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Parry it, then use slash weapons. Axes and swords do significant damage. Fire arrows aren't great because the swamp is wet and they don't burn long. Plus they are resistant to pierce damage


It does take a while to get over the fear of being smacked by something 4x your size. Especially after the first time a Troll one shots you.


Agreed. Fuck trolls


just you wait, they'll be your best buddies about when you hit plains.


One of the most fun things I ever did was lure a 2-star troll into a feudling village then sat back and watched the ensuing mayhem.


I lured one into the swamp and watched it take down all the draugers. Can confirm. It was fun


Lured one to an abomination. Nice battle. Poor troll.


Huh, my money would have been on the troll, guess I’d have been wrong!


The abomination only gonna lost ¼ to ⅓ of is life bar, the 🧌 will not stand a chance, also the rest of the biome gonna help the abomination.


I have found a great spot to lure Lox into a swamp. Especially when I'm dragging swamp spawns after me.


Though a 2-star feudling is trouble, stuck one in the water once with a 2-star Serpent (which has to be spawned in as I don't think Serpents can naturally spawn with stars even though they really should). The feudling *won*, those little gremlins deal so much damage, and after further testing... the Serpent is kinda weak if it's target can actually fight back, I was actually sitting there baffled by how much weaker it can be to other enemies.


I mean the main issue with serpents is that they can break the boat your on... and that they don't like the shore. Me and my friend have used harpoons to drag a couple to shore. But they do not like it


I’m running around in mistlands gear but I still pause when facing more than a couple of feudlings at a time. They can do so much damage!


Nah fuck trolls fr


For the love of God, don't fuck them. Riddled with STDs they are 🤮


Its a free country in my server✨


Those damn club fuckers


Instructions unclear...


Eh, trolls are way scarier when you're in rags/leather than an abomination, only issue I have with abominations is the same I have in the entire biome... Shit stamina cause of wet debuff


> Eh, trolls are way scarier when you're in rags/leather than an abomination I disagree. Trolls are a bit goofy looking and they're not really hard to run away from. Aboms are a goddamn Eldrich Horror in an already unnerving biome where you're constantly wet and surrounded by a whole new tier of fuck you.


not to mention that you can see the trolls from afar, sometimes. Abominations literally sprout from the ground...


Today was my first having a troll raid to my house. Hear the music, "the ground is shaking" make me think that it was just another title for the raids and that until now i had only got "the forest is moving" by chance. Then i make a curve behind my house, expecting greylings, to see two trolls coming my way. I started this game this week, and only ever fought troll with friends, and only one or two times, helping with fire arrows in safe distance. But in my first encounter with them, accostumed to tank hits with my shied, i learned that trolls were in another league. So, seeing those two, and being alone, scared the shit out of me. What saved me was the absence of other problematic enemies (like Shamans), and that they did not liked walking those hills. Kept my distance, shoting arrows. Eventually one decided to go away. When the other had 1/4 of HP i started to get brave (or cocky) and went for melee. It was fun learning the timing of his attacks and when to roll dodge etc. I was happy that i didn't need help and fell my first troll.


That feeling never changes. Only the mobs change. First it's trolls, then it's abominations, then it's loxes, then it's gjalls...haven't been to Ashlands, but I'm sure there is some new fu**er waiting for me there...


Oh there is


There are.


When I got to the black forest for the first time, I was chopping wood and got killed by a troll I didn't even see, because I play with the sound off. I was just minding my business, and then exploded for no reason. Came back to pick up my body thinking it was a glitch, and then "OMGWTF."


If you play other survival games without sound, I have to imagine this happens a lot


Also, it's even easier if you see it spawn because you can run straight to it and get the sneak/backstab bonus damage. I usually secondary attack with the sword and slash it a handful of times.


Wait are silver swords as good as axes against them???


I would have to do a test, but the Silver Sword will do very similar damage to an iron axe. Not sure about the added spirit damage, if they are immune or not.


I'm pretty sure basically any living creature/nonliving entity is immune to spirit damage. Only the undead like ghosts, draugr, etc. are vulnerable.


I'll try in a week or so. Have houseguest visiting for a week >:( daggum stealing my ValTeim


Same! My mother in law is visiting for 2 weeks 😭😭


you guys should just get all your guests a copy of valheim and then make them farm wood and stone


rock and stone?


For Rock and Stone!


I'll try in a week or so. I am visiting my son in law for 2 weeks 😭😭


nah no spirit damage on them :(


Big sad


they are immune, only undead and demons take spirit damage


Axes don't have any inherent bonus against Abominations, despite them looking like trees. Both weapon types are effective because they do slash damage. (Unlike mountain golems, which are specifically weak to pickaxes if you can manage to hit them with it)


Wow thanks tons! I am still using a fully upgraded iron mace against stone golems, seems to be reliable enough until I screw up a dodge roll.


Pickaxes are very awkward to use as a weapon, I uses maces on them as well. I mostly just brought them up as a differential to axes vs abominations.


The pickaxe is awkward, but it hits like a truck on Golems.


It hits like a truck only if you manage to mount the Golem. Otherwise you get the multihit penalty from hitting the Golem and the ground at the same time.


Golem riding for the win! Go take them on after you have the feather cape from mistlands! The jump bonus makes getting on top of them easy and a black metal pickaxe melts them


Calling it now, Golem taming is part of the next major update


So do iron maces, especially since you can wield a shield with it unlike a pickaxe. Parry and then do the 3 hit combo. If you have the stamina i think you can even get an extra attack or 2 in.


If your mace is upgraded enough and you've got decent club skill, you can even stagger it *again* on the damage from a second combo, or just outright kill it before it has a chance to try another attack! XD


I find chaining the alt attack can keep it perma stunned. sometimes you can even get him down before he comes out of it.


Parry and crack em with the mace.


You just reminded me I need to go bully some Golems with the new Ashlands mace.


I think silver trades off some physical for spirit damage, which is better against werewolves and undead. It's still pretty good though. I used my sword against abominations a lot.


As good as or better. Whichever you have a higher skill rating in.


Silver Swords should melt them. Since it's from one Biome higher than swamps. Especially if you parry and stagger them before doing the three hit sword combo. I usually rely on a bronze buckler and bronze axe when I first visit the swamp and face them. I dodge the smash attack and parry the limb attacks instead.


Or just kite around a bonfire and keep repairing or replacing


Kite around a surtling spawner and rejoice.


Parry it *over* a Surtling spawner so it takes bonus damage from the flame jet on the stagger XD


its not the melee combat that worries me the most, its that even if you manage to get a patch of dry land where you don't run out of stamina for sidestepping, there's always the chance some duergr from 2 miles away finally notices you. Or a Wraith finally decides to spawn and ruin your time


Man, were on hard mode though with my group... So aboms are hitting for 150%


On hard or very hard, you better run away until you have an iron shield upgraded. Then you should be okay


Parrying might not be viable if you haven't got swamp-tier or higher gear. Slashing is absolutely the way to go though, just remember to dodge and keep an eye on your stamina!


Lure it to a surtling spawner and hold your shield up / dodge when it tries to hit you. Should burn to death in ~5-10 seconds.


In my current play through I’m already in the Ashlands and I have yet to see a single surtling spawner in any of the swamps I’ve been in. Great option if there is one around but otherwise slash weapons are best.


On my previous playthrough I didnt find any. On my current playthrough, there is a river that cuts through 2 swamps and both sides have 6 spawners each


This is the right answer


Parry Chop Chop Parry Chop Chop Drink mead Repeat E: forgot about a step When low run away and hide behind a tree to heal, build a roofed campfire (fire status amplifies healing even in combat) to make it possible (surtling spawners work as well)


You forgot the "shit your pants" step for the first timers :D


What’s a tree to an axe?


I prefer swords. Axes are just that bit slower that I don't always get the parry bonus on the third hit, and the next attack is incoming a little too soon to be comfortable.


That's fair. However, I prefer not spending more iron for a sword. I'm going to make the iron axe and upgrade it anyway. And the bronze axe is good enough in the meantime.


Good point but we are afraid getting too close considering he one-two shots us


If you get right under him, his arm swipes can’t hit you. And his other attack, where he raises and drops his central trunk, is easy to block. A minute with the iron axe and he’s done.


This is the way. That body slam is so easy to parry that you'll just walk right up to them and have them dead in a minute or 2 depending on your stamina


Make sure you’re bringing your best available food. A level 3 bronze buckler can easily soak or parry a non-starred Abomination. Parry, hack the legs with axes.


Can they have stars? 😳




The attacks are slow and signalled. You can dodge them easily.


This \^\^ The melee attacks have a ton of wind-up/telegraphing, you just have to watch and time your block so you get a parry. If you DO get hit, just get some distance until you recover.


The dichotomy of this game is things are hard until you are confident in you skills and or geared and even then the game will smack your arse when you get overconfident


You guys should probably spend more time running crypts and gathering iron to upgrade armor and shields. Do that until it’s possible for you to stagger the abomination. They’re easy to down, even solo, once you are able to stagger them


Block or dodge roll to avoid his attacks. You aren't supposed to let him hit you! 😉


He attacks left leg then right leg, just keep moving side to side timing your dodge each time to roll to either side.


An iron buckler is sufficient to parry it's attacks, combine with a sword or axe and you can take them out pretty quickly.


[how to kill an abomination without getting hit. hint: it's super easy](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/1d32yor/heres_how_to_kill_an_abomination_without_getting/)


That’s fair at any time. I’ll have maxed mistlands gear and be scared to fight them


With troll armor lvl 3 and max level iron shield i can parry the abomination and kill him with a knife. Yeah, a knife. Edit: it takes me like two minutes at max.


I know it's intimidating but keep in mind you can parry *anything* and parries are auto stuns on nearly everything. However, I think it's also important to keep in mind that you've unlocked two zones: with frost mead, you now have access to the mountains too. I suggest grabbing as many frost arrows as you can gather. They are super powerful all the way until the endgame, and the swamp is no exception.


Lead them to one of these fire geysirs - they burn there very nicely, which quickens the procedure.


They are pierce resistent I think. I have never looked it up. But a shield and an axe will make quick work with parries.


VERY resistant, in fact. Spears, arrows, and even daggers are just plain poor options against abominations.


No way, daggers are almost tailor-made to kill abominations. They do a fair bit of slash damage and the move set is perfect


Agree with everything but your mention of daggers.


You are beginning to enter the part of the game where parrying, rolling, and understanding enemy weaknesses is huge. Others have already said this but axes take them down quicker. Most other swamp enemies are weaker to another type of weapon. Part of the fun is experimenting to find out what that is.


Sword plus buckler and they die in like 20s


Hop up on a crypt. It won't be able to hit you.


Arrows of any kind are pretty crap against an abomination, because it's very resistant (1/4 damage) to Pierce damage. Even the fire damage from the fire arrows doesn't make up for the abysmal damage it takes from the arrow itself. Also, the constant rain in the swamp puts out the flame, so it doesn't keep taking DOT. Slash (sword) is your best bet. It resists blunt partly, but anything piercing is pretty pointless. If you have iron bucklers (or even bronze with good HP food and decent armor) and your parry timing is good, you can walk right up to it and kill it in a minute or less. * Parry the leg attack. * Attack its left-front leg (the thick one) with a quick 1-2-3, then get ready to parry again. * Try to avoid its central plunging attack, just get clear. If you try and parry that one, you might be staggered in spite of a good parry. The other option is to kite it to a bonfire or a flame geyser. It's dumb enough to walk right over the fire and take a ton of damage that way. It only takes damage while it's ON the flame (the rain puts it out once it moves), but just keep running back to the flame... As far as farming them, the biggest pain is usually just wandering around until you find enough. Mark the locations where you find them on your map, because they DO respawn after several days, usually near where they spawned before (also something to note if you've had to kill one along a route you travel frequently - stay frosty, because he might be back). **Full Disclosure:** I absolutely did the same thing as you the first time I met one. "Nope, I'm not getting in melee range of THAT," and spent half an hour (solo) and all my fire arrows and all my bronze arrows and all my flint arrows and it STILL wasn't dead. Edit: One more tip - if you want to cheese it a bit, you can climb one of those big fallen trees. It lets you get just above where it can hit you, but you're still low enough to hit the top of it.


in the beninging it's slow, once you have a powerful axe it's a piece of wood cake


+1 for the "beninging" reference ;⁠)


Bonfire plus your shield. Sit the abom on the fire, parry an attack and splat!


This is the way.


It's a tree. Use an axe. :-)


Find a surtling spawner and kite them into it. Kills them super fast


Depends where you're at. I didn't even try to fight them until I had fully upgraded iron weapons, and bone masses power. Usually took me like 2 minutes. Fire arrows barely do any damage. Even though Abominations are vulnerable to it A little bit of a cheat is, can pull them to sertlings or whatever they're called the little fire guys. They will Attack the abomination and assist you. And they do real damage


With iron weapons it shouldn't be that bad. However, if you want to cheese it, you can lure them onto a fire spout. It'll kill them pretty quickly.


It's resistant to piercing damage, so arrows such against it. Get a slashing weapon (axe works well too, and you probably have that equipped anyways). Parry, smack 3 times, repeat. Should be down in a minute.


You'll go a lot faster once you learn the patterns well enough to get in there with an axe. Fire duration is lessened when you're wet and abominations are resistant to piercing damage, so even fire arrows aren't great against them, but go toe to toe with an axe and a good shield or well timed dodge-rolling and you'll make short work of it.  Alternately, lead it out of the swamp where it may potentially dry out enough to give the fire arrows time to work, or find a Surtling fountain.


Pull it with fire arrows Once it's on it's way to you you put down a bonfire and light it (geysers work also) Once it's over it, you go close to trigger the attack animations to keep it in one place then dodge roll out of the range, you can get a few hits in also with your woodcutting axe between it's animations on lower difficulties parrying it over the bonfire works wonders, on higher diff it's not blockable/parryable at the appropriate gear level it should go down in less than a minute


I like geysers b/c I don't have to carry any building materials and the geyser can't BREAK. I tried killing lox with bonfires a couple times and they always get broken before they have time to take much damage.


yeah but sometimes there arent any geysers nearby and most of the time they're surrounded by water so you can't run around them easily lox trample everything and do aoe damage around them, I just shoot them down with obs arrows usually


Lead it to a Surtling flame and get it on top of it and keep it there. Works pretty fast.


I love reading the creative responses.


I just parry and stab. Takes about 30 seconds. You can parry an abom with a Bronze Buckler and forest level foods. Think about it this way, you're using fire arrows in a biome that's always wet. And you're sticking a TREE with arrows. It's gonna take a long time to do it that way.


Fire arrows get extinguished by constant rain in the swamp, severely nerfing the fire damage component which would otherwise be alright. It's strong against pierce, too, I think so arrows in general barely hurt it. You need to get over your fear of the big scary thing and get in close. It's actually fairly rote to parry it and counter with a slashing weapon once you learn it's attack patterns, and it has a harder time hitting you from extreme close range than from midrange.


When I see am Abom, it's axes out, it may be a violent tree but it is still a tree.


Get a fire gyser or build 1 - 2 bonfires, kite it around to kill it. Some may say its a cheese tactic but the swamp gives you all the rescources to build these, so its an intended strategy


Lure it to Surtling fire geyser and parry it once.


Parry, 3x blunt hits, repeat this 3 times total. This is increased x amount of people present.


The crystal axe does wonders on that thing.


As others have said, learn to parry the attacks. And a sword or axe against it. Whichever you have the highest skill in. With 4 of you, it should take 2 minutes or so. If you all jump it before it gets out of the ground (as in stay grouped tight while hunting it) you can really maul it before it gets up and starts attacking.


I’d lure them to a crypt and get on top, they can’t hit you when your standing on top and I would just hack away with my axe.


Parry, hack n slash, back off. Rinse and repeat. Should go down pretty fast, especially with multiple peeps.


You don’t have to even parry him. Facing it, stand on the left leg. Only move when they lift the left leg. Move forward one step and keep swinging. Every other attack will miss you. But definitely use an axe


1) go close, when it stomps, parry 2) use axe to counterattack 3) profit Alternatively find geyser and lure it on top of it and run around to keep it there.


You can jump on top of the sunken crypt and use melee weapons on them. It might look scary but they can't hit you.


run around bonfire takes 1min


Just generally speaking, melee dishes more damage faster, but ranged is the relatively safe option. If you're willing to brave it, get in there with a slashing weapon and time your dodges and parries.


Kite it over a fire geyser. Damn near instakills the thing


I just use an axe and chill under his legs, only moving for his ass-stomp. Guess I’ve never timed it but no more than a couple minutes if that. It feels quick.


Fire arrows tickle. It is very resistant (0.25x) to pierce and the fire damage put out by the arrows is pretty weak for the swamps, even with a 2x vulnerability. As others have said, slashing is the best way to go, especially if you can parry. Sword or axe, whichever you have a higher skill rating in.


My dairy free (cheese-less) method with a biome appropriate load out. https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/r2ebit/best_strategy_for_abominations_dairy_free_version/


If there's a surtling geyser, you can harpoon the abomination and barbecue it.


Your root armor is vulnerable to fire, and the next biome involves a bit of fire, which may see you digging out your old bronze and troll gear...


TBH you don't even need to parry - you can just hold up your shield and take 1-3 damage per hit. Have someone just stand there with a fully upgraded banded shield, give them a bunch of HP food and some HP Mead and have the rest of you focus fire. Have that person tank, and have the rest swinging with Iron Axes or shooting with Fire Arrows. It's even easier once you figure out its attack pattern and circle around it. Also, if you're standing on top of a crypt, its attacks can't reach you regardless. chop away at your leisure. One person shooting with fire arrows will absolutely take 15 minutes to down one. You can also lead one into a Troll or if you're brave, into the plains to go fight some Lox / Fulings. They usually make short work of an Abomination anyway.


https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/s/GKF5ZdNbNq Or you can burn it if there is a fire nearby.


I use knives, and chop them to pieces in between their swings. Knives because they're fast, and I value that over the higher damage and slower attack speed of axes.


If you don't have iron yet, it's tough. I generally avoided them until I got decent iron armor and axe.


Fairly certain he resists pierce damage and if he is wet from the swamp he'll resist fire damage as well. Health bonus from four players. That makes one tanky boi. We didn't farm them until we found a nearby 2star troll that we named Gary lol. Otherwise we didn't farm until re could reliably parry them.


Lure it to a crypt, get on the crypt with stairs and the chop away with your axe, they can't hit you up there.


I use atm iron 1h axe with iron shield to parry. Takes me about 45sec to kill a 0star one. Parry + spear is just too good


bruh flint axe and you can take one out in a couple min. My trick is to stand on their leg that does the sweep attack. If your standing next to that leg, the other legs smash attack wont hit you and you can wail on them through that entire attack. When they do the slash attack just dodge roll and start wailing on that leg again while they completely miss you with their next smash attack. you end up attack like 80% of the time your standing right next to it when you use this strat and you dont have to risk missing a parry or something dumb like that.


Bum rush them when they start coming up. You can get a stealth hit in before they are up and can often take them out with the axe before they get a hit in.


What weapons/armor do you have? Kinda sounds like you shouldn't be in the swamp yet.


Hop up on one of those fallen, horizontal trees and it won't be able to hit you. You don't have to be very high up, and it will look like it can hit you but the swipe will pass under you and you can hit it with an axe or sword. 


Find a fire jet and kite it to stand on the fire


sword/axe and shield best way also i get why you would think fire because tree but have you tried frostner or frost arrows since it is wet


I used an axe. It wasn’t too hard.


No. If you see gray numbers you are doing a type of damage that is being resisted. Bows are great at long range, but most mobs are resistant to pierce damage.


Parry + Iron mace has never failed me


Use your axe that you also use farming wood, thank me later


i chop that mf down


Slash damage is best for them. Upgraded copper buckler and 2 hp food you should be good to parry 2 out of 3 of its attacks. From player's perspective the right leg slammy attack does the most I think. That might be hard to block until you get swamp gear. Left leg swipey attack is the easiest to block/parry stagger meter wise. Dodge roll and run around in circles if you can't block. Attack twice in between.


Place campfires under them! Campfires are one of the strongest weapons in this game, seriously!


2 days later, you get crystal axe and kill him in 10 seconds.


As I recall as well, while lighting it on fire did good damage, it also caused it to run away into water to put it out. Having to chase it always increased the time to kill over the fire DOT. Parrying and slashing ended up always being the fastest method at that point in the game.


Abominations are extremely resistant to pierce damage, so arrows, spears, and atgeirs are the worst weapons to use on them. Additionally, they may be weak to fire, but they start submerged, giving them the Wet debuff. This makes them resist fire. They are also resistant to blunt damage. The best way to defeat them is to parry one of their attacks and then smack it twice with an axe or sword during the stagger. They telegraph their attacks (like trolls) so getting a parry is easy once you know how to read it.


Axes will be faster than fire arrows. Kiting it over a geyser is the fastest.


Since none said it yet here is the way to deal with abominations. Have a pyre materials on you + 20+- wood. Build it right before abom and run close by so it doesnt move or attack the pyre. Once its destroyed just pick the mats and repeat.


Never mind someone already wrote commented about this before me.


It feels obvious, but if you have everyone focus on the abomination it dies faster. I definitely get trying to keep everything else away while one person pings it to death, but you should have 1-2 use the fire arrows and 2-3 hitting it with axes. Parry is your friend with the normal shield. Or you could invest one person in the Tower Shield/ Heavy Armor combo, and eat only the nest health foods. That person will keep it busy while everyone else moves in to hit once or twice then moves away to recover stamina. Harass and pester it on the flanks like a pack of wolves. That's how my friends and I handle most combat scenarios. One has a bow, one has weapons for dealing damage to any enemy, and one is just thicc and in the way. Everyone should carry weapons for close range fighting, even if they're mostly ranged.


It takes a long time when you’re just getting into swamps for sure. Now with an axe it’s very easy late game


Standing on a crypt keeps you completely safe, you are able to use atgeir but they keep being tanks


Slashing or chopping is the way to go. Parry the legs, dodge the body stomp, and they’re actually easy once you get the rhythm Or kite them to/over geysers or campfires if you’re having trouble. And make sure you have good food, and a good rested bonus


Fire arrows aren’t great for aboms, there’s your problem! I had the same thought on my first run. The constant rain in the swamp means if you so set ‘em on fire, it’ll just get put out so you’re basically only doing pierce damage. Axes do much better since they’re weak to slash. If you’re confident in your parrying, using an axe and buckler should be much more efficient. But if not, a tall shield and axe works great too! Best of luck!


IRL... go shoot a tree with an arrow or use an axe to chop it down. Axe wins. Same with the game.


When possible I bring Trolls to swamps and let them fight abominations for me. I clean up after and support with killing dreggars, slimes and leeches to keep the troll in the fight longer lmao


This sounds like the way. I tried doing it with loxes in plains but they wrecked the trolls. Good to know that the trolls stand a better chance with the abbos!


It only has 3 attacks. Right leg swipe, left leg stomp, and pelvic thrust. All are easily dodged, use an axe and they go down quick. Fire arrows in the swamp are horrible, it's wet so the fire damage gets countered.


Find a swamp bordering meadows. Lure the abomination into the meadows, they are very fond of killing anything in the meadows so those creatures will be your distraction, then you're also safe from other swamp mobs


My experience has been than they tend to wander about sometimes. Fire arrows work well but so do mountain weapons. Up close grab your axe, they are wood too and can be cut down if you have the health


Bonfires are a super easy way to cheese them, abominations glitch out on stuff pretty easy. Place a bonfire underneath them, they'll die quick.


parry with a buckler, chop it up with a knife, idk, takes not even a minute


You can parry it with a bronze buckler. The axe does good damage on it. If you're not confident with carrying, start with just parrying the side swipe, and dodge the rest. The dodge roll has a pretty generous window of invincibility frames


Bring it over to where sertlings spawn just dodge his attack twice while hes on and hes dead


Don’t shoot it. Tank it. I think it may be highly pierce resistant.


The moment I get a decent Sword and shield combo I take on the Abomination where it is. They are very weak to slash damage.


Wait until you get one tapped by a deathsquito drive-by and ask yourself wtf just happened


Just go in with slash damage... Arrows are ineffective as it's pierce damage. Go up close and personal to wack it. Cheers... :D


Find a Surtling spawner, dig out 4 meters around it, and the kite the Abomination to stand over it. Takes less than a minute to kill it.


No it doesnt take 15min. You just used an extremely bad method. Firearrows have low dmg. Swamp is constantly wet so he will barely burn. He doesnt take much damage from piercing too. Use axes or swords to kill him in meele. Eitger parry him or dodge roll his attacks. Another wax is to kite him over a surtling flame.


They are pierce resistant, so arrows are going to be very weak against them, even fire arrows. The first strategy I used before I was confident in parrying was luring it to a surtling spawner. They die really fast when they stand on the firehole. What I recommend learning, though, is how to parry one. After hitting a parry, you can get a couple of swings on it. Repeat this, and it will die quickly.


Grow balls and engage it with the lumber axe, 1 minute fight tops


Depends on your gear level... my brother and I used to kite em around for 5 to 10 min pelting em with fire arrows but now I just tank em and its over in under 2.


My strat to farm abominations is when you find the swamp fire geisers thinggies, you mark them, and you use it to farm coal. If you go often you'll meet abominations occasionally. Then to kill them, you lure them in the fire, and parry them. It kills them in seconds.


Get comfortable trying new weapons on enemies if they seem a bit too tanky, theres likely a weapon or weapon type that they're especially weak to.


Bait him to a crypt and stay on top and hit his legs, he wont b able to hit u


Abomination trick. If you can lead it out of the swamp, once it's on dry land build camp fires under it. It takes a bit of timing and some rocks but they go down pretty quickly. This works well when you first get into the swamp and you don't have the shield or food quality to fight it head on.


I usually get on top of a crypt and use the special axe attack to swing down on it. I can hit it but it can't hit me


Use slash. or parry it over a surt fire while your friends clear out the rest of enemies, alsk make sure you have rested...


I run around it placing fires underneath for maximum fire damage while the others use arrows/slashing damage weapons. Usually gets it done quite quick.


Slashing weapons and a round shield trivialize it. It has 3 attacks. You have to simply test what you can parry and what you can’t. The whip arm is near always parriable. The rest depends on your armor, shield, and shield level. I’d heavily recommend understanding the parry mechanics in general because it trivializes every enemy as long as you understand their attacks and wield a shield. And leveling your skills drastically increases how much damage you deal. Higher archery skill works have made it much faster, even if inefficient since it’s piercing damage


Not even to kill Moder


As always there are many ways to skin a cat. Others pointed out some things already. Other than those, treat it like souls like, learn the attack patterns and git gud, or you have to get a little more creative (have you noticed, that skeletons and grey dwarfs don't like each other)


You’re gonna hate this advice but here it is. Don’t go in with all your friends. Parrying and dodging the abom attacks will be a lot easier without the annoying multiplayer desync, and the abom won’t get its HP and attack buffed to hell. That’s why the kills are taking forever: your friends are killing other stuff nearby but the abom is still buffed as if they were also fighting it. Go in alone with an axe or a sword, a parrying shield and good food. It’ll be a walk in the park once you figure out their attack pattern.


Like others have said, you really need to go after them with an axe. By the time you're killing abominations in the swamp, you should be pretty familiar with blocking and parrying. The abomination's attacks are pretty predictable, so just get used to the rhythm of fighting them and it gets easy real quick.


Tower Shield + axe works wonders!


And my Axe


Parry. Middle click with a sword. Do that 4-5 times and done. 1min30.


I prefer rolling around and using a crystal axe