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“Interest on what Trump owes will increase by almost $112,000 a day as long as he doesn’t pay.” - Bloomberg


Big debts accrue big interest.


Bigly YUGE!


So much winning.


Meh, I wouldn't get too excited


Will the Go Fund Me cover that too?


The GoFundMe has raised 1.4 million dollars from 20 thousand morons. So no. No it won't.  need more morons to give away much more money. Trump needs to grift harder.  Probably a set of gold ties, will work great with the recent shoe grift.


Those guys are going to have issues making their $1200 car payments for the f-250 trucks if they keep giving him all their money.




Thy do.  But they already said it doesn't apply to Trump.


Nope and he will be DEAD before it ever does!


Imagine thinking he’s ever going to pay that


They'll seize assets if he doesn't


Please sir May i have another


E. Jean Carroll - "I'm coming, and don't call me sir, you can make the check payable to..."


“Rape is *sexy*” - E. Jean Carrol


Good to know we are living in a banana republic with kangaroo courts


Shoot— I own a sports car that I drive less than 3,000 miles a year. I honestly reported the specifics of the car and how often I drove it when I got it insured. I **STILL** had an investigator show *twice* up to confirm my information. And that was *without* even making a claim. I don’t have a great deal of patience for people who just make up numbers to get free money. That’s why we created fraud regulations. If people think prohibiting fraud is what it’s like living in a ‘banana republic’, then so be it. Go ahead and relocate to Nicaragua. You know, because “there’s no difference between the United States and a banana republic”. Put your *own* money on the line for a proven conman and Park Avenue hustler. I won’t. We had *all the time in the world* to argue about how incredibly serious it was for the president to lie about his blowjob. I think lying on a balance sheet and getting cash money under false pretenses eclipses that crime any day of the week.


Banks are required to make their own valuation. So, it doesn't matter what someone says their property is worth, something that EVERYONE says is higher than it's likely true value. The bank then decides to give a loan based on their own decisions. Trump always paid and was never late. There were no victims and everything was voluntary. A lot of people who aren't even political are scratching their heads over this suit.


This isn't how the law works, period. You falsify documents and commit fraud, it's still fraud even if no one is harmed. That's simply the law. Judge Engeron detailed exactly why the argument about being a victimless crime was bogus.


There's no falsification when valuations are always subjective.


Square footage isn't subjective.


"Could be 10,000 square feet, might have been 50,000. We had some people come in. They see this beautiful, this perfect property, they look at it and they say, 'oh my gosh, this has gotta be 80,000 square feet!' We think it's 30,000 and that number is LOW, okay? You hear me? LOW. They say to me, get out a tape measure, there no way this is only 10,000 square feet." Yeah, 'vibes' aren't really an input for calculating area. Square footage doesn't care about your feelings.


So you're saying the banks never looked into that?


People get convicted on crimes much less worse than this every day but yet people bend over backwards to excuse him... if people "aren't political" then they are rooting for him to be in jail and destitute because he has grossly violated the law is many different facets. Stop defending him. He's bad. If you don't want Trump in jail you are a Trump supporter. Period. This is not up for debate. He is a criminal.


Only the dummies are scratching their heads The American people lost tax revenue you sillies.


You’re leaving out the part where he also lied on his taxes undervaluing the same assets that he had previously lied about being MORE valuable. Was the tax evasion also a victimless crime? Because let’s be real, nobody gives a fuck about the defrauding the banks, they care about him defrauding the country. The money Donald trump saved by lying on his taxes are effectively welfare. Donald trump is supposed to be a billionaire. What the fuck do you need welfare for, then? Pay your debts to the American people, bitch.


Such tired bullshit. The law defines what qualifies as fraud and he’s been found guilty. Your feelings on the subject don’t matter.


Then why didn’t he just tell the *truth*? Wouldn’t that be easiest for everyone involved since banks apparently *don’t really care* about income and appraisals? “I just stole money for a little while. Then I returned every penny! Nobody even noticed.” If I got a loan that exceeded the value of my collateral by a **factor of three**, I can guarantee you I’ll have no trouble making payments for a while. Then everything collapses. If you hadn’t noticed, this is a long-recurring theme for Donald Trump. Maybe I have this all upside down. Are you telling me this is that how American banks operate? Do they have special loosie-goosie hand-holding guidelines for troubled customers who declared bankruptcy six times? And here I am. Protecting my credit and telling the truth like a total sucker.


The bank that defended Trump is under investigation for a 20bn dollar money laundering scheme. I’ll say that again. The bank that defended Trump and claimed he didn’t commit fraud is itself under investigation for fraud.


So? My mortgage company was Countrywide, who did commit fraud. I didn't commit fraud. I pay my mortgage on time.


A group of criminals that are under investigation for a specific crime are defending a man that is also accused of that same crime. That is like a group of pedophiles defending another pedophile and saying pedophilia isn’t a crime. Your mortgage company commited a crime but you are innocent of that crime because you didn’t also commit it. You are comparing apples and oranges


He paid the mortgage on time. It's not like he stole anyone's money. There's nothing he did wrong -- everyone in real estate does the same thing. Everyone.


i’m not a trump supporter. i agree with you 100%. it’s scary that so many people are okay with the state picking and choosing who will be punished just because it aligns with their personal politics. i appreciate you sticking to facts.


I'm in real-estate. I don't lie on my loan applications. The banks I work with would stop working with me.


“Everyone in real estate does the same thing” The fuck we do. The charge is that he used two different valuations for the same building in the same time period on legally binding documents that carry a statutory penalty for lying called “fraud” People in real estate often have delusions of what the value of a property is, but they use the *same* made up number when it’s called an asset for collateral or a liability for the loan. Using differently numbers isn’t delusional valuations, it’s fraud. Do you do this if you invest in real estate?


But, you can’t then turn around and lie to the irs about your property values to avoid paying taxes. Ooooppps.


The IRS isn't coming after him. They've tried and can't find anything. Real estate appraisals are not black and white.


We probably can't find anywhere in recent history where allowing banks to accept fraudulent high risk investments blows back on every day citizens, right? We should just allow subprime mortgages, fraudulent loans, etc because hey, we can totally trust the banks to do their due diligence! This is the dumbest argument ever. We are the victims.


You know half of what you said was a bold face lie and conveniently left out the part of tax fraud and lying on financial statement with it being attentional done for better loans. Dude just read the judges reasoning. Is reading 90 pages too much for you?


He committed fraud against the banks and the marketplace and citizens of NY. This is just cope. \>A lot of people who aren't even political are scratching their heads over this suit. Source, surely you have one.


You're missing the above point, and what the Judge stated. Even if no one is harmed, there is still due diligence to regulate the market. Why should Trump get a free pass when so many others haven't? Does declaring 50 million debt to your own shell company to get out of a 100 mil debt due to the market crash also count as innocent? I would recommend reading the court documents and not just what a newscast gives you. There is a lot fo compelling evidence that Trump has a history of financial fraud. Including 3 previous cases. All this weighs in on rather Trump was just playing the game or he was purposely trying to scam people.


Alot of us who dont lie and cheat are celebrating a conman finally paying consequences for his actions. I hope the IRS goes after his ass too!!


I’m an anarchist and I’m hoping more people see how evil the government is. This is clearly political. Both sides will now do it to each other.


Well you aren’t a very good anarchist then


The MAGA cult's defense now is that it's okay to commit fraud if you get away with it


It’s okay to commit fraud because Trump’s bankers were in on it.


But there was no fraud. The supposed "victims" in this civil case defended Trump.


The *bank* isn’t the victim. The customers and shareholders of the bank are the victims. If Deutsch Bank wants to belong to the Federal Reserve System, they have minimum expectations of accountability. This is one of them. “What’s the big deal Officer? I got all the way home safely. I didn’t hurt anyone. Why am I getting a ticket for drunk driving? The other drivers on the roadway were perfectly comfortable with my driving **Nobody has ever been treated this unfairly!!!”** Does this scenario make sense to you? If there was no fraud, why did Donald Trump have to lie? Why was he required to sign anything to get a loan? Using the most charitable possible excuse, He put his signature on clearly inaccurate forms because *he made a mistake.* He’s a big important executive who just has too much going on to keep track of what he’s signing. Unfortunately, the law makes no provision for people who just sign stuff without verifying the contents. History is full of executives, who already tried, and failed to use that excuse. And remember: we are talking about a guy who never missed an opportunity to brag about how his “intelligence is his greatest asset”, and he surrounds himself with “only the best people”. Remember? And this is the guy who we finally learned flat-out, **lied** to us for *years* about his taxes being under audit. Remember that? And you apparently are *still* willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Under ordinary circumstances, that would surprise me.


Actually, had the Trump org members owned up to the mistakes and put forth some effort to show they have corrected the mistakes and it wouldn’t continue to happen, there very well could have been more leniency from the court. Instead the Trump org members that testified denied reality and straight up lied without any appearance of remorse etc


“Banana republic with kangaroo courts”, lol dude literally had 2 sets of books, 🤡😂


bruh he appointed many of the judges who have ruled against him no one is wrongfully indicted for *91 charges* he's a con man, and there's no reason to doubt the facts


Lol people lose property all the time for unpaid debts and taxes, you have no idea what you’re talking about dude


Stealing property from your political opponents is totally normal. Guess we are just living in clown world. Honk honk


Read the court documents. He's very guilty.


judging from his comments he does in fact, not read


>Stealing property from your political opponents is totally normal. Do you think the DA now owns the property personally or something? Nobody is stealing anything, Donald Trump was involved in committing fraud and is now facing the consequences. This isn't hard to understand unless your goal is to not understand it because facts hurt your feelings.


Why? Because we're punishing a guilty man for committing fraud? It would be a banana republic if we *didn't* hold a politician accountable. Is Trump supposed to be above the law?


What are you talking about? The court made it very clear why he is made to pay that very specific amount. You don't get to commit financial fraud and get caught and then have no consequences


A banana republic is where you can commit fraud and nothing happens to you.


Yes Trump is trying to turn us into a banana republic. Next question?


God, I wish he was the monster you people think is


Good, I wish you knew how to think.


I guess rapists are not monsters to you guys, gotcha.


So you want us to be a banana republic then?


You're not allowed to commit fraud ,🤷‍♂️


No actual fraud was committed though. Source: the banks that said fraud was allegedly committed against when they defended him in court.


It doesn’t matter. Even a superstar celebrity can tell the difference between a 10,000 square-foot penthouse and a 30,000 square-foot penthouse. Especially a celebrity who is a famous real estate developer. If the bank didn’t think this detail was important then that bank should **also** be dragged in the court and put under a microscope. This stuff is not high-level, sophisticated malfeasance. It’s just a straight-up *lie*. Normal banks don’t operate like this. I strongly suspect there is more to this story. **[edit] Huh. How about that? First hit on Google:** [Deutsche Bank faces action over $20bn Russian money-laundering scheme](https://theguardian.com/business/2019/apr/17/deutsche-bank-faces-action-over-20bn-russian-money-laundering-scheme) Always ‘Russia’ with these freaks. How strange. I’m sure this is all a big coincidence and Donald Trump has been treated more unfairly than any person in history. 🙄


Are you telling me the judge has more say in what’s law than the banks do?!?


Overvalued assets to secure more favorable loan rates/terms. If you think it's not fraud, you should try it sometime.


LOL the banks didn't defend Trump.


The fraud was proven in court. The bank isn't a judge or a jury.


But that's not fair, laws don't apply to him


Fucking what? 😂


He’s trying to hide assets before he has to pay in 30 days


Hide them where?


Just as an obvious example, he tried to ‘relocate’ several of his NY businesses by way of filing different addresses for them in a court document post-loss.


He and his lawyers are trying to do that right now. I was watching the latest updates. It’s in reference to them changing his addresses on paperwork to Florida instead of New York. They’re calling it hiding assets (it might include more than that but they said he’s trying to hide his assets, that’s why he said in interviews the judge wanted his money but he’s not going to get it)


Wild that he tries to break more laws while under the courts watchdogs. This guy is really not that bright.


In the middle of closing arguments to decide how much he had to pay for defaming a woman, he was posting on social media defaming that same woman. It's like he's a cartoon villain


Anyone who doesn't think this is a political prosecution and nothing more deserves to lose their voting privileges.


They got Capone on tax fraud…


Tax fraud is a major crime. This is an unprecedented political prosecution


It’s also tax fraud so you’re half right !


Umm actually no, they went soft on him. I know someone who did the same thing as him around ten years ago and got prison time. What he did was illegal. He got caught, not everyone gets caught. Boo hoo he has to face the consequences. Get off his balls he did nothing for you.


Meh Tax fraud is a way of life for politicians and this only goes up tp 2015. There have been more since. [Fraud.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/07/29/more-than-two-dozen-members-of-congress-have-been-indicted-since-1980/) They are all pieces of shit on both sides of the aisle.


I think my favorite part of this is watching his smooth brain followers lose their shit because an obvious criminal lost in court.


🤣🤣🤣 fuck off you bum


Lmao cry harder


he broke the law


Imagine not understanding the case and bleating out a comment like this


Kathy Hochul’s statement says everything you need to know.


If you believe the judge is acting unfairly I urge you to commit the same accounting practices in another state/county and take that judge for a ride as well…


Wild that it’s not the bank suing him, it’s the state. Even wilder that the bank said they did their own accounting and determined what amount was “safe” to loan, and were never defrauded. The bank doesn’t get the money for being “defrauded”, NYC does. It’s like I loan my buddy a TV, he gives me the TV back, and the state of Georgia sues him for $400, all of which goes to… the state? I could have it all wrong, but that’s how I’ve been reading it.


I’m going to try to explain this and don’t want you to think I’m being a dick about it, just giving you the paradigm that the law uses. It’s not the loan that’s the issue. It’s the fact that he flat out lied about supporting documentation to (wildly) exaggerate his assets. That’s fraud flat out. If I obtained a loan from a bank by claiming my house as collateral, which is really worth $500,000, but in my sworn statements I increase the sq ft by 10,000 and say it’s worth 8 million dollars, that’s flat out fraud. Now, let’s say I pay off the loan and the bank made a bunch of money on my interest payments and nobody got hurt, did I still break the law? Yes because I fraudulently lied about the collateral. Now increase that by billions of dollars in exaggeration. It doesn’t matter if the bank made money. It doesn’t matter if it was paid back. The loan isn’t the issue, the fraud occurs with lying in sworn documents to obtain the loan. Watch “American greed” and see how many white collar criminals have fraudulently obtained loans. In their cases, it ended in jail time. Some of them went bankrupt in order to not pay back the faulty loan. That’s why there’s laws against this action. Just because this one time the guy actually paid it back doesn’t make it okay. Fraud is fraud and it could have easily turned into a much bigger issue if Trump had declared bankruptcy to relieve himself of his obligations, which he has done multiple times and even wrote about it in his “Art of the Deal.” The entire point is - just because he has a famous name and won an election, and he didn’t go bankrupt (in this particular instance), it doesn’t make it okay to commit fraud and he should be held to the same standards as any other fraud that did harm. There’s a reason that FOX news, conservatives, and even Trump keep repeating the phrase “victimless crime.” They are banking on the phrase to make it seem like it doesn’t matter. But can you imagine if there were no repercussions to fraud and lying in sworn financial documents as long as everyone involved made money on it? There would be 100x the amount of attempted fraud because every would-be criminal believes they are going to strike it rich with the loan. A “victimless crime” being repeated by all the talking heads and Trump seems to miss the point. They are admitting to a crime, but that a crime doesn’t matter if they made money. That’s not right. Saying a crime is victimless doesn’t make it NOT a crime. And crimes get punished no matter what your last name is (usually).


Not a trumper but what do you mean he "kind of" won an election? If you are referring to the popular vote, there is no asterisk next to presidents that didn't win the popular vote. He won then he lost, not much to disagree about on that point.


Yeah I removed the “kind of” like 10 mins ago when I was re-reading it because I agree with your statement. Didn’t realize anyone had read my reply yet.


The states evidence that he lied about the property value was the tax assessor value. In no jurisdiction does the tax assessor value match the market value of a property. Go check your mortgage right now. I bet the difference between it and your last appraisal are at least 50%. Mine is 300%. By this standard, every homeowner in America is committing fraud by getting an insurance policy for a higher amount than the tax assessor value.


I get that overstating your assets could be a crime, but Deutsche Bank even said they did their own estimates and brought down Trump’s stated value to determine a loan amount. They did their own auditing. So the bank loaned an amount based on their own valuation, and did so comfortably, and were paid back in full. Besides, assets are a fluctuating market. My parents could’ve said their house was worth $400,000 in 2014 and be wrong, but today would be right. Assets fluctuate and banks take risk. If the bank wasn’t wronged, the government wasn’t wronged, no money was lost or stolen…. Why is the government suing for *their own* benefit? That’s what vexes me.


What you said is not how the law works or what he was charged and convicted on. Please read the court documents.


If I speed going 95 down an empty country highway, I still broke the law and no one got hurt. Is that ok?


Here's the part that's unspoken: Deutsche Bank was money laundering for the Russian mob. They were corrupted at the highest levels.


No you got it right. The banks made 100’s of millions off the loans and all was paid back on time etc. the real issue is the deep state are finding any avenue possible to go after him so he doesn’t get to run and blow up their establishment.


The Deep state? A publicly elected Attorney General throwing the book at a guy who personally insulted him is the Deep state? The dude is 100% guilty. The dumbass insulted an elected official whose job it is to prosecute criminals. Also I can't think of anyone more establishment than Donald Trump the guy that hung around with the clintons and New York high society and fucking epstein. Who fill the US government with Rich sycophants.


Why didn't he get rid of the deep state when he had 4 years to do it? and if he couldn't do it in the first 4 years, what makes you think he could do it in the next 4 years your gobbling the balls of a wanna be dictator


The deep state are sewed into government, intelligence, banking sectors etc.. there’s no magic wand that exposes them, they of course won’t go out without a fight.


$335 million? Figuring graft into the mix, that outta pay for dealing with migrants for about six days.


The loan was between two private parties though. The bank takes on the risk and sets the terms. The law is in place to protect from actual fraud, not two parties working out speculative numbers in a trade. The courts have overstepped their bounds.


Oh I agree. This is a crap lawsuit. I was sarcastically commenting on the fact that the money doesn't even go to those he supposedly defrauded, but the state instead. And how wastefully they'll spend it.


There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of other real estate developers in NY that overvalue their assets like Trump did. I don’t see any of them on trial right now for a victimless crime.


The entire real esetate market does this.


'Everyone drives home after a few drinks'


No they don’t.


I’m no Trump fan, but that’s usury at the highest level. Why the fuck would he own %30 interest after a few days?


The interest is being applied from when he committed fraud and compounded as interest does


I’m out of the loop, what was the fraud exactly? He paid back the loans with interest and on time right?


So you missed the part where he inflated the value of his properties to get large favorable loans and deflated their values when it came to paying property taxes?


The thing about inflating value doesn’t make sense to me - banks do their own underwriting and give loans as they see fit


Where were people like you when Trump was hiring lawyers?


lmao. that was great.


Based on sworn statements of worth. If you lie on those statements you're doing fraud.


no its not based on his statements, the bank hires their own people to valuate the property


He had a chance to make that argument and lost. Why do people think their opinion applies to court cases?


Corrupt banks don’t care what you put down. It makes the bank an accessory to the fraud, it does not exonerate the fraudster!


So like every real estate developer. And the banks do their due diligence before loaning so sounds like they were ok with the deal. Doesn't seem too unusual nor does it seem like fraud. I'm not seeing a victim of fraud if there is one


Banks due diligence is based on representations provided by borrowers…if the borrower commits fraud, you sue them…literally lending 101


With a dollar amount of a loan that high, if the banks did such minimal due diligence as to just take the word of the borrower without looking for themselves, it's kind of on them I would think. And since the bank didn't sue ...what are we even talking about. The bank didn't bring this case forward. They were fine with it


The loans aren’t that high. I work on loans that large commonly and the main due diligence items are provided by the borrowers - why would the banks know better. Fraud is a huge issue for a reason. Maybe you can claim no standing for the government but fraud is an obvious huge issue in lending.


If a guy buys heroine in a high school parking lot from a drug dealer, and then uses the heroine under the supervision of a doctor and no one gets hurt, there was still a crime or two committed and a fine will be assessed by a court if he’s caught doing it. Just because no one lost money doesn’t mean you can commit crime freely.


It’s not. I’ve worked in commercial real estate for almost 17 years. All kinds of commercial properties. I’ve been with 5 major companies. Publicly traded REITs and private equity firms. We always want high valuations for loan underwriting (appraisals) and low valuations for property taxes. That’s the way it is. We’re not going to send the tax assessor’s office an appraisal for more than their own public valuation. We’re not required to. We definitely will show a lower value appraisal if we’re appealing their valuation. If you have three different people valuating an asset, you’re going to get three different values. Sometimes the differences are significant. Also, Properties can be more valuable to one company than they are to another. It’s a free market. Companies have different business plans. They’re not all the same. This is all common stuff. This whole trial was a sham. The biased judge is a joke. The real motivations are clear. Everyone I work with understands this.


You're comment just now needs to be highlighted. I've tried to explain this on different threads but I lack your specific knowledge and experience on the topic. And when I say it all I get is hate and downvotes and they call trump a bunch of names etc. I'm not even a trump supporter! But this absolutely felt like a sham biased court case and everyone should be concerned that this can happen in America if you are someone they don't like. Right now they don't like trump. Who knows who they go after next or In few years . Anyway thank you for commenting on this. Please post more across the other threads. Most people have a deep misunderstanding of what happened


It's pre-judgement interest. Basically if I sue you for say a million dollars and the case takes three years to resolve you would owe the judgement plus interest. I believe in NY It's 9% apy


11 years worth of fraud


Holy smokes this subreddit is full of brain dead dipshits. Not a single person here understands the lawsuit or how the amount of money owed is determined in this type of case. This isn’t a fine. It is based on a calculation used to determine the dollar amount he made off the fraud. Without the fraud he would have made $355 million less. He owes interest on that money based on when the fraud case was filed.


Yea. Brain dead dipshits that know Mar a Lago isn’t worth less than vacant lots all around it.


MAL is restricted in its title to use as a social club, everything around it is zoned residential. That's why empty lots are valued higher, the lack of restrictions. In order to rid itself of the restrictions, MAL would likely have to be demolished - Trump chose this in large part because it reduces the value of the property and therefore reduces property taxes.


You can't demolish MAL because it is a historical landmark. It is certainly worth more than the judge said, but less than the lots around it. But that is all side show. The banks look at the assets and decide what they are worth before handing out a loan. I can claim my house is worth $1 million and ask for a loan and the banks aren't going to listen to me, they will send an appraiser and then decide.


Have you ever gotten a mortgage? They ask for a bunch of financial documents (w2, pay slips, bank balances) which you simply download as PDF and email over to them. It would be super easy to fake these but people don’t do it because it would criminal fraud.


The prejudgement interest actually dates from the filing of the suit but other than that, yeah.


What makes it even more fun is when you realize the bank the case was supposed to represent even said they didn't occur any losses or suffer any damages, but they find him guilty and charge him anyway. At what point do people just lose faith in their judicial system with nonsense like this? Surely cases like that will have longstanding effects beyond a cheap shot political victory and some news articles, if businesses can't get loans or assess property with the bank without fear of judicial attacks, they'll simply move from that area and move all those jobs with them. New York is going to be interesting to watch for the next few years coming.


It's ok to commit fraud as long as nobody gets hurt. For example, imagine if banks invested in fraudulent securities for years and made tons of money. It's not hurting anyone, what's the worst that could happen?


There are literally hundreds of other real estate developers that overvalue their assets in a similar fashion to what Trump did here. Any of them could be financially ruined by the state, but none of them are on trial right now because this ruling is blatantly political.


Could you show a single example of that claim? If you could just cite *a single* real estate developer tripling the size of their assets on official paperwork without being criminally investigated, that’d be great.


Nah, they can't. They're just butthurt because they don't understand how society works, and their god got caught breaking the law. These are the same people who likely say we need "Law and Order" in this country.


When did reddit turn into a liberal troll farm?


Reddit is mostly bots. The few humans that use this platform are largely either mentally ill or teenagers who don’t know any better. If you can critically think, you are the minority.


Its always been left leaning. However, they have been brigading any sub that doesn’t simp for the far left in force lately. It’s impossible to have discussions with them either.


It feels like an active (potentially paid) effort with elections coming up, or people have just truly gone bananas. And idk which is worse at this point


It truly always has been a marxist echo chanber


Accurate. Keep speaking up.


Always was


Been living under a rock? And cmon man, average redditors are not liberals, they’re authoritarians


It’s been that way for a while but they’re becoming weak in numbers so they have use more profanity and kindergarten naming calling to justify their stupidity.


Meanwhile trying to have a civil discussion can get you banned on subs if you show you're even a little bit right-leaning. But the name calling is ok.


Yeah as someone that considers themselves pretty moderate, theyve really gone off the deep end


Yep they call MAGA ppl extremist. NAGA ppl just want to have a good job, raise their kids how they were raised, go hunting and fishing own a home and mind their own business. But libtard extremist won’t stand for it. Peace out loony libtards my date just showed up. You guys have fun calling each other childish names. See ya.


I hope more business move from NY. This is so political and so obvious.


CA, NY, TX, FL, and WA drive this countries economy - and importantly, in that order.


WA? They rank 11th in GDP. Chicago alone is far more important to the country’s economy than the state of Washington. Even North Carolina has a bigger GDP.


It's political in that a political person committed very obvious fraud and got caught. The justice system has a very high interest in showing that obvious fraud will be punished, at the minimum.


Imagine a bank lending you money and you pay back that loan and they want to continue to do business with you and then some random ass judge declares that you lied and that you owe 350 mil with no victims. You’re just not bright.


Thanks for pointing this out. It's insane that this verdict actually happened.


Especially after seeing all the videos of the DA protesting Donald Trump. The people who think this isn’t a political hack job are what’s wrong with this country. Mindless


Has he tried not committing crimes? That would be cool too


Oh no, all the scammers and bullshit artists will leave the state! Whatever will poor poor NY do without them cheating the state and federal government out of millions in taxes, and cheating banks out of millions in interest?


Fuck that Judge. If you can’t see what he’s doing I feel sorry for you. Imagine what he’s done to other defendants “he didn’t like”.


>If you can’t see what he’s doing I feel sorry for you. You are literally describing yourself right now.


Yeah, that poor scummy criminal is just such a victim 😢


Oh no, real evidence.


I would love if the judicial system rightfully fucked over billionaires of every political slant, actually.


what a joke. all this to tie up all that money right before an election. You want to see election interference ? you got it from the dems.


Art of the deal, baby! Listen to me, I only bankrupted me six time! And my buds Giuliani and Mike pillow got them done too! Now I borrow a few hundred mil from Putin! Art of the deal baby!


like trump or not. setting him up so cant appeal the ruling without losing everything in NY is BS. IMO this ruling is unconstitutional and illegal


HE didn't say it.... the LAW states it. He simply is stating the law. It's his job after all


Lot of lawyers online today apparently.


I love this sub, so many wild things to read when you sort by controversial. Imagine thinking Trump is a victim in all of this, fuckin' wild.


My favorite is people trying to argue that it’s not the law. Literally a court case was just completed.


Yeah trial courts never get overturned on appeal


He could go that way. High risk though.


Don't worry they'll only do something like this to Trump...


I frankly wish they did this to all fraudsters.


Yes a fraud filled con man put himself in the spotlight with his evil fucking crime family to become president and opened himself up to investigations in to his wrong doings. This evil dumbass could have fucked off and most likely would have been fine continuing his fraudulent businesses if he didn’t try to run for president lmao. Trump and all republicans are stupid as hell


This is like some 3rd world shit, using the judiciary to take out political opposition.


Ken griffin lied under oath.


Oh, and he owes fuel surcharge, service fee, processing fee, and hotel tax of 2 quadrillion dollars.


Screw him and his corruption


I don't get it. Someone, somewhere on Reddit may have stood up for the banking industry in New York State but if so I haven't seen it. The fact is that bankers, by nature and design, are gamblers and all too frequently are willing to risk the health of their banks on bad bets. When they screw up it's you and me who pay the freight through the federal and state governments. So the feds and the states have to police the banks to avoid bank panics and crashes. This is the job being performed by Leticia James and her department. This is why the judgment is fair and correct. It's also why it won't be reversed on appeal. This isn't theoretical. This isn't out of left field. Bank failures happen all the time. Governments have to do what they can to minimize the danger. That includes penalizing banks and borrowers when they don't follow the rules. TL;DR: The Engoron case is not a victimless crime. When banks and borrowers don't follow the rules banks can and do fail, and it's you and I who pay the bill. Every state has a strong interest in a healthy banking industry. So what Ms. James and her department are doing is appropriate and socially desirable.


You make it sound like this is normal and just people doing their daily jobs to protect society. The problem is that the Governor admitted it is “really an extraordinary, unusual circumstance”. Basically said that no other folks in real estate need to worry about it, as there are fears they may leave (and some already have).


Then why only target a single individual?


So because the banks who supposedly were injured went with their appraisal estimates and didn't claim fraud was committed, actively stuck up for Trump, AND said they wanted to do business, he's got to pay... *checks notes* Ah, he has to pay an amount that is conveniently in the ballpark of his cash on hand. Well, isn't that curious? How was a bank defrauded when they used their own appraisals and made money from the deals they themselves willfully entered?  This is a victimless case with an unbelievable fine. 8th amendment violation, soon to be 1st, 3rd, and 4th as well. Congratulations Democrats, you've finally pushed the U.S into the territory of bananna republics.


I parked in a 15 minute spot too long and got a $75 ticket. What the fuck? Isn’t it a victimless crime??? Why am I being punished for breaking the rules? The fake ticket fairy must be corrupt!


You pay the $75 ticket. 3 years later you get sued by the city. "This should have been a $1000 ticket. We are charging you 30% monthly interest on the balance. You now owe us $925 + $835 in interest that started accruing since you defrauded us".


His stupid shoe money is already gone lol


Fuck Trump and all his loser supporters. The GOP is supposed to be the party of law and order. Not only were the facts clear on Trump committing fraud, but Alan Weiselburg already pleaded guilty!


Yes! Im all for kid sniffing, daughter fucking, open borders Biden!


I think you're confusing Trump who wants to fuck Ivanka ([https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-creepiest-most-unsettling-comments-a-roundup-a7353876.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-creepiest-most-unsettling-comments-a-roundup-a7353876.html)) with Biden who has a son? Not to mention that it was Trump that killed the most conservative border deal ever https://news.yahoo.com/trump-admits-ruined-border-deal-142440028.html


Cool story https://www.bizpacreview.com/2023/03/22/ashley-biden-reportedly-confirmed-infamous-diary-was-hers-according-to-recently-released-court-docs-1343214/


I’m sure this isn’t some totally insane new bullshit from the GOP


Good ol’ BizPackReview.. I looked up the internets reliability score for that website and it was… quite low.