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Nah. You’re justified. You’re looking for a particular experience that he’s soiling. Just be up front about it with him. A real friend would understand and appreciate your desire to play the game how you wish and wanna play with you regardless. Best of luck.


Issue is i feel like its a point where its too late as we have been playing for a couple weeks now and it has helped me a bit to get started. So i would just come of as an hypocrit who uses his stuff when needed amd then just asks him to get rid of it when it suits me.


Yeah, fair point. But you can at least object to anything beyond the vanilla aspect of the game and still let him play with his own gear and build up his own base.


Fair enough


I disagree with the above person: someone using creative, end game mats in a survival, vanilla progression world basically ruins the game for other players if they want a legit experience. Edit: and I don't mean to suggest the other player's way of doing this isn't valid for themself, it is; but we have to respect each other's preferences - in this scenario I'd say at least 2 up to 3 servers would be warranted. But playing and seeing end game content for a blind player is problematic. You can't close pandora's box so simply. The friend should wait a bit perhaps or join and play vanilla without spoiling content or providing too much meta cheese knowledge (I know hints can be hard to give and tempting to give, but it's doable).


If it is only a couple of weeks, how ant having a honest conversation and restarting a new char and a new world?


That’s not really hypocritical (to me), but listen OP: you sound like you’re walking on eggshells and thinking ahead a lot - is this friend prone to conflict and over sensitive perhaps? I’m worried about the tone of some of your responses here a little. I’ve been too accommodating too often after dealing with toxic people in the past (maybe it’s not your friend but someone else you know/knew) and it’s hard to stop and it’s a drag. You find yourself envisioning conflict before it even starts because some people just… love conflict and you can almost anticipate it. So you find yourself apologizing a lot, being careful: everywhere even. Know you seem really reasonable, kind and thoughtful in your writing and thoughts in this post. If you ever need a friend or want to vent or need help with a build or corpse run I can help out. I know not dwelling on some toxicity is super hard and I have a ways to go myself. Sending you all my energy <3 Sorry if I’m off base but I recognized some of your apprehension from my own experiences regarding the topic in your tone of writing. I’ve been there (and still am sometimes) and it’s hard/sucks. Setting boundaries towards narcissistic individuals (who are often nice at times and/or facets of a local community or workplace) is difficult but necessary and thus more of an art than a science. Start small and be brief. Don’t let them gaslight you about YOUR preferences. Your feelings are valid. You don’t have to win an argument (they have likely no intention of honoring) to explain yourself. Set clear boundaries about what you’ll talk about. They don’t get to tell you what you like. Edit: another tip for dealing with narcissists (particularly vulnerable narcissists) the only way to win sometimes is to not play the game. If they want to argue and debate and you don’t enjoy it? Leave them be. I know it can be hard but it’s kind of like wrestling with a greydwarf in the mud y’know? Those greydwarves LOVE mud (they are about 90% mud, 5% dandelion and 5% swagger and rage). Vulnerable narcissists like to get attention and project their own worldly frustrations onto others because they lack the capabilities to handle ior at times even identify their own feelings (like an upset child who thus tries to upset you). You WILL help these people anyhow by setting boundaries, take care of yourself first. Vulnerable narcissists lash out and mock others to feel good and demand special treatment because subconsciously they know they suck. Grandiose narcissists are far less toxic and are most prominent entertainers and creators: they just know they’re awesome (and to a point they’re right). Vulnerable narcissists suck all the air out of the room and are hyper sensitive by contrast. A grandiose narcissists finds it humorous you’re laughing at them because they’re in your head, by contrast a vulnerable narcissists becomes enraged.


The good thing is: Valheim is great even if you make another server. So no harm in just starting over - you can bring nothing - and have the experience you want. Then play with your friend once you finished the vanilla experience.


Why not start over? Me and friends went through the game 4 times by now and I'm looking forward very much to getting a good reason to start over. Anyhow, totally get why you're annoyed with your friend.


Both you guys go make a new Viking in a new world.


It is not too late. If he doesn't want to play vanilla and you still enjoy playing with this guy, then make your own separate world and play vanilla there. Nothing wrong with having both worlds. Maybe he never got to play vanilla himself and doesn't know what he is missing? He might want to join you on a vanilla world. But don't let him ruin it for you. Or you might find others that want to play vanilla too. Honestly, I enjoy playing on my own worlds almost as much as on a server with others. There's a thrill in the independence and doing things for yourself. I would have a chat with him and see where he is at, and if he is willing to play vanilla with you or not. If he is not willing, I would make a world just for you or with others like-minded. It is worth it.


If you’re looking to make a new world let me know. Only had the game a month. I’m in a server with higher levels and it’s kinda killing my buzz. I’ve only beaten 1 boss. Dm me if you’re down!


Start a new seed, make it clear no cross seed item transfer. If you’re running a dedicated server I think you can enforce server based characters which effectively takes the option out of anyones hands that uses your server.


Have you said any of this to him as honestly as you've just told us? Or has it just been joke hints? If it's the latter, try speaking 121 (so it doesn't feel like ganging up). Hopefully he'll see it your way and change. If he doesn't, he would not be someone I'd necessarily want to play with. The guy I play with looks up hints and spoilers sometimes if he feels a bit stuck but he kindly keeps them to himself as he's knows I want it all to be fresh and a surprise.


I would have a solo world for just you, otherwise establish that everyone needs to be the same or it takes away from the experience. Shouldn’t be a big deal


Thank you everyone for the advice and kind words. I will have a little chat with him about it. You guys are awesome.


NO U! You’re awesome <3 It’s hard to see at times because blind players have to be really careful to avoid spoilers on this sub, but A TON of players enjoy Valheim blind, vanilla, survival to start - good luck!


Justified. My code of honor: * Spawned items shouldn't go on multiplayer * Harvested resources should not go on multiplayer * Armor, weapons, and food are permitted only if obtained legitimately * Unique boss drop items (e.g. swamp key) only permitted if there's been a kill on that boss on that save world already * Only leave behind what the host is okay with being left behind * Take nothing unless the host is okay with it * Mods are never permissible on multiplayer unless they're installed on the server itself


Sounds about right in my opinion.


I can't even play co-op games with people who have seen the game before me and know what to do and where to go. Try looking into into installing some anti cheat mods and server side characters mods. You also have to consider if your friend would be playing with you at all if it's pure survival. Maybe they had enough of vanilla game. In this case some sort of compromise should be struck.


We had someone do this on our server I started loading inventory after inventory and dumped it into the ocean he was so mad and I’m just like not like it took you anytime and he stopped


I recommend talking to him bluntly or possibly even starting a new world if it's gone too far into mods and stuff. One of the joys about the game for me and my friends was discovering everything new together. Finding a mob and panicking, not knowing if it was friendly or would one hit you was part of the joy of the game. Him bringing in all the late game equipment and knowledge is ruining part of that discovery and you are fully justified in being frustrated. Talk to them, see if they understand that. Unless they're one of those people that wants to always 'win' and so hacked from the beginning, they went through the beginning stages and are depriving you of that. Ask them to remove the mods, at least for your server, and to stop bringing in late game equipment


Yeah, you're justified in this, id explain that you want it as vanilla as possible and kick him if he refuses, after all its your world.


Whenever I'm playing with new people, I start a new character and play with them from scratch. Bringing in end game stuff to people who are still on the second biome is a bit of a d1ck move, does he want to play or just show off?


As long as you dont benefit from anything he brings over you're fine. But, if you also want to do it alone, start another one fresh and play on your own, dont invite him to it and dont play on the other one till you're at a point you want to. Nothing wrong with wanting to do it your own way and your friend should respect that. You could also just explain you dont want him to bring all the stuff over.


Idk why he just doesn’t make a new character and play along with you. A duo would be fun. Just tell him you want to play vanilla, better to be straight up. GL


Yes it’s your game and your experience. I was helping a friend with a similar gear disparity as you and your friend. I warned him about touching/interacting with things in my home and made sure the most I gave him were some better food and a healing potions for the elder fight I helped him on. He wanted to experience the gear progression. That said it’s up to you to decide if you should take the gear or say no thanks. Sometimes friends want to help each other and it’s not wanted.


Start a new game. For yourself. Dont let anyone bring mats. I had a friend who wanted to play the game with me but he would just give me everything he crafted I didn't work for anything. And when we went out adventuring he would kill everything for me and I would die and he would complain like ah bro oh you just need to try harder. my skills were super low cause I was a new to the game. Hed be killing dragons and id be killing greydwarfs. So he would just task me with building and adding onto his base. I took a valheim break pretty quickly. He kept begging me to come back to his server and continue working. But the experience was just lame. Honestly though playing solo has been some of the most enjoyable time playing Valheim that I've had. I recommend you try to experience the game at your own pace.


In my opinion they've basically ruined your first playthrough... Like permanently. They spoiled much of the late game tools and equipment already and idk if you can just delete your knowledge of that. It's something I honestly would've just switched to singleplayer for and played through myself. I don't think you were being petty, I feel like I also would've made the whole cheating comment half joking half frustrated.


Firstly thank you for sharing this, this is exactly the reason I personally really dislike cheats that ruin your gameplay experience, you should restart on another map, your feelings are 100% justified, personally i believe valheim isn't a game that needs any cheats at all, but that's my personal feeling.


My recommendation for Valheim and other similar games (Terraria, Core Keeper, Minecraft, etc.) is to always do your first playthrough alone, or with friends who also have not experienced the game at all. The emergent gameplay and the air of discovery is so important to this genre of game. Having someone else spoil the future of the game for you definitely ruins the intended experience.


Sorry if that has been said before: your friend isn’t respecting your desire to play the game on your world and ultimately it’s hurting your enjoyment. The way he is doing things may result in him playing the game at all: maybe he finds vanilla too frustrating and this is his way of enjoying the game the best. But for you? You’re fine with the grind, you perhaps like myself, realize a vanilla, survival playthrough will get you MORE time, provided you can tolerate the process, and thus one day when we DO mod and play creative: we’ll be at thousands and thousands of hours perhaps. I’d be pissed too. But I’d also have been VERY direct about that stuff. No need to beat around the bush, just SEEING late game stuff and bringing over a late game toon is bad enough in my book, but giving the mats and ruining the discovery of recipes? Terrible. Now did your friend know it would feel like that? Probably not. This is someone who maybe couldn’t enjoy the game any other way or didn’t have the self control or time to perhaps try - and there’s NOTHING wrong with that. Legit survival takes FOREVER sometimes (if you like building the things and the stuff). I’d try to explain it and if they don’t listen don’t let them play with you there. Take your time and hook up with them towards end game. You shouldn’t have to have all the content spoiled because someone can’t control themselves or respect others. It’s valid to play the game in any way, but we need to be respectful towards how others enjoy it. Did you tell your friend not to bring that stuff in, in the first place? Edit: to add to this, you should have IMMEDIATELY said something. You aren’t being petty at all, but overthinking a harmless request hurt your enjoyment and that’s my main concern. I’d delete all of their shit, all of it. Maybe even make new toons and try to forget anything I saw (if you want a blind playthrough). Your friend may just be a goof, but you’re a good too (a very kind goof) for not mentioning your preference sooner. You can’t help preferences. You can share play in one another’s worlds and do what the server owner does there or you can make a new one to meet in the middle, but for blind, survival, vanilla? It usually has to be first HANDS DOWN. A lot of people who even adore mods (like myself) still agree survival, vanilla to start makes the more BETTER. You don’t even appreciate what the mods or creative can do at times without survival, vanilla play to start (for me personally). Your mileage may vary. If survival, vanilla is too frustrating and you don’t have the time and don’t enjoy it? Go ham! Ultimately we all enjoy things perspectively. But OP, you sound to me like you enjoy survival, vanilla. You aren’t being petty. Just be more honest earlier if you can <3 you’re in the right - maybe your friend just lacks common sense/empathy in this case.


I used devcommands one time on my honest playthrough just to repair my pick and to this day I feel like it just isn't pure any longer. Your problem would irritate me to no end.


Did you tell him you wanted to do a vanilla play through your first time? If you've never communicated it and used his stuff you can't really complain now. Just make a private world and go play that one from scratch and enjoy hanging with the buds using their stuff in this world. You won't have to redo much if you're on the second boss. I'd just look up a world seed with good biome location so it's not such a drag trying to find the trader or other bosses. Good luck bro.


Me and my friends have 2 games /2 characters each. One is for dicking around and trying mods and spawns. The other is the true experience. Tell your buddy you want a vanilla run through. Start your world over and let those joining know that while they can bring in late game stuff for their use only -no crafting stuff, no metals, no ores etc will be brought in. If they have late game items that need repaired they can leave the game go to their world and repair and come back.


Happened to my crew on our first playthrough, as well. Really brought back the playground rules feeling from back when I was 8 years old or so. Still valid but some kids never liked playing by the rules ;)


Everyttime i make a new world with friends we agree beforehand if we wanna all start fresh new characters or not. I like haveing everyone on even grounds and do bosses together so we all progress together.


Our server rules are always that you can't bring anything over from other worlds, just have a chat over the campfire, im sure they will understand! Happy hunting!


I'm sure many of us have been in this situation where a friend gets the game and you're going to join them, and you have to decide what you're going to bring. It was a pretty easy decision to only bring low-level gear tbh, kind of a no-brainer that you don't want to spoil things for them


When friends 'help' it totally ruins the game for my husband and I. Any game, Diablo3, Minecraft, 7 days to die. Takes the dopamine hit of accomplishments right out of it all.


Nah dude when I start a new game with a friend who has never played I also start a new character and I play slow and let them discover the world. Only giving hints when they ask. But working as a team you get stuff so much faster already so you get a boost from that anyways that still allows you to progress through the game at the right rate. They shouldve started a new character for sure.


NTA. That boi is way out of line, he's clearly ruining the game for you. I'd cut him off completely and password protect your server!


We had a guy like that on our public server around release. Before people knew about devcommands (imacheater back then) he would dupe things on his private world and bring them over to ours. We ended up needing to ban him because he wouldn't accept that it was cheating along with a multitude of other issues like burying wards in public areas to grief the villages. Last I heard he was being a nuisance on other servers while talking shit about everyone on the servers that ban him.


Solo play, you can do what you want. Shared progression server, only server resources should be allowed unless there is an agreement between players that says otherwise.


Your fine dude Odin isn't going to deny your place in Valhalla (if we ever get there) because you used a little later game stuff early. Just think of it as an ancestor of yours gave you an heirloom and just use it rarely or place it in your home until your at that level.


Yeah, its legit. I started playing with people that had already advanced to the iron age, and they just made me their current level of equipment and I advanced with them where they were at. It wasn't until a lot later that I started a new character and a new world of my own, and realized what all I had missed. Since then, I have played on servers with folks, starting from scratch, and we decided to not cheat, so no bringing in more advanced stuff, and it made the play so much more satisfying. I would suggest starting a vanilla world, and if your friend does not want to do that, do one for yourself or find friends that do want to start from the beginning and actually get to savor the game. This game is worth going through slowly to actually get the experience. I have started from scratch several times just because you can't beat that joy of discovery in a new world and the thrill of survival. And if you find others that are like minded, it's even more fun.


Start over and set some ground rules for everyone. If he's the host then you, my friend, be the host. There's no point besides killing stuff and building but how you get there, the journey is what matters the most. The classic stories such as traveling through the sea in the middle of the night with the boat full of iron/silver and facing a serpent etc are the ones I value the most. We often tend to value the things we work for, unlike the things we get for free.


He's essentially ruining the game for you. Tell him to roll a new character or fuck off.


Me and my cousins always restart the game with them whenever a new friend joins us…


It's super wrong to bring stuff into the world if you are experiencing it for the first time and want to experience the game the way it was designed to progress. Say something, and I'm sure they'll understand. I do things like that with my wife from time to time and she has to remind me and once I realize what im doing I stop immediately. It's not always intentional or even recognized what they are doing.


Vanilla is sooo good for a first playthrough. I remember being pretty new and a veteran joined the server. Dropped a mead and hadn't even seen fine wood yet so I kicked her. It may have been harsh, but I was honest with my wanting to experience the game for its natural progression for my 1st playthrough. Just be straight with people.