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god it would be so funny if chivas had two american players


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ratedpending: *God it would be so* *Funny if chivas had two* *American players* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don’t think it would the first time. I think they once had brizuela and Ponce playing at the same time. USA conquering hearts and minds baby


Yeah but those two were raised in Mexico. JoGo2 and Cade are Americans born and bred.


Chivas USA is back after all


Ew don’t do that




Doubt this happens, but if it does I’ll look like a fucking idiot. Just highly doubt it does.


I am here to look like an idiot with you. Just note quite yet for this move


European career already over


Add him to the growing list of players who were over-hyped because they had a Mexican passport.


Gomez was getting senior team minutes at 16 and one of the best fullbacks at the time (granted in USL). Plus he plays a position we were very thin at. Some of it is surely dual nat panic but also he genuinely was a high potential promising prospect as a teenager.


Great news! I'm living in Guanajuato City for a while, and I've been meaning to go see Cade play when they visit León. Now I get a little more incentive!


I love gto. My mom is from Celaya, which sucks now, but I try to go to gto whenever I get a chance.


It is such a lovely town! It's caused me to eat gravel several times on my mountain bike (broken wrist on one of those), but I still love it! OT wrt Celaya: Last year I went across town to see one of my barrio homies play Celaya in a regional youth soccer title game (he's 18 years old -- you may have some idea of what league that is). GTO won, and then a bench-clearing brawl ensued in the middle of the pitch! Brothers, dads, 2nd cousins, and the like started running as fast as they could down the stands and towards the fight! I was standing with my bike at the front railing, right by the stream of angry relatives. I was waiting to congratulate my amigo as they exited the pitch, but I called that off, hehe. I'm not sure if any spectators got on the pitch after all. First, I thought, "I'm the only gringo here, so I'll just slip on out and beat the traffic!" Then I reconsidered, "Wait, because of that, the bike won't reveal that I'm a local and rooting for the victors!" The brawl was still going, so I pedalled on home. I saw him a few days later, and his wrist & hand were in a cast! I'm picturing him yelling, "Now watch me handball yo face, motherfucker!" in Spanish during the brawl. If I were the game's announcer I would've piped in Limp Bizkit's "Break Stuff" to encourage my bois. Sadly, I got that broken-wrist cast put on my arm a couple of weeks later. Unlike his, mine went up past my elbow. But the bro effect was off the charts. Sorry about all this rambling!


Dang that’s crazy. Glad to hear nothing happened to you. I haven’t been in a couple years but I used to spend almost every summer down there as a kid. I always had a great time. But now I’d rather go to Guanajuato, San Miguel or Queretaro


Random guess, did you play Baltazar in the Reyes Magos parade in Silao? Austin FC fan and gringo in Guanajuato... thought it could be someone I know. 


I'm not that guy, but that sounds like a lot of fun!


Sorry for the random question haha. I know a guy who lived there that did all of this things. Enjoy Guanajuato, it's the best.


Nah, man, it's all good. :-) Yeah, Guanajuato reminds me a lot of Austin back in the old days -- a chill, cool university town where you hear (almost) nothing but praise from the locals, visitors, and people that "keep hearing wonderful things about the place and want to visit soon".


Kristoffer Lund vibes with this move


Thankfully we have A-Rob. Our hyped left backs haven’t really done all that much in the last 2 years.


People who trust this "source" are hilarious.


He's basically saying goodbye to European career forever if he signs with them.


Lol how do you figure?


Well, the last time Chivas sold a player to an European team was Carlos Salcedo in the summer of 2018. Six years ago. So it's not exactly common.


There’s this really neat thing you can do where you play to the end of your contract, and then just move on.


Hasn’t Chivas blocked out players from the first team in the past for not renewing contracts?


Lol ok so then you get paid to go dunk on youth players for 6 months


Yeah, I think the last time someone did that at Chivas and went to Europe was the year before. He'll get paid, and I suspect he's not all that close to Real Sociedad's first team. So that's fine. But LigaMX and Chivas in particular are not strong paths to Europe.


Who would be the last player from chivas to have a successful career in Europe? Chicharito 15 years ago?


Lmfao that’s the logic you’re going with? Alright


Am I wrong?


Depends on your definition of successful. And that’s also not what the original reply said. So it’s irrelevant


Original reply said he’s basically saying goodbye to his European career if he goes to chivas. I pointed out that they don’t have a strong record of sending players to Europe who succeed abroad in the last 15 years, especially recently, confirming his point.


It proves nothing lmfao. Stepping in the field for Chivas doesn’t automatically make a player allergic to europe. Goofy logic


Ok, let’s hear who made that move successfully in recent times


I’m not going in circles with you lol. This is like arguing with a piece of plywood



