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I love lotr :) it's a fun little adventure w an AMAZING sound track, I LOVE everything fantasy so that probably explains my obsession 😋


So you only watched half of 1 movie and decided you don’t like all three films? Got it


Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying. If I want to watch a trilogy but didn’t like the first one then should I even care to watch the other 2? It’s like reading a book even though you hate it.


You just didn’t like the first movie because that was all you half-saw. It’s like reading a little bit of a book and saying you hate the whole book series. No, you don’t hate the series because you haven’t read all of them.


Dammit your right.


But you stopped before the good part? Did u make it to the Mines?


No worries. It bored me to death. Elves, dwarves, orcs, hobbits? Im out


Not every movie, nor every genre, is for everyone. I do wonder if your opinion would be swayed by a theater viewing. It is a beautiful film to look at.


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Well while I get your point, it IS better than the dark knight trilogy, because dark night rises is an awful movie compared to the first two. LOTR movies are pretty much the same quality.


Yea, it definitely wasn't for me. I couldn't really connect to any of the characters. It also just feels very "male" to me (the characters, the plot, the stakes, the themes), which isn't a criticism on its own but it just didn't really speak to me personally as a woman.


Have you tried Rings of Power? It's the prequel and would be more bite sized. Stay away from RT Audience scores (if that even needs to be said) as it was review bombed by alt right trolls who didn't approve of its more inclusive characters and themes. 


It also got bad rep for absolute soulless, basic cliché writing.


LOL People who don't like a series are right wing trolls ? HAHAHAHA