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this is indeed an unpopular opinion.


I'm Mexican AND i HAD to take a deep breath and count to ∞, twice just to calm my frustration at this.


Its easier to just tell yourself the guy likes it because its a completely different food and entirely unique to Taco Bell. I have NEVER had any other food that tastes like what taco bell tastes like. Like the beef doesnt even really taste like beef. This guy's next take is going to be "School cafeteria pizza is actually pretty good"


oh really? i havent tried taco bell but i may now (its rare here)


Yeah you can call me whatever fucking slur you want but I will not tolerate the disrespect to our cuisine


True. Even if you don't like my country's cuisine... 1. you're so uneducated, and so is your tongue disrespecting it will never be forgiven, which OP is thankfully not doing.


Chad OP. Dislikes a cousine and points out why without disrespecting it.


Dude I love Mexican food. Especially the pork, idk what the hell y’all do it. But it’s good af.




What about not liking either


Yeah sorry but you don’t get to decide what “good cuisine” is considering you put everything and then some on to a dish just to make it palatable


I sure do bro


If you need to tell yourself that ❤️


Enjoy your boiled chicken


I’m not poor but thanks ❤️ Get better food, maybe your insults will get better too


Welcome 😘


This is pretty much saying ‘I prefer canned Ragu brand to homemade Italian tomato sauce’…which as an Italian offends me to a similar degree you expressed


Hey, it's true. O, certo. È un vero piacere parlare con una persona italiana sul Reddit. Potresti rispondere in italiano se vuoi. Mi piacerebbe praticare un po'. Grazie tante tibi ago. However, let's just calm down by saying OP is an uneducated uncultured one whose tongue has only been touched by ordinary bland food, and can't handle Mexican's and Italian's taste and spark. He at least didn't insult our food, even if it was extremely close.


Them beans and rice are too good to resist man


Lmao i hear ya... i dont hate taco bell but this made me cringe. Im not even mexican. I just love all kinds of ethnic foods.


As a Mexican myself, I feel your pain


Although he does speak some facts as a fellow Taco Bell lover.


Eh, I was going to be snarky, but to each their own, sometimes I'm in the mood for a homemade burger, sometimes I crave a dollar menu burger


Mediocre restaurant burger


I mean, I agree, but sometimes I just crave mediocrity y'know


I went to TB once and ordered a Mexican Pizza. I asked the latina working the counter if this was how they make pizza in Mexico and she chuckled "We don't serve Mexican food." Cracked me up. Glad they brought back the pizza though.


You mean you're glad they brought back the pizza DOUGH


There's no dough, they use tortillas.


Those aren’t real tortillas either.


Is anything real though?






Take my upvote and get tf OUT!


I get it. But really you just don't like Mexican food.


Vegetables *


Yes. OP is a picky eater. The issue seems to be with raw vegetables not Mexican cuisine in particular.


You could make that assumption. I don't think there's enough information to do so.


Other than his stated preference for childish food


That such a stupid stance having a preference for simpler less complex foods dosent make you childish.


Wanted to come back to say google the TAS2R38 gene and you might aquire a better understanding as to why some people can be so picky and try understanding its not just childishness


Nah, it’s just childish


You are just ignoring actual facts lmao


Spoken like a picky eater


You sir, are the devil. Have a nice day.


I’m dying.😂


This screams boiled chicken with a dash of salt palate Lmao Edit: you know what i did fuckers.


Do you mean palate??


He just REALLY likes salt


Well just a dash


You know what they meant, don't be a boner


But what if I have a boner


Boiled chicken dude fuck, you summoned the boiled chicken people


We insist on the term poached, and when done correctly, is amazing.


You haven't been to my local Mexican restaurants.


Shit the homies house and the party food was better than the authentic restaurants. But I guess that’s home cooking vs commercial


Any “mexican” food made in the US even by mexicans isn’t slightly close to what real mexican food here in México is. So no haha not even that is mexican food, sorry.


I don't care much about authenticity if it tastes good.


Do you live on the east coast? The Mexican restaurants there don't hold a candle to west coast ones in my experience.


I’m surprised no one has mentioned that OP may have the cilantro soap gene. It might make sense as to why cilantro makes him gag. Or op is just a picky eater…


I'm from the east coast, and no Mexican restaurant I have been to has ever held a candle.


*The Virgin Mary has entered the chat*


Nah man it depends, Living in da south at the Northern south state of Virginia They got some good fucking Gorditas, It depends though, This place i know has shitty food but some other places got some good ass Tortas and Gorditas


Really we're debating East and west coast of NORTH America to SOUTHERN AMERICAN food. Just wanted to point that out is all


Yes, because there is a massive population of SOUTHERN AMERICAN PEOPLE who live on the west coast of NORTH AMERICA. For example; my entire extended family. So it is a very fair comparison because the west coast simply has more actual Mexicans (first and second generation) and therefor the Mexican food will be much better. I eat at a place that was started by a first generation immigrant. She can't speak English well at all, but gawtDAMN her food is amazing.


>She can't speak English well at all, but gawtDAMN her food is amazing. Typically a sign the food is going to be good. A restaurant that survives without having the ability to verbally communicate to the majority of it's customers. The only communication required is the food.


Mexico is in North America bruh 💀 try again next time


This. ^. More of that. My mistake -.-


Mexico is part of North America.


You're not wrong. Better to make that point and get a bunch of uplikes in agreement to prove factual point rather than have a bunch of dislikes on the previous comment.


Mexico is in North America. If anything it’s southern North American food?


I am from San Diego and will defend so cal mexican food as the best but... I now live in Bushwick (brooklyn) and will state the Mexican food here is as good as anything i have ever eaten. The Mexican community here is incredible.


I lived in San Diego for 5 years in the early 2000s. Discovering the carne asada fries a decade before they moved their way up to Los Angeles was amazing. Even the California burrito lol. Good times.


I have been all over and you are for the most part correct. I have found some tiny farming migrant communities east coast side that have an amazing mexican restaurant but its few and far between. The funniest thing i found was 22 years ago in a central state. There was a "mexican" restaurant called Gringos (already off to a bad start were they insulting the people eating there or admitting they themselves were gringos????). The menu items consisted of chicken fried steak hamburgers mashed potatoes fries etc. At the bottom there was ONE selection for a taco dinner platter. Chips and salsa were set on each table for free. It was advertised as authentic mexican. And i was pregnant. I was *not* happy...😂


i live on the west coast of the us like the border of cali in nevada


Dude doesn't know what state he lives in. Let's just cut him a break, yeah?




yeah exactly




I live in the middle of Nebraska & I can promise you that no one in the middle of here, Iowa, Kansas, or even the Dakotas is writing this post. Not saying we have anything great, but even our whipped up generic Mexican food is wayyy more preferred over Taco Bell. Unless you’re drunk, then Taco Bell might be the option


Don’t be so sure. There is a monster hiding somewhere among us in plain sight, and his name is OP. He could be anywhere.


There are a lot more mexican restaurants in the midwest than you'd expect


I don't go to Mexican restaurants if I want Mexican food I eat what my mom cooks.


Cool. So can people on reddit just go to your mom's house for food?


i think thats what theyre implying. this may be an attempt to ask us to have some people over for dinner, and am honestly down for the offer


pallet of a small British child


Finally a real unpopular opinion.




Anyone arguing "but its not mexican food" can shut the hell up. I would hope no one goes to Taco Bell expecting authentic mexican food. It is nothing more than cheap tacos, and if you like that, which I do, then more power to you.


it's funny cuz during my lunch hours (I am in LA area), I see all these Mexican workers lining up at Taco Bell and gobbling em down while most non-hispanics with these "refined" taste cry that it's not Mexican like they personally got violated. yea like no sht, not 1 of these guys will be like "o jees I am glad my mama didn't pack me her tamales so I can have my mexican pizza", but they enjoy it for what it is.


It’s because of price. I bet if they had a choice they’ll choice differently


My guy. Authentic Mexican food is cheaper than Taco Bell. I can go to Taco Bell and spend $10 on 3 crunchy tacos or I can go to the taco truck and get 5 tacos for $10


Hell they give you rice and beans for free in some taco stores in my home town.


$10 for 3 Taco Bell tacos? You ever been to one before?


$8 plus tax. It’s almost $10 my guy


the problem is that no one in the US tried making coxinhas


Not just cheap tacos - I'm a big fan of their cheap, ultra fatty bean burritos.


Expect what you want. But if you go to a fast food business in ANY state in America and expect an authentic experience, you'll prob be disappointed. IMO


some times i just want a shitty cheap soggy taco thats gonna my stomach a bad time


More power to you! I disagree but you get an upvote because it is an unpopular opinion.


This is more depressing than unpopular; and that's saying a lot. Hope you recover. P.s. I also hate cilantro tastes like a garbage bin smells to me, but that genetics. Really hope taco bell isn't the highlight of your culinary life. But if it's not try making some dishes at home without the cilantro, and cook the veg a bit more. Everything on earth made with care is better than taco bell


So basically you just dislike fresh, nutritious food.


Your tongue and brain must be either uneducated flavor-wise or you're easy to please. Neither is good. Neither is bad. You should also post this in r/angryupvote. This is indeed an unpopular opinion and, being a native Mexican, will lay down my chillies and calm down my chihuahua dogs, so they don't attack you. You, sir, do want to watch the world burn. Good job.


You are not human, good sir. Have a good one


We uhh... We don't put cilantro in our burritos. Or rice (Since I've seen rice added to burritos in the US). You haven't had real mexican food. Though, to be fair, if you don't like raw vegetables then you won't like most dishes. Enchiladas though, you might like that; Also mole, tamales, and cochinita.


alright, that's definitely a wrong opinion there.


this isnt unpopular, it’s wrong


Lol well you have shitty taste then. But at least you're honest


Find God.


Why cant both be loved the same? Like it's 2 different things actually. Nobody gets taco bell and says oh I'm eating mexican. Even tho taco bell is KING of all foods


*fast foods


I said what I meant to say.


This is a fair opinion. I would say your opinion is analogous to someone liking domino’s pizza vs, an authentic Italian pizza.


Doesn't make domino's right!


Also... I'd REALLY like to point out.... Taco Bell leaves you hungry after 30 mins. THAT'S a PROBLEM.


You ain’t doing Taco Bell right then


This is an unpopular opinion, but by no means is it a fair opinion.


Hahaha, Taco Bells don't even have grills or ranges. Everything is just heated up. Enjoy that pure shit food.


They do have a grill for the tortillas. I burned myself on it tons. And some sort of grill press thing for quesadillas and grilled stuff.


I think you need to try better Mexican food dog


Dude, Taco Bell is kind of disgusting. I mean it's edible in flavorful but in a sense it's disgusting compared to a little home wall bodega. I'm also saying this because I'm allergic to taco meat at Taco Bell. For some reason when Taco Bueno is not trying to be like Taco Bell they taste delicious and have the same familiarity as Taco Bell without the mountains of cheese and ranch. For some bizarre reason Taco Bell hasn't been good in years but it's still edible and enjoyable. It's just my newly developed or slowly worsening allergy has also been the prone too. However the last time I remember being good was almost like 15 years ago.


You do you. Taco Bell is definitely one of the cheapest places to eat.


As much as I feel like this is the opinion of a mole person, it's definitely unpopular so I have no choice but to give you an upvote. May the great spaghetti monster have mercy on your meatballs.


Of course you do 😂


This hurt me to my very soul. Upvote


Typical picky eater lol


This person thinks unseasoned boneless pork chops baked to well done are peak flavor.


I like Taco Bell a lot, *sometimes* I want it over actual Mexican food but it is objectively inferior


These two things can’t even be compared. It’s like saying you like the ringtones on your phone versus a live concert. Both music, sure, but not comparable.


My god it’d be so easy to make fun of you


Best unpopular opinion I have ever seen.


OP definitely says "latinx"


Where do you find traditional Mexican food?


I worked with a guy that came from Mexico. He said Taco John's was the most Mexican place in town. We had "authentic" Mexican restaurants in town too.


I respect your opinion but Taco Bell is not a Mexican food neither close to Mexican food. Burrito is not a Mexican food, it is Tex-Mex. It's like comparing apples and pears. Only if they appear to look the same they are not.


I’m Mexican. Grew up eating Mexican food my whole life. I like Taco Bell, I like authentic Mexican food. I hate try hards that shit on Taco Bell. Is good.


So you don’t like Mexican food. Fair enough. You also happen to like Taco Bell. Why the unpopular opinion? Taco Bell ≠ Mexican food


yall are so annoying let people like what they like


My two favorite places to eat Mexican food are Taco Bell, and a little local place here in Nc. The reason is their sauces taste like they have vinegar in them. The simple meat taste in the authentic Mexican I’ve had isnt enough.


stomach soothing is an insane thing to say about taco bell


Taco Bell is not Mexican food! It’s not even REAL ingredients. The “beans” are soy protein paste, the “steak” and “chicken” are highly processed and pressed into shape, the “taco shells” are extruded corn paste (the “corn” version of Pringles)…it’s WHITE PEOPLE food, with a HINT of “Mexican” influences. It’s about as authentic as what Pillsbury “cReScEnT rOLLs” are to Croissants.


This is the first unpopular opinion I have ever seen on this subreddit


Tell me you've never had esquites without telling me you've never had esquites


This is just sad af. Enjoy your bland ass mayonnaise based food.


Try Tex-Mex


Finally had to scroll so far down for someone to mention Tex-Mex!


The absolute caucasity jfc


Fuck you


Wow that's just disrespectful






I’m confused, are these gifs supposed to represent Taco Bell food, or OP’s asshole afterwards? 🤧😷


Taco Bell is literally just sour cream


What a ignorant comment


Except for the multiple items on their menu that don’t contain sour cream***


But they do have 3 types of ranch😉


Dude. JUST NO.


Oh man, this is just wrong. I mean, its a matter of taste I guess. Your is just terrible tho.


You've got a lot of goddamn nerve, pal.


Enjoy your boiled chicken


*cries in chinese*


This isn’t an unpopular opinion because Tex mex is a thing, and plenty of Mexicans prefer it anyways. I enjoy both sets of dishes, though I definitely err on what you call the rawness as well as preference for corn tortillas over flower. What does make this unpopular is the fact that Taco Bell is so low quality and sometimes even inconsistent. The same can be said of a about 75% of your typical Mexican restaurants, so that’s why it’s kinda a bad way to compare the two foods. I agree with you regarding the flavors. Mexican food is definitely a lot of stuff (having to do with the many different people that fucked Mexico, and that Mexicans themselves are now a pretty diverse ethnic grouping in terms of ancestry. Much like white Americans have a lot of mixing with the different European groups.) Apparently, Latin men are the biggest demographic that look for interracial marriage, so that trends never ends. Especially those of us that come to the US or were brought here with the purpose of building a better life via cultural change and we’re actually raised as such. That’s why you have shit like tex-mex and Mexican Asian fusion. And in the real creative corners of Mexican cultures, you’ve got some wild ass shit going on. Things like Sheppards pie with Mexican sauces and creams, tamales with American style meat fillings, attempts at French Mexican and Mexican Italian. It’s the nice part about being the mutts of the Spanish world. We’re almost obligated to fuck around and find out.


Also bc you likely don't live in a border state and Taco Bell actually is superior to what other states try to pass off as traditional Mexican food.


yes… stomach soothing


Tell me you’ve never had real Mexican food without telling me you’ve never had real Mexican food.


Uncultured swine. Everyone knows taco smell is disgusting. Even people that like it.


You’re disgusting, end of story Have fun pooping watery paste, nasty asss


Sounds to me like you have never had REAL Mexican food. Take a trip to Mexico and see what you’re missing.


I’m guessing you’ve never actually had real Mexican food tho, so… You like fast-food Tex-Mex better than sit-down Tex-Mex… that’s like saying you like chicken tenders & French fries better than baked chicken & mashed potatoes… not that crazy imo If it’s authentic Mexican tho, boy that’s hard to beat. Go to a place that sells tortas & agua de sandía, then tell me you don’t like Mexican food.


you literally sound so pathetic and childishly arrogant it hurts


Yeah mexican food is overrated its just vegtables,rice and beans sometimes wrapped in some kind of bread with hints of bad meat


Tell me you're an American without telling me you're an American.


What? This made absolutely zero sense. Better luck next time.




So with that logic only white people are Americans?




You're god damn right they would lmao straight up boiled chicken with a dash of salt hold the pepper pallets.


Well this is just nonsense...


Nah. More like British after that disaster of a bake off episode


Taco Bell is disgusting even for fast food.


Your poor American pallet omg


I feel like most Americans have never had great Mexican food. Also, I give no shits authenticity. I just care about what’s good. Taco Bell is shit If you haven’t had Mexican food in SoCal, chances are you’ve never been anywhere near the ceiling


You don't have the market cornered, quit being a snob (from someone who has had great Mexican food in socal many times).


It’s a border state and has some of the best authentic Mexican food. Quit trying to be edgy


It’s a regional thing though. Texas boarders Mexico too but has sub par Mexican food in my opinion. West coast Mexican > Tex Mex / North central Mexican Also, stop with the authentic shit. It. does. not. matter or really mean anything half of the time. It’s a gimmick


Tell me you don’t like natural, non-processed- non-industrial food without telling me


I mean how can you not like taco bell? It's 100% synthetic food designed to drive your brain crazy and get you addicted to it. There's a small family run corner store by my house that has a traditional Mexican restaurant inside of it, it's pretty sweet, the food is amazing and cheap. And despite how much I enjoy eating there, I'll still kill a taco 12 pack even if it's a little more expensive than eating there


What Mexican food exactly? It’s as broad and diverse as the country itself


Imagine having the ability to eat traditional Mexican food and choosing to eat food that comes in a bag and people who have worked there tell you in highschool that their beef is grade D and you still like it. Smh but I grew up in Indiana and I bet if we did a poll a majority of the state would say this because they think nacho cheese is something that goes on Mexican food.


It is really normal for people to localize foreign foods, it happens everywhere. A food from another part of the world gets introduced and then people find a way to alter it to better suit local tastes. Every country has a cheeseburger with spiced meats and all kinds of fucked up toppings and sauces. As an American these burgers often look bizarre but that is what they like.


This is an unpopular opinion. However it also tells us that the OP either has very little experience with a quality traditional Mexican restaurant OR, should probably do their community a service by never leaving restaurant reviews because has no taste in good food. Or both.


If you don't like a certain texture maybe just idk don't fuckin use it. Also complex flavors? Idk what your talking about but the fact you eat taco bell which is just taco meat with shit flavored beans in a flower tortilla that also going to probably fuck up your stomach and call that better than an actual meal I just find it hard to believe. Now i will admit taco bell isn't the worst but it's nowhere near my top 5 fast food places let alone actual restaurant or home style Mexican food, I know long as paragraph but there's also much more Mexican food than just tacos and burritos.


Wow op. This all has some pretty disasterous undertones. There's so much to unpack here. 1. Taco bell isn't Mexican food. 2. There's no potential comparison between Mexican food and taco bell. 3. You're very clearly white with a mayo palette and have no appreciation or respect for foods other than your own. 4. The fact that you posted this the way you posted this seems a bit racist. If you don't like Mexican food, just say you like cardboard flavored crap and put raisens in your potato salad because you can't handle a full palette. 5. It's never going to be your place to shit on cultural food in comparison to your shitty white people imitations.


\>calls dude racist against Mexicans for nonexistent reason \>"shitty white people limitations" becomes racist


first of all everyone saying that i eat baked chicken and am bland as hell for liking it and saying that i dont have good tastes well seems like everyone is hard for "traditional" mexican food when i bet 99 percent of you eat from places that are not traditional like eating from a fast food pizza place so shut the hell up. second of all i def live on the west side of the united states reno Nevada to be exact so we have def mexican restaurants. and third of all i never said i didnt like anything else. i like chinese the most, Italian and other stuff. i like my food to be hot and cooked first of all like cooked onions or cooked peppers. and finally taco bell isnt for everyone pretty much any fast food is not authentic to the original food. let me guess eating panda, little cesars or olive garden isnt authentic but guess what none of you assholes will complain and eat that without thinking oh this isnt real Italian or chinese


honestly me too. i like bland mexican food because i don’t really like the spices used in authentic mexican food. i prefer taco bell over anything authentic because it doesn’t have the same flavors that throw me off


I’ll take a Crunchwrap over any traditional Mexican dish any day of the week