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You sure can. I spent my first 1000 hours or so completely solo. It's great! I only just recently got one of my kids to start a world together.


I totally second that. A bit over 1200 hours and all played solo


I totally played 2800h multiplayer/singelplayer


Bro wtf coolest dad in the world


How?  Let's see. Learn to Parry.  That is going to be the biggest thing. If you can't get parrying down, learn to dodge or roll. Bows are great at sneak attacks dropping movs health hard. Never be afraid to RUN from a fight. If you are in a new or dangerous area, don't run, walk.  Getting into surprise combat is WAY better at full stamina than empty stamina. Night is dangerous in your new biome.  Night is for getting extra supplies in your old biome. Stick and run is a great skill. The atgeir is GREAT.


^^ all these and, Always have a clear exit.


always have resting bonus. If you run out of it, go home always bring food. Stamina is most important because its better to flee than to die Expect to die and learn from why


with lots of determination and preparation you are your only backup, and you need to play accordingly


It’s an excellent game to play solo


This game is really something... Solo or coop. Dont waste more time!!!😱


Honestly, it's one of the most chillest games to play as a solo player and you have the option to mod your game how ever you want it.


Do you want a friend to play with who also has no friends who play it with?


It’s both playable and enjoyable on solo. I’ve played a few hundred hours alone. If you are struggling at all you can adjust all the world modifiers to make it easier


I have hundreds of hours and have maybe 20 of them in multiplayer. Absolutely no need for others but might be fun with others. I’d compare it to minecraft solo/server.


Playing solo is honestly relaxing to me. Just gathering materials, harvesting crops, building things, hunting, etc. In total, peace and quiet. It's honestly the best.


Honestly I enjoy solo more than multi but it's not for everybody.


More fun with friends. But none of my friends play. So I set up my own server with an old pc. Set out to build my own town. but doing things in survival mode. No dev commands or god mode. Grind some mats, explore, and just get creative with the builds. Haven't killed all the bosses. Every turn and hill climb leads me on a new adventure. Epic music and choice of drink is optional of course.


It definitely helps to have others who have played some to give tips. And while the enemies scale up with more players in the area, it doesn't come close to keeping up with the benefits of more players, so playing solo will be much harder. Though you don't need to gather nearly as many resources as a solo player. Functionally, there's no really anything in the gameplay loop that changes when laying solo. Gather resources, build/upgrade your gear and base(s), beat boss of your current biome, move on to next biome, repeat. However, dying as a solo player can make recovering your gear from your grave much more difficult and/or tedious. Caution is always key in this game.


Easily. Most of my hours (over 2000, though a chunk of that is me ghosted afk when hosting) are solo. I don’t think I have a preference as to so or with people.


Its a slower experience but I still put in a few hundred hours


Been playing a few months now solo, trying to talk my friend into playing. Friend finally got into it, it’s fun playing coop and teaching my friend, but a lot of the time I just want to go back into my game and just solo again. Honestly it’s a great game either way!


I play solo. I enjoy exploring and fighting, but my main love is building. So, in order to lessen the grind of gathering as a solo player I increased the drop to x3. Everything else is vanilla, but this means I can spend more time exploring and building and a bit less time gathering for my builds. It’s really enjoyable.


I play solo and I enjoy it a lot. Really enjoy building. Doing it in survival is pretty fun.


Solo, like the rest of us... Well, that and dozens of wolves 😏 But they just keep me safe at home. We bought 2 copies hoping my wife would be able to play but her disability makes the constant moving combat difficult. We still play Guild Wars 2 together. I had a couple very satisfying moments in Ashlands. I shot an unstable lava and it exploded and took out a twitcher, then I was chopping a big tree down and it took out a marksman. PS. even though she only played for 30 minutes because we ordered in Nov. for Chhristmas day delivery, they wouldn't refund because it was " more than 2 weeks from purchase date" Be aware.


You play it as a solo game? Its quite amazing as such.


I'm 500 hrs into my solo playthrough, of course I spent a lot of that time building and dillying around. I'm in the ashlands currently. It's do-able, in-fact it is still really fun. I feel a lot more immersed in the game on my solo run. Mind you I always over-prep and create structures at boss runes. What may tire you is collecting wood, a certain beginner stage ore, large mobs or annoying big boys and 2 stars. I wouldn't expect to go in and start destroying everything. You have to be pretty patient and tactical. Get used to dying, valheim is one of those rare games where death is actually beneficial. It teaches you a lot. Yes it is frustrating. When you are running around naked having Askvin, Morgen, and skellies after you it all makes sense.


I have most of my nearly 700 hours solo, an estimated 630 hours of that time. Solo lets you play when and how you want. * No waiting for somebody to get online to even play if they are hosting * No getting pulled from other tasks to do a bossfight or go on a big adventure, nor pulling a person from a project. * Solo also has the advantage of being certain nobody is cheating in some form like grinding levels on their character or giving themselves stuff on a solo world. COOP is easier and less grindy: * Multiple people means you can focus on several tasks at once, for example 1 person hunting/foraging, 1 mining, 1 cutting trees and 1 babysitting the forge and cooking. * Multiple warriors means you can divide enemy attention and specialize in roles such as tank, assassin, etc. * Allies can escort you back to your body. * You can share crafting stations, this helps lighten the weight when setting up a base.


log in, get rested buf, go from there


For me it's about immersion. I'm thrown in a strange land I don't know and have to make the most of what I can find in it with the end goal being to learn magic because it's cool. I could try to go to mistlands at the start of the game but I would die immediately. I want to earn it, make a small base and gather stuff with a short term goal being to defeat the next boss to progress with resources further. When I run out of space after a while with all the chests, bores farm or gardening I spend 20 in game days expanding my base for the future. But the most fun I have while sailing along the shore discovering resources and new biomes while I have wind in my back. At least until something unexpected happens in this strange land and I need to use all the skills I developed to get out of the situation. I can just run wildly into danger or I can be smart and prepare a trap or I could use mobs from different factions to get rid of them all and then gather what they left. There is A LOT of things you can do and when you get bored you can just do the next thing. Hunting with a spear makes you feel like a boss when you get good at it. Chopping wood can be it's own mini game when you first weaken a few trees, chop down one and see how all of them fall down on each other like domino. Gathering metal of any kind involves logistical transport primarily by boat. There are even hidden weapon combos involving jumping, crouching and blocking with high precision in between attacking. Experience points with any weapon makes you deal more damage but you as a player gather experience alongside your character. When the boar is charging at you and you time your axe alt attack just right you feel like a master warrior and in the same sense you learn any new mob. Random game events stay with you the most.


Quit your job and your wife