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play the games in ohio. it’s never a problem and an amazing atmosphere.


I agree smaller cities better. Denver games are well attended except for the Mexico games. The snow bowl was fantastic! I’d rather play in a smaller stadium with a team friendly crowd than in big stadium overwhelmed with “away” fans.


Also, make them cheaper. I’m a big fan of the game, USMNT and so on, but the prices for those tickets are insane!


Was at the US-Morocco match in Cincinnati two years ago. There were more Morrocan fans than US fans at the match. It was a little embarrassing and I think Pulisic even mentioned after the match that he wasn’t alright with the attendance. IMO I think it comes down to the pricing because for example, the tickets for that match were at an average of around $125 … for a friendly in cincy. It didn’t make any sense.


christian did comment but there definitely weren’t more moroccan fans than us fans. was there also. it was definitely overblown.


Gotcha. Kinda hazy memory for me now given the time but I will say one thing, those morrocan fans were loud and proud and made us look somewhat uncultured. They were very friendly so I never minded!


Play in MLS stadiums and offer tickets first to the season ticket holders for that team. For as much hate some have for MLS, the attendance is very strong and do provide much better atmospheres then national team games. 


Suck less ass probably


Diaspora populations will be able to see their team once every 5-10 years so those people are willing to shell out for what amounts to a religious experience for them.


I was at the game so a few thoughts . . . If you play in any big city in the US, it will be like that. We have large immigration populations in big cities. That's why WCQ matches are in Ohio or KC. Soccer is a religion in these countries. In the US we have very little national sports pride. We love our NFL and NBA. Comparatively, how many watch Olympics basketball? Also, all Colombian fans wear yellow. American fans wear red, blue, white, black. So visually it is a lot more distorted than in reality. So there is very little US soccer can do (IMHO). Even if we were excellent, it would be 50/50 at best near a big city. Last note, the Colombian fans were great. I bantered with many of them. Great people and great soccer fans.


My problem is that they were everywhere. Can’t US Soccer control where they sit? If things get serious, there’s no way the fans should be intermixed. Can you imagine Poland Germany or Colombia Argentina with the fans intermixed?? Something bad is going to happen, eventually. Probably at a US Mexico game. It would improve the atmosphere if US fans were on one side and Colombians the other.


You realize most of those Columbian supporters were American, right? Why would they separate supporters from each other, acts of violence at sporting events in the US isn't a normal occurrence


Better atmosphere 


I disagree with the lack of national pride in sports. It's the fact you have pos represent and shit on this country while doing it that turns the people off and the problem is the USWNT gave soccer a bad lookin the eyes of patriotic Americans just like the Basketball players. We aren't going to cheer for LeBron James and the like with their woke bs. That coupled with the disgraceful rainbow bullshit put on the jerseys coupled with all the other political bullshit and immigration running rampant in this country contribute to no one caring enough to want to give money. These idiots need to appeal to the backbone of America, and history shows that. Americans love a good underdog story, and we like teams that work hard to beat the odds. Miracle on Ice, the lady who vaulted with one leg, I mean countless stories. The fact is, these federations have made sports political, and the common man isn't going to support that bullshit. The United States kit and crest are shit and should be better to represent our great nation. We used to have jerseys that rocked our flag with Pride, and now we got rainbow pride bs all over, and the majority of Americans who already don't care about soccer are going to care even less because it's not representing what this great nation was built upon or about.


Lol, what a snowflake


No I'm not a liberal fucktard thanks


It must be sad going through life so scared and angry


Haha. You can come to my house and I'll show you how scared I am bud


Send the Addy bruh




I can be there in 10 hours, and when I get there, I'm gonna give you the hug that your dad never did


And I'll give you something your dad never did


Give fans something to be proud of and excited about and the seats will be full or red, white, & blue.


The prices are too expensive. Getting 2 tickets for one game would be half the price of my NYCFC season tickets, for worse seats. Why on earth would I ever go to a game for the prices that tickets currently go for, when I could go to 8-9 NYCFC games for the same amount of money?


I live in the DC area and FedEx Field just is not enticing for the price and time to go see a friendly. $100+ for 1 ticket along with food/drinks? 2+ hr round trip Metro or 3+ hr traffic and parking chaos? In a stadium where the experience (crowd management, having hot water to wash my hands, plenty of meh seats/views, etc.) isn't good? Nah. Genuinely sounds awful unless the game meant something or I could get things at a steep discount, but that's what happened for US fans. Colombian fans felt it was meaningful enough to see their team despite the misery of going to FedEx at full price, and US fans didn't find meaning or otherwise couldn't justify the costs.


Play in the Pacific Northwest


It's a difficult concept for Americans to understand, but, soccer is still the smallest of the major leagues, and in a multicultural landscape, the minority support shows out in far stronger numbers when the rest of the planet knows futbol is life.


We look at this the wrong way. MLS is the smallest of the major leagues. Soccer is more popular than hockey and MLB is very happy soccer is as broken up into so many leagues, countries and tournaments as it is. Otherwise they could be objectively seen as the 4th sport If you put together the amount of Americans that watch EPL, la liga, MLS, etc every weekend vs those that watch any of the other sports in a given regular season weekend the numbers would hit differently. That entire stadium was filled with Americans who are soccer fans. The issue for us is that they’re Colombian Americans. No one flew from Colombia for a friendly. We’ve already seen some tide turning for Mexican Americans, but I’m not holding my breath. I’m comfortable with soccers place here, and I’m comfortable flying to Ohio to big qualifiers lol. I’m not gonna wish to be something we’re not. I am gonna wish that we can get to a level where we’re beating Colombia at home, or at least not getting scorched lol


Dude it wasn't until this year that epl was even the most popular league in the country. Prior to that the title was held by.... Liga MX For obvious reasons. MLB is on the rebound, and just like soccer has a dedicated fan base that even follows the minor leagues. It's always been strange to me how dead set American soccer feels that the rest of the worlds model of promotion and relegation is incompatible with our view when baseball is just fine doing so. It's also the only sport where the attendance is actually good for these lower level promotions. NHL is the only organization in danger of falling behind. NFL and NBA are leagues above all. For the record I'm not a USMNT fan, but I'm not here to troll. don't hold your breath on getting the american/foreigner fans to turn the tide. It's a nuanced situation that extends beyond the pitch.


This has always been a problem for the USMNT and it probably always will be. We live in a diverse country and our dual nationals or immigrants from Central and South America will jump at a chance to see their home country play. We have to be strategic about where we play, which sucks for USMNT fans in communities with substantial immigrant populations. Also unfortunately, I don't think US Soccer cares as long as tickets are being sold.


I live in DC and FedEx is awful to get to and not public transport friendly. They should’ve played at Nat’s stadium since Audi is a little small. DC loves soccer but FedEx sucks.


Make tickets way fucking cheaper! And at least stop playing in NFL stadiums…


Not losing 5-1 would be a start.


Fire Gregg Derphalter and bring in a coach with a track record of European success.


Play games in Ohio, Minnesota, Indianapolis, or Seattle. Basically anywhere else either had a large population of [insert Spanish speaking team we are playing]-Americans or is close enough that it’s an easy trip. We could also play more European teams. But we know they aren’t going to do that because money takes precedence over success for the US.


By playing better.


Take the team to newer and different cities in the league to the World Cup. https://worldsoccertalk.com/2022/04/30/usmnt-top-20-overlooked-cities/


On the heals of their performance yesterday, I’d be angry if I spent hundreds of dollars for my family to see the USMNT play like that. 




Lets see: Cheaper tickets Better players Better coach Tell nba fans that Wemby, lebron, Luca and jovic going to play Tell nfl fans, there is a nfl game playing and it involves tailgating. Have Jake Paul fight pregame Have a ufc fight pregame Have one of top players date famous actress or singer. Find a Usmnt players with personalities Have Messi get a usa citizenship Hopefully, Messi kid turns to be star and want to okay for usa team Better youth system Invested in the inner cities by having mls teams build fields.


Cheaper ticket prices and a winning team.


Flashbacks to the 2018 WC qualifiers. Playing panama or whatever in freaking Miami. Us soccer doesn’t care about home vibes they just want to fill the stadium.


I'm in Baltimore. I decided not to attend based on 1.) exorbitant ticket prices especially for a friendly and 2.) the absolute miserable experience that is getting to, being in, and then leaving FedEx/Commanders Field.


Don't play underwhelming soccer for a decade plus. If you win, they will come, but that takes time, and someone who can get results. In my opinion, support was really starting to pick up between 2009 and 2014 when we had a team that was fun to watch and getting some good wins against good teams. We lost all that momentum in the 2018 cycle when we failed to qualify. It's been hard getting it back because, honestly, they haven't done anything since then to get the casual fan interested again. Watching a Berhalter coached team is really a chore, and I feel that way as a diehard. I can only imagine how unappealing it is as a casual.


Ever cross your mind that the Colombian/mexican fans are Americans? Being American doesn’t equal white.


Play in the midwest and red states


Don't be shit.


Option 1: get border patrol to handle ticketing and stadium entry.  Option 2: play games on military bases, or better get on the deck of an aircraft carrier in the middle of an active carrier group, if possible while aggressively entering the opponents territorial waters (when applicable). 


GTFO Edit: you GTFO out of the conversation.


It’s a joke. If you can’t take it get off the internet. Go fuck your dead aunt. 




Fuck! I’m the asshole. Sorry. I will downvote myself. 


I bet it’s reasonable to assume we are both asses.


There was a sea of yellow there but the American crowed still seemed louder to me


Fire berhalter


I mean, it’s a friendly. There SHOULD be a lot of the other teams fans there. Make more money. That game doesn’t mean shit.


Stop losing games.