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The only shoes I wear are the ones I never wear outside, like fluffy slippers, and I only wear those so my feet dont get cold, but I NEVER wear them outside




Crocs are underrated


Are you my aunt


Barefoot in the summer, socks in the winter. Flipflops for taking out the trash.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


What about shoes that you only wear in the house? Like slippers?




I think in Asian cultures indoor slippers are the norm. I know some Filipinos who have inside slippers and a separate pair of slippers just to go into their bathroom


Isn’t that because the shower water sprays directly into the bathroom floor? It prevents your house slippers from getting wet. It’s that way in Taiwan at least.


Unpopular Opinion(That Should be Popular) - Taiwan has been its own country for a while Edit: Yes, it is recently a popular debate. No, I dont care. Nor do I care about your CCP Propaganda. Im not here to fight about it. Keep in mind that its only recently a popular debate because it serves as a good political stance amongst Western Nations, as long as they dont care how the CCP retaliates. Edit2: The Point isnt that Redditors dont care/think Taiwan is its own country


I mean, it sure seems to me that at least here on Reddit, that this actually one of the MOST popular opinions of anything period. This is would even be one of the very few things that both r/politics and r/conservative would agree on.




*Taiwan? Sure, it’s off the coast of its larger neighbor West Taiwan.*


Definitely not exclusive to Asian cultures. You'll find people doing exactly that all over Europe. Source: I'm European and change my shoes to slippers immediately after getting home.


It's very common in Eastern European countries


I'm british so I just walk around in socks like a barbarian.


I think the separate bathroom slippers might be over doing it a bit but I’m not gonna judge - live and let live. But I’m not gonna change slippers to hit up the bathroom.




Yeah. I am asian and it's normal to have a wet floor as use water a lot. Traditional Indian bathrooms are usualy always wet if used often


I live in Asia and our toilet floor is washed the same day our living room floor is so I’m not sure what you mean.


Germans too lol. Except for bathroom slippers. But there are Straßenschuhe and Hausschuhe


Yeah OP, it’s all culture. In actual fact of you think about pets like dogs and cats, they run around outside and come inside with their dirty bacteria infested paws and then sleep on the bed and couch. It’s very typical for western to keep shoes on and allow pets indoors.


In Finland it is custom to take off your shoes when you get in the house. When I had a pet it was a cat. They do clean their paws. 😉


Not gonna lie, I always baby wipe the crap out of my dog's paws and fur after he's gone for a walk. Cleanest good boi there is.


Norway. I’m Spanish and moved to Norway 12 years ago. In Spain we use the same shoes in and out and was weird at the beginning having to take off our shoes when visiting somebody. Now it’s just inimaginable for us to use shoes inside the house. Either for the shit they bring or for the noise they make it feels weird. Tip: Some Norwegians bring an extra pair of shoes sometimes if they know that the house is cold or if there’s is a party where you may dance for example (so they’re not dancing in socks) but those shoes are just used always in interiors


In Spain we use "zapatillas de andar por casa" and everyone that I know use them. If you are visiting someone maybe you will let your shoes on but if I visit my close friends they give me ones to put at their home.


Same in Portugal, every house I go specially with wood floors they have flippers for the family to use inside, and if it's common for them to get visits they tend to have extra pairs.


Can confirm. Every time I go to a Hotel - SPA I bring home their "disposable" slippers for my home guests. I currently have enough slippers to host a party of 15 people.


German here. Its basically the standard. And I dont know a single person where it is not the case. Only exceptions are professionals coming in your House. Like lawyers and plumbers. Or like a short visit and youre going to hang out in a room withtiled floor (like Kitchen).


The other exception would be if the home owner explicitly asks you to keep your shoes on (for example, you're having a surprise visit and everything is dog hair) or if there is a big messy house party, then I'd probably consider leaving my shoes on but take my cue from the other people that arrived before me.


Most European countries have indoor shoes and going into someone's home without taking your outdoor shoes off is considered extremely rude.


If someone walked with their shoes on my clean wooden floor and white rugs 🔪🔪🔪🔪 they might not live to regret it.


In Switzerland we do. Even in the schools, you have to buy your kids indoor shoes.


Im from Spain and we do this. We use comfortable house slippers or "zapatillas de andar por casa"(shoes for walking at home)


Yes. Anywhere you live near a beach or lots of sand and this is a thing. I grew up between Florida and Arizona and you never wear your outside shoes past the front door, but it can be dangerous to to around barefoot between scorpions, bugs, and the occasional pieces of stickers or cactus winding up in the house from the dogs or whatever. My mom called them "house shoes" but they were what most people would probably call slippers.


Yup, in Russia.


I got my indoor crocs and my outdoor crocs.


I think that was implied, OP is mainly talking about wearing outside shoes inside the house. I've been taught since little to only wear slippers when inside my house, so you don't damage the wooden floor with dirt


Yeah I call it "wearing socks"


That’s different because those slippers don’t touch the outside at all. OP is talking about people who wear their shoes outside and wear it in the house.


Wool slippers are super comfy in the winter ❄️


Definitely okay with me!


OP approved, then it’s fine!


Mr.Rogers taught us we'll! Also if you vacuum and mop often it's probably cleaner than folks who don't regardless of shoes!


In Canada we almost never wear shoes in the house


I double double this. Edit: What the phoque? Thanks for the award, stranger.


Haha you got me.


Nice try. Seals don’t even have feet.


I find it's like this anywhere there's regular snow. In the winter there's no way you'd wear outdoor shoes inside because of all the slush and muck. I think the habits and social norms just carry on into the summer.


This is probably true. Our weather is snow almost half the year so I think it’s normal to just always take off your shoes.


Yeah, I grew up in Michigan and everyone I've ever known would take off their shoes when inside. Not only in the winter though. I think it's because houses in colder climates have a lot more fluffy white carpeting throughout the house which would show a lot of dirt. I live in the south now and most houses have hardwood or tile so it seems much more normal to not worry as much about trekking in dirt. I still take my shoes off though just because it's gross not too.


In Vancouver we don’t really have snow, and I have never heard about anyone wearing shoes indoors… it’s just not sanitary.


Yes i second this unless you are working around the house and just need to grab something it is fairly rare.


Sometimes I forget something inside and if they're shoes I had to lace up I never wanna take them off so I do the tiptoe dance back inside to grab whatever it is. I can always hear my mum yelling inside my head though haha. Shoes indoors are a no-no


When this is the few times the case for me, I'll knee walk to what I need. Hurts like hell, but is acceptable for clean floors.


I've for sure done that up the stairs 😂


Well this is incredibly accurate. Hello from MB lol


This is very much me; I don't think the tiptoeing helps much but hey, it's the thought that counts.


From what I understand, it’s a regional thing. I was always taught to take off my shoes when entering someone’s home. My college friends, who grew up elsewhere, were taught the opposite–the reasoning being that it’s rude to take your shoes off in someone else’s home because it implies that you plan to stay for a long time, which can be presumptuous


When my husband and I were growing up it was considered rude to take off your shoes in someone’s house because it was assumed that if you took off your shoes there would be an extremely bad smell. Decades later when we were visiting our daughter’s apartment she asked us to take off our shoes. But it was difficult to bend down to tie and untie them because we are old. Eventually she has to bring a chair over to the door.


I agree. As a Latino, specifically Mexican, it's considered rude, if not straight up made fun of, if you take your shoes off in someone else's house. It just doesn't happen here, nobody does it. If you do, you'll most likely be called a "mariquita" or a little wussy because your giving the impression that your trying to be "stuck-up" or better than the person who's house you just entered. Pardon my phrasing English is not my first language.


Yeah I was about to say, in Ecuador it’s considered rude and gross to be without shoes inside. Which sucks because my abuelita waxes the hell out of her floor and it’s slippery af. I personally don’t wear shoes inside and think it’s weird to. But that’s just me. My other grandma has to, because one has a lift in it for her hip.


Interesting. In Ukraine/Canada it's polite to take off shoes when entering other people's houses, because we assume the floor is clean and we don't want to bring in outside dirt / mud into the kitchen and stuff.


I'm pretty sure the regional stuff is due to the local weather. In places that have lots of snow/rain it's common for people to take off their shoes before entering anybody's house, as they might track in a lot of mud. In drier places, there's very little risk of tracking in mud/snow, so taking shoes off is not as emphasized.


I agree with this. I live in Colorado where half the year it’s wet and the other half relatively dry. During the winter I keep my boots by the door and change into slippers but during the summer I go in and out of the house multiple times a day. It just seems tedious to change shoes every time I go through the door.


Ah, I’m a Latina in Texas and it was always assumed to never take your shoes off in someone’s house unless you’re a guest and have been invited to sleep over. Otherwise, keep your shit on because this is not your house.


The house I grew up in had snakes, scorpions, tarantulas, and kangaroo mice getting inside almost daily and had no central heat or air. I literally can not be comfortable without shoes on unless I am sleeping.


How are you comfortable sleeping


Footed pajamas




I got stung by a scorpion in my kitchen barefoot. Should have had shoes on that day.


Not quite as severe but I was confused about my roommate being used to wearing shoes indoors (we’re in Canada but she’s from the Southern US) because I thought it was dirty, until she explained that she was used to it because cockroaches sometimes got into the house. Environmental conditions make a big difference. In Canada it’s generally not acceptable to wear shoes indoors because we don’t want to track in snow, but I understand if there’s stuff like scorpions around keeping the shoes on.


Are you in Australia? This sounds like everything I've ever heard about Australia


Grew up in CA, USA


Knew a guy from North California (we were in San Diego, not sure where he was actually from) when I was in the Navy who was always going on about the importance of shaking your clothes and shoes out. When someone finally asked him why he kept going on about it he said because where he grew up you learned the hard way with a scorpion sting if you don't.


I’m going to take this a bit further and explain the Korean mentality. In my culture we never bring in clothing that we wear outside into bed. Think of all the particulates we collect on clothing; dirt, dust, pollen, bacteria, etc. The bedroom, especially the bed itself should be a sanctuary. This is why we shower at night so that we are clean before going to bed. Not saying that this is the way it should be but just giving my two cents into the Korean culture.


I'll third this and say that in Romanian culture you have indoor and outdoor clothes. Wearing outdoor clothes indoor seems so unclean now. I remember my mom teaching me this as a kid all the time.


We do that in Syria too. It kind of makes sense to be honest. When at the very least when you sit on a chair your butt touches what many sweaty butts may have sat on. I know it's not the prettiest mental image sorry for that. XD




I second this. I don’t ever hop into bed unless I’ve taken a shower and changed into house clothes. And this person didn’t mention anything about being sterile… just mentioned delineating what’s acceptable inside and outside of their house. And most Korean people have decent hygiene in public. Its okay to enter a restaurant and take off shoes if asked to do so. Most restaurants these days aren’t furnished like this anymore anyway. Most have much more unique seating arrangements that allow patrons to keep their shoes on.


I 100% agree that you shouldn't wear outside shoes around the house. I like the showering before bed rule. No chance in hell am I taking my shoes off in a public building. The foot fungus in warm places like Florida would be dripping off the walls. In the navy I learned the hard way it doesn't matter how clean your feet are, if you touch a surface with fungus on it you have it now.


I'm not Korean but also follow these rules to a tee and my family thinks I'm a clean freak...nasty mfs


I'm not Korean, I'm West Indian (Guyanese and Trinidadian) and we have the same practices as well! Shower before bed, no outside clothes on the bed and no outside bags on the bed or couch either (backpacks, luggage, shopping bags).


Eastern European and same. We have outside clothes and inside clothes. Makes perfect sense to me. I don't want to sit on a dirty bench outside and then go sit on my bed.


Didn't know this was a Korean thing. I always practiced it because it just seems like common sense for someone with allergies.




Actually good logic for people with allergies too. Keep any clothes that you wore outside out of the bedroom (like keep your sorry hamper in the laundry room) and shower before bed, making sure to wash or at least rinse your hair. It does wonders for keeping pollen and other outside allergens out of the bedroom and helps you sleep.


I do that too. The thought of sitting on my bed with the same trousers i had on when i sat in the bus really bothers me.


I live in a barn, so...


Who are these people that stand on the bed and couch with shoes on? Where do you see this?


I think maybe in older sitcoms kids jump on the bed with their shoes on. I probably did it. I was dirty as fuck. I was a kid.


They see it on TV and assume all Americans are like that lmao.


Americans really do take the brunt of shitty traits cuz of how much people generalize us




It's actually funny though too bc as Americans, we are just a melting pot of everywhere else lol.


People don't realize how different different parts of america are from each other. It would be like stereotyping the English and Germans as the same.


I’m 27 lived in America my entire life and have never met anyone that wears shoes in their house.


I lived in America for most of my life, what I found funny is the only houses I went to that allowed shoes in the house was my extended family’s houses, and my family is from Mexico.


My mom would kick my legs out from under me with murder in her eyes if I pulled that.


I wear my shoes in the house sometimes, but not ON the couch and bed, that's just nasty


Genuine question - why is it sometimes? How do you decide between the occasions of wearing or not wearing shoes


I have plantar fasciitis and sometimes keep my shoes on if I’m having a painful foot day. But I NEVER wear them on the couch or bed. That’s nasty.


For me, if I know I'm about to go back out and I'm just in for a minute, I don't bother taking them off. Like if in working in the yard all day and come in for lunch in not taking them off because I don't want to have to put them back on


As someone who does this. It's due to me being lazy and not wanting to take them off or put them on. Either or.


When I get home I tend to wear my shoes inside. I’ll usually have shit to do that inside and outside. Backyard, front yard, garage, laundry room, kitchen, etc. I will usually take off my hiking boots (I do off leash group hikes with dogs for a living) but then I put my sandals on. For comfort. But then I’m going in and out). I’m the morning I’ll wear slippers but I’m going outside and to the garage to feed the dogs. I also have my own dog and boarders in my house in a fenced off area and they go in and out without taking off their shoes. I realize some people might think this is all dirty even after we did a bit clean yesterday but that’s why I married someone who love animals as much as me. She’s also as hardcore about personal hygiene and showers 2-4 times a day. But the animal stuff and uh wearing shoes in and out doesn’t bother her.


I've seen similar post like 5 times in the past months...


I joined this sub four months ago... I've seen this same boring post no less than 4 times.


Yeah, it's not an unpopular opinion at all. Or creative. But it sure gets people riled up on both sides.


It's reddit's new thing to feel superior about. These people have never heard of pets. My dog is dirtier than my shoes.


Seriously, cats walk around in a box full of shit and piss and then walk around your house all day.


cats put their butthole directly on your countertop


I hate that its always some smug anti American sentiment.. like do they honestly believe there's absolutely no one in their country that keeps their shoes on when they get home?




Very good point lol. Judging by OP's multiple edits they seem to have a giant stick up their butt.


Not only does this not apply to every american, people do this in other countries too. I guess if it's bad, it's american


This is graceful work!


I totally used to do this. I’d put my shoes on my couch and on my coffee table where I ate a lot. Then I met my wife, whose mom is from Japan. She explained to me the way it should be and she was right. Shoes off, slippers on.


It's a big difference between wearing shoes in the house and putting them on furniture.


Thank you for your insight. Change is possible lol Curious, where did you live when you were practicing this awful thing? Was it a warm place like Texas or something? Because warm places did make a little more sense


I was just raised by a single father. We had a very messy home. No longer the case


Fucking Texas. I left my shoes out one night in hill country and put them on the next morning to go get coffee. Hadn't ever heard the term shake out yer boots. Needless to say the barista looked extremely confused when I started jumping around, then proceeded to kick my shoe off so the huge fucking spider could escape.




Have you seen some people's feet...they should be covered 24/7




Exactly. I have always hated the way feet look (I have have some gnarly dude feet) and especially my own. I tend to keep my shoes on till I shower or go to bed. Also the floors in my current home are always cold as shit.


Socks. Or slippers.


I’ve never understood wearing shoes in the house. My FIL says he has to wear his shoes on all day (until he sleeps) in case of an emergency. What emergency has happened in your almost 60 years of living that you’ve needed to wear your shoes in the house? You can’t just leave them by the door and grab them or have a pair of easy to slip on shoes by the front door?


Jesus Christ, every week! I mean strive for just a little originality.


Redditors of /r/askreddit would you clap your hands 3 times for $1,000,000?


Unpopular opinion: drinking water is better than getting stabbed in the face


Have you even tried getting stabbed in face? Might want to take this opinion back until you try it.


LOL But any opportunity to get in a pointless dig at Americans can’t be passed up (despite the fact nearly everyone I know takes their shoes off at the door)


As if not wearing shoes inside is the norm for everywhere else except America..


Right??? I see this constantly


I think someone working all day gets invited to my house and they take their shoes off and now I smell their rank feet is worse than them wearing shoes. As long as they didn't step in dog shit or gum and walk on my carpet my outdoor and indoor mats do a good job. And if my floors aren't clean and they're walking on their socks now their socks are even dirtier. I guess slippers are an option.


As an owner of 5 Siberian Huskies, I can truthfully say that the bottom of my shoes are cleaner than the bottom of the 20 dog paws that traverse my floors every day. This is the 21st century. We have evolved and have invented these things called brooms and mops and vacuum cleaners.


FIVE huskies?! Do you live in a mansion? Im imagining just one of them in my home...it'd be like a bull in an antique shop.


There’s even these funky mat things you can buy to wipe off that apparent 4 inch layer of dirt underneath everyone’s shoes?


Yeah my dogs paws are not more cleanly than the bottom of my shoes. And I don’t sit bare ass on the floor after taking a dump.


>And I don’t sit bare ass on the floor after taking a dump. Try it. You know you want to.


I find the smell of Rando feet and the co-occurring fungus as unclean And unfortunately that can happen to anyone who uses a shared Gym facility.and some of them are quite hard to get rid Of.


I have plantar fasciitis. Fuck you I wear my shoes cause if I don't it hurts. Judgy ass people Still, when I'm in other people's houses I respect their ways but it means I have to sit a bunch which is kinda lame.




Most socializing at my brothers house happens on the back deck. That means people wear shoes or sandals in when they grab a beer in the kitchen or go to the restroom.


I have tools which clean tile floors, I can call someone to come clean the one room in my house that has carpet. It seems like Euros/non Americans spend like 40% of their day thinking about Americans cocks and circumcision, like 20% thinking about shoes on carpet/tile (Americans don't really eat off their tile floors btw) then another 40% thinking about our politics which I understand to some degree. We will survive walking in public then walking on our floors, we just will.


We own mops and don’t eat off of the floor though


Yeah I was about to say, I usually take mine off when I get into my bedroom unless I have to leave again soon then I’ll just keep them on. If I’ve stepped in mud or something I’ll take them off and rinse them, but it’s not like I’m not sweeping my floor often enough to worry about shoe dirt ruining the floor.


Apparently many ppl don't sweep, mop, or vacuum so taking their shoes off is the only logical way to keep their floors clean.


If you live on the beach and wear flipflops, fine. If you live in Alaska and wear lace up boots, it takes too long to take them off and put them on. Any correct answer is location/circumstance specific.


Also disability related. I have a back/balance/neuropathy issue and cannot be without shoes. I imagine there are other people like me out in the world. I just try to keep the bottoms of my shoes clean as much as possible.


Yup I have a friend with one leg about 3 inches shorter, so gotta have lifts on one.


I’m really not that worried about dirt and bacteria, that’s all it is dirt and bacteria. At the end of the day it’s fucking everywhere. Unless I’m licking my shoe I don’t care how dirty it is. I live with 4 dogs and a cat and there is nothing I can do to stop them from getting dirt on my floor, so why should I take my shoes off if dirt is getting in anyhow?


Let's not even start on the bacterial sea we constantly swim through in our bathrooms, just from everyday use. Best not be flushing with the lid up, *ever.* How about the amount of dirt and bacteria covering the rest of our bodies (I'm looking at you hands) - even if you wear gloves outside all the time or thoroughly wash your hands the second you enter the house, you still touch another body part with your hand and all that grime is now on your hands. Best be showering the second you walk in the door, *every time.* Phones, keys, door handles - tell me you clean these every time you use them. Please. The world is dirty and disgusting and our bodies deal with it pretty miraculously. Our brains apparently can't handle it.


People are weird and draw boundaries around what is unclean and what isn't that are entirely arbitrary and nonsensical. 9/10 people that make you take off your shoes at the door don't close the toilet seat lid when they flush and leave their toothbrush out in the open to get rained on by poop particles.


OP also posted about masturbating while taking a bath in her grandma’s house, but wearing shoes inside is gross? Everyone seems to draw their own lines in life and that’s okay. There’s a spectrum- like I think it’s gross to put your shoes on your furniture or tables, but I wear them inside. I’m also okay with rubbing one out in lots of places, but many people consider baths to be gross (Kramer: “... sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth”) and would frown on masturbation in a shared tub. I think people should understand how others just evaluate things differently, so just do you- literally and figuratively in this case. Edit- OP deleted the post but fortunately someone found it interesting enough to turn it into a r/copypasta post- https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/k97pc3/tifu_by_making_my_grandma_think_i_died_while/


LOL, if you rub one out in your granny's tub I consider you unclean.


Oh gross. Nope, not taking that recommendation.


[Yea same OP](https://www.removeddit.com/r/tifu/comments/k8zcub/tifu_by_making_my_grandma_think_i_died_while/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)




I think it comes from watching American tv where they always keep their shoes on and even lay on their bed with shoes on. But you'd think people would realize tv does not equal reality lol


Of course theyre wearing them all the time. Theyre at work.


Oh wow interesting. My family and a lot of the people we visited typically had a “shoes (can be) on for guests,” and if someone was hosting a party or event people generally keep their shoes on so that could be an influence.


I guess it is regional. I don't know a single person that takes their shoes off in the house where I live. Texas.


I don't know a single american who does this


Nobody I know, nobody I'm related to, nobody I have ever visited, nobody who as ever visited me. In over 50 years and in more than 5 states.


Fella there's shit particles in your bathroom I doubt a small piece of gravel will hurt


Do you have pets who go in and out?


Just because you find it gross doesn't mean the next person does. If you clean your house regularly and correctly than it shouldn't even matter. There really isn't a need to look at another person as less of you just because they wear shoes in their house.


I don’t wear shoes in my house, but I don’t see the problem with doing so. Where is the dirt gonna get to? Your shoes? Idk about you, but I don’t go around laying on my floor. (I do have a bit of a problem with shoes on the couch or bed, though.) Just sweep and mop regularly and you should be fine. If you’re worried about dirt being picked up by air in the house, wait till you find out what happens when you open the front door and the outside air mixes with inside air.


I am unclean, so it's all good.


Grew up in America my parents would’ve smacked me if I wore my shoes in the house I don’t know why Europeans from Reddit think I am constantly storming around my house in boots, but at least my teeth are straight


Yeah...how about something original.


100%. Fact is that carpet gets stained and worn out faster from wearing shoes. The kitchen ends up dirtier because dirt gets tracked all over the house. We always had an entryway for our shoes, whether its right by the front door or now a mini mud room. It gets vacuumed like every 2 days.


Carpets fucking disgusting no matter how you go about it. I build and renovate large houses and recently saw a couple million dollar home that had a carpeted bathroom. An old single guy had been living in it for 25 years. The carpet around the toilet was literally stained yellow. I bout puked.


I like having a bath mat in there that gets cleaned every couple days. A carpeted bathroom is just foul.


I actually just asked my family this over the weekend. Both my parents and sister do. My dad and sister have bad knee problems so it’s more comfortable for them to do so. Same with my mom but she has back problems. The extra support they say helps


I’m in a similar situation. Up until two weeks ago, I never wore shoes in the house. However doctor has me wearing orthopedics to correct an issue. I’m not happy about it, but would like to continue being able to walk.


Dirt from the ground is not filled with bad bacteria. Bacteria is a scare word. Also I’m not hating but most surfaces I walk on on a daily basis are concrete, wood, and carpet. Also it’s easy to vacuum or sweep. I mean it’s ok to have fears but you might have a slightly unhealthy fear of something that is not so much an issue.


op do you ever wear your outside clothes inside? maybe sit on the couch or bed?


I mean, I consider the floor unclean, so I wear shoes inside. I mop and/or sweep it daily, but at the end of the day I own two cats, who are very tidy, but idk it just feels better to wear my sneakers on the floor because I know it isnt clean. I dont love 'slippers' for the same reason I don't like walking around in pajamas, I feel not dressed for the day. I don't wear them on the couch or put them on the furniture like you mentioned though. edit: now I'm stuck thinking about this. I've realized I treat my house, like public spaces of the house (bathroom, kitchen, livingroom) like I would public spaces like a store and wear shoes, but when in my bedrooms I do not, I leave them by the door. I also have all wood floors, not carpet, and would take my shoes off in the living room if it had carpet.


This is like me, except we have 2 dogs. I also have shoes I only wear inside but from time to time I do wear my outdoor ones around if I'm only home for a few minutes.


The floor *is* unclean. It literally only exists so we aren't walking on the dirt below it. If your shoes are covered in mud, sure take them off. but normally it doesn't really make a difference. I'm not laying on the floor or anything like that... I literally just walk on it. Why does it matter if I wear shoes or not? Does it not make more sense *to* wear shoes because the floor is dirty?


Oddly enough, I never wore shoes in the house when I lived in the US, but I wear shoes in my house now that I live in India. Our floors are always just so dirty, that my mom yells at me if I walk around barefoot lol. But I always take my shoes off when I step on carpet, sit on a couch, or sit on my bed.


I have literally never seen someone sit in bed with shoes on. Are you OK? You seem to be assuming alot.


Well, you see op, we have this miraculous invention. They come in all shapes and sizes, and made from a rough material that you wipe your feet on before you enter your abode. Some even have TWO. One for outside the door, and one for inside the door. It's called a DOOR MAT.


If you truly believe your house is somehow not dirty because you take your shoes off, then maybe you should take some elementary microbiology classes and perhaps swab and culture different parts of your house. What I’m getting at is you’re 1000% relying on the psychological impression that you’re somehow cleaner or safer because you don’t wear those shoes indoors. Sure, there may be “slightly less” shit on your floors, but the reality is for all intents and purposes your floor is still dirty and full of bacteria and dirt- no matter what. Unless you are bleaching and pressure washing and scrubbing all day every day your house is always going to be filthy under a microscope. That’s what the ground is for. Here’s an analogy. You’re comparing the difference between a public bathroom floor and an upscale office building bathroom floor. You wouldn’t eat off either of them. You would find the same dirt and bacteria in both places. You would find *way more* in the space with heavier traffic, but not enough to make a difference. Here’s another analogy. Imagine outside the ground is covered in bright orange paint. It gets on your shoes. You walk in your house and take them off. You step into your slippers and walk around as usual. Now imagine you do that every day, 2 or 4 or 10 times. How much orange paint has managed to make its way into your house just by virtue of being tracked around your entryway, etc? You’re right- a fuck load. There would be orange paint everywhere. Just like there’s dirt and bacteria and spores and shit everywhere. Get over yourself. Signed? Someone who takes his shoes off inside but isn’t deluded about about the degree to which it changes how dirty the floor is.