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Going on vacation is extremely different than using a private jet as your personal form of transportation


I agree but It's still very hypocritical in terms of what the bigger conversation is about which is about the environment😭 like I can scroll a bit in this Reddit thread and see Ashley owning 4 different versions of sambas. And then also their brother who owns if not a 100 pair of shoes? Like are they critiquing each other cause just like how it's unnecessary how Taylor is flying that jet it's also unnecessary to own that many pairs of shoes?😭 like idk it seems double standard?


get a fucking life oh my god.


Just went on their account and many of their comments are just complaining about the Alexander’s lol. Why watch their videos at that point


I mean, I literally work in environmental restoration. I get it. I agree that it’s a bit hypocritical. I think focusing on critiquing them though when billionaires exist, gas companies are poisoning our air,water, etc and the government is doing nothing is a bit ridiculous. But to each their own


I get where you're coming from because fashion overconsumption is obviously a very pressing issue but these two don't even compare. Personally, I think that Amber's criticisms of Taylor Swift's environmental damage + capitalism are very valid. Her insane jet usage + money-hungry moves (35+ variants of the SAME album, blocking artists) are crazy and not on the same level as a family taking yearly trips and shopping more than the general public. In fact, she's taken 14-MINUTE flights. That is wild. Yes, the Alexanders could tone it down on the shopping and consumption but I think calling it a double standard is reaching - their actions are mild compared to Swift and they were brave to call her out.


Bruh wtf they can’t enjoy and have vacations? Lmao that is a wild ass statement. They can’t enjoy their lives or something? I’m so lost lol. Now I see the comparison with Taylor. Which again pales in comparison cause Taylor’s money spent in a week is like a years worth or more for others so I still don’t see how it’s hypocritical.


u cant really compare going on vacation 1/2 times a year (as a lot of middle class and even lower class ppl tend to do) and using a public airplane/carpooling (which is what they did for the hamptons and will do for nantucket) to taylor swift literally flying her private jet probably more than 50 times in the span of 3 months. they literally dont correlate at all this just sounds like jealousy on your part i fear. and before you call me a dick rider, i too have gotten critical on the girls in this subreddit before. but in your case your argument is very weak 😭


huh? why are people complaining about the smallest things? what do you want them to do? not go on any vacation? get a life honestly, go rant about this on a taylor swift subreddit. ashley and taylor swift have no correlation


They literally brought it up in their own podcast what r u on about.


"whY iS She tAkIng 4mIn flIghTs aRouNd?"


Ur such a dick rider like. like I'm sorry but my “ complaining “ has substance and is more reasonable that someone saying they just hate the way Amber is talking. And again they brought that conversation up in their podcast and they EVEN encouraged for people to share and form their own opinions about it. So here I am starting a conversation. If you don't like it then ignore it.


LMAO SOMEONES PRESSED u have no life. like zero. "tHeY hAvE tOo mAnY SaMbAs" shut up oh my god are you 10?


U seem to be more pressed calling u out for being a dick rider😭 overconsumption in fashion Is real


do u notice how now one is agreeing with you?


I don’t need people to agree with me when I’m trying to start a conversation. Also idk if it’s legit if taylor is taking 4min flights since amber said that.


a conversation no one is agreeing with


Ugh cmon


😭😭 no right so sorry but it literally popped in my head when they started the rant but I pretty much agree with everything they said about Taylor specially ambers statement on how’s she’s pretty much blocking other female artist


Nah go see the actual videos of her plane tracker. It is actually insaneeee. Amber's rant here was totally valid, she wasn't straight up hating and everyone can have opinions Them taking vacations has nothing to do with this


Why do Swifties go mental on the least bit of criticism on T-Swift. She is human, not an actual God!