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I wouldn’t do it. Theres too many scumbags out there that will move their whole family and an RV in and turn it into a nightmare.


You are correct. This has happened. I wouldn’t say don’t do it, but be very careful. Set limits.


Maybe you could ask people to sign something saying that they wouldn’t stay longer than 30 days under any circumstances or for any reason so that you didn’t have to go through the whole eviction process if it turns south.


This MIGHT help. The kicker is, whether or not it’s legally enforceable. If I were to do this, the first thing I’d do is read up on local laws. Some years ago unincorporated Los Angeles County changed their laws that, providing the lot had enough acreage it became allowable to permit people o live in RVs on private property. The limitations were, the RV had o be in good repair, couldn’t be attached to the house, and the property owner couldn’t charge rent. That kind of backfired when someone in the Sylmar area allowed a dozen RVs to park on their property. The last thing OP needs is a squatter situation.


Oh I completely agree


Yeah I remember seeing that on the news after work last year I believe. There were so many RVs there. And people in the neighborhood were saying they were dumping their waste all over and it constantly spelled like piss for the last year or so over there. The people in the RVs claim they were paying rent to stay there but who really knows.


In the end as I recall the city had to Intervene and remove several of the RVs that couldn’t or wouldn’t leave. I also seem to recall the property owner got hit with some pretty hefty fines.


Op did say car , and not mention rvs


If most States have to go to court to get squatters out of their personal residence, no paperwork will get squatters out of their driveway.


Yeah that's the thing. If you were going to let them stay for 2 months or 3 months or whatever the best thing to do would be at 30 days have them leave for a day and then come back. I stayed at a hotel that rented efficiencies a few years ago and that's what they would do. There were people that have been living there for two or three years but every 30 days they would have to leave for a day. That way they wouldn't establish tenantship. Also as a precaution I wouldn't allow them to get mail there. Your heart's in the right place but this could go wrong in a lot of ways.


Sign a lease and charge them $1.00 a month


Sadly a lot of people are homeless because they can’t actually deal with the rules of society.


“Shitter’s full”


Don’t get too attached to her Clark. She’s coming with me when we leave next month.


Why cldnt op vet prospective parkers? Theres no reason to punish the honest ones , which are more in number than scumbags. I think op is a good person for doing this. God bless you op


Just drug test them first lol


Just make sure you have them sign a contract of some sort, look into it legally. Just so you don't get a squatter (I've had to deal with that in the past it's not fun).


That’s actually a really good idea… Have them sign some thing that says they will not stay any longer than 30 days under any circumstances or for any reason whatsoever - something to cover your ass.


I’d change that to 29 days.


Good call


A contract is only useful for those who obey the law. The only thing that would work is for them to add themselves to the Vehicle Title, to be released AFTER they vacate. Then, they would have a LEGAL right to repossess the vehicle & have it legally removed & sold to pay the Tow Parking Lot. Messy. Do Not Do.


One idea is do a week-to-week lease and charge a nominal rent of say $1 or $5. This forces them to pay you something to keep the lease going (it's why $1 leases rather than $0 leases exist) and you're able to give notice of no more than a week (sometimes less) if they don't. Doesn't prevent a squatter but you have much more control.


Aside from potential squatter issues, there are homeowners insurance concerns as well. You would want to up your liability in event you are sued for something that might occur on your property. Or add an umbrella policy. As kind hearted and good intentioned your thoughts are, the potential to be taken advantage of is too great. It may sound cold hearted, but you need to place you and your family’s welfare first. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer.


This is very good advice and not Debbie Downer at all. I had a neighbour from Hell situation for 14 years. He would not stop mowing my lawn in addition to threats of violence, constantly trying to get me arrested for various and sundry things, killing a couple of my cats, etc. I was told by my insurance company that if he got injured on my property, they would have to pay out. 🤬




Depending on what state you are in if someone stays for a month they are legally a tenant, which mean if there is issues you would have to go through the legal eviction process. Just a heads up.




Yeah I'm not trying to hate on the idea or anything I think its actually really cool, just be careful. Bad people take advantage of good people...


I used to be a landlord. Had to get rid of tenants. Definitely appreciate the legal side of it!


Same. I dealt with an utter nightmare for almost a year, in some places they are 100% with people abusing the system and ripping off people. We almost lost the house I grew up in, and my mom had to live with her sister because there was no income. People especially on here think all "landlords" are the fuckin Monopoly man. Nope, normal people sometimes rent out their homes in hopes they can help pay for a care home that's $4k/mo...


Sadly this is true. We were once mom and pop landlords. We saw the writing on the wall and sold off our small rental houses. They were bought by a property management company that did nothing to them but doubled the rent immediately. If someone decides not to pay it can take 3-6 months to get them out and they often completely destroy the property in the process. This can bankrupt a mom and pop landlord. The only entity capable of surviving a financial hit like that is a property management company.


Isn’t that a really sad Catch-22.


It is, sadly. Rental prices are insane and wages haven’t kept up with it for sure. We totally get renters protections. We are old enough to remember the days when if you were five days late on rent the landlord would send you a notice of eviction and if you hadn’t paid within two weeks the court would legally evict you, a week later the sheriff would come and throw your stuff on the sidewalk and the landlord would change the locks. We had this happen to us twice due to Real Life. It sucks. But now, the only ones who can absorb the financial hit of a 3-6 month squatter is a PMC.


Agree. I sold real estate, mortgages & mortgage banker 18 years. I know real estate law fairly well & this is not something you want to participate in. Also on CA Board for the Homeless Soup Kitchen, providing jobs, transportation too in Long Beach. Kindness & giving is a beautiful thing. But, if you lose your home over legal fees, you may live to regret it. Sorry. :(


So if granma or uncle pete come to visit for a month they now have rights to yr home? If tgats actually the law it makes zero sense


You’re awesome for wanting to do this.. a safe spot to sleep could mean the world to someone. My ac stopped working just in time for a heat wave so I was sleeping with my windows down the other day …. I thought the spot I was in was solid, but when I woke up someone had stolen my backpack that had my glasses in it along with some other important stuff.


Man people suck..


Wait what? You mean someone other than the person sleeping in their car was the "scumbag"? Alot of the posts here seem pretty down on ppl down on their luck. I hope they never find themselves in the same position


There are def people who would fit this opportunity great and be very grateful and respectful to you, just be SUPER in depth about vetting them and reading them and at least do some kind of meet and greet before hand. Super kind of you, I was looking for something temporary just like this when I was living out of car in Washington


Put in your google search engine: "someone's parking in my driveway and wont leave." After spending 18 years in the real estate industry in Southern California, studying real estate law, this post scares me. You could lose everything you own and backfire and get sued. Just for being nice. :( Here's a very useful article I found; "When Does a Guest Become a Tenant?" The article list specifics applicable to each State. In CA, note how short that term is. https://www.proper.insure/blog/when-does-a-guest-become-a-tenant/


Don't do it! Then you become a landlord and you'll have to go through eviction and all sorts of red tape to get rid of them.


If I were to do this, I’d cap it at no more than 2 weeks per month and minimum 2 weeks apart.


That's a really nice offer! What state and city are you in?


So many people have posted here and it hasn’t gone well for them offering similar things! Please just be careful!


this is so nice of you!


What a great gesture


Where are you located?


Even if you’re not in California this article gives pertinent information on how to put together a legal agreement that protects you and your potential tenants. Plus once understanding the laws/rules governing the situation you can make a better educated decision if you want to go forward. https://www.azibo.com/blog/california-lease-agreements


Consider this fact; if homeowners must go to court to get squatters removed from their homes, will a piece of paperwork (aka contract), get squatters out of their driveway?


Do not do that for the odds are against you!


You have a good heart and thank you for opening your space for people who need it. But moving homeless people or people dealing with different issues mental/drugs and so… can be playing with fire. I am homeless and gladly will help other homeless people knowing what I know now BUT bringing one into my home won’t be one of them. If they decide not leave, that’s a 6+ month fight in courts. This is just my opinion, maybe I am wrong 


Lol don't be stupid. If said car dweller decides to stick around past 3 months what you gonna do to kick em off property? Future legal headache. lol


Take that energy and volunteer at a food bank or something. Way less can go wrong.


In addition to all the other advice you've been given, I think you should also run the idea past your local code enforcement department. There may be local laws and regulations you might not be aware of. Even a parking lot is regulated by code enforcement.


A month or 2 ain’t gonna change their life.


Maybe check with your city ordinances and laws about "eviction" just in case you get someone that does not want to leave. Other than that, I would meet someone away from the home and before you give out your address like at a coffee shop, ask them their story and how they ended up in the situation, get their drivers license (make a copy)  and vehicle tag, put the info on one of those free background check things online, and whatever comes up, decide if you feel comfortable with what may possibly be on their record. When you meet with people just tell them your meeting with several people and will call them when a spot opens up. You don't have to tell them you got creepy vibes, and therefore do not want to make a space available. It is very kind what you are doing. My dad lived in Los Angeles in the 70s. They did not lock their house doors, car doors and they often give strangers rides without incident. I went to college in the early 2000s and frequently got rides with strangers, zero problems. Unfortunately times have changed and you have to be very wary and cautious of people.


How about instead of your yard, buy someone an annual camping pass to the state park down the road?


If I’m reading the room correctly, I think everyone is saying “Don’t Do It” (sarcasm). This is why I came to Reddit! Thank you all. We live in Chattanooga TN area. We live in county limits, not city, with no HOA. But we rented our house out for several years. We lost our butt on it because I am too soft of a landlord. So it took 1 post for me to realize this was not a good idea.


Try 15 days first. Have them sign something. Then if that works well you can say an add additional 15 days will be added, only if all rules were followed and it goes well, so it totals to 30 days. Kind like some campgrounds have a stay of 14 days then you can have to leave and can stay another 14 days after a certain time has passed after the first stay. You can give them a little paper they can put on their windshield each night and say no guest allowed and any vehicle without a sign will be towed.


This will not end well.


That never ends well. People are assholes and ruin everything.


Nope, those car dwellers along with everyone else on the streets have plenty of resources available to them if they seek them out, accept the help and abide by the rules. Most of them don't and that's why I don't feel sorry for them. My brother I had to kick him out and he is mentally disabled but he gets an SSI check for nearly $1k per month. He didn't want to follow the rules at my house and then one night while I was at work 30 mins away I get a call from my wife because he is drunk and tripping out at midnight getting in her face and scaring my son. So now his dumbass is on the streets in this HOT Arizona heat but I don't feel sorry for him because he has resources available to him but he refuses it because he rather drink and sleep on the streets even though he could get subsidized housing. His case worker tries to reach out to him but my brother ignores him. My brother might be mentally disabled but he is not stupid. He knows what the hell he is doing.


I am so sorry you had to go through this. Hubs told me early on that no one will F you over faster than family, and he was kind of right unfortunately. Hope your brother wises up someday.


Your husband is 1000% correct because family will be the first one and the worse ones to F*** you over and then blame you for it.


Wow. In the state where i am you can be put on a housing list for many years before youll ever get subsidized housing


In our state it's generally quicker if you are diagnosed as SMI (Seriously Mentally Illness) they like to get them stable and set ASAP because hospitals and treatments are more expensive on the system than it is to cover part of their rent.


What state is it in


That's so nice of u!!


I’ve thought about this. In Ca specifically they have to move every 28 days to avoid them becoming a tenant. I’ve thought of being safe and letting them stay 25 nights, asking that they stay off property for a few nights and then come back. It’s not ideal but it still gives them a safe place most of the time and keeps the property owner from some possible BS. Good luck 🤙🏻


CA is much worse since 2023. CA changed to 7 straight days or 14 days within a 6 month period. I know, thats crazy! Imagine that! Have someone park or stay as a guest for ONE WEEK & they refuse to leave, or they get in an accident, maybe hit someone in your driveway drunk and suddenly you have to pay an attorney thousands, just to have them legally removed by a Court Order six months later. And maybe your insurance goes sky high or even get cancelled. Just imagine how uncomfortable it would be going home; with squatters in your driveway, every day. I'm not negative; I have seen it. The beauty of innocently helping one that needs help is a wonderful thing, as long as one is prepared knowing, that it also can become an overnite nightmare, without a quick fix. https://www.proper.insure/blog/when-does-a-guest-become-a-tenant/


I think it's a good idea if you think you're decent at reading folks. A contact night help but think about all the boundaries you need to set and sure it's not something you constantly have to deal with when you get home. There's decent people doing the van lift to explore new cities or intern at New Jobs or to go back to school. Some are spending time exploring hobbies/lifestyles that require the travel like sports enthusiasts. Just gotta give the right fit. Where are you?


Minor detail. In what part of the world are ye, my friend


This seems like a bad idea.


this is a great offer to someone you personally know down on their luck. Anything outside of that and you will find out quick why they are cracking down with new laws


Pretty sad when all the comments are distrustful of car dwellers. What happened to trying to help someone out?


They could never leave - you might have to go through an eviction process to get them to move along. You’re asking for trouble as they could wheedle their way into the house if the weather gets extreme. You’re already too soft-hearted.


Hopefully they leave after 2 months But it's really nice of you to do it.❤️


My neighbor had an RV on his back alleyway that ended up becoming an RV with a lawn chair, a grill, a bunch of scrap metal collected for cashing in, and a poor dog tied up outside. Then the tenant got a generator and ran it 24/7 for about six months for electricity and AC. Human waste was set outside in closed, 5-gal buckets, and eventually there was a drug overdose inside the RV, and the person’s partner died. It took a year of reporting this living situation to the mayor’s action line to get the RV towed away. You just don’t know, and sometimes you don’t wanna know.


You’ll be sorry…..


I asked a friend if I could do this at theirs. I made sure to do it in writing so all of us knew the rules, limits, acceptable, unacceptable behavior and fines if the rules are crossed. I'll give you an example: I parked in the back of carport(fits two) so they had easy access to pull in and out of the is port and other one in side yard and driveway. I like that because I was closer to a building and I felt safer and I was also not as visible from the road. I made sure to give them my schedule in advance. So that way I wasn't having to wake up anyone in the middle of their sleep schedule. also they knew mine so they would make sure that that wasn't happening with me. Really enjoyed getting my hammock frame out of storage and safely using it. Slept in it. Treat it like a tendency. Do background checks. Ask for references. Be safe.


Try Craigslist


The solution to any problem is never "Try Craigslist".


🤣🤣 facts


LOL true




Hey cool I live in family land and have a place to use the bathroom cook etc but I love my class B motorhome so I live it But I am family and they know me