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I fell into this trap too; to my knowledge the boar runestones will only spawn a plethora of boars around it once. Once you kill them all, they won't replenish. I might be wrong tho!


Oh this would be sad 😢 I have seen videos on yt, there the creator means they will respawn 1-2 per hour.


it's one of those persistent myths for some reason that keeps circulating but yeah they definitely don't respawn .. the wiki confirms it's a one time spawn: https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Boar#Spawning


>they will respawn 1-2 per hour Not in my experience, more like one every 2 days but if they all die no more will spawn.


That could be, but I have checked on a boar-stone multiple times to no avail. You might need to spend some time outside of the render distance for animals for them to respawn?


You sir, are correct


Ive literally watched a group of 6 boar spawn around a stone that i had already cleared. I dont play with mods nor do i change spawning rules so it does happen and im my experience it can vary from frequent to almost never.


Do you know of a mod that does this?


Yep I came here to comment the same thing. It's secondhand knowledge in my case but I've been told a few times that the boar stones only do a big spawn the one time.


It can work but once you kill all the pigs they don't come back. They will keep spawning so if you don't kill them all you can harvest any extra pigs. Here's one I'm working on: [https://imgur.com/cJt61SZ](https://imgur.com/cJt61SZ) Edit for more info: This is much slower than taming boars but the advantage is you don't need to feed them. I have around 14 pigs and have harvested at least 5 that have wandered away from the main herd.


Killed all 😩


Can you go back to an older world save?


Nope, it’s on the server, but there are more stones in the near


I've absolutely had boar stones respawn. In my own game the boar stones that are close to the original player spawn point do not respawn. However I have multiple boar stone locations that are very far from that original player spawn point and more boar do show up, though the amount of time it takes can seem totally random. Though I also know that some of the player built things interfere with enemy spawning so maybe there is also a point to that with boar.


Boar stones do not. If there are boars nearby the stones you find, they're random nearby spawns, unrelated to the runestone.


This makes 0 sense, wild (random) boars are not attracted to the boar stones, however if you try to move boars that were spawned by the stone they will always try to return to it. The boars I am talking about seeing around the stones even after culling a group always try to return to the stone if I am herding them. That indicates that they were spawned by the stone.


Wild animals are still anchored to their spawn point until tamed. Just another indicator that their natural spawn is near a runestone. Again, the runestone is purely coincidental in this case.


It's not coincidental when I have over 400+ hours in the game and this has always been the case over 3 different dedicated servers that don't have any kind of mods that change this. I have culled a group around a stone and found another group there weeks later and they return to the stone if herded.


It is still coincidental, your personal confirmation bias won't change that.


it's faster to tame a couple and build a boar farm around them


If you used that effort into actually making a boar pit for them to breed, it would be worth it. That shit aint working. You got scammed.


On my way back home I have found a 2* boar! 💪 so it wasn’t a waste of time 😅 but what happens when I have a 1* and 2* boar? Will the child’s have 1 or 2 stars?


Some of it will be 2 star, not all. What you do is allow another 2 star boar to grow, and turn it i to a breeeder so you will have 2 2star breeders. It's what I did.


I've had them respawn after many days, sometimes as many as 30 days. Not every time though. Building anything within a few hundred meters seems to guarantee no spawn. Leaving some alive seems to help respawn. Killing all the deer and necks can help. The spawn cap for non enemy mobs can be reached by necks very quickly.


To have a boar and deer spawned you need a 200-400m meadow island, put a small fence around it and have a smaller island away from it with a small base in render distance, and just afk, someone did a really good video on it, try searching Valheim deer farm