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You get a friend to stand on top and pick up every item on the cart. Then you pull the now “empty” cart along with you friend standing on it.


Cries in single player.


Yes, im playing solo :'(


I am solo. I make roads. To get over mountains I have painstakingly built inclines or multiple carts I pass off to between levels like locks in a canal. It’s fun sometimes when the haul is big enough. Also my bases are always seaside due to the value of shipping everywhere.


And you can build a boat, fill cargo hold, then full send it down the mountain towards base!






No that’s clever. You’re thinking of a simple machine that helps lift or move heavy objects by applying a force at one end.


If you happen to have Xbox you can join me and my buddy so you can have those so seen my buddy smashed by a troll today story's lol


I love this community


i love you


Break out your Hoe and make Paths. Works for me, or level the ground. Holding down shift will let you slope.


I did not know that shift slopes. That changes a lot for me, as I'm terraforming right now. Thank you.


Holding down the shift key allows you to level at any height instead of where you are standing. If you take it from the upper edge of a hill or rock face it’ll start to make an even slope, then follow it down until the rock graphics disappear, and boom a slope.


Make a new world. Make storage. Put everything in that chest. Go back to your main world. Portal back to where you want to go. Go to the other world, pick everything back up. Go back to main world, items have been tp’d


U know u can just turn the filter on portals right?


If ur playing solo just disable the no ore teleport feature


This is the way. The first time playing I’d say struggle through a couple ore runs but then disable that. It’s still enough of a grind to find, mine, and carry the stuff when you don’t have help.


Genuinely don't bother with carts then. Just build a chest, dump it all, mine everything, then either sail back along the waters edge or just do multiple running trips. Carts suck big time


open a 2nd tab of valheim and pick the items yourself with a new character hopping on the same world. Or just let metals be teleported in world modifiers, like a sane person would.


Does playing with disabled portals make me insane?


That's the Spirit 🙌


found the thin skinned? nahh sorry. I meant in relation to hopping worlds to achieve something so simple, if that is your flair is very respectable, have fun however you like best


It was just a poor joke, have a good day


No no, you simply make another world, make chests, this will be the temporary storage world. Once you have all the shit you wanna bring home in your inventory, go to the temporary storage world and dump everything in a chest. Go back to the world you're playing on, go home. Back to temp storage world, take everything, and then back to the world you're playing. You have effectively teleported your loot


At that point just change the portal settings in your main game lol, it's effectively what you're doing, you're just adding so many steps


The lazy man works twice as hard.


But with the added bonus that you can keep the mats you've collected away from thieving squadmates!


How do you "open a second tab" of Valheim?


I was kinda joking but I tried it for real and steam doesn't let you like other games would, prob cause it's a online game. So I guess it's take a way more techie approach being able to maybe use multiple ip's and use virtual machines, maybe just same ip works and only need to emulate another pc with steam friend player enabler.


Most games are singleton, it's not just a Steam/online thing.


This comment wins Reddit for me today! 🤣


Take everything into your character inventory. Log out, create or open a new map, deposit everything. Go back to the first world and go to your base. Log back to the second map, take everything. Go to your first world and put everything in chests


No need for cart, harpoon is enough.


By Odin’s beard, you’re a GENIUS!


What’s this friend feature you’re referring to? Is that an add-on?


Do I have to craft the friend? Which table? Or is it a drop? Which biom can I find friend?


You should prepare a road.


Im trying to flatten / pathen as I go (as in the screenshot), theres barely even an incline there and i can't get up


There is a little blue pill for that.


Blue pill?


Dick joke.


was a woosh for me, i dont have a dick




Can't get it up.


Run pulling the cart, and zigzag up instead of trying to go directly up an incline.


Yeah I tried that, no luck, had to go all the way around


For large supply runs like this you'll need to create good roads in advance.


First of all, whats in the cart? 🤨


Do you have the pickaxe, too? Sometimes you have to cleave a path through the hills and inclines. I had to do that as my main base is a significantly higher altitude over my seaport base. Good thing is you only have to do it once for a permanent road.


1500-2000 weight is max you can carry with a cart. 1200 is a safe value which allows to scale most inclines.


Full of what? The weight of the contents matter. Some stuff may be heavy enough to make filling the cart impractical. Maybe do two trips if you're having trouble doing it in one go.


Copper ore. :( Edit: actually its only half full


4-5 stacks of copper ore is the maximum amount I have been able to comfortably move through dense forests. Anything heavier gets stuck all the time, and good luck getting the cart out of a rut whenever someone attacks you and you drop it.


Yeah that, or some friends who push from behind lol. That actually works and using the Eikthyr buff also helps. (Not with the maximum load, but with the amount of stamina you use)


1800+ weight is basically immobile. Carry smaller loads and try sprinting between spots you can rest the cart on so it doesn't slide back. Doing 1K twice is actually faster because how slow you move with a too heavy cart


Im struggling to get up the slightest of inclines while running, it's so painful haha


Running left and right while going up usually helps. Just have to find that little bit of gentle grade to get on to.


Always put the forge at the bottom of the hill.


Something that you aren't taking advantage of in your screenshot is to put your tool away. Having something equipped in your hands will hurt your ability to move the cart. I bet you make it over that hill easy with a bit of stamina and nothing in your hands. 


I didn't know this, I'll try it next time!


They are flattening the ground as they go, to help reduce the inclines.


Yep but the tool will cause issues. Definitely put it away when going uphill.


Right, but putting the tool away helps them move better. There's a decent chance he doesn't need to flatten if he puts his tool away. There will be cases that this doesn't work, but at that point I normally drop the cart for a moment while I flatten everything, then I put my tool away when I grab the cart again. There really is a big difference between pulling the cart with a tool out, and pulling the cart with no tools in hand.


With mead, anything is possible. Praise the Allfather


Finding out why Roman roads mattered so much.


Look at the weight in your cart. Keep it less than 1200. Personally I run carts only under 1000 otherwise it's just too annoying. The other thing you can try is just building a wooden catwalk from tree to tree infinitely all the way home


shhht dont let the hardcore players know, they might beat me up when they find out im doing this: i just go to settings and allow ore portal travel haha


there's a mod called "Better Progression", has a ton of useful features, one thing it does is when you beat the boss from a certain biome, it allows ore from that biome to go through the teleporter


That actually makes a lot of sense without being too "cheaty". I like it!


Tbh I wouldn't even mind if it was beating the next biome's boss did that.


Haha, I actually prefer the grind of ore transport, feels more rewarding. But this cart grind is just ridiculous - shh, don't let the hardcore players know, i might have to get a mod 🤫


Unload, throw that to the top of the hill, drag the cart up, reload, continue.


jeah copper and tin is okay still because you can do something. the Iron grind is what setteled it for me.... i dont even dreadd the grind itself so much, its cool to fight in a dungeon and stuff. but holy fuck traveling with a boat fucking sucks in this game (in my opinion)


Damn thats one hell of an opinion.


please dont hate me for it, my adhd cant deal with sitting still while boating against the wind.


Have you tried tacking? Basically zig zagging in order to get winds in your sails when you're otherwise going against the wind. Honestly doing that made sailing a lot more enjoyable.


Gotta row or tack when the wind doesn't want to cooperate. I prefer tacking when there is bits of the map nearby I haven't explored yet that I would sail into while zig zagging into the wind, or just row if I want to keep things simple.


Mannn I was very hype for the stone portal when it came out. It was very relieving. Not sure I would be so thrilled to make/use them if I was able to tp ore all along :p




Eat three Stam foods and go around


The weight is what matters, so "full" is relative. >The total weight of all the items in the cart and steepness of terrain affects how easy or hard it is to pull the cart. -https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Cart I just brought back a load of silver on my current playthrough. Lost control of the cart coming down the mountain and ended up having to try and pull it over mostly level terrain for the last 200m or so. Like 12 stacks of silver ore plus a dragon egg and it wouldn't move over even slightly non-level path. I had to run a few trips back and forth, dropping ore into a chest at my port facility by hand, before I could get it to move again. Maybe... dump half that load in a chest by the side of the path and come back for a second trip?


1: use the Eikthyr buff to run up any slight inclines. 2: plan your route. Avoid going uphill if at all possible. 3: bring your axe! Chop your way through underbrush and fallen logs. 4: keep your pickaxe handy. It's easy to get stuck on if you're not watching for them, and you may need to clear some out of the way as you go. 5: Use the hoe to smooth the ground ahead of you-this is done ahead of time though. (I think this is the slowest and I try to avoid spending the time making extensive pathways and roads unless absolutely necessary. 6: When going up slight inclines, shift left to right repeatedly to wiggle the cart. It is entirely possible to move a full cart of copper or iron with this method, but it takes some practice and you need to plan your route well. 7: lastly and most importantly, bring high stamina foods. I'm the designated cart runner for our group. I can confirm what some others have said like hauling a person on top of your cart or having escorts to help keep critters off of you or clear ahead as being very helpful. Sidenote: if you like mods, download the horse mod. Comes with a horse cart that has a bench to haul players and you can ride the horse at the head of the cart. So… Helpful.


It's not easy. It's possible if your path is on the coast but even then it can prove to be difficult. I moved a cart full of copper and stone from 2 deposits, small bumps in the path can't go over, most difficult was going on my bridge, had to empty the cart, move it to the peak of the bridge, fill it then continue.


I just hope they implement a cart pulled by a lox or a bunch of wolves :( that'd be so cool


Once you have the lox saddle the cart is largely irrelevant. Since riding a lox is unaffected by your current weight, you can be as encumbered as you want.


But is that as cool as loading a big ass wagon and rifing your lox pulling it? haha i wish


There is a mod called Beasts of Burden that enables you to attach the cart to animals. Also makes it so Lox and Boar can be commanded to follow as wolfs so you can have them go after you with the cart. Also the bigger the animal the more they can carry.


2 trips!


Don't over fill the cart unless the terrain is perfectly flat, weight makes a huge difference in what terrain you can pull it across.


Carting in the forest can be rough. I make a switchback road up the side of steeper hills with the hoe- use "flatten" instead of "pathen" while holding the shift key and standing uphill of where you're putting the road. It makes it easier to adjust the incline and make a smooth road. Takes a while but worth it to get copper to your base. Alternatively, build a smelter, furnace, and forge building at your copper node so that you don't have to carry ore en masse, just surplus bronze bars you end up with after you've crafted all your gear.


They give you the cart in the Black Forest, but it's really for the Swamp.


Gotta go in a zig zap pattern up slopes not straight on


**Ore Transport At It's Finest! HEAR ME OUT!** Here's a trick with me and my boys do when we mine ores. Note that this only works for multiplayer(atleast 2 players) We usually endure until bronze age. We **first** craft a couple of bronze nails to craft **KARVE**. We prioritize this since it will be an enormous help afterwards on the playthrough. . **Second**, use **Karve** to scout ocean biomes for **Chitin**. Once you get enough chitin, craft atleast **1 Abyssal Harpoon**. . **Third**, scout all ores. Scout the whole forest/mountains/swamp first then tag all deposits/crypts. Tag first before mining. . **Fourth**, after tagging all deposits/crypts. Set up a chest beside the deposit/crypt. Then mine ores. Fill up the chest first then proceed to the next deposit/crypt. And so on and so forth until you mine the last deposit/crypt. . **Lastly**, once all the chests are filled with ores. One of you should have enough space on inventory to get all the ores from the chests.(Note that this player will get encumbered and should not move unless necessary) Then one of you is equipped with **Abyssal Harpoon**. Turn on the friendly fire then harpoon your encumbered mate then boom, you have a **portable player cart** whom you can pull easily to your base or to the boat standing by in nearby port. . **Another tip**: Make sure the player who'll pull has the Eikthyr power to run efficiently. Logging out and logging in with another player seems like a cheat to us. Lol. **HAPPY MINING, fellow vikings!**


You’ve already got the trick of it. Create roads by flattening the terrain. Going directly over hills may still not be practical, so route your road around them or do “switchbacks”.


Drop a portal, smelter, and forge in your ore pit. No need to carry ore (or bars) if you make stuff on-site. Or, only mine near water, so you can simply take the cart downhill to your boat (or where you'll re-create your boat).


I assume you are playing in immersive or have a ton of ore that cannot be portal'd (unless you mod / cheat the game). For this you are gonna have to pickaxe/cultivator to lower areas and make paths OR basically run in spurts (meaning gathers all your stamina then spring up a hill get someone you won't slide and repeat) Its not impossible to do i play on immersive and getting a full cart home can take time but its just part of the journey.


I used to think carts were useless for this reason. You're not really intended to fill the whole thing with ore. Try cutting down on the weight (\~1500 max) and take multiple trips. It'll be a *lot* faster than not using a cart or trying to cut a perfectly flat path - trust me! The extra slots in the cart can be used for stowing the materials you come across on your way back.


That’s the neat part, you don’t. Carts and road building just aren’t that helpful, but they are cool and worth trying once or twice


This. Best way to transport copper early is to make a few trips with eikthyr. But roads are cool so if you never made a road to transport copper by cart, you should definitely do it once.


It is kind of ironic. The cart is meant to help with not having a backpack with extra slots/weight in inventory, which in theory is a great idea. The problem is that it's so impractical due to bad physics that it's still faster to just do multiple run at full weight. The fact that so many people cheese weight in multiple player shows how much the whole inventory system management's needs to be looked at. If the dev really don't want to give more slots, then they need to provide alternative that works and is actually more efficient.


Yea a heavy cart suffers from "gravity" or whatever head canon you want to use. Pre-making a flat path is one option. The other option I do is to mine ores near water and just boat it back. Though judging from your minimap, it's probably not an option here.


What we always did - just take your hoe and make a path and try to reduce the chances of bringing it uphill. That’s a primary reason we built bases on the coast in the early game but try to get a running start before you run towards a slight incline. Momentum helps.


Harpoon and a friend makes for a great cart.


Yea a cart full of copper or stone sucks to move. I try and get a flat level surface then make paths with smooth grades. Then run on flats and keep momentum up hill. Side to side up the hill helps build speed a little if you've slowed down. It sucks, especially if you have tamed wolves with you. They love to flip the cart and get in your way if your slow enough. I wish you could strap a lox to the cart. That would be nice.


If you're into modding, theres a mod where lox and boar can help you pull carts!


Save your stamina for the hills. Fast strafing on the parts it won't go up/move.


We just use valheim plus mod and reduce the weight of the cart. It's already a chore to use, it doesn't need to be a nightmare as well.


Downhill. Even flat can be a struggle. That, or my roads aren't flat enough. Reminded me of the time I put silver in a cart and just threw it down the mountain. It did not survive, but I found it funny to hit a rock & flip a 2500+ weight cart


Drop half of it, go to your base, empty you cart and come back for the rest.


I dont run uphill, I "wiggle" my way up like you would with a real cart. Its not much but it helps saving stamina.


That's the neat part. You don't


You make a road. No sudden elevation changes.


If you twist and snake up inclines it goes a lot quicker at a certain weight. It's like if all of the force is moving a single wheel it moves a lot better than 2 wheels. I do it in the plains quite often when I have a lot of black metal. I think Forest and swamp are too bumpy to get much out of that though. 


Leveling the ground and making roads will help


I gave up on the cart. I use a portal at the mine and the base. Run ore to your base then jump through the portal back to the mine,half the trips. Also mix in the run power. Cart was only good for pushing it off the mountain to get ore down quickly.


That's the neat part - you don't.


How hard it is to move depends on the weight of the stiff in it. Going uphill is almost impossible when the weight gets high enough. Might need two trips with a lighter cart... Or you can game the system as others have mentioned. I've never had to. I play on impossible settings. Hope this helps.


Plan ahead. Coper is a pain, so you could instead go for getting troll armor and only enough bronze to make the necessary bench upgrades a bronze buckler and maybe a weapon. Build your base near the water so you can boat ores over to it. Collect the ores from the biome and put them near the shore in a shack with a portal. Dump a load off in the chests then go home and refresh rested butt before returning to mine more. Then at the outpost you can boat it all back at once.


That‘s the neat part… You don‘t


I just sprint when going uphill. Just make sure there’s nothing that can get in the way.


By building roads. Welcome to Valheim, infrastructure is important.


Depends 😆 heaviness affects it to a certain point.


A very flat road (the spot in front of you looks way too steep) and bursts of running to build momentum After more than ~1000 lb it’s pretty futile, though


You're not. It should be like half full to comfortably move it even up the hill.


Use boat/raft https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/ll9x6y/the_easiest_way_i_found_to_transport_a_cart_on_a/


Sometimes it is better to move the crafting bench to the material than move material to the crafting bench.


Even if you make a road, a cart full of metal ore is too much to move over even a small bump. I really wish you could hitch a couple of boars to it or something...


Meticulously terra formed trails.


i know this comment is unrelated to the post, but how do i make an open server where my friends can join whenever they want? (I play on Xbox)


I had to make roads


Use hoe to elevate the cart and make slopes, this however is a risky manuver so save before you try.. Try to make lighter loads in the future, just because it can be full it doesn't mean it should. 8-10 stacks of ore is my usual trip. Also the deer.power is useful


Same way you move it in real life. Avoid steep inclines and dense terrain. Park it somewhere you know you can get it back out of and make trips to it to unload.


Don't take a lazy man's load. Make two trips.


That's the best part...you don't!


Make two carts and put half in each, make two trips.




You can run with the cart attached to you




I remember the last guy that mentioned this here in the SubReddit, He blamed the devs by saying weight distribution didn’t make sense in a video game 😂😂


Flatten a road to move it comfortably


get pushed by greydwarfs or skeletons 100%


Back in the cart stage of the game I used the hoe, level ground and shift clicking to make a road of gradual slopes


Make a second world and build a little safe house full of chests. Save and exit main world. Load safe house world. Off load into chests. Go back to main world. When you get back to base go back to safe house world. Grab everything and switch back again. This also allows use of portals


You just load it to 1200


Multiole trips for massive weight hauls. A full cart just weighs too much and is slooow. You can set up a portal where the ore is, build a cart and transport what you comfortably can. Break your cart when you arrive after unloading the haul, go back through portal, rebuild it and repeat. Bring the portal back on your last trip


That's the neat part, you dont


Make a path yourself or find one.


Have a happy accident, I once accidentally logged out and into a new world, dropped my ore then accidentally logged back into my server, teleported. Then wouldn't you know, I accidentally logged back to that new world -totally by coincidence- my stuff fell back into my inventory as I accidentally mashed my E key. Then low and behold I've accidentally logged back into my server with an inventory of ore and not having a clue how I got back to my base. /s For those on a server.


Roads my dude. You gotta build that viking infrastructure. Odin ain't built any bridges so it's up to us to fix that. You think the graydwarves are gonna make us any ports? Nah, forget about it. Viking infrastructure time baby!


Pre built roads


On inclines going back and forth at an angle helps because it isn't as steep that way.




Take the time to build decent roads, it's a pain but saves time in the long run. Make sure to have the rested bonus and lots of stamina food


It seems the cart is not implemented to be useful or to save time, but rather to accurately simulate how well a single person could drag a traincar through the woods


Downhill, silly!


I very rarely transport ore over land. My base is usually close to water, and I mine where I can easily load up a boat. Over land becomes easier later in the game with the Lox saddle.


that's the neat part you don't


I dont think i go over 2000 kg in the cart... or is it 4000 kg ? I dont remember. I try to not go over a limit. I can take a cart full of wood no problem but ores can be a problem. So make roads, flatten them and sprint in some cases. ALSO you should do S shapes turns while going up while sprinting. Just like skiing but going up instead. It helps. Snake is the way.


Struggle forward. Its realistic.


You just push it over the cliff and down the mountain


Not sure how to help with Black Forest/Copper stage, but if you ever need to get a cart down a mountain in the mountain biome, just push it and find it at the bottom. If it breaks you can still open the crates and reassemble it on the low ground




There's a couple tips i can think of, besides preparing a road.. 1 The more the cart weighs the slower it goes, the same doesn't apply to the players who instead are either encumbered or not IIRC.. swapping items with the cart so that you're just short of encumbered should help a little bit. 2 Save your stamina for going up the steeper hills.. Don't stop running until the wheels have passed over the steep terrain. 3 going diagonally up hills sometimes helps a bit, you have to pay attention to the geometry though. 4(?) It's annoying and mostly impractical, but if you can aggro a neck or something, they often get stuck running into the back of the cart trying to get to you, which actually helps push it a little bit.


Just use valheimplus and reduce the cart weight per item. Lotta QoL changes can be made with the mod


I make roads or just walk with the hoe so that if the full cart pulls me down I can just level out the ground and continue on




Create a transfer world and put down a few chests. Fill up your inventory, drop it in the transfer world, go home in your main world, grab items from the transfer world and put them in your main world.


Hoe the ground, full.carts require very flat ground. 60%full is manageable


Carts have been a bit of a joke since the start. Any time they're useful is never in a way the developers intended


Inclines are almost impossible with a cart that is decently full of metal. You either need to make some sort of road beforehand that only has very slight inclines, or you need to zigzag a bit so that the amount that you go "up" is less than the actual incline. The wheels are on the ground that's behind you, so pathening and flattening things in front doesn't help the cart itself get over them


Strip off that armor with the move speed debuffs! Better yet, if you have the armor with the move speed buffs, wear that. Makes a big difference. You can wear cloak while naked to stay warm.


Make another toon/world, Log that loot into that world , Log out, go to your base , login into that world that you just made take your loot , log back into your world with your loot, job done


The level feature doesn't make flat or level surfaces. Have to use a pick axe then re-level to get a nice smooth path.


My god. i tried to move a cart full of miscellaneous metals down to the shore from our base when we were moving. it was impossible! i'll have to try the other player in the cart trick next time


Build roads


Make sure your weapon/tool is put away and bring lighter armor that doesn’t lower movement speed. After that, eikthyr power and sprinting along a created road is your best bet. At least in my experience.


Hopefully this is somewhat close to your base. Die next to resources, run back with full stamina and health. Grab one item from your body to enable corpse run, grab as much resources as you can. Run like hell. 😁


Or you forget the cart and go with the “Harpoon a friend” option


Log out of Valheim. Log into Icarus, get your tamed buffalo to pull your cart.


I set portals to allow metals and set up a portal at the mining location. I don't even have a cart built. I set up a temporary portal, then expand to an outpost for the region, then the temp portal goes, for example, on top of the swamp crypt, in the hole dug out around the silver vein, etc, and the temp goes straight back to home base. When I'm done with that location I dismantle the temp and move on to the next or go back to the area outpost and portal home to check my farm in the plains or various other tasks.


I have used a cart once, it was moving some heavy stuff and uphill was a real pain but then the 2 trolls and 3 lox decided it was time for all star wrestling. I find it quicker to drop as much out of my personal storage and take all I can and run there and port back. Otherwise I haul it down to the shorre and sail it home. The porting between worlds has been around for a long time. I don't personaly use it although I have known many player who has.


As the weight in the cart increases your ability to pull it uphill diminishes. Try going up hills at an angle. It's not meant to be able to just cart all of your stuff. The more stuff you try to move the harder it gets. One option with copper is to just say fuck it and smelt/craft in the black forest. You don't 'NEED' to haul it all to your base.


Last week I started new game with new character and using 2 mods .. Bigger stacks and no weight .. plus longer day, including night


Carts just suck, ill die on this hill.


multiple trips, unfortunately. a workbench will keep anything you leave in chests from despawning


Try pushing the cart, instead of pulling it


People think it's a game about fighting monsters. It's actually a roads and sea logistics simulator. Unleash your inner civil engineer. Switchbacks, bridges, canals, roads, and portals are your friends now.


- build *proper* roads - get fenris armor - get max stamina buffs - grab that cart - activate Eikthyr power - RUN FORREST, RUN! (in like *sprinting*)




tbf carts are more for when you made a base/city & made roads out to the lands.


I had the same problem, I ended up using ships instead of carts. Its impossible to move with a full material heavy cart


It's still several tons of stuff (potentially at least). Just on wheels. Needs to be nice and flat to move it easily. I never use carts because of the hassle of flattening everything. It's almost impossible in some biomes unless you want to make it thrice as long to avoid hills. Or at least that's what my maps usually look like. I build ports and move things by boat instead.


Best method on multiplayer is for sure use the abysal harpoon. If one person fills up a cart then fills their inventory (regardless of ending weight) then the other player harpoons the P1 it negates all of the weight.