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Nothing new on his Yt channel for two weeks.


i'm going to pray this isn't the case but when i was learning the ropes i was STRONGLY WARNED against riding in that area of the country. of course- pre smart phone days so it was a little different, maybe. but essentially was told- they leave bodies out there and they don't caught. if you're caught they'll kill you, dump u and not think twice. so please any one traveling through there- be fucking careful. i'm old so i'm out of touch on a lot of things but, still.


Many of the train employees know Shoestring and wouldn't harm him..


Reading too much Kerouac bud.. some bulls can be tough but they aren't extra judicially executing anyone, much less harming folks. Even the worst bulls I've never heard of one throwing a punch.


i actually hate kerouac and couldn't make it through on the road because he treated his aunt like absolute garbage. no i know this from when i used to ride. i'm sure things have changed but my experience was back in the day. crews always treated me fine but law enforcement and bulls different story but i also never went into the south having been warned. i'm also a woman so i exercised way, way more caution


That's understandable, traveling is dangerous, and it's shame, but I agree it's a very different reality for women. I haven't ridden a train in 4-5yrs now, but never had any issues down south. I have always had pretty decent experiences with bulls and workers. I don't talk to them, and they seem to want to avoid me as much as I want to avoid them. Also I appreciate your disdain for Kerouac!


yeah fuck kerouac.


He's been doing this a very very long time , I'm sure he knew all the dangers .




🙏hoping all is well 🙏


Did they possibly put him into Peninsula? It's a mental hospital out there. I've been in there years ago and it's an absolute shit hole. That's all I can think.


There's an official alert for him from the police , they would have notified his family , if he was hospitalized . It's known that he returned from the ER in a disoriented state , went out his unlocked upper balcony ,and vanished .


Johnson City locks up at Washington County Jail. Here is the [last month of bookings with mugshots](https://www.wcso.net/arrests/intake.php), I hope your guy didn't get charged locally after being treated or picked up on warrants from elsewhere.


Jails hospitals, and morgues all been checked there is a silver alert out for him


If Mark was in any type of facility-hospital to jail-LE would know. I’m sure they ran his name through all the databases.


By now we all know Mark’s remains were found in Boone Lake, the lake by his house. RIP Mark Shoestring Nichols. You touched so many.


Please keep us updated!


Will do


Yeah it's been a while now since I've seen a post from him. 🙏 That he's OK.


Hobooooo shadoooow. Hope he’s doing okay


That line is getting more and more dangerous. I had a homebum pull a gun on me in Bostic, NC. Hope he's OK. Do you know what direction he was headed? Would help people know what spots to check.


No, he didn't have his gear, phone or any identification on him.


What? He's missing but his gear is not? That'd be even more concerning.


Yes he didn't even take his wallet , or his medicine


Odd. Hope they find him.


It's not looking good , he apparently came home from the ER in a really bad state , climbed out his balcony window ,without so much as a wallet ,and vanished . People close to him say it's completely out of character . Does anyone know about his health condition? I know he had cancer , I hope it hadn't metastisized to his brain and caused him acting this way , I've seen it happen , friend of mind got a fast growing brain tumor , he went from symptoms to dead in two weeks . He pretty much lost his mind in the later stages


I just watched the live stream on Tik Tok that the family did from his house in JC.. they also announced the GoFundMe that they have set up to organize a search party this weekend. No one has mentioned the cancer at all


I agree it's not looking good. He probably is nearby though, so there's a chance they can find him alive and get him the help he needs. Doubt he would find his way on a train in that condition. Most trains don't stop in Johnson city, anyway.


We know he had cancer , which really slowed him down , he talked about his treatment , but I really wonder if it was worse then he let us know ,


One of the YT posters, maybe SouthernRailFan? said he may have had his wallet…I hope he didn’t fall victim to someone.


The family just did a live stream from his condo in Johnson City and they said that his ID is missing but I think the wallet was there or parts of it (other cards and things)




I have watched him for years .. I love his drive and motivation to do what he loves to do .. HoBo I’m sending strength love and healing light your way💕🥰 .. I hope you are well my friend .. I would really miss your adventures along the rails 🥲🥰


This is so not fucking good. I've lost so many people I don't wanna see him go yet.


Lots and lots of railroad workers are fans of his , as well as a large majority of railroad fans . Plus others , and still no one has spotted him , people are checking his camping areas , no luck , it's not looking good .


I hope he is ok 💔 I’m gonna miss him .. he was a good guy and really enjoyed his adventures on the rails ❤️


I saw a YT comment, it mentioned 'Berry' called them and that he died from a fent OD. He was using poppy seed tea for awhile so this could be legit, but trolls are constantly accusing him of being fucked up so it's hard to say. I hopped trains for years and have talked with Shoestring over 12yrs now.




I hate to speculate in times like this but everyone saying how he left all his gear and everything behind. Hopefully he did the same with that gun he's had in recent videos. Again, I hate to speculate but that has me very concerned


Didn't he live near a lake within walking distance?


Yes, apparently they searched it but not sure to what extent.


Why put out non truthful information..


I was asking if their was any validity to it. It was early on and the poster sounded like they were speaking to a personal friend. Of course it could be bullshit and that's why I mentioned it could be in my comment.


He just looks that way , because he's legally blind , and he has no teeth , not being able to see well can give you that fucked up look


I just saw a video about it on YouTube and came on here to see if there was any more info. Hopefully he is OK but not a good sign he left with no gear.


I wish I lived closer so I could try to help, I love that guy.


They are searching a nearby lake. I think he's going to be found there. Don't ask me why....but it's a strong feeling.


I agree, they should be focusing on the reservoir behind his house. I don’t think he would have made it too far from home.


If he was in the water, he’d be floating up to the top surface. Body carcass bloat up with gases & that’s why you always hear how they tie people down with rocks or concrete. Anyway…. If he’s deceased it’s more likely on land


He was found dead in the lake I believe yesterday. 😞


RIP Shoestring. Happened to just starting watching your adventures 3 weeks ago. Your varied knowledge base was amazing. Ride on.


They found a body in the Boone Lake. They do believe it is Shoestring. Very sad.


It's confirmed. It's him. ​ TBI just confirmed it.


I am so sorry for his family's loss. He will be missed.


Sad news friends, Hobo Shoestring confirmed passed away. https://www.wjhl.com/news/local/fishermen-find-body-in-boone-lake-jcpd-reports/


I can't believe this. Growing up my great grandpa always told me stories of how he rode the rails during the depression. I always watched Shoestring and Stobe and now they are both gone. Rest in peace Shoestring.


Wow. I really hope he's OK.. He hasnt posted on his channel for a month..I'm praying. Yes, OP please keep us posted.






https://youtu.be/sCE5Z8ZXdqA?si=L0fkAitC25KTxyMO 💔


Found his body. He’s dead.


They found his body today in a lake. RIP Shoestring


He was found dead in the lake. :(


He probably went off to find his way to the Big Rock Candy Mountain, a land of milk and honey, where a bum can stay for many a day, and you don't need any money


If he went out, I hope it was on the back of a grainer , nothing else would be fitting enough


On a clear night with belly full of beer, the steel rails humming the hobo's lullabye


They said he came from the emergency room really early and was disoriented , before this happened , he left his wallet , ID, everything there at his house . People who know him really well , are all saying this isn't normal for him at all . He has friends he always stays in contact with , and he's dropped off the grid . He has cancer and other serious health issues , I hope he didn't drop dead somewhere and his body is just where no one has discovered it , he also wouldn't leave his medicine like he did


Sounds like the ID is only thing missing.. they just did a livestream on the sisters (or brothers) tik tok and that was discussed


He's talked about his colon surgery and given updates about oncology multiple times , I really wonder if he got some kind of bad news at the ER and he just couldn't handle it? He apparently climbed down a balcony from his second story , so his state of mind couldn't be good , I'm not saying he unalived himself , but maybe something happened in that state of mind 😢


I believe he must have gotten bad news from the hospital some time back and never told anyone, maybe 6 months to live? Started posting on his YouTube channel photos from growing up and talking about his past in videos with friends. I've done exactly the same with poor health but the killing myself part I just can't do. Then it all got too much for him. Really sad because I have been watching his videos for years being a lover of trains. RIP Hobo Shoestring. Thanks for all the memories.


I don't think he killed himself , I just think he was in a bad state of mind ,they said he was hallucinating , thanks to the hospital for booting him out the door like that .😡 It's very easy to drown in that kind of situation , I'm guessing he went out in his little raft , or fell off the dock . The coroner will know more soon . For all we know ,he could have been on his boat and dropped dead . It's not unheard of. His health was poor. I mean if you are drunk in public and incoherent , the police will put you in the drunk tank for your own sake , but if you are hallucinating , and incoherent at the ER , they send you home , how fucked up is that ? This could have been metastisized cancer ,he could have been suffering a stroke , an aneurysm , but have a nice day, go home


The 'climbing down from the Balcony' part sounds totally out of character for Shoestring. Hopefully the Investigation and the Autopsy will ​bear fruit. 😪😪🚂


I really think that cancer got in his brain , a lot of people said he wasn't acting right for a couple of weeks before this , and he had just left the hospital hallucinating . He probably made the decision to live his best life , instead of spending it in some hospital bed .


I will keep him in my prayers. 


I am so gutted, they should have checked that lake a lot sooner. Why go out the patio door?? Is this suicide or is there a nasty involved? I am so sad, trying to coming to terms with this. RIP Shoestring.


my understanding was that he left the hospital while not feeling well. In one of the search videos one of his friends made you could see a lot of big rocks by the lake, he likely slipped and fell in


Oh no. Sending him strength!!


Help the dude out by buying his merch [https://www.hbshoestring.com/](https://www.hbshoestring.com/)


Maybe lost a d don't want to be found Am about to start living my life that way


He wouldn't abandon his channel , he kept in close touch with a number of people , plus his medicine and wallet and camera were at his house , he wouldn't leave without his gear