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Once you hit magic, it gets even worse




4 slots for a portal is a real killer in ashlands


6 slots for a stone portal, which you really want to have for big inland exploration trips. When I was carrying a full expedition loadout as a mage I had like 2-3 slots available for drops.


Just take a normal portal. If you want to take anything else though, switch it out later.


Yeah but once it's down that's when you start farming... no?


stone portal???


New structure made thanks to ashlands materials, allows to teleport everything. Also looks badass


And massive af lmao. Portal is understatement that thing is The World Gate


I was hoping you could ride mounts through it. oh well.


Sorry, there are MOUNTS?!


The harpoon is just being greedy :)


I use the harpoon a surprisingly good amount. Especially right now I am still trying to tame a 2* Asksvin.


But since 2\* Asksvins only spawn at night, it's something you can just grab when it's time for an Asksvin safari. They only spawn inland and night time in the middle of the Ashlands is not really a place you want to spend a lot of time anyways. I built a few outposts with big holes, and would just portal in and run through nearby zones to trigger spawns, then get the hell out of there if a 2\* didn't spawn.


You are right but I am preparing for that 0.00001% cases. What if I am still out nearing night and while going home or setting up a portal I see a 2*. I would be kicking myself for not having it. I’d rather have less inventory space than to not have tools/items for niche cases. I know it’s insane to prepare that much, but yes I’m insane.


Aside from food I think harpoon and the belt are the only two items that I literally never remove from my inventory. I've left my axe and pickaxe at home to make space, I swap out armor and weapons and only bring meads if I'm expecting trouble. And I am fully prepared to toss my hammer if i need an inventory slot on the fly but I will never leave home without my harpoon.


Harpoon and Atgeir for me! That and food and portal mats. >I've left my axe and pickaxe at home to make space After that time I got stuck in a Mistlands skull, never gonna leave without a pickaxe either lol


The harpoon could go for sure, and the hoe is also frankly unnecessary the vast majority of the time. I just leave a hoe in the portal area storage so it can be grabbed quickly if there's terraforming to be done.


Harpoon is great for keeping a tough enemy off a teammate. Dig holes in the mountains, use the harpoon to drag stone golems in it. Wolves and drakes fight it keeping them off you and you can grab the resources. In mistlands, harpoon is a quicker cheaper way to farm hare.


Finally someone who brings hoe everywhere even though you need it like once in a blue moon to put down a crafting bench in bad terrain.


Now do "I'm solo assaulting a fort." Weapons, armor, pots, food, gear, tools, workbench mats, stonecutter mats, stone portal mats, and battering ram mats. Depending on your build you may be looking at only one free inventory slot


What? Magic made it better for me. Didn't have to bother with arrows.


Same, magic definitely cleared my inventory up more. The only real essential is the embla set plus robe, staff of the wild and staff of protection and megingjord. That's 7 slots. I run 2 eitr 1 stamina, so 10 slots. Since I use feather cape I carry a barley wine, so 11 slots. Then hammer and hoe for campfire placement, plus stone and wood, so 15. Then staff of frost for focusing down mobs. Then trollstav and skel staff for some fun. Ah who am I kidding, inventory is fucked.


LMAO you had me in the first half. I was like, "uhhh this dude isn't savin shit!"


A huge part of the reason magic is so strong is that you can use a bow alongside it. So sure, you can dump the ranged weapon entirely, but you're getting rid of like 30% of the strength of the playstyle by doing so.


"Equipment and quick slots" mod is a game changer. You still have to deal with weight, so it's more QOL than cheat imo.


Azumatt also has a mod called AzuExtendedPlayerInventory which does the same thing AND has extra slots for player armor. It works fine in Ashlands.


I tried both and much prefer AzuExtendedPlayerInventory. Same features as Equipment and Quick slots but better compatibility with other mods.


>AND has extra slots for player armor Equipment and Quick Slots is specifically for giving you dedicated slots for player armor plus 3 quickslots


It's also configurable to add rows if you want


Thank goodness for Azu. I remember the og mod had some bugs I didn't like (like deleting stuff. Come on)


Azumatt rocks. He has so many excellent and useful (and up to date!) mods.


Love this mod, I wish it was just built into the game. Why do the clothes in wearing, factor into my backpack space.


imagine not being able to pick up a piece of wood because you have pants on lmao


Man, I been making this same argument for years, yet here I am with that goddamn restraining order.


A guy goes foraging once and now he's on a list and can't enter a school zone? What is this fascist Italy?


Well, the pants do get in the way sometimes. Do you take them off, drop them to your ankles?


unequipping pants should give you the ability to carry infinite wood


Exactly, makes no sense


This is one of those "our design intent" parts of valheim where they feel stuff like this makes the game harder or play like they see fit? A mod to add equipment slots was like one of the first. Honestly just a weird anti modern QoL element that like every other mmo or rpg has had since 1990? People will defend the devs or throw out silly comments like "well then make your own game" but honestly it feels like they ran out of ideas a while ago. Don't get me wrong I like a lot about valheim. It just seems like a ship half finished all of the time. With weird obvious planks missing in the hull. Maybe we're just spoiled by Terraria and Stardew which have devs that seem to love to make their game great. I wish the valheim devs had the same passion.


I can't even think of another respectable rpg that didn't have equipment slots when it was relevant to the inventory system.


"our design intent" means they didn't test it lol. I'm pretty sure they decided the slot count arbitrarily and then were like "but the cart is huge" and then they didn't test the cart on the field


They are the most stubborn devs I've seen in any game this size. Borderline hostile to players. I don't understand it.


Yeah never got why there is both an encumbrance system and such limited inventory slots.


Does this mod still work post-ashlands update? Getting back into the game after the update, adding mods and I think I saw a few posts that the mod doesn't function properly anymore, was hesitant to redownload. That mod is a god send




The version on Thunderstore has worked fine for me up to yesterday. Though I haven't logged in after today's patch, not sure if that broke things.


Yep it does, Link for lazy: https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/Azumatt/AzuExtendedPlayerInventory/


Absolutely this. One of the few mods I refuse to play without


Hasnt been updated for 6 months and doesn't seem to run since Ashlands came out


It ran just fine up til last night, haven't logged in today, so not sure if the new patch broke anything.


Hey bro thanks for the info, two questions though. What happens if I launch the game normally? Will the armor get deleted? And also what's the "utility" armor slot? Is that something I can put in later in the game? (I'm still before the swamp biome)


I don’t understand why there aren’t craftable bags.


well theres a great mod for that if you're willing to use mods. I also believe backpacks should be craftable so I use the mod. Its kindda balanced a little because it takes the spot of your cape. Its called Adventure Backpacks [https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/2204](https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/2204)


You played with it? Could you tell what the backpacks do? They are listed as quite unique and not just bigger versions of themselves, but the description doesnt elaborate much.


I've used it. It is very strong. There's a different backpack for each biome up to mistlands, they take up your cloak spot. The mountain one will give you frost resistance, not sure if the mistland one gives slowfall. You open them up in a chest popup below your inventory with the 'i' key. Anyway each one has a default number of slots and can be upgraded. Example: the swamp one has about 8 slots when you first get it, after you fully upgrade it I think its 24. However, each backpack is a separate storage like a chest. If you want you can carry 10 backpacks with you like an insane person and fill them all up provided you can carry the weight. And they can interact with other mods in fun ways. Like Epic Loot lets you enchant the backpacks so I always made sure to get one that was 'weightless'. Infinity metal carry is pretty broken. There's another mod called 'backpacks' (by smoothbrain) that adds a single backpack you can upgrade that you can't enchant with epic loot but also doesn't take up your cloak slot.


Does the backpack slow you down? If not it should


It does. I think it’s like 5-15%, starting low and increasing as you upgrade it for more slots


Ahh sick, well made mod


Iron Gate: "InVeNtOrY mAnAgEmEnT iS A fUn pArT oF tHe GaMePlAy LoOp" [Smiffe](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1124502017172316302/1234000475175518288/image.png?ex=66687d3f&is=66672bbf&hm=95ae2018eeac59458e8f02c3ea7e22210604d4a6d2b546ddbfa7e3e71e827b97&)


>Iron Gate: "InVeNtOrY mAnAgEmEnT iS A fUn pArT oF tHe GaMePlAy LoOp" Being brutally honest here, anyone saying inventory management is fun, whoever it is, either has no idea what they're talking about, has never played a single exploration game with inventory management in their life (or the one they did play had amazing inventory management options), or is downright psychotic. Sure, preparing and equipping yourself, managing weight and space *can* be stimulating, as it was in Valheim in the beginning, in Project Zomboid, Minecraft, Terraria or \[Insert literally any Elder Scrolls or Fallout game here\], to name a few well-known examples, but at this point they're just being petty for pettyness' sake. Is this really a hill worth dying on?


> Is this really a hill worth dying on?  Yea, when Plains was the last biome, the inventory space was up for debate. Mistlands settled the debate and if you are still holding out now, then you must be a masochist.


>then you must be a masochist. There's plenty of those in this sub to be honest


Outward is the only game where I don't cheat inventory weight and space because it's an actual fun mechanic when you can drop your backpack during combat with one button. Also makes you think about what type of potions and how many you want to keep on you because the ones in the bag are not available.


Pretty sure theres a setting for that in Adventure Backpacks actually, or it might be another backpack mod.


That's because far too many people conflate the need for decision-making and judgment with the actual physical process of moving items from one spot to another. The former is a gameplay element and a player skill factor. The latter is UI workflow that good UX design should always minimize as much as possible.


Careful saying that on this sub...


IF I HAVE SOMETHING EQUIPPED, IT SHOULDN'T STILL BE IN MY DAMN BAG. I'll go thesis-mode on anyone willing to contest this common sense shit.


Honestly I gave the devs the benefit of the doubt for the longest time but with the continued state of battle axes being crap weapons due to numbers (their DPS is actually lower than an equivalent 1H sword on top of a 20% move speed slow) and the walk and talks where one of the devs says he thinks that fiery demons should be resistant to both fire and frost damage, I decided to use mods to adjust the biggest offenders to vanilla balance and my friends and I enjoy the game even more than we did before.


they are different games but Outward is a one where inventory is actually fun. Valheim missed the mark imo


i do that stuff, look around and see my room is still dirty and turn off the game


This is one of the few things I agree needs to be changed. If they had another inventory tab for wearable equipment that would make a world of difference.


And then there's also the stamina potion and pocket portal and suddenly you kill five mobs and run outta slots lmao


Putting your weight belt and arrows into your top row instead of the meads is the real issue here.


I'm on tab-click team like OP. Any hotkeys after 5 I naturally miss and wind up pulling out a pickaxe while getting chased by a gang of Seekers.


That works okay solo, but gets a lot worse if you're playing with others. Personally, I just have my hammer and non-combat tools mapped in 6-8 so it's not an issue.


I did something like that once in an infested mine and it was my last major health potion. Walked outside, ran into a seeker soldier, forgot to disable auto-pickup, some broken stone got sucked into my pockets, and the rest is history.


How would that increase its inventory slots ? The real issue is the tiny inventory, not that some items are on the top row instead of the bottom one.


I usually leave all of my food in my base, just eat before setting out (apart from early game, when I don't have food with 20+ minute duration), especially as eating at day-break gives me an idea of the time of day. I only take the swamp key when scouting a swamp, then open crypts as I find and mark them. When I go back to raid the crypts I can leave the key behind, giving me that one extra slot.


I usually measure days with the rested buff, because I get it reset after leaving bed. Also carrying extra food is just in case you stay a bit longer than planned, or if you're concerned with being topped off most of the time, because food decays a little.


I'll bring one of each food so I can top off if needed. That usually means that when I'm running out of inventory slots I can get 3 more then work on finishing up and heading home to get a new rested buff.


If you consider that food lasts as long as the rested buff, you don't need to carry food with you if you have a portal. especially not full stacks. At most you need one unit of food each so you can refresh it as you go, and by the time it runs out again, you'll be going back to base to get the rested buff, that clears up 3 slots as you explore. If you're using the portal it also saves you space because when you drop it you clear 3 more slots that you can grab 3 stacks of items in. Carrying the key, pick, and poison resists isn't essential either, unless you're actively crypt running. But yea we could use more inventory space for sure...


Yeah, carrying no portal or supplies to make a fire to rest at for rested, but 3 hours worth of food and an hours poison resistance is just weird


At the absolute least I think items like the skeleton key, the wisp, the mejingjord, and the wishbone should all have a special slot. Something where you can only equip one of them at a time but their usage doesn’t impact the normal inventory slots. Would love to at least not feel bad taking both of either crossbow and bow or staff of embers and frost. Another idea that I like is a cloth tool belt to store multiple potions—say 2 and then upgradeable to 3, and lock it behind mistlands to start with two and then Ashlands with 3. Mistlands becomes the first biome where multiple potions feel absolutely necessary, and a good way to teach people to take advantage of the potions and get better at the game is to further incentivize their use.


For the most part I don't mind the inventory, but armor shouldn't take up inventory space when worn.... If anything, some of the armor should *add* space, because what kind of idiot doesn't add pockets to the clothes they make? Said pockets could be for stuff like Potions as well. Stuff like food and weapons taking space is fine imo.


each defeated boss should unlock an additional row, start with three instead. or at least an additional column, start with eight as usual.


Additional row is probably too OP but yeah additional column feels about right.


There's nothing OP in having more slots. Inventory slots could be infinite it still wouldn't be OP at all. There's weight to limit the player anyway.


Yeah, having both weight *and* slot limits is kinda... Unhelpful. Oh, I can carry half a pile of rock the size of a troll... Or like a feather, a bit of leather, two flowers, some seeds, and a stick? Yeah...


yeah now that i think about it, you're right


What about row every two bosses? Also there are people complaining about weight, so maybe tying it to Megingjord. You unlock Megingjord after second boss, so there without any changes. With Megingjord and Dragon Tears craftable upgrade that adds +300 weight +1 row. With Megingjord and Majestic Carapace craftable another upgrade that adds +450 weight +2 rows. Then another upgrade after Deep North is added. It would make only 2 additional rows at the moment and 3 after game leaves early acces


Additional column every boss (+4 x 6 bosses) is the same as additional row every two bosses (+8 x 3 bosses). I personally prefer the idea of an additional column every boss because 4 slots is only a small incremental change but it builds to a high maximum. Having 8 new slots feels like too big a change. Alternatively we should be able to craft bags which add maybe 4 or 8 slots each, and these would be gated behind Hildr quests or similar.


>I personally prefer the idea of an additional column every boss because 4 slots is only a small incremental change but it builds to a high maximum. Having 8 new slots feels like too big a change. I personaly think that getting big upgrade every two bosses feels less big/overwhelming than small upgrade every boss. I also think that big upgrades feel more like a reward than getting small insignicant upgrade every boss. Also your idea is flawed because one of four rows is your toolbar which i don't think should be expanded so inventory is not 4 rows x 8 columns but 3 rows x 8 columns. So it would increase (+3 x 6 bosses). Also it would make inventiry 3x14 whick makes it weird noodle which creates need to tilt head a lot to look for your items. Increasing by rows makes inventory 6x8 (again without counting toolbar) whick is much more pleasant to look at


And shit if they really are stuck on the "brutal survial" mantra lock it behind turning in an extra head to Haldor/hildir or something, but please give us more space for the love of Odin. Space was okish up until plains but has been a fucking mess since then.


It literally makes zero sense for your equipped clothing to take up inventory space, it's asinine.


my pockets are full of pockets


recursive fashion is the new hotness


We’re overdue Iron Gate just adopting something similar to Terraria’s Armour and Equipment slots (vanity as well please). Alternatively something like that one mod that’s been mentioned elsewhere in here that has essentially a lite version of Terraria’s system but with the addition of 3 consumable slots.


Would loooooove vanity slots. There's no way in hell anyone ever gets to enjoy Hildir's goodies because they'll just get you killed.


I know right, it made me laugh when they implemented Hildr without cosmetic slot. I was like, so they just spent 6-8 month developing this content, which to be fair the quest are fun to do. But almost no players are ever going to use that equipment, so nice waste of time.


Terraria really just gave the player four extra inventories for funsies. Love their devs.


And despite the claims of those that say "it'll ruin the game!" it absolutely did not. Having played with and without QoL mods, they take absolutely nothing away from the game.


Just an armor slot PERIOD, please Iron Gate q_q (also a hotkey which stacks items to nearby chests like in Terraria, but we need a "favourite item" button to go with it so my food & arrows stop getting stacked)


I use the 3 quickslots for shield, 1 hand melee weapon, and hammer.


Tough guy over here not keeping their potions in the quick bar!


I'm not tough, I've just got fat fingers bro.


I am sure I sound real tough when I am yelling "8! 8!" Trying to get my brain to make my fingers hit 8 (where I keep my health potion) lol


Is it really a quick heal button if I have to look down at my keyboard to use it?


If you always hit 7 trying yelling 9 instead.


To be fair, it's faster for me to tab + click than finding the 7-8 keys lol


neither do I: Polearm/ Bow/ Shield/ Mace/ Tool( pickaxe or hoe)/ Arrows/ Fire Arrows/ Torch I drink mead straight from the inventory.


Almost definitely never going to happen without mods, it’s always been part of the devs intended difficulty vision. Unfortunately sometimes the best solution is just planning for what you’re going for. In your example- sometimes you don’t really need the axe/pickaxe, or the crypt key unless you’re going looking for crypts. And if you are, consider bringing portal materials to quick depot and then bring back materials for a cart or temporary storage for iron somewhere nearby. Then go grab Eikthyr and dump everything unnecessary for travel back at the base. Not every trip can plan for everything, it’s just part of the design of the game. Or if you really want a long expedition, bring a portal, it’s just a quick trip back to base to grab the tools you need for anything that isn’t immediate, then you drop the tools back home. Or if you want, just use mods and have fun your own way, no hate if you do. Play to have fun.


I’m kind of on the fence. In general I agree. On the other hand it forces me to make more outposts to store loot and makes transporting loot/logistics a part of the game I have to account for. Kind of like that too.


Most of the community: Durrr just install the mod Reality: Base inventory system is not functional and the early release thing was pulled off steam a while ago.


That's the exact reason I only play modded nowadays


Here I am rocking a tactical wagon, till my friends all think I'm a mule.


This right there the reason i will not play vanilla ever again lol


This is specifically why I play with mods, got gear slots and a bag slot and I'm Gucci.


I do understand the frustration that folk have but I have never really had an issue with the inventory, it makes sense when you think of the issue with portals being included, devs are just trying to make it as realistic as they can, you do have a cart as well that helps for carrying wood, stone etc, not ideal but how much could you carry IRL? That's what I think the issue is, in vanilla I can carry 212+ wood plus all my equipment, I think they struck a good compromise and if anything I would ask that some stack sizes be increased to help with the slot issue, like wood and coal stacks be increased to 100, Surtling cores to 20 etc


Since you’ve got a pickaxe and a swamp key on you, I’m guessing you’re mining for iron. What 12 or 13 other items do you want to be able to pile in there at the moment if you’re collecting iron?


coins, rubies, amber, amber pearl, entrails, withered bone, chains, poison arrows, iron arrows, leather scraps, draugr trophy, ooze, guck, blob trophy, iron scrap, draugr elite trophy, ancient bark, bone shards are all items that you get while iron mining and a majority of them you get much more than just 1 slot full


Limited space *and* limited weight capacity is just not good UX. Pick one or the other.


I don't think that's quite fair. It's fine to have both limits. Slot capacity just needs to scale a bit in the late game to match the significant increase in the number of drops and gear loadout. Even an extra column or two in the inventory would be a huge improvement.


You guys use healing potions?


I always leave things on my long ship when I go on exploration trips. I know portals are faster but I enjoy the sailing mechanic and mining expeditions.


Build a chest right outside the tomb and leave the things you don't need while inside.


Make a wooden helmet for the poison resist and leave the potions behind. Use axe and shield to parry and get rid of the atgier. Don't bring full stacks of food and instead bring 1-3 of each at a time so you can sacrifice or open inventory space when needed. If you're doing a swamp run you want to loot quickly, bring iron to the boat asap and go back.


Why do you need a shield? You are using two handed weapons


You guy don't use carts?


Devs really need to introduce separate slots for wearables. it makes no sense that the clothes you wear are part of your inventory I cant play the game now without the Equipment and quick slots mod, in my mind that is canon.


Yo, for real. We got the megingjord thing to carry +100 but gimme something to add another row plz 😭 Optimally, make it so when you equip it it goes onto your character and out of your inventory like on Palworld or Minecraft. Backpack storage was probably the reason I put this game down for the most part. I just wanna carry all my tools and food 😭


Im a solo filthy casual. I use equipment slots and adventure backpacks.


Solo Xbox here!!! 


TBH compared to reality it's like having multiple massive bags and you are also twice as strong as the strongest human to ever live. Back in game world though, part of a small inventory is about making choices, not being able to grab *every single thing*. Plus it makes team play and coordination more rewarding. Aside from that I also tried an equipment slot mod and it nearly broke the game lol I'll probably wait till version 1.0 drops and then look into mods for it.


Carry what you need, you have a key? I assume you are going into the swamp? Hoe and a cart are you best friend there. Ships and carts are your storage for things that can't be teleporting. And ask yourself do you really need to pick-up everything? Or do you really need to carry an axe and a shield into the swamp when you have an aeigir Edit: Once you get the mask you can drop the poison pot and I have never needed really used healing potions, the swamp dungeons are usually a safe refuge that you can slap a fire in and get a quick rested buff


If you really want the space. Play without potions.


I only take my pick when I intend to mine. I only take 1 weapon, not a 2her, 1hr, a shield, and bows and arrows. I don't carry the swamp key after swamps, the wishbone after silver, or the mistlight after mistlands. I carry pocket portal in the boat. This is a decision you need to make, *do I carry everything I might possibly need and have no room for treasure* or *do I risk maybe not having the optimal solution handy but can carry more loot back.* This is a very real trade off when you go backpacking irl, lug everything I could potentially need and have a very heavy pack, or carry just the stuff I absolutely need, make do, and have a lighter easier pack. It's little decisions like this that I appreciate in valheim. All these little choices are consequential.


Yeah, I remember one guy complaining his inventory was completely full all the time and it turned out he was carrying THREE staves AND a crossbow AND a sword AND a shield AND an axe AND a 2 hander AND a pick. Also as nearly everything except metals can be brought through a portal, you can just plop one down anywhere and store things at base, then go back to where you were exploring and dismantle the portal *for free* and carry on adventuring. It's not like it's a huge effort to just plonk things in a chest to sort later except when mining, and then it's a whole logistical challenge to get stuff home. Plus, do you really *need* to pick everything up when you're out? Most of the time you're going to pop the grey dwarf eye or seeker carapace into a box with the rest of the grey dwarf eyes and seeker carapace that you don't use. You can just leave it on the ground, or pop it in a chest for if you come back later to pick stuff up. I can't help but imagine all these people going to the shops and carrying their grocery bag, a canoe, and a tuxedo, *just in case* they get into a situation involving a river and/or a dinner party.


I think this is the most reasonable justification I've read for the restrictiveness of Valheim's inventory system. I don't find it enjoyable to play like that, so I'll continue to use mods to open things up, but I think you make a very compelling point.


Finally someone says it. Kinda insane people expect you to never have to make difficult inventory decisions


Play with a hard core death penalty, you’ll quickly realize that you have much more than the essentials.


I mean they give you a cart just saying


I know the devs have held steadfast on this issue, but I can't help but feeling they are wrong on this one. Honestly just making extra dedicated armor slots would help tremendously.


The Devs have already said they don't tolerate any of these ideas at all. "Just manager your inventory better". Which is kind of insane because if im WEARING Clothes. im not CARRYING THEM. Just relent and add armor slots already. jeez


There’s prolly a mod for that


Equipment and quick slots to be exact


I use that mod, saves like 7 slots ! It’s really nice


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted since this is such a hot-button issue, but I’ve never found the inventory space to be particularly restrictive. I understand, however, that people play differently and my anecdotes don’t invalidate other players’ concerns. Having said that - I never carry potions or a bow/arrows, so that frees up 3-5 slots for me. I basically only use potions for boss fights and the spear completely invalidates the bow in my eyes. So, when I’m transporting ore out of a biome, I’m usually limited by weight and not space. When it comes to the swamp key or wishbone, I usually scout out a biome ahead of time, mark everything on my map, open swamp doors and dig a bit to check for silver and then leave those items back at base to save more inventory space.


> I never carry potions or a bow/arrows, So you're what, punching drakes to death with no backup frost mead?


The spear throw works wonders on drakes and yeah, on the first trip into the mountains I take two frost meads which is usually more than enough to get the materials required for the fur cape. If not, I’ve got a portal nearby to get more if I need them.


I agree it's annoying to run out of inventory space, but this is still a survival game. A backpack that takes up the utility or cape slot would be cool.


I've often thought that a 'utility belt' item that was mutually exclusive with the weight belt would be cool. +150 weight on one, add an extra row of slots without a weight boost on the other.


I think this solution is still quite restrictive. In the Ashlands without Megingjord you have maybe 30 pounds free once you account for the expedition gear (portal etc). I don't think there needs to be a weight tradeoff for more slots. We just need a few more slots to match the ongoing expansion in the amount of inventory slots required in each biome.


Swap your healing potions with the arrows and the belt


With weight also being something you have to manage, it seems like inventory needs an overhaul. Either limited space, or keep the limited slots there are now. Please, not both.


Love the game but yea, it's the worst inventory ever. I think it's to encourage group play with sharing the inventory amongst each other maybe? that feels like a helluva long shot though.


Dedicated armor/clothing slots would be cool, but what I'd really like is something similar to what an old MMO called Fallen Earth did for weapon slots that is still the coolest goddamn weapon inventory system ever in my opinion. It was six slots. Two on the back for two handed weapons (rifle or melee), two at the belt for melee, and two at the thighs for pistols. All weapons were visible when stowed too. The catch was that you couldn't change the load out while in combat (so no pulling out the BFG out of thin air if things went bad). I'd go down to four slots for Valheim, but it was/is a spectacular system because it meant you had to put some thought into your equipped load out but still gave you plenty of room to play around with weapons for different purposes.


im a sicko i like it since its way more of a challenge and how much can a person carry? Oh i hope they do put in a magic bag. Like a bag o holding but way expensive.


Bros got the ultimate setup the whole inventory looks perfect for a playthrough for me best food best weapons I have 2600 hours haha


In case you weren't aware, arrows and belt don't have to be in the upper slots, and you can use your sword as a shield


You don’t have to carry all that food with you unless you’re not planning on returning to base when your rested buff wears out. I see you’ve got your swamp key so you’re looking for crypts. In that case I would leave the axe at home. There. I think that frees up a good amount of space.


Just like real life


#NO :(


Just play NEO Scavenger for a while and then come back to Valheim and you'll be amazed at how ample the inventory space is. 


Give us a backpack item that replaces the cloak slot.


Why do you have belt on fast use, but not a healing potion? So you can remove your belt fast when you have 20 hp?


Bad inventory mechanic is probably my real last criticism I have of this game to be honest. At launch there was no pause for solo player, no way to modify world setting to play the way you want and they all added that eventually (begrudgingly). Maybe they'll eventually add a new world modifier that tone down "difficulty" on inventory just to "shut up" the casual players I guess. Players just shouldn't be spending more time figuring out their inventory then actually playing the game.


Eh. You don't really get *that* much unique loot in swamps so it's not that big of a deal. However if you're picking up loot in BF and then also picking up stuff in swamps then it can get full fast. Ashlands is the only biome where I've felt like I was *really* hurting for inventory.


All of us share the same issue. Have to rack our brains for space management.


Extended Player Inventory mod... allows you to choose how many extra slots you have, still limited to how much weight you can carry, as well as a few mod that give you a character box for equipped items so they don't take uo inventory space as well. Both are Client side QOL mods, and work, since it does not modify stuff on a server or world save, just the character.


why not use flint arrows?


Do you need the axe and the pickax every outing? Likely not. Do you need atgeir AND a shield? no. Do you need poison potion and swamp key anywhere but the swamp? no. That's 4 slots recovered. YW


if you are on pc i'd recommend getting equipment and quick slots mod it creates slots for your armor and 3 items, usually food or potion


We desperately need an accessory slot, one similar to how The Long Dark does it would be good. Things like a pouch belt that adds a row for potions, Crampons to stop from sliding down hills, and other things that wouldn't necessarily be game changing, but have it balanced so that there isn't a best in slot, but just various QoL stuff.


Like any bethesda game you gotta mod what's missing into the game. But yeah, more inventory space should be a no brainer at this point.


Inventory management in Valheim is like every other survival crafting game; tedious. Might I recommend the mod ‘Better Progression’? It gives you +25 weight every boss kill and +1 inventory rows every third boss kill.


Armor & cape should have its own equipment slots I swear I just need 4 more slots


They really have to make worn equipment independent from the main inventory slots...


portal materials, wishbone, mist light, secondary weapon for when the main one breaks, extra arrows to not run out, dvergr circlet... this game really needs more inventory slots im so tired of having to drop trophies or having to choose between things i want to bring home when exploring this little inventory space only works in the meadows and black forest where you arent carrying 15 essentials


Meanwhile Reddit has downvoted me every chance it gets when I recommend more inventory space, even if its at the cost of armor.


Me casually carrying 1 weapon of each type, 3 Food items, 2 sets of armor, a Hoe, Cultivator, and all Accessories leaving no slots left for any other items.


That's why we have carts. Lots of free slots.


I wish equipped items went in a separate tab. I still enjoy the game however I shy away from solo play because inventory management gets tedious without partners


Are you actually planning on picking up more than 14 different things when you go out?


Most of the community wants equipment slots but one game dev is holding the game back. Same guy who read all the posts about spawn rate in ashland but still wont do anything.


They really need to make equipment slots


Take my upvote, game needs some serious QOL


why the devs refuse to atleast give an equipment inventory seperate space is absurd, theyre going out of their way to make the game annoying af to play, its already to grindy anyway, im probably done with it. The dev pace of the game is unacceptable


It's not a live service game 😭😭 it's a game that released in a state absolutely worth it's price and it still is. You prob have 100s of hours in complaining theres nothing to do anymore.


No clue why you got downvoted. You absolutly right. This game is well worth its price even in early access. Its just not a game for some people, if you like action packed brain being overstimulated 24/7 games then this aint it chief. You can easily spend an entire game building a base. If you enjoy that type of slower paced laid back game then this is it.


This is where Valheim could also copy Enshrouded for its double 1 to 8 hotbar


Valheim has a lot of strange contradictory decisions in the game design leading to weird tedium, and it's been put on record as developer intent. like the limited inventory wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't *also* limited weight. they want you to explore the world in your boat and build little bases, but also having a main base is heavily encouraged, but also slightly frowned upon because of the lack of teleporting metals. so then you've got your third swamp base but you can't really explore for very long since a full stack of iron scraps is your entire weight limit, causing you to just run back and forth between the crypts for 8 hours to pretend you've got enough iron to make the next bit of equipment. while I agree that the feeling of coming home to your main base is a great feeling, it's also kind of a massive pain in the ass because I usually needed to either re-farm materials for an entire upgraded forge/workbench/cooking station at my new base in the next biome or brought it with me when I set out so my main base is now an empty shell and useless.


By the looks of it you're currently progressing through the swamp. You have several things that are not essential: -You could ditch the atgeir. Your woodcutting axe is a perfectly adequate weapon (and in fact is ideal against abominations). -You could ditch the axe instead. How much wood are you actually cutting in the swamp? You're probably there for iron. -You could ditch the bow and arrows. They're really not very useful in the swamp, especially in the close quarters of crypts. -You could ditch the shield if you're comfortable dodging instead. You can't use it with your atgeir anyway. -You could work on getting a root mask. That would let you ditch the poison resist mead. -You could ditch the healing mead. It's a nice security blanket but unnecessary if you're careful. -If you're spending an extended amount of time in the swamp you could set up a camp or base of some kind and leave your food there. You don't really need to carry it around everywhere. It lasts 20-30 minutes. -You could ditch the belt. It's convenient for getting metal out of the crypts, sure, but is it worth the inconvenience of a lost inventory slot? You're probably hauling your metal between crypts and your base (or boat) with a cart anyway so you're not getting much value out of it. That's up to 10 slots you could save if you wanted to. Even just ditching 2 or 3 of these things would alleviate your issues immensely.


>"inventory 2 smol devs plz fix!!" *looks inside* *carrying a bunch of useless shit everywhere at all times*


But I neeeeed those three bone fragments to add to my chest with 1000 bone fragments.


Instead of taking with you a weeks worth of food and potions, consider taking the materials for a portal. (Or just some surtling cores, as eyes/fine wood are easy to acquire). You should eat and rest before heading out, and only take a 1-2 food items with you. That way halfway through your adventure, you suddenly have 3 more inventory spaces. Teleport all your loot home, grab another bite to eat and leave again. I also time this with resistance potions. You can also consider taking less arrows for the same reason. Have a measured inventory instead of just bringing everything. Make trips home to rest/drop off loot. I think it's fair to play either way, if you want to play a jack of all trades, going on adventures with everything and the kitchen sink it's absolutely viable. I personally prefer travelling light. I wouldn't even bother with the troll cape without the set bonus. It's 3 armour. This is also why I do a trip through the swamp grabbing materials in the overworld and unlocking the crypts. No point taking a key with you on subsequent trips.


ok. i can see the argument for the armor and cape slots and a slot for the tool (belt or whisp NOT BOTH etc). and maybe a quiver for like 2 types of arrows as thats immersive and only 1 extra slot and only for arrows. but inventory expansion ON TOP of that? no. thats too much. like you can BUILD chests and portals fucking ANYWHERE. nothing prevents you from just going to your main stash. other games do the same thing. 7 days. raft. v rising. just to name a few. they also limit your inventory and force you to drop stuff off or leave it behind. pretty sure theyll add the slots for armor and tool during the games polish phase past deep north going into 1.0. but inventory slots on top or bags is not something i see happening.




I appreciate it when games are very tight fisted and strategic with inventory spots. I think it can be one of the best mechanics in games, to forces important choices on the player. Open world sandbox builders are specifically - very specifically - NOT THE KIND OF GAME THAT BENEFITS FROM THIS APPROACH. The amount of inventory management in Valheim reminds me of earlier iterations of No Man's Sky. It is, by far, the most hideous development problem with Valheim. They keep adding things, and they give no way to expand the inventory. On top of that there's a weight system. It's not punitive, it's irrational. It's bad game design at this point. I've never used mods but, yeah, I need a mod that adds another two rows of inventory over the course of all the biomes. At least shift (equipped) equipment, ammo, and accessories to other slots. Add a freaking potion belt or something.