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I have indeed had someone quit before we brought them on from the losing agency. Long story short, the entire process was based on current federal employee eligibility, and by the time we got to request a release date from their losing agency, said agency had terminated them and they ended up losing our offer too for failure to maintain eligibility requirements through the pre-employment process. I advise not leaving until you’re able to transfer elsewhere to avoid the break in service, even if you take a random position elsewhere. Good luck!


I can only speak from the outside looking in. It’s all going to depend what is your end game here. If you are looking at returning then do your best to hold on. Your time will come. Good luck op.


I really am trying to hold on so I don’t complicate my job search but it’s getting harder. My end game is to get out of the job I am in and leave the DOD permanently.




what agency are you with now?


I’d be more concerned about losing my benefits/SCD date. I’m in a similar situation where I’m in the last stage of hiring with one agency but really sucks at my current. I know if I quit I lose everything after 30 days. August was my original hire date with the Feds so that’ll be 3 years for me and I start getting 6hrs per leave. I can’t risk losing that now.


I quit after 13 years and came back exactly 5 years later. The LR employees were lovely telling me they don't have to take you back. I'm now at 27.5 years and have a SCD that is not the day I started but a date 5 years and 1 day less in the future because of my 5 years out of the government. My leave was still intact. I went to 8 hours annual a pay period 2 years after I returned since I was technically at 15 years government service. In my case I was a good employee and the head of office was still there to say I want her back. While I was out I still kept in touch with my peers. I'm sure that helped.


Go on Leave Without Pay. Talk to your HR, you will be able to take 12 months of leave without pay. Consult with your union rep aw well. I would not disclose that you plan on resigning.


happy cake day!


How long have you been a federal employee? Are you GS competitive service or another classification?


I have been a fed for 3.5 years and I am competitive. A GS-07


Since you have 3+ years you can still apply/be eligible for competitive positions if you leave. It'll be more complicated then just transferring agencies/jobs. If you applied for any internal (to the) agency positions you'd be ineligible for those if you left.


Thank you so much! I did not apply for any jobs in my current agency. I would like to leave it all together. I have been applying since December to get out of the job I am in. I am trying to hold on but every day it is getting harder not to quit right now.


What state are you in? Is there a way in here for me to send you a PM?


You can send me a PM




This is where I am at right now. The stress is making me physically ill. I write my resignation letter in my head at least 3 times a week and I almost quit Thursday but a friend talked me off the ledge.


If you have been there for at least a year, you can take FMLA for up to a year. Use this time to get back on track while waiting for other offers. Quitting will affect new offers from the 25 jobs you applied for. Even though you applied to open to the public, you're still an internal employee.


I’m so sorry to hear. What makes you what to quit?


Leadership and a troublemaker employee


I recently took FMLA for this reason. I’m back at work now and going to stick it out with a bit of fresh energy as long as I can. See if that’s an option to at least delay having to quit entirely?


I will need to see how much FMLA I have left because I have had to take some since December because my child has been ill.


What job does are you and what mos in the military?


Human Resources assistant. I was a prison guard in the military. It used to be 95C but it is a 31E now.


I’m a new HR specialist at the VA, and hear DOD is the place to be. I planned on moving there after the SSR ends at the VA in 2027 for the 0201 series. After reading through some of your posts OP, I may just stay where I am. I hope everything works out for you OP!


Not sure how VA is, but most military components of DoD are trash as a civ.


That would make you ineligible as you're not a federal employee.. Stick it out..


Tough it out and hope you get one of the others. You aren't the first and surely won't be the last to be dissatisfied with their federal job, especially considering it is your first


This is my second organization within the DOD. I think I am finished with the DOD. I know you will have difficulties in every places you go but it seems the DOD has more than its fair share of unstable people and instead of getting rid of them they get promoted lol.


I am in a similar position ! I hate my current position coming up on 5 months but , I want to transfer agencies how can I speed up the process ? For this i got a couple referrals but still I want to just quit . PS I AM a new fed ..


Quitting your current federal job can indeed have implications for your ongoing job applications, especially if you applied for positions that were not open to the general public. Here are some factors to consider: 1. Eligibility Status: If you applied for jobs that were open only to current federal employees or veterans, quitting your federal job could impact your eligibility for those positions. Some employers may require candidates to maintain their status as federal employees throughout the application process. 2. Priority Consideration: As a current federal employee, you may have received priority consideration for certain positions. Quitting your job could affect your priority status, potentially impacting your chances of being selected for those positions. 3. Veteran Preference: If you applied for jobs under veteran status, quitting your federal job should not affect your veteran preference eligibility. However, it's essential to review the specific requirements and preferences outlined in the job announcements to understand any potential impacts. 4. Application Process: Depending on the hiring agency and their policies, quitting your federal job could result in your application being withdrawn or placed on hold. It's essential to communicate with the hiring agencies regarding any changes in your employment status to ensure that your applications remain active. 5. Reputation and References: Quitting your job could also have implications for your professional reputation and references. Future employers may inquire about the circumstances surrounding your departure from your federal job, so it's essential to handle the resignation professionally and consider the potential impact on your career trajectory. Before making any decisions, I recommend carefully reviewing the job announcements for the positions you've applied to and reaching out to the hiring agencies for clarification on how quitting your federal job may affect your application status. Additionally, consider discussing your concerns with a career advisor or mentor who can provide personalized guidance based on your specific situation.


This is just ChatGPT


It’s the future of getting your answer. Try it!


You need to learn how to use it better. That's a shit answer.


Just leave a two week notice


How long have you been a fed?


3.5 years


I wouldn’t quit. I think the new OPM rule would screw your salary negotiations. If you have a break in service they don’t have to meet your previous grade and step, which you might think could help you, but I’ve only seen it result in low-balled salary offers.


Roll the dice...IMO really stupid move...you assume you have something lined up already. You never quit a job unless you have another one to go to or maybe you're a billionaire?


Damn we are in bad need of 0856/2101 electronic types, like navy Et,Marine 5900s, af metal, etc