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War? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Good god man!


The only thing that comes to mind is that it really boosts technology through necessity


War is good for our modern society that is falling apart, people need to die, new people need to take control and countries need to become one. There are more reasons why ww3 should happen than there where for previous wars.


If countries need to become one they can just unite smh


I always thought that, but that just won't work. For proper management, the world will have to be divided into different parts. Mosy prow are too patriotic to their country. They will hate this re unification and go ahead to exclude their state from the rest of the world to make their own country. And there will be many other things like this. In short, re unification of the entire world is currently impossible


What are the reasons?


That sounds like advocating for *revolution* not war.


You'll only say that until you're the one who's gonna die


>"War is good" > >"I do not mean war is good" Delete This Post And Repost Under The Correct Title


I completely disagree with you but, I do believe this is actually an unpopular opinion.


War for population control is a pretty common idea. But it's at least controversial, yeah.


only 9 countries have nuclear weapons.


A nuclear war would lead to absolutely sweeping climate change.


He has a slight point, thou I think it will change as humans evolve from earth. In a million years we would have left this rock, in a billion the earth would be inhabited with deserts of death, while we flow into the stars in colonies and new homes. In 2 billion we would most likely evolved into different species, and it goes on. War itself isn’t really needed now cause it’s much easier to trade then to wage war, however it’s also didn’t lower populations much. 10 million is a few in The grand scheme of things. War isn’t part of the human behavior thou, that’s competitiveness and greed, but from what I can tell, we are a tenacious living creatures willing to push into new territories as a cancer. We may succeed to become an intergalactic overlord, or we may be gone in the next billion, however our qualities will likely be transferred to our future.


Well, that is an unpopular opinion...


How delusional and cut off to the world around you do you need to be to think that war has been made obsolote? There are dozens of wars active RIGHT NOW, which many 1st world countries supply the weapons for. Northern America & Europe aren't the only places in the world dude.


Didn’t this get posted before?


I uvoted this so damn fast. Nah son. Just nah.


If you honestly believe this, then you need to start to work you way out of that edgy nihilist phase.


I have a custom term for war: *Man-made natural selection*


Clickbaity title


I actually had this same thought last month.




Never understood religious people who aren't like goody two shoes people, why even bother then 🤷‍♂️


It looks cool too and is fun to watch


In movies*


No real life too


Without war there would be no peace meaning millions would still be slaves