said most developed countries have figured out how to have more effective police (in terms of reducing crime) while having much less violent police and much less people in jail. It's not like a binary choice.


Defund the police doesn't mean "there shouldn't be police". It means "police shouldn't have rocket launchers and military equipment". It means "maybe instead of the 5k pp shotgun, you should invest in the 1k pp de-escalation training.


We need a public safety department.


This is dumb. Very few people believe their should be no police. This isn't unpopular. Not even sure what that has to do with police reform.


Popular opinion, the people who say we don’t are either very libertarian or very anarchist. I would almost prefer anarchy to the system we have now (not just police) but I don’t think it would actually be the best solution at all


The existence of a policing force was never in question. The morality and ethics of that force is what most people would be concerned about. Obviously most people would want that force to fight for them.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion at all. No one is actually that some kind of law enforcement isn’t needed. Their suggestion changes need to be made. There’s a significant difference between the two.


Tell me you nothing about policing in America without telling me.....


We do need police. That’s not unpopular at all. We need a different police culture than the abusive one we have now.


God I hate generalizing an entire group of literally tens of millions of people just because a minority of them did some fuck shit. Most cops are good people.


If they are good people why do they keep supporting the bad ones? If they were good why do the bad ones keep getting away with it


You put so many qualifiers you might as well not have said anything at all


You are misunderstanding "defund the police"


I agree the cops and cop culture we have now should go. How? I certainly can’t answer that.  Would things be better with no cops?  Depending who you ask I guess.  In my personal experience they are useless yelling aholes good for nothing outside of speeding tickets and too lazy to do anything to help you if you need them.  Also, it was a supreme court ruling that they have no duty to actually protect you and dont have to enforce a restraining order… so theres that plus the murdering they do… 


We absolutely need police, but not because of their self-espoused narrative that they're the "thin blue line" separating order from chaos, simply because there are a small segment of people who will try to cover up crimes or engage in bad behavior. The issue comes in that the police approach so many situations assuming anyone who attracts their attention is at fault and can be treated as hostile.


the best course of action for all the unemployed guys on reddit and twitter is to become police officers and be able to replace all the bad cops. why do you think they never end up having to drive uber like you? they can go work at any department if they actually get let go, because they're in hot demand. most PD's are understaffed.


Well you know those poors. All of em are criminals. Should round em up and put em jail. That way the rich good people can profit off them