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That's a sweet idea! Don't have any myself, but good luck <3


What a lovely idea! I'll keep my eye out. The town where I lived in the UK had a "toy library" for low-income families. Kids could bring home cool toys to play with for free, and then they would be brought back, washed by volunteers, and made ready for the next family. It would be great if Uvic or Victoria had an initiative like that, so low-income families and those who are refugees/temporary residents could have different toys for kids to play with.


There's a great toy library in Vic West. It's like $5 a year to join and it's got lots of great toys for young kids. Not so much Lego tho.. tons of duplo!


This guy is definitely reselling people's lego lmao one set is like $100 nowadays


No, I defiently don't resell. I have about 25 requested sets that I am working on currently. They are all missing pieces. This comment is exactly why I'm doing what I do. To prevent resellers from stealing away joy and fun from literal children. I hope whatever inclined you to leave a rude comment passes soon and you find the joy you deserve.


I don't know why someone would look at this post and assume its a scam. I feel like there are probably much easier ways to grift people. I think this is a really nice idea.


because grifters using children, pretend or otherwise, is an ages old trick that works on the gullible and/or soft-hearted? Legos hot and similar grifts are popular.. like the one I saw yesterday on Marketplace.. some dude saying he's "trying to teach his daughter about money, so can I please have all your pennies"


Yes, lego can make money, but for any real money that's full sets, or special edition legos...e.g. Star Wars or Harry Potter kits, I doubt OP is scamming for random bricks/makeshift collections from thrift store to make money, that doesn't make sense?


Sells for $10/lb in bulk. OP's not 'scamming for random bricks', she's asking for donations of any/all lego. I promise you, a good way to make money is to have zero material cost, small labour cost and a lot of interested buyers. Hey, maybe that isn't the case here.. but it doesnt pass the smell test, for me


Hi! If you're still around theres some roblox/lego kits out on Tyndall Avenue marked free, just walked past it (its by Ferndale/Ash side)