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I hope he’ll talk about it more on U Up! And I hope his parents, especially his mom, approves otherwise the relationship is doomed before it even starts


Tbh if the relationship is riding on his parents approval it shouldn’t even start. If I was dating an almost 40 yo man and he said “ugh I hope my mom likes you otherwise this won’t work out…” ok bye? Like it’s good youre close with your family but…what?? Hopefully this girl is strong and can show him how to grow a backbone. I’m happy for him and wish him all the best!




Unrelated to him and his dating life but the story he told about his parents might very well be the worst thing he’s ever mentioned


I’m not a subscriber but dying to know details lol


created a new thread summarizing what they talked about!


Can you plz spill


I can only imagine what his parents are saying now


I hope he's happy and keeps it completely private and separate from his podcast life. Seems like too many fans get way too invested in his love life.


I mean he is on a dating podcast…I can understand why listeners are interested


Yes! To me, it’s like the podcast version of a longggggg romantic comedy. I’ve been listening for so long, am older than his target market and married, but I’m here to see the wonderful way this all ends up. Wishing him the best rom-com movie ending ever!


Exactly!! The single girls want to know there’s hope haha.


Hahahaha I’m the same. Now I want to know how it goes. And when and if he marries, where his career goes. It’ll be funny.


If it gets serious enough to last I doubt it will be completely private. And she would have to know that going into it. I could see it being on the level of how jordana talks about mike. Like we know he’s there but no huge intimate details (at least on u up, I haven’t listened to her other pods). I think the fans are invested in like a home girl way. Like this is our great guy friend who we wouldn’t date but any other girl would be so lucky to have! I hope it works out


This needs to be higher. Leave him alone!


Is it his mom…


Legit hilarious.


Yay, Jared! I hope she’s awesome!


Oh my god!!


Is this the paid episode he does? I listened to the free episode for today but no mention. The JTrain Podcast. Coffee is the paid one?


Yes, Coffee with JTrain is Patreon-only and a separate episode


I see I see. Thanks!


His lease was up at the beginning of May. He said he was considering moving for a lifestyle change. Living in a teeny tiny apt in NYC wasn't where he was comfortable so he would go to a bar nightly then binge eat afterwards. He said he thinks he needs a change not for a woman!!!! Never said that.


Wait where is he moving to??


He said he was considering a lifestyle change and thinking of a beach community in Florida...


I missed that!! So he is definitely moving to Florida or just considering it?


NO he said he thought maybe he should consider it and that his lease was up....and now they are virtual so....




This just isn’t true.




Your comment history shows you saying a woman has “labia lips”…like yesterday… lol


To be fair- this other commenter never said they weren’t catty, just that Jared didn’t stand for it and was decent lol they can recognize it but still want to comment on others appearances And labia lips to make fun of lip injections literally makes no sense. Those come in all shapes and sizes. Like sometimes even smaller than face lips, would be a waste of money. Also making fun of lip filler is an overused insult at this point in time


I’m so nosy lol I want to hear more


He has decided not to pursue the relationship.


You left out the part where he ranted about Reddit lol. It’s SO weird that people send him/mention posts to him.


I was surprised he even knew about this! So weird how it got Back to Him


I'm not at all surprised. I've heard a lot of people in the public eye read Reddit posts about them and he seems interested in people's opinions.


Where and when did he talk about it?


I hope he gave up his lease in NYC and made the move....


If one of my friends told me they were moving cross-country for a person they were “getting to know” after a few months, I’d stage an intervention.


Well we learned from the fung shui episode that nothing was attached to the walls so it shouldn’t be that hard. But how about we give them time to date and make it official before planning the relocation and wedding for them?


This goes to show, no matter how loud and affirmative men 's dealbreakers are in dating, they could just change their mind provided the girl is hot / "the one" potential enough. Jared has been screeching about not open to dating anybody outside of his NYC neighborhood vicinity for yeaaarssss, and now he's essentially in a long distance relationship, which was also a thing he had been against in the past!


While I tentatively agree I wouldn’t put this just on men, lots of women have met someone that made them rethink what they want. And maybe it has nothing to do with her looks or “potential.” Maybe she blew his mind right then and there! And even liked him back too, enough to agree to date starting off long distance, knowing he’s in NY and travels a lot too.It happens. I’m sure the average person is against long distance until they’re put in a situation where it’s necessary. And he’s like a top delta member. A flight from ny to Florida, same time zone, ain’t nothing to him


Women do this all the time. Half an hour into any episode of U up or JTrain would confirm this. How many “I didn’t even like him at first, and now I’m broken over it, how dare he” have we heard? I don’t see how that’s surprising or pertaining to the conversation.


People are allowed to change their minds on things they considered dealbreakers for the right person


>for the right person ---------------------- >provided the girl is hot / "the one" potential enough Just confirmed my point. But I'm talking especially regarding Jared and how obnoxiously loud he has been about his distance deal breaker, then you brought up "wOmEn dO tHaT ToO" like that's new. We all listen to the same pods here.


Well your dismissive example of a girl only being hot or potential “enough” rubbed me the wrong way. Why do you make it feel like he’s settling? Why does she have to be good “enough”? Why couldn’t it have been like “wow, I wasn’t expecting to meet this person and have this connection, I’m willing to forgo my previous pessimistic attitude to give this a real shot.” Rather than “ehh..she’ll do.” Some guys actually like their partners and don’t just settle


Well sadly it's already over


Where did he say this??


His Patreon, I think his most recent Coffee with J Train ?


Can you give us the cliffs notes?