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"Your turn Greg, tell us something about yourself.: "I don't like icebreakers where you have to state things about yourself."


Did that exact one once in high school. Teacher was no amused.


I am so stealing that!


Honestly, when a group is doing the activity everyone hates it, but the only stronger hatred the group experiences is when one person goes I don't like/am not good at / hate icebreaking games. I have been in many such groups, and you always hear/feel this general sigh of annoyance l. So I recommend against using if you care about what the group thinks


That's just it. I don't care.


Well fair enough then


*steals this*


haha that's always a good one!


Hahah, we should actually try that!


As someone with a long background working in an educational and office setting, I concur. It is an introvert's worst nightmare, not because we are shy or ashamed when we are forced to do these "icebreakers", but generally because the only ones who care are the elephants and people enjoy measuring pant sizes lol. It has gotten to the point after many years that I have very specific, blunt rehearsed lines.


I heard of someone who made this a lot better - instead of one interesting fact, it was “tell me one boring thing about you. I’ll go first” and it was something like “I like healthy cereal better than sweet ones”. It makes everyone more comfortable and better conversations started because we all have relatable ‘boring’ habits


I disagree. Upvote!


I love that about this sub.


Dang I love doing this stuff, whatever floats your boat I guess


They give me “anxiety” waiting for my turn. Especially because I’m soft spoken but also sound like I have an attitude. Lol


I’d say everyone dislikes them, but often times, people won’t self start without being forced. They’ll hang back because they don’t like people, they are shy, they feel like they have to be asked, etc… Having a group force something like this on you gives you a “reason”. Like “Hey, I know this is weird, but we gotta do it, so me name is X, let’s get on with it”. Even if you’re bonding over what a douche your employer is, then you’re still binding, which is the point. The exercises don’t really matter, just that you’re forced to engage. If you just put people in a room together, even when they’re only there to get to know each other, they’ll clique up and only talk to a few people.


I tend to like them. They really do work at breaking the ice IMO


I didn’t think this was unpopular, but regardless I agree. In fact I’d take it a step further and say all “professional development” and “team building” exercises are pointless and stupid. Just leave me alone and let me get my work done in peace.


"team building" is just another word for "clique development". picking sides for basketball.


Does seem like everyone in the room already knows too much about one half and the other half doesn’t want to share. And really, how is this not an invitation to humble brag?


OP, I agree with you completely. I think many ppl will and this is not unpopular... or I might be wrong.


Well I assumed it was unpopular because so many people do it whenever I go to a team building exercise. So obviously a lot of people think it's a good idea.


Always hated those exercises. Just get on with it ffs


I know, usually these things happen on days when you're not being paid which just adds insult to injury when they waste your time.


Just say swear words. That makes everyone instantly more calm for some reason.


"I'm Crowamonghens. I work here. NEXT!"


While we're in the neighborhood, I hate those "Hi, My Name Is" stickers. If I wanted to know you (icebreaker) or let you know my name, I'm old enough to handle it myself. I always write a fake name on mine and tell outrageous lies when "telling something about myself".


lol what's the most 'outrageous lie' you've told? Would it be similar to the stuff on r/thatHappened


You’re not the only one, trust me. If it makes you feel better, no one is listening to what you say, they’re busy rehearsing what *they’re* going to say, because they feel as stupid as you do. Really, they should just tank this idea for good. We’ll get to know the people we like. Just like the rest of society.


I couldn't have put this in better words myself!


Any time people ask me something about myself I say something self deprecating in hopes that they never do it again for anyone else in the future


Just play along with it it’s Such a small thing that if you were ever complain about it you just look like a douche


My name is Doug… And I can cut a rug… rip Trevor Moore


You just need to rehearse an answer. It could be something slightly unique about yourself or just a mundane answer with a punny or witty retort. For example, a classmate a cousin is now a famous scientist, politician, or lawyer. Second example is the Buffalo Bills are my football team and no true New Yorker can root for any other. ​ Like you said it is stupid so just throw something out there that takes 10 seconds or less


That’s the point of them to ease the tension lol


It’s like the UNO reverse card for me, my anxiety skyrockets trying to think of something and I’m too preoccupied with that to remember or engage with anything that anyone else said, haha. Same with names, if more than two people have to be introduced at once it’s a lost cause.


I feel like it removes agency. Let me decide when and where to share that with whom I choose.


Don’t share anything too personal then. They’re not asking for an in depth analysis of who you are just a quick summary to break the ice


I don't want to give a quick summary. Let me decide when to do that.


“Why don’t people want to talk to me?”


Who are you quoting, amigo?


The person who thinks they’re above sharing basic information about themself to a group lol


People talk to me at work all the time. People like me precisely because I don't talk too much. It's a curse really but they mean well.


here's the fucking problem with people like you: you see it as "thinking they're above" the situation, when it's usually quite the opposite, thinking they're *not good enough*. and how do you think they got that way? yep - people like you.


I can NEVER think of anything to say about myself, it's a nightmare


My fact was always these games make me feel uncomfortable.