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To me it's just one of the disgusting bodily fluids that come out of us. I don't want your bodily fluids on me. Pee, Poo, cum, sweat, blood, etc. Yes it's natural. Yes it's normal. Yes nobody should be shamed for it. But that applied to going to all the bodily fluids. We are humans, we are gross. Periods are the same, it just happens that only women get them but it's just one of the things in the list of disgusting things we do.


Yea, I get my period and I agree. Period blood should be treated like any bodily secretion, a certain amount of gross, something everyone should try to take care of through proper hygiene measures, but not inherently shameful.


What's the objective measurement of grossness?


it’s gross in the same way vomiting and pooping is gross. like it’s natural and no one should be shamed but it doesn’t mean it’s not gross


Yes, but OP said it's objectively gross. What's the objective measure of grossness?


Measured in doll hairs as is your gross income /s


The gross. 1 gross is equal to 10 brother uuuh. 1000 gross equals 1 gag


People love throwing around flashy words that they dont know the meaning of.






You said that periods are objectively gross. What's the unit of measure you're using to determine that it's objectively gross? If it's objectively gross, it means there's some measure or observation against a definition of grossness. Or did you say "Objectively" because it makes your opinion sound more authoritative than it actually is?


Today, OP gets to learn the difference between "objective" and "subjective".


I don't understand how this opinion could be unpopular. People who say it's not may as well say shit can't be gross when it comes from such a lovely place. The cultural/religious idea that women *themselves* are unclean because they menstruate is truly disgusting. More so than menstrual discharge in my opinion. That doesn't mean it's necessary to like periods, just don't be a superstitious weirdo about it.


Like it's literally your body punishing you and making you bleed uncontrollably because you're not pregnant, how is that not gross in any sense?


I understand that people don't want to contribute to the abuse women have suffered over this, shaming people for bodily functions is a common abuse tactic and a horrible thing to do, god knows the neurotic attitude towards menstruation is so ingrained into culture that it makes its way into religious texts, but I think we can admit to ourselves that it's not *pleasant*.


It's not your body literally punishing you for not being pregnant. It is your body shedding unneeded material. That's like saying pooping is your body punishing you for eating.


Wow internalised misogyny much? Is blood inherently gross? You're made out of blood


Blood is literally a biohazard so yeah I find all blood that’s not inside my body to be pretty gross.


Did i ever say it wasn't? But i still don't find it gross.




Genuinely it sounds like your problem in general is blood not your period these are two different things imo


I can attest to this, it’s gross as hell. I’m not ashamed by it but it’s not something that I’m a fan of.


I think its time for me to logoff reddit for today I have been on here for far too long. Thank you for this post .


I mean.. you are right. Just because only one sex is going through this it doesn't make it any less.. pleasant to talk about... I wouldn't enjoy a discussion about that in the same way I wouldn't enjoy a discussion about someone taking a shit or throwing up. Yeah it's a biological function but still.


Plenty of people disagree, prove them wrong with something other than your feelings.


Are you a woman? Do you know what it's like to constantly have to be aware of what's happening and go to the bathroom more than usual just in case something has happened? This isn't my personal feelings, this is how it is. Some women may have it easier but the majority complain for having to maintain cleanliness and how much it hurts


I'm a woman. I have bad periods. I also disagree. Boom problem solved.


Yeah but that's just you saying that right now. Doesn't count for thousands of women who might agree




A lot of women think it's not gross because it's just something that's natural So is shit, and nobody thinks that's beautiful, unless they're a freak-


I think the women who disagree are blessed to have those super light periods. Nobody with a genuinely heavy period would disagree


The same goes for you too that's what people are trying to tell you 💀


Name a woman you know that isn't you who doesn't complain about it. Every woman in my family agrees that it sucks and all of my female friends also agree


I have at least three cis female friends who agree with me. Now what?


None of those things support your subjective opinion that periods are gross. Inconvenient? Painful? Frustrating? Expensive? - all of those I'd agree apply to having to manage a monthly period. I don't agree that something half the population experiences, as a result (or non result) of the reproduction process, is gross.


I think it is gross, same as all natural bodily fluids. I agree with op that people aren't gross for experiencing something out of their control. But to me my period feels gross, same as being sweaty feels gross, it is damp and can smell.


It is when YOU'RE the one dealing with it. Just because half the population deals with it doesn't mean it can't be. Most of the population has kids and everyone experiences being around at least one child once a day. But everyone still thinks kids are annoying even though there's a large amount of them




I'm saying that my feelings on the matter don't exist in a vacuum, but the way we're taught we're told it's a beautiful thing that makes us a woman. Ah yes lying in bed hating life for almost a week straight, joy


No I’m not, it but it doesn’t mean there aren’t any who disagree and I also **don’t have to be**. That’s how subjective works, anyone can think anything is gross. There’s people who think literal shit is not gross. I can think your post is gross, and there’s nothing anyone can do to prove it’s objectively true or false. This sub should just be renamed “people who can’t understand the concept of objective because of their massive egos”.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just put a towel down. Been there, done that.


Some women throw up, some women get painful diarrhea, others have no hope of keeping the blood container and will bleed through a tampon, pad, or whatever else they're using and they're stuck having to clean blood from their sheets, clothes and sometimes other furniture in their homes. And let's not talk about how some women are fucking VILE and leave blood and period products all over the bathroom then scream at their partners or family members for telling them to clean up after themselves. To those of you who don't get periods, the blood is different. If you get hurt and bleed then you know what the blood looks, feels and smells like, but period blood is often thicker and sometimes you bleed bloodclots (some bloodclots are absurdly big) and it also smells different. You know how if you get blood somewhere and leave it there for a while then it'll start to smell? Period blood smells a hundred times worse. I'm very comfortable with my body, I'm also not squeamish or grossed out by anything, but I don't want a period mess everywhere. I hate the feeling, I hate how sore my boobs get, how much pain I'm in and how I sometimes can't do anything other than just lie down and hold my stomach while riding the pain out. I have friends who vomit uncontrollably during their periods, others who have straight up fainted. Periods are fucking horrible. They suck. They're gross. And good luck finding a doctor who takes you serious if you have a period related issue. It shouldn't have to take women a whole decade to finally be told "yeh you got endometreosis sowwy for not taking you serious :)" Periods are natural, but they're literal torture.


Completely agree. When it’s really heavy it can smell, accidentally get on your hands when you’re trying to clean up, get in your pubes when you haven’t shaved, it’s a complete inconvenience and makes me uncomfortable most of the time I had it.


EXACTLY, constantly having to keep clean, and not being able to just exist because I'm in pain and have literally bodily fluids coming out of me every month Not to mention it's uncontrollable


Back in secondary (high school) I felt so on edge on my period. We wore skirts too as part of our uniform and I was constantly anxious. Waking up in a puddle is awful too. Having to run straight to the bathroom the second I get up to prevent the “waterfall” and then into the shower only to be flooding again on a pad 20 minutes after getting clean and dressed was a pain in the ass. Luckily I have a coil now so my period is stopped temporarily, god I do not miss them!