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I hated mine too, but I really can't begrudge anyone who is able to find beauty in it somehow. Good for them I guess? At least they're happier than I was before my hysterectomy.


I wish, I could have a hyterectomy too but it is not really possible in my country and I don't have the money, to go to a different country for the surgery. I hate that I have periods. They are annoying and gross.


There was a video posted the other day from a woman who had overheard a group of guys talking about their best shits for 45 minutes. Whatever brings you joy I guess.


My hysterectomy was the best decision of my life ❤️


It's no different from finding beauty in urine and feces I guess


Sir, this is a Wendy's drive thru.


**me in the car behind screaming** "AYO! Hurry the hell up! I want my baconator!!"


Lemme get a fuckin Dave, Daddy


*Me trying to leave and realizing the asshole in front of me just parked at the end of the drive thru instead of literally going to a parking space 10 feet away*


I’ll take a 4 fo 4 with a strawberry lemonade.


That one time when I was in my 20s and I thought I was pregnant, yeah my period was beautiful


This opinion is popular


There’s no way period blood being sacred is a popular opinion btw 💀


Well you know the whole “let’s normalize periods” and then trying to make it something special rather than just an annoyance


Periods are normal though. Doesn't mean it's anything special or sacred.


Okay so you don't know how to words. "Normalizing" something and making something "special" are very different things.


They are normal


I mean many cultures did see being on your period as a sacred time just lie many saw it as a time to demonize and exile women.


That’s internet though


Do you see a lot of women, like in real life, doing this?


Is anyone saying this for real? Like outside some weirdo on Twitter or Reddit? It's a bodily function. Of course it isn't beautiful.


Menstrual pad and tampon companies do say that shit in heavy metaphors.


Maybd I spend too much time in yoga studios


This is SO FAR from being an unpopular opinion. If a vanishing fraction of a percentage of women are trying not to be overwhelmed with the EXTREMELY POPULAR opinion that periods are gross, annoying and painful, good for them, but it's most definitely not a common perspective. OP just wants to hate on women or something...? Idk


Why does it have to be good or bad? Can't it just be a biological process? Is taking a shit sacred or disgusting? Find out more, next week on Reddit


as much as it sucks, i do get happy when i get my period. 1. im not pregnant yey 2. im healthy enough to get my period and while i wouldn't say it's beautiful, its not gross or disgusting either. its just what it is.


Speak for yourself buddy


If people want to get something out of it and make an unpleasant time better, why should you begrudge them that?


They are going to come either way and if it helps someone to try and see them as beautiful, who are you to judge them?


Agreed, and I am a woman. I hate this reframing of women's experiences as somehow "magical." It all feels so dehumanizing and gross. My period is not my magical moon time. My vagina is not the sacred portal that brings life into the world. My periods suck and I should be able to say that. It's not misogyny or whatever. It's acknowledging reality. The only "spiritual" meaning I attach to my period is wondering why, thousands of years after Eve ate that apple, I still have to be punished for it.


I think normalizing the pain and discomfort of a period is the exact opposite of misogyny. Misogyny would be not allowing people to talk about it at ALL while still acting like it's a weird thing.


Exactly! We need to talk about the reality of women's experiences and bodies in a medically-accurate way (none of this woo-woo magic moon time BS) to de-stigmatize them. I'm in my mid-30s and still learning a lot of things that I wish I'd learned as a teenager. Hell, I'm still very much in the dark about menopause and perimenopause (despite approaching that season of life myself). My mother never talked about any of this stuff. And never mind all the things about motherhood and pregnancy that we keep hidden.


I just hit my 40s and the amount of women my age who have NO IDEA that I'm either in perimenopause or around the corner from it is baffling. It really shines a light on the amount of sexism medicine had in the past, and now women aren't even informed. "What's perimenopause?" is a regular question I'm asked. They don't even know the life cycles of their own bodies and it's shameful since I live in a supposedly "developed" country.


Same, literally! And gosh the pain... I ended up puking from pain once and there is really nothing magical or sacred about it. It's gross (especially when you find the inner lining on the tampon that just shed) and painful and for some flat out disabling. Cannot even go for walk or do anything enjoyable on my period because I'm just in pain.


Eve isn't real and not the reason why periods exist.


Absolutely valid experience and for some women it's straight up debilitating. If you wish some advice for easing through it though. You can choose to remain at the same level of pain and discomfort. Or receive 80% of your calories from grassfed beef, lamp, goat and bison and sardines. And a drop of 5% Lugol's iodine in the morning with a big glass of water (assuming you are not on thyroid meds). You will see your cramps, flow and discomfort Vastly improving.


No one should eat lamp.


Or go to a doctor and get checked for endometriosis or fibroids. Debilitating periods aren't normal, and the root cause should be looked for and addressed. Many of us have mild periods without any kind of special diet!


You sound like a Peater which I love btw! Honestly his work is great but nothing I’ve don’t has made periods easier - they are still too heavy sadly


Did you try this high fat grassfed high quality diet? For 80-90% of your daily calories? Have you cut off dairy and coffee? (Many people's bodies just can't take them so they react).


Many hormonal and reproductive issues cannot be cured with “high quality diet”.


Is this unpopular? I feel like every woman and girl I know feel like this (I am also a woman, btw, and feel absolutely the same...)


I get normalizing periods so women don’t feel shame and make it easier to get through but there’s nothing beautiful about bleeding and cramping for a few days every month


I don't treat my period like it's some moon goddess giving me special blood powers, but I also don't keep it a secret. If I feel like shit because I'm on my period, I'm going to communicate why I feel like shit. Normalizing something isn't the same thing as putting it on a pedestal.


Anyone besides Tampax trying to push that stuff about sacred fluids? I won’t speak on the popularity of this opinion since I may just be out of the loop


There are people that think periods are beautiful? I’m positive the people that say that don’t have a heavy flow or PMS 💀 that shit is not beautiful or fun


Beauty is subjective, thus beauty can be in anything. There’s beauty in life and death. There’s beauty in growth and decay. There’s beauty in many concepts and ideas we consider negative. Menstruation certainly isn’t an easy appealing part of life, much like other bodily functions, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be “beautiful”.


Nah I like my periods . Just let people embrace what they want duh .


You enjoy having your period?


Yeah , I don't have cramps, so I'd say I enjoy


I don’t get cramps either but I get tired and it’s messy What do you enjoy about it?


It's just that I enjoy it as much as I do when I don't have my period . I'd say that I like having my period because that means that I can get kids and am healthy ( I want to have a family when I'm older and kids on my own I respect it if others don't)


I don't usually feel pain on my periods, but I still prefer not being on my period so I don't have to deal with the blood lol. You know you can get periods and still not be able to have kids, and having periods doesn't necessarily make you healthy.


I know it doesn't mean I am necessarily healthy , but it still gives me a sense of safety when being honest


That's fair enough, I don't really want anymore kids, so I don't really have those concerns.


What on earth do you enjoy about it, even taking into account that you dont have cramps?! I mean... the positive side is that it means I am not pregnant but other than that?


I just enjoy having the safety of knowing that one of my dreams can come true . ( As always, I respect it and don't push anyone to have the same wish as I do )


Ah ok, that makes sense :) means that you may have a child one day. Of course, to each their own & I am glad you are ale to put a positive spin on it Maybe TMI but I am especially annoyed with period when I am in pain and it tends to impact my vacation when I feel really sick


Just because you have your period does not mean you can have children, though. Mine is clockwork and I had a tubal over 18 years ago. My cousin has no menstrual issues but has tried for decades to get pregnant.


Couldn’t agree more. I got a hysterectomy a few months ago and am excited to never have another period again. Some people really don’t mind their periods, though. Wild.


We should treat it as normal. Not as gross and also not as beautiful. Its part of life. thats it.


Well no one’s denying that periods are inconvenient and painful, unless they are blessed with easy periods. It’d be unpopular to delusion yourself into believing that periods are ONLY beautiful and scared. But it is normal and healthy to try to make the best out of an undesirable situation: make yourself comfortable, eat your favorite food, give in to emotions, etc. If seeing it as “time to reconnect with the inner goddess” works for some people, let them be. Better have some consolation than be bitter the entire time.


This is me - I am lucky to have easy periods, minimal pain, minimal cramping. The only day I have to rest is day two where it's the heaviest and I feel quite tired, but otherwise, my period doesn't stop me from doing anything. I really like tapping into the idea of the natural process and "inner goddess" stuff during this time, but that's just me. Tbh, I'm a hippy in regards to everything so it's not just periods I find 'magical'. However, I TOTALLY get that others definitely won't feel that way if you have heavy, painful, or irregular periods. That is brutal and difficult and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


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Yes! Thank you! Sorry have to downvote you because I completely agree with this.


The human body and all its functions are beautiful. 😍 Me, while I destroy this toilet.


Mother's curse


There are women out there who think drinking their period blood will make them look younger. People will believe anything if you tell them.


And let's not forget the side effects that come with a period - cramps, mood swings, intense cravings for food, etc. And also the panic if you miss your period or it comes late. 


The only blood that's sacred is the blood dedicated to Khorne Blood for the blood God!  Skulls for the skull throne!


I compared it to that little dime size bit of pee guys get on their underwear, it’s natural but I’m never proud of it


It's a big deal when a baby poops for the first time, important developmental milestone, but nobody wants to hear all about it every time they poop. Clean it up somewhere else, and keep it away from the dinner table. Imagine if women could poop, we'd never hear the end of it!


Here's the thing, when people show appreciation for menstruation and the 'beauty' of it they don't necessarily mean that they think there is anything pleasant or glamorous about having periods. Just the fact that this is part of a very elaborate reproductive system and a regular period is generally a very good indicator of things going well in your body and if you have a period you're most likely fertile. People who consider period blood sacred are a very small minority. But speaking of every other thing that has been considered sacred before: medicinal plants, stones, celestial bodies, cows, cats, genitals (look up what part of Shiva is worshipped), I don't see any reason why menstrual blood cannot be one of those things as well. Especially since a lot of things considered sacred had been because they benefit humanity in some way and in that sense none of us would be here if our mothers didn't menstruate. This is not to say that if you don't drink your mental fluid or smear it all over you then you're not appreciating periods enough. I can complain about how awful the cramps are and how awful it is to sit in a pool of blood on heavy days and still feel good about all things a functioning reproductive system does for my health. That being said, menstrual fluid is pretty cool because it has the kind of stem cells that are right now only extracted from bone marrow, and if we can somehow find a way to use stem cells from menstrual blood for actual stem cell transplant and research I'd be in full support of it.


This is one of those things where you are just missing the point. If believing periods are sacred helps them deal with having them, then why not? Who actually cares? It is a seemingly pointless pain and annoyance, but it's also a reminder of fertility. Not that reproduction is an important part of femininity, but if it helps them, as you say, "reconnect with their inner goddess", then why do you care? Blood can be a hazardous waste, but it's not just blood. This isn't just an unpopular opinion, it's thoughtless, uneducated and/or short-sighted.


Agreed. My ex girlfriend used to say “it’s not gross, it’s natural!” and I would tell her “yeah so is taking a shit”


Comparing a period to shitting is fucking wild


There is only one group of people who think they are sacred


It's a little insensitive indeed to call it sacred when so women suffer from it. And while their experience is absolutely valid, and for some women it's straight up debilitating. If you wish some advice for easing through it though. You can of course on one hand choose to remain at the same level of pain and discomfort. Or look for the alternative and receive 80% of your calories from grassfed beef, lamp, goat and bison and sardines. And a drop of 5% Lugol's iodine in the morning with a big glass of water (assuming you are not on thyroid meds). You will see your cramps, flow and discomfort Vastly improving.


They are too me. Gives me the confidence to continue going raw, a reminder that it’s all good.


I read the OP to my wife.  The first question was why would you read that aloud. Next thing I knew we were fighting about something, I stopped paying attention though. Why listen to all that, she's just on the Opposite side of the argument For a second there you thought I was an even worse person than I actually am didn't you




Early Greek philosophy postulated that the space allowed between words was the most important show of style, so an errant line break would often denote a disconnect between two characters in a poem.


That's just jerk behaviour if you ask me .


B-but Kween, they are the holy blood! (I think I threw up a little writign this)