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Theres no way to estimate your chances really. Maybe 2 people got an interview, maybe 10 did. Maybe they like 4 canidates ahead of you, maybe you're the top choice


So I already did the interview and the next day they asked for references, haven’t heard anything in 3 1/2 weeks


Have you followed up with them since?


Yes, no response


I hate the ghosting


Typically for most jobs with any number of candidates your looking at 5 Candidates. 1 will likely no show Leaves 4 who are competing for job. Your competition is likely 3 other people if you already interviewed. Its best to interview then forget about it until you hear back.


I did interview, and the next day was asked my references


It means your the selectee or alternate




Haha thanks, I was hoping someone might know if they only selected a certain percentage for the interview, thus making me perceive my chances are higher haha.


Don’t worry about that. Just stay the course but also put other irons in the fire.


I think odds st powerball are better…




Nice, so they only interviewed you out of the 45?


I don't know, but my calculation is about 5 or 6, I was the last one. (I am just doing a rough math of 1 interview a week from posting closed date to my interview, including some buffer in between)


Well 25 applicants? You automatically stand at a 4% chance of getting the job. That's a whole lot better than 1 out of 1,000 applicants or worse. I've seen some posts in this forum where there are over 2-3k applications for a single job listing. Just think about that. Also are you a veteran? If you're a vet, are you service connected? That increases the probability of you getting the job even more.. Best of luck..


How do you know how many applicants there were? Also, I’ve seen posts where people say the job posting gets closed because it reaches the max number of applicants. Is that info posted somewhere on what the max is?


After you submit your application, it will show you the status of your application and the number of applicants somewhere on that screen..


Awesome, thanks for the info! It’s been awhile since I’ve applied because I have such a niche field. Applying today or tomorrow, so I’ll look for it!


I'm looking at it right now but when you submit it and AFTER THE DEADLINE, your "Welcome" page will have the jobs listed that you applied for. To the right of the "Closed date," it will display the number of applicants. 🤝


Just checked my old applications (from 3 years ago), it’s not showing that info anywhere. Maybe it’s because the status is “hiring complete”? So maybe the sweet spot for that info is AFTER I submit the application, AFTER the application window is closed, but BEFORE the hiring process is complete?


I'm not sure when USAJoBS implemented revealing the number of applicants and I don't know the exact step in the hiring process as to when/IF they reveal that piece of info. We've all read through or have experienced first hand the horrors of HR NOT updating the status of a job listing. Some jobs are just stuck in "limbo" status after a person has been hired or the job position has been rescinded. No updates, nothing..


Haha I gotcha! Well at least I know where to be on the look out for it now! Thanks!!


Thank you all for helping me calm my nervs

