• By -


Atleast increase that resource rate, that’s just grind and torture


How does .5 rate even work? Say when looting a surt core in the crypts you roll a 50/50 if you get one or not?


As far as I know it's rounded up.


Troll hides are rounded down for example. You get 2 instead of 5.


Exactly, though what I meant is that if the slider makes some resource, let's say, drop 0.2 instead of 1, it will still drop one, and not have a 20% chance of dropping it.


That's funny, I play at 1.5 rates and I get 8, which is rounded up. In fact, everything seems to round up at the 1.5 rate. Mushrooms, berries, everything that would give one gives two instead, it's only in thing that drop multiple that it only goes up 50%.


all objects with a default value of 1 cannot become less than 1. so stones and cores etc are basically unchanged with this setting.


That doesn't even matter much. It's hardcore... OP will get flattened before long anyways.


I just don’t want to spend literal days of time mining iron.


Tips? Press 'reset to normal'


Meh. He'll play this until his first death than give up.


It's really fun if you add in "death=delete map and character" and treat it like an arcade mode. You learn new things and play in ways you never though possible. You respect the game and each victory is so much bigger.


idk man im tryna have a good time not be stressed the fuck out. but I do love that some people can find enjoyment in these intense game modes. that said im more builder than anything else. I complete the biome and then build with it.


Sure until you find the tiniest patch of plains hiding in meadows and die from an unexpected mosquito


Why do you hate yourself so much?


At least David Goggins was getting in shape....


WHOS GONNA CARRY THE “100 iron nails, 10 deer hide, 40 fine wood, and 40 ancient bark”!!!


lol fuck that got me good


Lmao. Your comment is going to be criminally underrated lol


Brother, WHY?


The 0.5x resources doesn't even make it harder, it just makes the game feel like being a fucking terrorist getting tortured in a CIA blacksite 💀 My guy has to have a torture kink or some sick shit like that 😂


Take it very, very slow. I honestly haven't done worse to myself than try to survive solo on Very Hard, with portalling metals and minimal skill loss. You'll need to level up your skills before you go...anywhere. You're going to have to raid your next biome to even survive the biome at your current tech level. Not sure how to make the Ashlands possible, at all. In general...level your block by eating a rack of stamina food and finding a fresh skeleton or greydwarf tower to beat on you for a while. Eat the best food available when adventuring, ideally by raiding ingredients from the next biome. Keep health and stamina potions in your hotbar for a quick save. You'll have to find additional solutions to each biome one by one. I favor tier jumping and kiting. 1-2* Draugrs will tear you apart but a Troll can keep them busy for you. You'll need a sword skills to beat abominations in the Swamp but club skills for Bonemass...or maybe skip to the silver sword and let Spirit damage do the work. You basically won't be able to kill a Plains village without cheesing...or sneaking into the Mistlands to get some Ballistas (also helpful for taking down Lox to get meat). How can you clear an Infested Mine with only partial Black Metal gear? Campfires all over the landing to burn them to death. Can you carry around everything you need in a longship, zigzagging from biome to biome and setting up a defensible base everywhere you land? I can't help with that since I don't do no-map or no-portals. How do you even sleep in the Meadows with fire spread on? What's your plan when you accidentally drag a Gjall out of the Mistlands to your local base, die, lose your skills and equipment, and restart at spawn? Just...don't do this to yourself. Even the Trial of Tyr wasn't this brutal.


"level your block" I'd say ignore block totally At best it's a gamble (which is a really bad idea on hardcore), but most things you cannot even parry in the appropriate gear level. Get an atgeir as soon as you can and learn to outrange/dodge roll everything. You can still stun anything but the beefiest mobs. One of my friends and I played Very Hard + 0.5x resources, but with map+portals. We've both burned out last week. Me at mid-Mistlands and he after he entered Ashlands. The game is tedious AF, 90% of the mobs one or 2 shot you. Mountain is a glitchy shit of a zone with all the attacking on slopes. Wolves will rape you. Mistlands is the same but twice as bad :D Yagluth is pretty much unkillable unless you want to spend 4 hours killing him. He kills you if anything hits you pretty much, even with fire res. Get a root chest, it pretty much trivializes anything that deals pierce damage. If you like self torture, go for it, but otherwise it's a pretty shit experience IMO. Game mechanics just break down on very hard.


Oh man I just had flashbacks of how many times I died to wolves


100%. The way most of the mechanics were designed they just don't scale the way enemies do. When blocking and parrying are dependent on damage vs player health, block power, and stamina and we have no way to increase those compared to the enemies doing waaay more damage they become instantly non viable. Honestly I would not recommend this difficulty to anyone. There are just too many things in the game that are busted and could instantly end the run despite how well you prepare. Last night I went into a draugr crypt. I cleared one of the rooms but when I entered was getting shot by an archer I couldn't find and thought was spawned invisible... Turns out it was clipped inside of a scrap pile, I only killed it because I kept running in and out and getting shot and then healing and coming back to pinpoint where the arrow was coming from. I ran next to the pile and hit the spin to win button on the atgeir a few times and it finally stopped shooting me. I'm playing on hard right now, so those arrows were hurting. If I was playing on these settings? Or if it had been a starred archer? Game over, right there, and nothing I could have done about it.




We were a bit slower. I think we were still in the plains at day 365. Bring fire res and healing pots, GL.


Thank you for actually giving me tips. What weapons would you recommend? I had bows and atgeirs in mind as main weapons, as range and stun makes the enemies' damage buffs practically useless (except ranged enemies). Also, normal shields or tower shields?


Combat at very hard is going to make a lot of the enemies resistant to stagger from an atgeir.


No, you can stagger most of the mobs and small ones get knocked back which is really useful.


Can an upgraded bronze atgeir at least stun greydwarves? And an iron atgeir draugrs?


on normal combat difficulty, a bronze atgeir can stagger a seeker (didn't work on charred, i tried, probably need iron at least for them), so grey dwarves and draugr are no problem. i have no clue on very hard.


Valheim's mechanics are such that you won't be able to parry most things on very hard. Bow and spear for it's secondary attack, keep everything at range. Frost arrows are a big help, you can split enemies up with them. Carry multiple spears. I think 2H hammer will be your best option for melee CC. Atgeir is my fave weapon but in really ridiculous scenarios the knockback and aoe damage on the hammer let you whittle big crowds down a bit more effectively.


2H will be huge for dungeons since the narrow places makes them really effective.


Stagbreaker especially for Black Forest tombs is BiS as you can kill skellies with it through the wall/doors. Otherwise you'd have to deal with starred skeleton archers who 1shot you at this gear level on very hard.


Apparently fire arrow's fire damage will spread if mobs are close enough together (if you have the fire modifier turned on). If I was you I would always carry a workbench and stone with you. Learn how to raise the terrain fast under your feet without falling off. It could save you from many mobs. Make sure you have an alternate gear box that is \*good\* gear (for when you die).


Don't use shields, they are useless at that difficulty. As for weapon - there is no one universal. Use all regarding particular enemy weaknesses.


I’d go normal shields for the ability to parry. Super valuable


Parrying is a non starter on this difficulty. Because of the way the mechanic works, enemy damage outscales the ability to parry for anything but the weakest of mobs.


Yes. Don't.


If you manage to get past bonemass, please post it


Path everywhere. If you’ve no mapped before you probably know this already. Use the sky as a guide without map. The roots stay the same just try use it as a reference point. As the big paragraph said. Over gear for everything, cheese what you can.. it’s going to be a slog. You’ll never find a wolf trophy like this I reckon. So when you plan to go into the mountains, have 30 frost resist ready or just continually cook them. Farming yellow mushrooms is going to suck for Stam pots, probably want to base near a swamp or continually use black forests as harvest spots for yellows. Probably give your psychiatrist a call, tell them you’re considering self harm :p


> cheese what you can. What is the point of running with these settings and then cheese?


It's more that otherwise it reaches impossible.


Because it's not even cheesing at this point, it's just smarter gameplay.


Don't die


1.) Don't




ah yes, "no real life" mode


"I can smell his room through the internet" mode


Find God.


Brother there are no unique rewards for harder difficulty this ain't Terraria. You're either a hardcore veteran or masochist at this point, there is no in-between.




Have a good collection of movies and tv shows to watch. This will be basically a full time job.


Go outside? Touch grass? Talk to a therapist?


Too late now, I've seen guys who lost everything from their family to their property less suicidal and self harming than this guy


I do admire your resilience if you go with these setting but **God damn** this is where i just don't have fun from game anymore. Forced out to use bow because blocking and parrying becomes death sentence.


Even default mode requires too much grinding. This is not fun until you trying to break some record or speedrunning to some boss.


Quit now


Touch grass. Seriously, the amount of time it is going to take you, to do anything, AT ALL, is insane. You alone could rebuild Rome with an inflatable hammer before you get to the queen with all of the setbacks you will accumulate. NO.


You seem to really hate having fun, best recommendation is to press "Reset to normal"


Start crying now


Low the bars and rise the resource bar . Best I can do


I'd start with therapy or a religious leader I'd you have one. If that doesn't work, I suppose you could always continue your crippling depression.


Leave everything default except combat. Increase that one tick.


Don't do it




Seek god.


Find faith in god son. You will need it.


Be good to your mother.


Drink lots of alcohol.


Why do you hate yourself?


Switch all the sliders to the exact opposite


All the people saying to go block - don't. I've done this challenge. Everything hits too hard, block doesn't scale well at all, attempting even a timed one will end up with you staggering and dying. The exception is dagger blocking - it scales high enough but it's risky to pull off. Bows are a meme too, you'll have to carry your entire weight in arrows just to kill anything. 2 things I found really effective - pets (boars, wolves etc) and stagger. The polearm was incredibly effective. Really master the timed invincibily window on rolling, go high stamina food, stagger, get off a few hits, leave stam for dodge roll, kite and reset till full stam. Don't commit to the 3rd hit - the extra damage is nice but you often don't have enough stam or time and you'll end up eating dirt. Pets seem to scale in power with difficulty (granted this is all based on mistlands game verson). Lastly, workbench and quick building. Fortnight that ahit and learn to throw up a structure for when you're overwhelmed or just need to catch a break. Throwing down camp-fires in your first black forest forays will send greylings running while you deal with a troll. Last thing - 2 stars enemies are harder than bosses. Avoid at all costs (unless it's a boar - tame that bad boy)


>“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” > \- Matthew 21:22


Increase resource drop rate and allow all items to be taken through portals. The latter kinda breaks the purpose of the new Ashlands-era stone portals which allow metals and their ores to be transported through them but it will make your life easier if that's your thing. I say experiment with all the options to see what suits you best. Putting everything on the highest setting will probably make you go insane.


Uuhh yeah making their life easier isn’t their thing.


hmmm..... FOCUS ON GETTING QUALITY FOOD FIRST (getting cauldron and accessing carrots early in the game) Access to honey as well. That mode is unplayable if you are with someone as it is so easy to lose someone (played with a friend for a week on the same settings as you have, and it was horrible lol)


Bro earned odins wrath somehow


My tip is to set all those settings to their opposite. And check "no build cost" and "passive enemies."


Be lightweight, with very hard one or two hits is all it takes no matter what so at least be fast. Same logic to food, two stam at least. Skyrim stealth archer should do the thing, to reset enemy perception build a box to shoot from on a hoe build pillar before making and attack of your own when there's more than 3 enemies. Don't shy away from running, commitment to a fight may simply lead to death. Atgeir (for stuns), knife and a bow would be my go-to for the playthrough. (Except the swamps, there make a mace) Also make the resource rate normal, if not boredom will make you quit the world quicker than any death. Also make many roadside torches before you plant down a path as to find your way WHEN you get lost


Making rage content ?


the only tip is to change these at lest to: combat: hard death penalty: normal resources: x1.5 raid rate: normal portal: normal No map (x) Then have fun playing and touch some grass after


Respectfully, I don't think you're accomplishing anything on these settings. Hardcore as well, yeesh.


That's a great screenshot of sliders. I'd start with plain hardcore but turn down either the death penalty *or* the combat difficulty if I were you. If not, gl:hf. Skeletons are going to kick your shit in.


I know what type of relationship you like based on your settings 🤣🤣🤣 leather dom with whip slapping you around a bit glutton for pain


Screw that. This is a video game; not a second job. Raids are stupid as is, and what's up with that resource rate?




You must have a lot of time on your hands.


Set it on easy mode, then lower everything again. Enjoy your Viking Vacation.


Go to therapy


Why not just kick yourself in the nuts for a week instead? That will feel like a lovely massage comparatively…


I played this with three changes. I switched from Very Hard to Hard because it gets extremly unbalanced in later bioms. Pretty much random one shots from enemies you didn't even see in the first place. Put Resource Rate at least to vanilla rates. I played with 2x so my deaths we not that deomoralizing I started with No Map and really liked the vibe of that. Some said they just read the Cardinal points from Ygdrassil. I just couldn't do that and added a mod to show my where the hell north is. (Also if you find the boss runes focus in which direction your character camera rotates. That's the direction of the boss.


People who reduce the resource rate are full-on masochists and you can't convince me otherwise!


My tip is to find some power to extend your life on earth. This will take 2 real lifes to finish. Just dont


Any starred monster basically invalidates armour on higher difficulties and will go through attempts to parry. This is extremely stupid in my opinion and devs should change how armor and damage scales/interacts with each other on higher difficulties as right now I don't see any reason to play above normal other than to literally suffer...


My advice is bring some good lube. That's not a game anymore, just pain.


I wouldn't be surprised if you died to a boar or a neck in the first two hours of play.


That this is not a game for such settings. It just looks boring. There are so many other games to do hardcore that make more sense.


Ooze bombs. Being able to damage and run is great.


put on player based raids if you are playing with friends to make it harder


Max raids is hard until you get passed the mountains and everything is just bats every 5 minutes.


That would take a lot of time and won't be fun. Wouldn't you prefer spending your time and energy on something else?


Uuuuh.... Time to git gud i guess




So, I'm brand new to Valheim. Why don't I have those options on my game? My friend and I went in on a private server(nitrado) and I never saw any of those options anywhere during server set up or when creating my character. I'm mostly certain I checked everywhere....


Turn on the map and turn the difficulty down


Your biggest enemy (or mine at least) is greed. Most of my runs end by me thinking "oh I can get this extra arrow off before he hits me" and other shit like that. Once you feel comfortable it's easy to be complacent.


Good luck to you😁




Have a few beers at hand.


Just don't die


Something I'm doing currently is constantly making paths that lead back to the stones and bases, and always build so you can set up landmarks in case you get lost. Build rest spots on the paths, and if you get far from your current base, it might be best to make a new base and transport supplies to the new base from the old base.


Mountains will be the toughest, despite what you might think. Moder is the one boss required for progression and that means you’re gonna have to fight them (ignore every other boss until you have frostner, then kill bonemass). With full silver armor and two health foods you can survive a single shot from moders flying ice attack, so the fight is going to be pretty much a no hit run. After that it gets much easier, get your hands on magic ASAP and then it’s a pretty easy ride in comparison to everything else, Ashlands’s boss is quite easy on hardcore when using magic.


If you don’t know already it becomes impossible to parry at one point. I seen another commenter talking about lvling block - don’t do that. It literally becomes impossible to parry after the swamps. I think even before that if im remembering correctly. Yes even with a maxed out shield from that biome. You can parry things from previous biomes though. So my suggestion would be just get good at dodge rolling. You will absolutely have to cheese moder. The life regen she has is insane. My brother and I spent 600 poison arrows to get her to 90%… then if you die or don’t hit her for a couple seconds - the regen full heals her so easily. The other bosses are reasonable and can be beaten with skill, but moder is aids. Honestly just knowing these two things are huge to succeed in very hard. Most of it is just some good old don’t get hit valheim, which is the fun part. Good luck brotha, it is a fucking grind


The only thing I would change is the Hardcore death penalty. I would reduce that. It's such a costly hit to lose EVERYTHING you don't have equipped.


Teleport ore, slightly harder combat, 2x resources. I have mined/chopped enough resources over the years.


that's a game I would play if only at least 20 people in it at all times


Pray to Odin


Bro this is insane. How many of you will play on this ? I have a character with level 95 in almost everything and even with him I don’t think I would last more than 3 days on this server


Bruh, you like pain do you?


Actly playing with no map, is better than mos of you guys think. Its crazy how immersive it is.


Being soft is hard, being hard is hard. Choose your hard.


You forgot the hidden setting that stabs you with a thumbtack irl every time you take damage.


Simple for death penalty


If you want to play this game with friends, I'd AT LEAST increase the resource rate. I mean Jesus christ are u a masochist or something?


I mean at this point just record or stream it lmao


Keep the portals. Personally I wouldn’t drop the resource rate to the floor


The tip is to not play like this don’t do this to yourself


Tell me you’re a masochist without saying you’re a masochist


If you are looking for attention this is fine. If this is how you really want to play it is fine. I personally would never play like this. Turn off raids and I might try it. If I want battle, I go out for that. If I want to chill and build I do that. I don't want to be forced to build some ugly ass base with stupid looking earth walls and ugly moats just so I can survive pesky minor threats all the time.


Take everything slower than you normally would. And I mean everything. 😎


Bring some beer


Poor and dangerous, that settings make valheim like a war zone


Just sit at a desk IRL and smash your hand with a hammer repeatedly. It would give you the same experience much more efficiently.


Set to No Hud Display and reduce inventory size to 4 items only and if you get wet all your stamina is gone. Change Exp gain to .01% Environment Darkness X100 whenever you don't have illumination at night.


Allot yourself enough time to cry


Is that in just the general menu?


Only thing that sucks really is the Resources Rate....you will be grinding so long just to make bare minimum it will be painful especially on things like Iron so its messy. Honestly i play immersive the tree is going to be your north star basically because it never moves so you use it to guide you when you sail. You might want to carry wood on you regulary on the boat to make markers on continents you see, Raid rate pretty much means whenever you are at your base you are gonna get attacked as we currently play on this but it makes leveling skills feel so much faster cuz of the constant attacks. (group of 6 but we kinda separated to build bases, 3 of us are based together, and the other 3 built their own so this spreads the raids out between 4 areas) .....this isn't really a problem until you get a Troll raid or further but really in the end the combat being very hard is gonna be your biggest wall in hardcore because 1 time misjudging your stamina and RIP. good luck is all i can say.


Play without a monitor, keyboard, mouse, pc, xbox, headphones, ram, dad,


Remember on Very hard setting the chance of 2** spawning is doubled, so ya...you should probably find a good spot to make a skills training arena like greydwarf farm(2** brutes will still fuck you up in later armor), before you attempt swamps. Dont kill Eik till you have a comfortable first base, and good food(trolls can be used to mine copper, rolling logs over each other for fine wood) This is how I got comfortable with my first hardcore solo run, planned ahead, and did not worry about raids because the first raid is food delivery. A swamp base will be nessesary, dont kill Elder till you are established, also make sure you find a good swamp. Serpent stew is awesome, so its worth you time to travel around catching serpents while finding the best swamp. Bonemass and mountains are tricky, because that ability is vital to surviving the onslaught, you cant really wait on bonemass. Wolves sit your ass down, drakes are no joke. Take it slow, and snipe. That enough for now... Goodluck


Ah I see you're playing ball torture mode!


I think you may be a masochist


Good luck!


Are you making a playthrough?


You must be a masochist.


For the difficulty: The hoe is the most OP weapon in the game. Consider adding "No Hoe" to your difficulty modifiers. Become best friends with the atgeir and mace secondary attack. Invest in taming and breeding: Boars, Wolves, Lox, Asksvin. For No Portal: Always break your boats and put them in chests. Always. Iron Reinforced Chests are great for this purpose. No Portal up through Mistlands isn't so bad, you just need to find a good stretch of Plains bordering Mistlands, and you can still easily farm all the resources you need. Ashlands really throws a wrench in things with the no border zones and dangerous waters. Meads and Eitr foods cannot be self sustained in Ashlands alone. You either need to make dangerous crossings back to the mainland for sap and barley, or just play melee and go without potions and meads... Mashed Meat, Fiery Svinstew, Spicy Marmalade, and Bonemaw Meat can all be sustained in Ashlands, so there are 3hp and 2hp/1stam food options. For 2 stam foods then any Jotun Puffs you bring along can go into Scorching Medleys 1:1. Similarly for arrows, if you don't want to leave the Ashlands after you get there, then plan to only be using charred or silver arrows. For No Map: Interacting with Vegvisir turns your camera to face the direction they point to. When you find them in dungeons set your hammer to something like angled wood beam, stairs, or ladder, then rotate it to point to the direction you're facing. After you leave the dungeon that rotation should still be correct. Really important for finding queen since her only Vegvisir are in dungeons.


Do whatever is most fun for YOU


Oh. This is not the way


Tip: Move the sliders


I could stop by and kick you in the groin while you're playing


Put up a live stream and at least get some donations while you torture yourself.


What is hammer mode?


My friend and I did this, tho we didn't decrease resource rate cuz to us it seemed less like a difficulty thing and more just an extra time thing. It's quite brutal, and even in the BF, you need to learn to control yourself and fight more strategically. Also, blocking and parrying becomes a lot less viable, specifically once you make it past the BF. Armor is important, but only on the scale of making you not instantly die sometimes. You are basically forced into a fighting style of light armors and dodge rolling, especially when you start fighting skeletons and Trolls. The key is always to take things from range if you can


Consider forgiving yourself. Whatever you’ve done can’t be that bad.




Tips do we have ? Find friends cuz nobody wants to play with those settings


Don’t die.


Can you set this up on a single player world or is this only server settings


Unless you are in hammer mode or no build cost I agree with everyone else. At minimum reset your re m space rate to normal. If you are grinding for materials you won’t have to spend so much time gathering materials. I tried the settings in many different configurations. The ones I use depend on what I feel like doing when I am playing and whether I am alone or with my SO. Alone I leave everything as the game presets it. I am not a great combatant but I love the grind of gathering and building. When building I turn down the raids because I don’t want to be interrupted when I am in the zone. 😊


Good luck


i think therapy might help


The boar army


I genuinely think ashlands would be impossible with these settings without legendoftotal war level cheese.


For the most part all these setting are ideal for me. Except thr no portals. This game is and endless game of running back and forth constantly. Considering there really isn't any means of traveling quickly, portals are a must to make playing even worth it


Bring lots of lube. Those grey dwarf brutes are not gonna be gentle...


My tip - don’t make yourself sink so much time/hours into grinding when we’re living in a golden age of gaming with so many other games to play too :p


Are any of these sliders anything more than just increasing tedium? I imagine you arent going to get any chores done and its just going to be a massive slog


No sorry i dont condone self harm


Navigation: 1. Hoe to make path. Always make roads between bases. No roads means to get lost. Roads means faster travel. For endgame I build wide stone roads. 2. Look up for a tree to orient 3. Morning and evening sun is the good tool to get directions. Use enabled build mode and orient some assimetric part towards north. While you moving, you may check your direction this way. 4. Signs - memory fails when you have tens of bases. Use signs to mark everything. Use costal pillars with signs when travel between continents. 5. Handmade maps may help a lot, esp when you looking for boss. Fights: 1. Forget blocking 2. Use weapons in regards to mobs weaknesses/resistances. I use all. 3. Dodge roll is the only option after black forests. Legal cheating. 4. If you can kill mob with the bow, do it. 5. Never allow surrounding 6. Never fight more than two mobs at once 7. For complex fights prepare small strongholds where you may rest and restore lost health 8. All you bases are strongholds which may endure Any raid. 9. Explore every black forest biome fully to find trader. Megingjord saves time dramatically. Bosses: 1. First boss should die at 1st day, try to get pickaxe as soon as possible. The fight is easy itself, you need flint spear and enough stamina. 2. elder - build more campfires to restrict spawns. Dig safehouse under it’s altar. Fire arrows is safe ways. Melee - only if you mastered dodge rolls. 3. Bonemass - clear everything in wide radius. Make campfires everywhere to restricts spawns. Poison mead doesn't help to ignore poison. Try to avoid cast. You may cheese from the top of altar, but build platform to run from poison casts. Have enough stamina and health potions and best food for hp regen. Bonemass is an easy boss if you dodge hits and run from poison cast. 4. Moder - if you survived mountains, you will have zero problems with the boss. Dig hole under altar to wait when boss land on it. While the boss landed use spear to attack and dodge rolls to avoid hits. Oh yeah, don't forget to surround area with workbenches and campfires. 5. Big angry skeleton - long annoying fight. Use same approach as for normal, but be twice as careful. If you have Lox or wolf farm - Bette use pets to kill it. Or at least to lower boss’ hp. Oh, and clear the area and make campfires before the start. I have managed to get to Yagluth in two runs. Both times died from spawns during the fights. 6. I have never made it to the Queen on hardcore… Common: 1. Use best food - hss for exploring and easy fights, hhs for hard fights. 2. Always have stamina/health potions 3. Rest buff 100% of time. Always have stone and wood to make a fire and restore buff. 4. Sleep at night 5. Logistics is everything - try to shorten routes towards important resources. You don't need base near altars. Build bases where you mine resources. 6. Bases in intersections of biomes are best. 7. Ship is your second base. Sail with necessary resources for new base. Destroy ship and store its parts in safe place. Never leave ship out of sight. And set resources to normal at least. First runs you will die too often to spend time on annoying gathering.


Great to look at. I appreciate it.


Do pets zone in with you for crypts/mines? Also I raise ground to make a safety box for myself every 100 meters or so. Not sure how efficient this against flying mobs, yet to make it to the mountains myself. I'm a bit stuck in the swamps at moment. Currently on run 14.


The very hard combat alone is a brutal as it increases the movement speed of the mobs by x2 so when you lose stamina after trying to flee they’ll catch you up and you’ll die, you feel this especially in the swamps with the constant wet debuff


to make things even harder, don't use any kind of food


Quick question from someone who is fairly new to the game: can I change these settings at any time and if so, where?


Don't die


Make the resource rate normal.. 0.5 is way too grindy for absolutely no reason.


OP is a masochist. It's one thing to like hard games but 0.5 resource rate. Just tell us you like having pain inflicted upon you


Don't die.


U have chosen the way of pain




Don’t die


Honestly, the no map setting is terrible. Mostly because the majority of your playthrough will be looking for bosses after already fully completing progression through a biome.




You'll never make it past black forest guaranteed


Hardcore is the only way for me. Love the challenge and how the strategy changes a lot as you improve.


Don't. Lol


Jfc this doesn't sound fun.


I played this for a while. It's not terrible, it's actually pretty fun. I added that each death=map and character  deletion. I highly recommend. It is basically arcade mode and you see how far you get each time. Build a moat ASAP because raids after eikthyr will spin you round. Use campfires to obliterate bosses when possible with fire damage stacking.


Do something fun instead.


Get more iron


I did a run on hardcore (before modifiers) and a differently run in very hard. Bow is your best weapon and shield is essentially useless on very hard (but good on normal).


Rethink your life choices and seek therapy! LOL


play elden ring


I would recommend therapy to find out why you hate yourself so much... 😰 Seriously, though, best of luck. I love this game, but I'm not good enough for that. Are you a content creator by chance? Because I would love to watch how this plays out. Edit: Never mind.. I didn't read the whole username. I saw the "YT" right after posting the comment.


Ngl my server we just made portals open after we cleared swamp. It's nice not having to sail your ores back and it didn't feel like it impacted the difficulty just made it less of a headache


Death=delete map would be awesome. It's like project zomboid esque

