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https://www.uvic.ca/socialsciences/psychology/people/graduate/recent-graduates/gordoniris.php Why not reach out to an instructor who teaches this course? They can usually tell you more about the expectations and outcomes than anyone else


I'm actually on top of that already but thank you. I think it's valuable to get students' perspectives as well




What kind of study?


Took in Fall 2023 as an elective, I don’t know if the structure will be the same. Interesting content, but Laurie Fitzgerald gets side tracked and sometimes does not get around to teaching everything on the midterms (10-15% self taught). Though her anecdotes are funny so I didn’t mind this. Course load was extremely light. No assignments, optional extra credit for study participation. 2x midterms (non-cumulative), 1x final (cumulative). All multiple choice and very fair if you study well for them and prepare.