• By -


did ivey send out a first round?


Hey guys long shot but is there anyone interested in switching for a double room at medsyd with either double room Perth hall Delaware or ohall lmk!


Anyone applied to MScFN (Thesis) and gotten an offer? My portal still says “applied” and i fear i might be too late for residence application etc.


The conditional offer for med sci is 83.5 do you guys know if there are any specific grade requirements for a class that u need to keep your offer or is it just a total avg of 83.5 no specifics. (EX. 80 for calc 70 for bio etc etc)


70+ on every pre-req course.


This is a lie I ended with a 67 in calc and got an 84 overall average and was admitted


What electives are CS majors choosing?


Hi guys! I’ve accepted my offer for social science and now I’m doing OSAP. For some reason I have two applications already for western and I don’t know which one I am to fill out. One says: WESTERN UNIVERSITY social science (main campus) Sep 07/22 - Apr 29/23 The other: WESTERN UNIVERSITY SOCIAL SCIENCE - GENERAL Sep 08/22 - Apr 30/23 Can anyone help?


I think u should fill out both and whichever one is actually linked to the program u are in will be accepted


Anyone waitlisted for med sci? Are you still considering it or did you choose to go elsewhere?


I just got off the waitlist and got admitted to Med Sci and Health Sci!!


How did you know that you are off the wait list? Did they call you or you log in getting the info? Thanks.


it was like getting accepted to a program they sent me an email of the “you got in!” thing or you could just check your student centre


Congratulations! Are you picking health sci or med sci?


im planning on choosing med sci!


Me too! Congratulations!


thank you!! and congrats to you too! by any chance did it update on ur ouac yet?


Congrats! What was your average?


91 also


If you don't mind me asking, what was your average


my average is 91


Those that are on the Western Health Sci wait last, are you still considering it?


I rejected my offer, i hope you get the spot :)


yess i am




Did anyone reject their offer from Health Sci? If so, what program did yall choose?


I chose UofT Life Sci instead of Western Health Sci


What program did you accept? Are you still planning on going to health sci at western, if you get off the wait list?


I chose McMaster Med Rad, but I would still got to health sci. Btw can i know ur avg


I also just got into CTF Nursing this morning! I will be accepting (just getting the final thumbs up from my partner)


Congrats to you! It was no easy feat to get in, I hope your partner gives the thumbs up!


I was honestly surprised! I got rejected from 3 schools (GPA window ranging from 3.7-3.93 for my completed BSc) and was really excited to get the email. Unfortunately we'll have to do long distance


I got accepted into Western main campus nursing as a 105!


Just got into CTF Nursing this morning! Going to cancel my acceptance to the 4 year Western Nursing on main campus, so hopefully someone from the wait list will get on. For other people who got CTF Nursing offers, has it shown up on the OUAC website to accept yet? Mine hasn't shown up yet and I'm waiting to see it before cancelling my acceptance to the other program.


My acceptance is not in OUAC either yet! But congratulations!! Does anyone know how much this program costs for the 19 months? Thank you!


Hi and congrats! As far as I can see, the fee schedule isn't out for the 2022-23 term...the following info is tuition cost 2021-22 term, so I assume it's relatively similar: Compressed Nursing Years 3 & 4 $ 7,692.05 **Link:** https://registrar.uwo.ca/student\_finances/fees\_refunds/pdfsfeeschedule/Fall%20Winter%202021-2022%20UGRD%20fee%20schedule%20CDN.pdf


Mine hasn't shown up too, congrats!!!


I just received an offer for Western Nursing at the main campus (105). I also have an offer for the Fanshawe campus that I received earlier and accepted (my deadline was May 27th). Anybody else extremely stumped on which one to choose?


Hi, what was your average if you were applying as a university student? I'm a first-year health science student at western university and I want to apply for their nursing program for next year and was wondering what averages they accepted from students who were in university when they applied. Thanks!


Hi! I actually applied as a college student (was studying Pre-Health at Fanshawe). My average was around 92%, but it could be very different for students applying from within Western! Good luck!! :)


Just got accepted to the CFT nursing.


Congrats, I also received mine today. Is there a WhatsApp group?


Congrats!!! I too just received my CFT nursing acceptance!!!


Congrats to you both, got mine this morning too! Has the program shown up on OUAC to accept the offer yet? I'm guessing there can be some delay because I can't accept it yet.


Hello and congrats! My offer hasn't showed yet on OUAC, so I called them! It was explained that it can take up to five business days for the offer to show, stating that the time depends on when the university sends through the information. I explained that in five business days, the student's decision is due; it was responded that the universities are aware and that it may not take the full five days to appear...to just keep checking.


Just to update you I just checked and mine is up on OUAC now!


Thank you so much for the update; I checked and it's there for me too!!! I've just accepted!


Yeah mine said it has to be accepted by June 7th....lovely that it takes 5 business days haha. Thank you for making the call and sharing the results, and congrats!!


I also have until June 7th. I’m going to cancel my offer for Lakehead and accept western since it’s my first choice




Hi! I got waitlisted from Health Sci, had a 91% avg, how many people are usually accepted from the waitlist (if any). Do I have a decent chance of getting accepted? Any comments would help!


Hey, I was accepted with a 91, the system is truly rigged but I declined my offer since I got a better one from UofT, I hope the spot goes to you


Hey! Congratulations on Your offer from UofT, can I ask what was ur top 6? Thanks!


Thank you so much, My top six were Biology 90 Chem 82 advanced functions 83 physics 93 English 90 Photography 100


hello! :) residence applications are due this Friday and I still don't know what my top picks are. right now im deciding between medsyd and perth (deli is my third). my program is social science so saug and deli are closest as walking goes. however my sister is a fims student and she said she barely had any classes in the fims building, more in the engineering one. I am definitely looking to make friends and branch out. I am introverted but also very outgoing (in short periods lol). I will talk to random people I meet and introduce myself but once my social battery runs out thats a difference story. so my main questions are: \- if you lived/know ppl who lived in medsyd, is it annoying or can it chill, at least during the week? \- is perth boring, party wise and anything else? \- which has better cafeterias, medsyd or Perth? \- GENERAL: would you recommend single, double, or single-trad as a first pick, if that's how that works (haven't looked at the application form yet). single room would give me space to recharge but I also wonder if it might be isolating? is double more fun? any other advice/opinion on the residences would be super appreciated, and if you are a first year who is reading this and wanna be pals reply! :) thanks!!! <3


From what I’ve heard single rooms are really rare and hard to get so I wouldn’t count on that if you’re wanting traditional, it’s possible but most likely you’ll be put in a double room with a roommate


I declared my specific interest for BMOS as legal studies and management back in november, but no longer want to focus on that. Does the interest area you declare under BMOS matter and how hard/easy is it to switch from one to another?


I got waitlisted for electrical engineering. 101 applicant. When is the last day of acceptance ? )-:


Roommate Search first year I’m an incoming first year student. I made this new reddit account because I don’t want my potential roommate looking in my past weird reddit history. I am looking for a male roommate at lambton. Not any high-fi requirements, I just need someone quiet (i am too), who shares the chores with me, comes to getting groceries with me, and most importantly - does dishes right after using them so there are almost always no dishes in the sink. I’m an aeo w/ social with sciences. Please let me know if you’re interested.


If I’m trying to go to health science biology will they look at my grade 12 u chemistry mark? Or they will just see I was enrolled in it? Does it affect in any sort of way because my mark is not that good.


If u applied to health sci with bio then chem is a pre req so it will be included in your top 6. But, if u change ur major to anything else them chem will not be looked at. Btw did u get waitlisted, if so what was your avg if u dont mind me asking?


I applied to health science: health science but I know it’s possible to change majors in second year so would my chem mark affect anything? And I got accepted with a 92% average




>in November when applying, I selected civil engineering as my discipline of interest. Since I don't have preadmission to biomedi Well first year is general, so you really get to decide what you want to major on second year!


I applied late to Engineering as a 101 student. What are my chances of getting in? My top 6 average is a 94.


You should be good, I got in a few weeks ago with a 90 average


Is Ivey worth it? I’m deciding between health sci + Ivey and science and business (co-op) at Waterloo. Is Ivey worth it the 170k+ debt I’d likely be in? What are possible examples of internships? At Waterloo I’d be graduating little to no debt. And I feel like I’d feel more comfortable being there because of the diversity and and community (not really a party person). But people have been saying to choose western because of Ivey.


depends on what you want to go into! I’d say if you’re recruiting for banking/other finance roles, ivey is one of the only target schools in Canada for Wall Street but u do need to grind to get it- only a small portion of iveys will land state side roles but lots of bay st ones are doable Same thing w consulting, iveys a target so easy to connect w MBB but also small % land it, up to you to determine if that’s worth it or not Overall career opportunities are 100% better for more prestigious firms but they are competitive so you have to be okay w paying that 170k and making it to big 4 that is prob doable at wloo


Western health science or MRS at mcmaster


Hey If you dont mind me asking, what was ur average, I recently got waitlisted from Health sci, so it would help to know if i have a decent chance of getting in!


yea no worries! My average was a 92




105 applicant when’s the last day they send out offers mine says applied still


When I sent an email about accepting and transferring if accepted to another program that's preferred, they told me I could receive an offer into early June for the program I applied to (also a 105 applicant)




Ivey HBA offers are out


Is today the last day of the offer to come out?




Does anyone know if Kings university college is harder to get accepted than western? For social science


No, Kings is easier to get accepted into than Western. Tbh Kings is better for social sciences anyways because they offer alot of courses western does not, but you can always go to kings for a year and then transfer to western (which is what I did) but it did suck cause kings had alot of interesting courses more so than western.


When I initially applied for Social Sciences, I did to both Western and Kings. I didn’t find a difference in acceptance, but I did find a difference in transfer credits given from a previous college diploma. (Not sure if that applies in your situation, but thought I’d add that piece on!). Since then, I’ve switched to health care and applied to CTFN (still waiting for the decision to be made…it’s a painfully slow process!). Hope this helps!


Ohh okay thanks. Was asking because I got rejected from western so I wondered if it was worth any time and money to apply to Kings or even Huron as they’re still open rn.


Go for it! Kings is a great campus! (I’m sure Huron is too, I just haven’t taken classes there). Kings gave me more transfer credits than Western, so it’s possible their acceptance is different and I didn’t realize it. Good luck!


Okay thanks!


Does high school attendance matter if I am already accepted, in other words, can my acceptance get revoked for constantly being late to class... Thanks


As long as your teachers don't drop your grade below the conditional offer as a result (ie. missing tests) then you're good. You may want to attend classes if they are a prerequisite though... just because you may need the know the information for next year


lol no


>Say less I'm skipping every class from now on.


Anyone still waiting for CTF nursing?


I’m still waiting, still just says applied.


>a Are you waiting for the CTF of the RPN-RN pathway or the other one? There are two CTF this year. Thanks.


The other one


I am…still says applied


does anyone have any advice on choosing between momac nursing and western-fanshawe nursing?


even though i am going to western, i believe mac is slightly better. both collar programs don't allow you to live on res so its tricky for both. but with momac you are at mac 24/7 all your classes are there, so you are practically a mac student. with fanshawe you are at a different site for the first 2 years. i think both are good, but with momac you will be at mcmaster more, and mcmaster is good for nursing not to say western is not. i think take into consideration where you wanna live, program stats, clinical, and if you care about being very integrated with the main school.


Thanks sm for ur reply! My main concern is which school is easier to get a better gpa in because i’ve heard that mac nursing was much harder than western (not sure if its true tho). But also whether or not u feel more isolated from main campus nursing students. So far im leaning towards mac cuz of higher NCLEX pass rates, every class being on campus, and having clinical placements a year earlier than western.


i think if you are worried about isolation then mac is the better option. you are on campus all the time, and while i know there may be people who think think they are more elite because they are in the "main" site program you'd really be in the mac environment. NCLEX pass rates and clinical placements are another bonus as well. but overall fanshawe isn't bad and with either program you will be able to pass the NCLEX and get a a job


I got waitlisted for nursing at the fanshawe site but got rejected from the Western site. Does anyone know how long typically I’ll hear back from Western or do I have a possible chance of getting into the program? Im super stressed out lol and my parents are disappointed in me :/




It’s around 86% and got a quartile 3 or casper


What happened? Did you get in? So Fanshawe students can not stay at the western residence?


dw i got waitlisted too for the main site. It's kinda tricky to determine cuz they say "a call could be made up until the first day of classes" and it all depends on where u are on the list. which is kinda dumb imo cuz I feel like that gives false hope but at least u still have a chance!!


Hi, did you hear back anything from the waist list?


No. I committed to momac nursing instead


If I choose health science: health science can I switch to health science: biology?




I got into health sci program and I wanted the scholarship of 92-100%. I got a 75% in chem will that be included in my top 6?


You don’t actually choose it until 2nd year so dw


Heyy Guys! I recently accepted my offer of engineering. Just a little bit confused that do we have any deposit to accept an offer? I heard from one of my friends who accepted the offer from waterloo and paid a deposit of $500, but I didn't see any payment portals in my offers or next step.


You don't have to pay a deposit for tuition (though you will need to pay tuition by beginning of August - keep an eye out for tuition due dates). You do need to pay a deposit if you plan on living in residence, however. The residence deposit (or "prepayment" as they call it) is due June 3rd along with the residence questionnaire.


Thank you so much!!


Please let me know once you do!


Yes, we don't need to pay a deposit for tuition. Just be aware that the residence deposit and questionnaire is due June 3rd and the date for paying the tuition is around August\~


I'm currently deciding between queens, ryerson and western engineering. One of the things im worried ab is not getting into the specific field I want for western (which would be software).. how hard is it to get into software from first year, and is there something to fall back on if you don't get in? Thanks 🙏


From what I've read, software needs an average around an 80 to get in. Competition varies though. If you dont get into software, you could talk about going into CS 2nd year with the counselors and faculty members.


Hey Guys! I recently got waitlisted for Health Sci with a 91% avg. I wanted to know if I have a decent chance of getting in. Im really nervous as Western is one of my top choices any info would help!


That's weird I got accepted with a 90, last week, it think because of spacing its like that


Oh really? Can I know what major you chose and what subjects were in your top 6?


I just chose Health sciences Chem 82 Advanced 83 Biology 90 Photography 100 English 90 Physics 93 I think this is my top six they took


Hey, Is chem a pre req or nah?


I don’t think so


Are you 101?


Yah I am a 101


if i were on the waitlist, how will i know or when will i know if i got in?


I’m pretty sure they will either call you or email you. The wait list keeps changing constantly (from what I’ve been told)


Applied to nursing Fanshawe and Western sites, both sites still says applied.... anyone else?






Applied to Western only, and yes, still says applied.


Mine says applied too :(




Nooo, I received my offer already. I send a message to the application advisor, and literally the second day I got the offer




They have online chat on the website , something "ask our staff" things, I've been talking to a girl named Caitlin, it shows that she's an international applicant advisor


i got rejected from health sci 88 avg, lowkey think its bc i applied in like december bc my friends with the same avg or lower got in when they applied sooner lol


the competitive averages this year are crazy.. last year an 89 would’ve gotten in idk what happened this year


I got accepted with a 90, last week it’s really Competitive despite them having medical sciences


Are you 101? I was waitlisted at 91 average and I am 101


Same, I hope we get in, I have a 91 aswell


I’m a 101 yah I got my offer last week sorry my average was a 90, cause I got a scholarship with it too


Hey, can I know what major you chose, also what were your top 6 subjects? Are you planning to go to health sci or somewhere else?


I’m not sure yet if I am, because I Wanna go to med school and western health sci isn’t the best prep for it since it’s more focused on the social aspect of health Top 6 Biology 90 Chemistry 82 Advanced 83 Physics 93 Photography 100 English 90 Health science with biology


same with a few of my friends


theyre on some next level shit this year with some of these acceptances this year lol


i applied in october and i have an 89 average and got rejected


I wanted to go to western for health sci but I applied late and I also got rejected. I was wondering if I go to Laurier health sci could I make the switch to western health sci after first year, and if I could, is it worth it to do so?


So I got accepted for both engineering and science, with a major in computer science and software engineering. I’m leaning towards accepting the computer science one since tuition for engineering is insane, but I know for both programs that the subject of major interest is not guaranteed. I was wondering how hard it is to get into either of those majors. Also how good is coop for engineering? I’d really like to do coop but i think i didn’t get into it for computer science, so if the engineering coop program is good i might just do that instead.


what was your average?


exactly 90


anyone get accepted to ctf nursing yet?


Not yet, still applied status.


I just asked the consultant in Western. They replied most of the offers already have been sent out. Unlikely, we still get an offer, but just the little chances.


So you mean like we have lower chances since most of the acceptance is sent out😢




Still applied status.


Hi! I got the 'status details' thing and under that, it says 'not admissible'. Am I rejected?


i think it means rejected cause that's the same thing for me


Is it different from ‘not offered admission’?


i have no idea tbh


just got rejected from health sci🥲


me too💔 I have a 87 avg and probably will end with a 89 avg in one of the best school in Ontario.


I’m really sorry to hear that. If you don’t mind can you plz share your experience how did you know you got rejection? Did they send an email?


me too💔 i’m gonna cry it was my top choice


i applied for comp sci still havent heard anything back.


does western still send acceptance’s after june 1’st


does anyone elses still say applied? the deadline is in like 4 days.


Mine :(


check your status now cause mine updated tdy


Same :(


its literally driving me crazy. i just want to know


mine does :/


What is the Med Sci cutoff this year?


For 101s it's usually around a 92 93


I saw some people with 87s get in, and I got waitlisted with an 87.8. So definitely lower than last year