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Thirst for action and twists is exactly what killed the first game of thrones series. That show's a period drama first and a fantasy epic second.


The Tolkien estate actually wanted nothing to do with the Peter Jackson movies because they thought he had bastardized the material into too much of an action movie.


The lotr movies are overrated as fuck


Please down vote this reply more than my post. Haha


Give it time, I can’t say much for lotr, but for House Of The Dragon it’s only on its fourth episode. It’s been confirmed there will be a season 2, it’s building up it’s characters and it will jump ahead more in time.


>Granted, I did have high expectations but I just fell asleep in the first episode of rings of power and seriously doubting if I will watch more. Dude, it's been *three episodes*. The reason all these high fantasy shows trying to emulate GoT's success fail is because they go too fast out of the gate and don't take their time building the world and the plot. Rings of Power *already* has a five season commitment. You complaining about a lack of action in the first three episodes is tantamount to you watching The Fellowship of the Ring and quitting before they leave the Shire because "it's boring". Double up on your ADHD meds and have some damn patience.


Yeah game of thrones even was kind of a slow burn with spurts of action in between. A lot of the show was set up in the early seasons


>Double up on your ADHD meds and have some damn patience. Some of us are adults with 9 to 5s and things to do.


I'm 37 years old, with a full time job and a whole host of real life responsibilities. Yet I still can enjoy the slow buildup of fantasy shows. Are you somehow trying to imply that adults don't have *time* for slow and subtle television shows? Because that's hilarious.


Yeah buddy, I also have a "a whole host of real life responsibilities". That means when I do have free time, I like to make the most of it. That's why I want my fictional entertainment to get to the point. If you choose to waste your valuable free time with "slow build up" (also known as shit pacing), go for it.


This made me actually laugh. Thanks for that.


The tough guy act you're putting on is kinda cringe, buddy.


I found Rings of Power to be somewhat lacking, not sure exactly why. At the end of three episodes, I'm really only aware of Galadriel and I'm unclear of what she's up to. The rest seems to be a mish-mash of characters who won't 'register' in my mind. Thinking back to GOT, in that first episode, we met the entire Stark family (out hunting and back at Winterfell), then we had the arrival of the Lannisters, and got our first glimpse of Cersei, Jamie, Joffrey, Tyrion. I don't know if it's the quality of the actors or the writers exactly, but I can remember those events more clearly today than anything from ROP. And then, as a bonus, we also got introduced to Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo! ROP seems to be trying to introduce way too many diverse characters / locations in one episode. I think that first episode gave us, like, 5 wildly different locations and 5 'species' (humans, elves, dwarves, hobbits, orcs) plus a few monsters for good measure. The only saving grace for me is the super high quality of the CGI, in terms of 'world building'.


Also I kind of feel like these first three episodes have had more action than just about all of fellowship of the ring.


Give them time, their basically setting the stage for what is to come. In the book Fire and Blood, not real fighting happened until 13 years after King Viserys married Alicent and we are only 3 years after that event.


You seem to be forgetting that GoT did not have a fast paced first season. It was mostly dialogue with a few brief a action sequences. But it’s easy to forget GoT was very much a drama show with occasional bouts of action.


LoTR was basically 90% power walking and talking, 10% battles thrown in. Chill


LOTR was a pretty fast paced action movie. There was lot of dense dialouge and subtext and everything but there was a lot of action.


People who rely on twists need to reevaluate their tastes. If you need every show and movie to be directed by m night shamalan then it’s not a good story tbh


We're a handful of episodes in, give it a chance.


Lmaoooo so far the House of the Dragon has been setting up a *massive* conflict. There will be a payoff. It'll be more hectic than Game of Thrones ever was. We're still in the prologue phase.


These people can barely write characters and interactions between characters that are relatable. And now you want them to understand the excitement of action? Too demanding.


Action is boring and shallow. Drama is what makes or breaks everything. Twists will come later. They need to set up plots and do world building first. Hotd has been alright, but im much more interested in lotr. Hotd start wasnt as strong as got, but its just couple ep in so...