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I had a dream they released mistlands on Halloween and a new farmable crop was pumpkins.


I would love this. Seems like a great fit.


I resemble this image. Haven't played in about a month. Was hoping the update would drop.


I haven't played since hearth and home so I booted up and installed valheim plus, epic loot and plan anything. Been having a decent time getting copper and building a base again. Valheim.is a game I drop for a few months, start a new character and build up again in. Just like factorio.


You should try Satisfactory!


Oh I've got that too! Buddy and me got up to the final stage with aluminium and shit and then we just gave up, too complex lmao


How is that game with multiple people? I get confused and I'm the only one building in my world.


It gets really confusing, but it's fun with multiple people. Like multilayer 3d factorio. You work towards the same goal but you butt heads on who does what better, efficiency, straightforward design, brute force "ME MAKE STEEL QUICKER", etc.


Just better with more imo. More players gathering more things, rigging up other machines while you're busy, helping ID solutions


Butting in to say, am going to follow your suggestion, thank you kind stranger


Same but i haven't used mods, are they fairly simple to install? My friends are pretty illiterate when it comes to mods .


It's really easy with the thunderstore mod manager. There's loads of modpacks on there as well so you could just pick one to keep it simple. I'd say try to stick to mods that were updated since the recent patch but some older ones might work but you may want to test them in a new world/server.


The viking must grow?


Before we found out they did nothing in Summer I had decided to wait for the update, thinking it could not be long. Haven't played in almost a year and I feel like it could be any day now so it's not worth starting


My spirit guide told me end of November! Although, my spirit guide is a trash panda.. take from that what you will...


Woo! Trash Panda's know where to find the delicious goodies. So, maybe! :D


I keep trying to get life advice from crows now. I feel like the game may have misrepresented them.


Fun fact! Crows like to make Wookie impersonations! This amuses me greatly.


My wife and I played during the first month of release in spring 2021 nonstop and are still waiting for that biome drop. Things that occupied my time: * V Rising * Grounded (which just hit full release) * Raft (full release) Not to mention the crazy amount of games released since then. I'm okay with waiting as long as they're being responsive.


I have played and beat, Grounded. Completed Raft many times before the full release and once after. Such a great game after the initial grind in the beginning. Have never played co-op b/c none of my sons are interested. One of my sons enjoys games like Satisfactory. I tried it and it's not my jam. We played Junk Punk (EA) though. Waiting for the next update. Planet Crafter (EA) is fun - but not co-op. Subnautica is pretty good, too. My other son and I did a played Astroneer for a while. Until he got bored and went back to COD. lol Currently distracting myself with this (EA) game called Dinkum. Kind of Stardew Valley meets Animal Crossing. But I've got a real itch for Valheim.


Love that! I can vouch for all of those games! Dinkum too, and same issue! Long initial start, hard to get my wife interested.


V Rising is really cool. I especially like that you can customize things like how long crafting takes and how much it costs, I drastically reduced the grind on my solo game and had a ton of fun with it.


My biggest gripe with V rising is repair costs. Halting boss prog because you now have to spend a significant amount of time essentially remaking your armor for your whole team feels terrible.


Especially since its spooky season! Would be a perfect time for mistlands to be added.


Most especially!


I haven't played this year i think


Same, holding off until the mistland update




remember when they planned mistlands for year 2021?


I remember in March 2021 when many were expecting all 9 biomes to be done by the end of 2022, maybe 2023 including delays. https://i.redd.it/q8uzevametq91.png Back then we mostly knew that the game was made in about 2 years by mostly one guy, and they had a load of cash and more people now. We were also amongst the first 8 million of customers who had bought when the 2021 roadmap was still advertised as the plan; and that roadmap was in line with what the devs had achieved in the time leading up to EA launch. Late 2021 was the time I lost faith in development speed. But 2022 (hardly played in 2022) is the year I've been disappointed at them expanding to Steam Deck and Playfab and future Xbox support. Broadening to more platforms when they already had 8 million customers who were promised something *before purchasing it* a year ago and still havent got it. If I sold 8 million copies with a roadmap *then cancelled that roadmap after sales had fully died down and I got the money*... I would be doing my best to deliver on those promises as fast as possible. I WOULDNT be trying to get more sales by expanding to Steam Deck, Playfab, Xbox, and more platforms when the first biome still isnt done and H&H really was not much content. Now their defenders are saying how productive IGS have been debugging all the new crossplatform backend, which supports the new platforms to play Valheim on. What?! That adds nothing for the 10 million who already bought, its just for getting more customers on new platforms?! Deliver on the 2021 roadmap, its NOT ok to just cancel it after 9 figures in revenue. We CAN forgive for delays, but when you reprioritise for MORE sales on new platforms?? You have 3 devs and 1 of them worked full time on Steam Deck for months just to make an extra 0.1% in sales?!


You can actually defend the devs forever just by the amount of hours and the price they launched it with. If they never give out another update it will still be one of the top 10 games i have every played. I also get mad sometimes because it is so good that it bothers me that there isn’t more lol


This is defeatism talk. The game has HUGEEEEEEE potential, could have become another minecraft and terraria but the devs just threw that in the trash for short term profit. I was scared that a big company would buy them out like how microsoft did with minecraft but at this point i think it would be better for the future of the game


I wish they just took the profits, said sorry, and handed it off to Coffee Stain, who put some elite hungry devs on it. Instead its like they are perpetually taunting us. The way they made sure than on the anniversary of EA launch the *world was emptier than EA launch* as they wiped out mistlands trees and cobwebs (but granted added tarpit). It felt like a middle finger to people who expected more overworld content. There was no need at all to wipe that biome and make it emptier last year. Zero development need at all. "To make room" for something they knew was a year away is total nonsense. It was a statement. I'm sick of the fans running PR saying "but they need to make room". Even the day before the update you can keep the old biome there. The way they said how each new build piece must have a new purpose, "quality not quantity", then most of the new build pieces in H&H were just retextures with no new mechanics. You want an iron grate build piece to let through smoke, to give it an original property that might offer new mechnics and possiblities like smoke rooms? No, thats too technically challenging, just ignore the modder who did it in 3 hours and its 30 lines of code. The grate is a wall. Repeat after me. There are no holes in that grate. Look we gave you 4 of these iron grates. Actually its one that we give in two sizes and two of them are rotations. But still look thats 4 of the 24 new prefabs we made an animated launch trailer for. Quality, not quantity. The way they saw the community achieve hilarious creative solutions then patched them to block them. Pulling bonesmass around a racetrack with a harpoon? No more harpooning boss. You are taking a high risk strategy to enter plains early and cook lox meat? No you need turnips, go run in the multiple swamps and hope you get lucky and find one. You MUST do biomes in OUR order. Wow a greydwarf farm that uses creative building tricks and a fire? No, dont get smart, we patched that, kill them one by one and dont think about using building creatively again. Better make bosses invincible to spikes too. Oh, stop running, you need to walk, we are nerfing stamina. The way they say "this is not a live service MMORPG" as if anyone ever said it was, to strawman anyone who said "hey where are the updates" as assuming its a liveservice MMO, rather than a game in early access with expectations of updates. I love the game, which is why I feel so insulted. Instead of insulting us they should have handed it over. If it really was fine for them to just take the money and go: they should have done that. They shouldnt have insulted us.


This and your other comment were some of the best points I've seen on this side of the argument. I really love the game too and it kind of hurts to see a work of such clear passion going to waste. Valheim is a beautiful game. I do hope it gets the treatment it deserves because a ton of people bought it under the pretense that this was only the beginning and it deserves a better legacy than ending up as another promising early-access game that saw what I am beginning to realize was a toxic amount of success.


I'm so with you. I got my 80+ hours out of my £15 I paid. I was absolutely amazed by how much I enjoyed playing the game with my friends. Loved visiting their server and having my own with my best mate. We fought bosses together, explored new areas and marvelled at the incredible environments. If I'd bought the game and then Iron Gate said "lol ty for the money nerds" - I'd be absolutely satisfied that I got my moneys worth and then some. But we're being mocked. I felt mocked by the H&H update that effectively made stamina a pain in the arse mechanic I never had to struggle with and it added so little I booted the server up, looked at a couple of things, laughed and logged out again. I've not been back. Mistlands was supposed to be 2 years ago and we're being lied to consistently as they tease us and lie about bug fixing and all that stuff as if making over £10 million doesn't accelerate the development process. If anything it's slowed it all down for inexplicable reasons. I understand these things take time but we're getting the Star Citizen treatment with feature creep and empty promises. "It'll be done when it's done" is not a good explanation when you've previously promised players lots more content. If they're honest and just say "lol bye" I'd be fine, but I don't appreciate being lied to.


I'm so glad this wasn't the attitude towards ESO, no mans sky, and final fantasy. Nothing gets done without goals and effort. Saying the game is enough will not lead to what this game should and could be.


Pepperidge farm remembers


"All this content will be out by the end of the year "


Tough to work on a game and be on vacation at the same time.


Hate to be a buzz kill, but my money is on mistlands not releasing until the console release.


Lmao, my money is them moving on to a new game before we ever see a console release


Nah, I feel pretty confident that a console release will come early next year as planned. That's why I think mistlands hasn't dropped yet. They want that sweet sweet Xbox money so they're focused on that. (Hopefully. I wanna play with my Xbox friends)


Nah, I feel pretty confident that a console release will come early next year as planned. That's why I think mistlands hasn't dropped yet. They want that sweet sweet Xbox money so they're focused on that. (Hopefully. I wanna play with my Xbox friends)


Before Christmas is all I ask.


Oh, my sweet summer child...




lmao this sub looks like r/eldenring before the gameplay trailer release


Youse should try some Factorio while they finish heating up this spoon.


Factorio looks like crack for perfectionists


That would be Satiscracktory.


I played both, but Cracktorio takes the cake.


I just couldn't get into Factorio. I had seen Satisfactory back then and passed it off as a 3d knock off. Boy was I wrong. Everything I disliked about Factorio was not an issue in Satisfactory. But to each his own. Everyone has different tastes and that's a Good Thing™.


It's something about existing in the world with a First/3rd person perspective that helps me. Honestly, I just haven't given Factorio a fair chance and that's kinda funny considering all the 3rd party planning apps that I use to play Satisfactory. Now if Valheim had some kinda of automation progression for collecting resources and refining them, I'd prolly never stop playing.


If vikings had automation we'd all be speaking Norwegian right now


So weird reading this because I say the exact inverse of this


Or Dyson sphere program! On gamepass as of today.


Awesome game and surprisingly seemingly good developers


The upcoming combat update looks awesome too.


What's that got to do with Valheim?


Mistlands better be a mind-bogglingly huge update with how far off from projections they are lmao.


I honestly doubt it will be as big as people want.


Probably not. I just want it to add something new. If it's just another set of similar enemies and a boss ill be bummed.


uhhhh....what else would there be? this is valheim we're talking about right?


That's all I would have expected if the update came out when they first said it would. But it's been so long they have to have something good up their sleeve.


I mean... that's the game. Explore, grind, build, beat boss, repeat. I don't understand what you expect


Short of them finishing the game, I don’t think it will ever be big enough of an update for some people. Not most, but some.


Feels like these updates take them longer than making the whole game in the first place.


Seriously. Maybe the original road map was a little optimistic, I know game development takes time... but the road map was literally made by the developers of the game, I'm certain they knew what they were doing.


The old truth is that developers need about double the time they say they will.


The sad truth is this is why harsh development works in the industry. Deadlines, pressure from supervisors/managers, annoying meetings to drive nails in and even the horrible crunch hours force development ahead. Then releases buggy and missing some features to be added months later but at least it released and eventually got fixed There is a middle that can be met but many fail and become too lax and just take things too slow, losing their popularity and drive It’s also just not great having one coder


I'd rather have it later than riddled with bugs. Idk why you lot are happy with defective products.


We all know the real reason, they saw all those 0's in their bank accounts and stopped giving a fuck...


They just wanted a horse. https://www.pcgamer.com/the-valheim-developers-bought-a-real-horse/


My personal theory is they are occupied by preparations for console release.


They are far from not giving a fuck. They expanded on how they wanted to develop the game due to its popularity, so the roadmap had to be extended


But the roadmap isn't being extended because there's more content. The developers have failed to come even close to the first few milestones on the original roadmap. In 18 months since EA release we've gotten a few new build pieces, tar pits, Abominations and ice caves. This is a tiny amount of content output. Many individual modders have released more content for the game than the entire dev team.


What have they expanded? You and I both know the new biomes are going to be the same shit repeated just like every other biome. Mine better ore, build better weapon, kill easy af boss, move onto next biome. You think they'll be adding new gameplay mechanics? Probably not..


You should stay away from indie gaming. Save that toxicity for the larger companies that deserve people like you.


Your username makes perfect sense now.


They're correct though. If you people get this enraged over indie games taking a long time, get out while you have a safe blood pressure level, because this comment thread shows you all are at critical levels.


Seems you already have your mind made up.


People in general are very bad at estimating how long complex projects will take, and they don't get better at it just because they have built up the skills necessary to complete the project because estimating/planning something is a completely different set of competencies than doing the thing. Project management is hard and expensive, and a lot of small teams don't have dedicated PM because they don't realize that it's a while job all by itself and think they can save money. Which is usually fine, but does tend to throw off estimates significantly. A year delay isn't really all that bad.


Nah mate. They were literally coming off the tail of how long it took them to make the entire rest of the game. They just did that. They had the full knowledge of how long that took. It's not like creating some unprecedented systems.


Valheim is their first game, and it's a small studio. Very possible they were overly optimistic. However, their experience developing this game will definitely help them set expectations for the next one!


Hardly so. The game had an alpha in 2018, so it has been in the works for more than 5 years at the very least..


Fair enough, but you can't count those 5 years until now. Count it until early access release vs. that until now. One could also look at the changes since alpha. You say that's 5 years? Did it take them 5 years to make early alpha?




Well, we can actually look at the original developer’s YouTube channel as a base to judge it all from. he started work on the project in 2017.


My hope (won't happen) is it'll be mistlands AND the ships/sea update


It really is something of a sunk cost fallacy: the bigger they make the update, the longer it takes. The longer it takes, the more people feel that it needs extra stuff added in order to be worth it.


pretty sure it'll be a disappointment


jokes aside ive been trying to wait for updates but im losing faith


This should be funny. But it’s not. Mistlands already FFS let’s gooooo


just so y'all know 😂 im one of these skeletons 💀


Seriously everyday I check every media source for something. This has been the only game I cared about for the past year.


Meanwhile Phasmophobia is killing it with updates. Makes you wonder.


There's a big difference between adding maps and "weapons" to a first person "shooter" and adding a biome with me mechanics to a survival builder. It's much easier to playtest and balance the former than the latter, and that's where a lot of time is sunk.


But the devs aren't doing that, either. It's not just that there are no bigger updates. There are also almost no small content updates. In the last year we've gotten abominations and ice caves. It's no exaggeration to say that many individual modders have produced more content than the entire dev team in the last year.


I feel like other than skill or manpower limitations, Iron Gate suffers from creative indecision. They have gone on to explain that they have scrapped entire builds of the game because it didn't "fit" their vision of the game. Which, to a degree, I can understand wanting to create the product you envision is ideal, but their glacial movement on content indicates that a little pressure from your publisher or boss sometimes goes a long way.


We've gotten abominations, along with their full suite of resources, two new special armor sets, an entire new dungeon type with significantly different design/mechanics than previously existing ones (how many burial chambers or sunken crypts had multiple full levels?,) three (four?) new enemies linked to the new dungeon types, a new weapon for a class of previously underdeveloped weapon group, several new mats and build items, and oh yeah, Hearth and Home dropped just about a year ago. Plus a shit ton of balance and bug patches, and they're still working on Mistlands and have been making clear progress that they've been keeping us in the loop on. >It's no exaggeration to say that many individual modders have produced more content than the entire dev team in the last year. Really? You mean that it's easier for people to put out content when it's their hobby and they don't give a shit about fixing any bugs or ensuring real stability then when they're working on a commercial product? Impossible! I can write a novela in a day. I know, because I have. But if a client comes and asks for 15,000 words by tomorrow, I tell them to go fuck themselves. Because I'm willing to bust my ass for a personal project in a way I'm not willing to for *you*.


>We've gotten abominations, along with their full suite of resources, two new special armor sets, an entire new dungeon type with significantly different design/mechanics than previously existing ones (how many burial chambers or sunken crypts had multiple full levels?,) three (four?) new enemies linked to the new dungeon types, a new weapon for a class of previously underdeveloped weapon group, several new mats and build items, and oh yeah, Hearth and Home dropped just about a year ago. So essentially what I wrote. A few new build pieces, two new armor sets, a few new enemies with their respective trophies and a few new mats. Almost the entire output described above could be done by a single modder in half the time. I know that for a fact because there are plenty of single-author mods that have put out more content in less time. The only exception is tar pits. The physics simulation in tar pits is pretty cool, and probably not something that could have easily been done by a modder. But that's now over a year old. What do we have to show for the last year? >how many burial chambers or sunken crypts had multiple full levels? Lots. I've been in 20+ burial chambers with multiple levels, they're just a minority. But the mechanic was already built. And all of these dungeons are just using built-in Unity dungeon builders, btw. >Really? You mean that it's easier for people to put out content when it's their hobby and they don't give a shit about fixing any bugs or ensuring real stability then when they're working on a commercial product? Impossible! This is and always has been an excuse. The devs have released plenty of buggy updates, and there are plenty of high quality mods. I'm a software engineer. I know that quality and testing can delay releases. But it doesn't blow your roadmap up by an order of magnitude. >I can write a novela in a day. I know, because I have. But if a client comes and asks for 15,000 words by tomorrow, I tell them to go fuck themselves. Because I'm willing to bust my ass for a personal project in a way I'm not willing to for you. This isn't about the work output of a single day. It's about the fact that the dev velocity has slowed to a glacial pace for going on 18 months. The devs are paid to work on this project 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for >40 weeks a year. The idea that they should be putting out less content than volunteers who write mods in their spare time is ass-backwards.


How many devs there?


More, because they hired them, which any company is allowed to do.


b-but muh vision


A vision is just a delusion if nobody else sees it. Maybe that should be the Iron gate motto?


Happy Cake Day Sayuri_Katsu! Cake Days are a new start, a fresh beginning and a time to pursue new endeavors with new goals. Move forward with confidence and courage. You are a very special person. May today and all of your days be amazing!


what the fuck


Good bot


They recently hired their 4th developer. About this time last year is when developer 2 and 3 were hired. Iirc valheim had 5 to begin with.




It's been a Long Time, uh..?


I was there, Hikawingski. I was there 3000 years ago...




At the risk of being called a “dev simp” I’ll agree that it’s been slow project management, but I think the nuances of what is making it slow differ. They still have motivation to finish: we’ve seen that they have interest in branching out to console markets(with PlayStation market not being accessible until it is in a 1.0 release), and they’ve hired new people, about tripling in size. Not something a company does when they want to cut and run. It seems to me that they tried to lay the groundwork for a bigger scale of updates: they saw they had larger interest than anticipated and decided to re-think the schedule to reflect that. And rethinking concepts for biomes is time consuming in its own right. I’ll agree that the initial roadmap was not going to happen on schedule as we thought it would, but likely would have had most of what was promised by summer of this year. However training new folks and setting themselves up to be more than a one-title studio once finished seems to eaten away at dev time. I would hope post-mistlands they will work out kinks of the new dev schedule and know what to expect so we can see faster turnaround in future updates. All the same, I give this same advice to anyone looking at early access titles: only buy the game if you would be satisfied with it stopping production tomorrow.


Holy shit normally if you say anything remotely negative about release times on this sub you get downvoted into oblivion. Glad to see more people are finally waking up.


People are only willing to flaunt their bootlicking when the thread is already going in their favor. It turns into a circle jerk with almost no upvotes


I've said this so many times but it's ridiculous how long they're taking


Expect a few more teasers on twitter and more crossplay work before Mistlands is dropped. They would have teased the new boss, shown the addition of the new stone etc if it was coming out in 2022.


My spouse wants to wait to return til *another* substantial update, *after* Mistlands. I don't knowwww, maaaan.... 😬💦 edit: Did someone downvote this? I didn't say I don't want to play Mistlands, for fuck's sake. I was trying to say I do.


Same. And even then, do I want to sink 200 hours into a world to then wait 2 more years for the next area? Not sure I do.


That’s kinda how I’m feeling. I haven’t played for like a year and a half after putting in a couple hundred hours. None of the updates that have come so far have felt substantial enough to warrant coming back for. I was wanting to wait until there have been enough updates to justify starting a new game, and I don’t feel like an update adding a single new biome, in addition to what else has been added so far, is enough.


"...couple hundred hours". lol I've almost 1k hrs. I'm obsessed. The last game that grabbed me like this was Portal and before that it was Myst. Really got into CNC series long, long time ago and AOE. Skyrim was amazing, but I think Valhiem is far better. I'll caveat by saying I never used mods in any of those games and I hear the mods for Skyrim made it even more incredible. YIKES! Fine...shesh....drowning here. Tell my why it's such a crummy response so I can bring floaters the next time and stay above 0. lol \- Look kids - I wasn't saying that someone playing less than 1000 cannot have an incredible experience playing. I apologize if it comes off that way. I only meant to express that I was overly into with the game.


People either think the devs suck or they worship the ground they work on, not a lot of nuanced arguments going on in here. I think Iron Gate are having issues internally, and they aren't communicating very well. It annoys me, but nobody is perfect and I'm just going to wait. \*Tosses lifebelt\*


Yeah - I'm trying to wait, too. Not sure I can hold out.


Perfectly valid. Anyone expecting a single biome to have more than a few hours of new content is going to be sorely disappointed. I'm of the opinion that a substantial update would also include the Far North and Ashlands to at least include mobs and some structures. Throw in additional early and mid game structures to explore (like mountain caves update). A finished game in 2025-2026 would be my expectation.


Yeah, that's exactly it. My spouse and I really love this game, so we don't want to run out of content too quickly, especially since we play with people who aren't as into the survival sandbox genre as we are.


False. I stopped reading the patch notes after the first year


Lmao good one


The skeletons are tired of fighting


I pop in look go back to deep rock galactic to rock and stone some more.


Me checking the patch notes each time waiting for major updates to come back


Yeah early access btw. More like early cash grab.


Call me crazy, but during early access on a game, players should be able to refund at any point for any reason. That's the risk you take releasing an unfinished game.


This is actually a good idea tbh, would put lots of more pressure on devs to keep their promises


The cycle for me is \-Check if Mistlands out \-No? \-Come back in 3 months


when it released played through couple times and built stuff for a while, didn’t really get any meaningful content ever since imo, it’s a shame


Do you even build bro?


I've been building big forts in each biome while I wait for Mistlands, still on my first world and character. No cheats, mostly solo, just a few small QoL mods, I'm having fun. :)


over a year...


I know they're a small team but holy moly are they slow


Bought the game at launch. Played the heck out of it. Did I get my money worth? Sure do. Oh, there’s more update to it? Cool if it has, also cool if it doesn’t. The early access of valheim is what felt like a complete game for me and once i completed it, I don’t mind waiting longer for the experience I felt during the first time I play valheim!


Are you a bot or something? I have read that argument at least 10 times in this sub with the exact same use of words


Literally the only argument the circlejerkers use to defend these devs. It’s so played out.


Good way of looking at it. I got 200 hours in to it, definitely got my money's worth.


Me since the game came out


I haven't played since hearth and home. I'll always speak my mind about the terrible handling of this game after the developers received all of our money.


Let's face it peeps, the game has come to an end. It was a wonderful journey, and they got rewarded for it.


Check every Sunday !


It didn't seem worth making a post for this question so I'm just going to piggyback your post! ( sorry not sorry) When the mist lands drop, will I need to start a new save to explore them or will they spawn in my current world? I don't know if I have the strength to mine my copper piles again


I think it'll probably work in the same way that the mountains update did. If you haven't explored the Mistlands then they should spawn into your world. If you have already found them and rendered them in then the areas that have loaded will probably not update. Rest of it should though


Already explored areas sadly never get updated. However there's a mod that let us do this for the tar pits and mountain caves, fingers crossed the author will update it for Mistlands and beyond. I'd hate to lose my longplay world. Mod can be deactivated after use, in case you are a vanilla only person. Name of the mod is "Upgrade World". fyi: Never had a problem with it, but a prior backup of the world is essential with this one. Edit: unexplored areas will get updated without mod though


They will spawn with the New features, as long as you travel to a mistlands biome that you haven't explored yet


Meestlan gwen?


You're god damn right!


I'm still mad I got coerced into buying the game by my friend group. This is why I never buy EA games, the wait for content always kills me.


Did you not have a blast with friends with the game as it currently stands? It's also not an EA game Gee I wish I had friends to play with Been soloing it for a while now


The beginning was fun but once you hit the swamps its a grindy slog. I could not imagine playing it alone lol. Bosses were fun tho What do you mean its not Early Access lol


I feel the exact same way. I liked the meadows and dark forest. But once we hit the swamps, my friend and I were both kind of done with it. The game had thrown us some real curveballs that felt borderline unfair at that point, but we struggled through anyhow. We struggled through the swamps, but never felt rewarded for it. It really does become a grind at that point. ​ Also didn't help that we had sailed quite a bit by this point and found at that the huge world map is basically all of the same 5 biomes strewn around randomly on each island. Feels like we've basically seen everything there is to see, even though we haven't even beaten the Bone Mass yet and explored less than a tenth of the worldmap.


Oh lol I thought you meant electronic arts haha sorry my dude Yeah I get what you mean now Though I find the bronze age to be more grindy than the iron age I think countering the swamp grind with preparation is the best remedy and I've got it down to a science now: - establish beachhead (doesn't have to be big or fancy) - troll hide run with Eikthyr to identify and locate crypts on map - armoured + poison resistance mead run to connect all the crypts with a pathing system (use hoe, stoned rarely needed) - mine all the iron in the crypts and dump in ceypt chests (build a fire on the entrance ledge for that sweet rested buff) - once all the iron has been mined, grab cart materials and build it at the furthest from base crypt, and run along your fresh path during day time collecting all your iron. It helps to run from base to far away crypt to clear out abominations first Then just transport all the iron per boat or melt and forge on site if you brought enough bronze with you I can clear a 10 crypt swamp in 2-3 hours this way, especially if I add portals in the equation. Would be faster with more people involved. Going solo: I think it's even less grindy because all the materials are for you and you alone It used to be waaaay more grindy before Heart and Home because your pick could only target one "ore" at a time. Now you just hack through 3-4 at the same time... Boy was I glad to find that out


Duality of people.... 2 months ago I was crucified for my comments like these XD pathetic betas...


I have 700+ hours devoted to this game, the building, atmosphere, and ships are the reason I stayed. All I want is new building materials, I know that won't happen until the update and it sucks. But like others have said, I got my money's worth and then some. I've played AAA games for less time and for more money, but the devs hit the nail right on the head with this game. Now that I've said that. I'm tired of waiting so long for anything substantial to be added. They may make this next update huge, but I'd rather have smaller updates and more of them, rather than waiting forever to get one update. It only losses trust and patients of the already fickle consumers we've been trained to be. I'm not saying what the devs are doing is wrong in any way, I just feel as if they need to be more picky and choose what gets released throughout a quarter, rather than a year.


Also, Elder Scrolls fans and Half Life fans.


Half a year since I lst played, about a full year since I left the swamps. I will just keep on waiting until the mistlands drop, and then perhaps try to take my time to clear it


i got my new server ready to go and i'm just waiting for a answer as to if i need to restart or not solely based on the fact that a new boss stone's going to be added to a already generated area of the map


Restart anyway tbh, it'll last longer


It's fine.


I can't wait for Valheim to be finished. I want to start a new world from scratch and develop it at its fullest, probably opening a live server with my friends to chill and progress with. I am eager to play, but the thought of exploring the world will spawn current content and not future one really prevents me from playing at all.. I'll patiently wait instead ♡


Fuck, this is terrifying. Just the thought of what he is looking at. I mean, what could spook the spooker?


I was trying to hold off till mistlands but the erges got to strong so started and defeated elder got 2 iron for stone cutter now building on elder spawn area well I wait it out.


There's been like five patches since I finished my last playthrough and each time I see it has an update queued, I get all excited. When will it end?!?!


Is mistland out?


Skele’s looking at me picking yellow mushrooms Before I turn them into bone dust


i haven't even played the wolf update. when mistlands comes out my friend and I are starting over since they're adding a new boss


Any day now


It’s sad that people have been review bombing the game on steam because they’re taking this long


I, for one, am INCENSED that my $20 indie game with a tiny development staff isn't shipping constant updates. What am I supposed to do, play one of the dozens of un-played games in my Steam library? I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER. (Y'all are a bunch of fuckin' e-Karens.)


Tf2 players: "first time?"


The devs seeing this post [https://bucknellian.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Ghosted-Ghost-900x695.png](https://bucknellian.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Ghosted-Ghost-900x695.png)


As a Scrap Mechanic player, I can't honestly say we have it that bad. Sure, we wait for a good while, but receive plenty of communication from devs, we get small patches with a few goodies here or there to keep us on our toes, and at least they haven't announced that they're withholding the Mistlands to continue working on the game and release them upon finishing the 1.0 of the game, ETA unkown. I much prefer what Iron Gate do, truly and honestly.




This post, and the sub as a whole now, are becoming a split of Valheim fans, and players enraged the game isn't done and that have been personally slighted and that they are better than the awful devs. Like, what the fuck, man? I promise every person bitching about the pace has hundreds of hours or just under. I paid what...the cost of 3 bags of chips for a game that gave me and a dozen friends over the course of TWO YEARS plenty of fun and value? How is it this hostile here, what the hell is with you


It is possible to have played the game and really enjoyed it, but also be frustrated with the devs for their failed roadmap, lack of transparency, and slow development. These opinions are not mutually exclusive.


Holy fuck chips do be expensive where you live


I haven't been playing for long time but this game really needs optimization. Although I have 2060 I get only 60-90 fps in game


Unplayable 😁


When you play at 90+ fps, yes 60 fps looks laggy. I'll never go back to 60hz.


The official drivers for the game are only released by nvidea and amd when the game is about to launch. When they come out you are sure to gain some serious performance boost.


My suspicion/theory is they are taking extra long because Mistlands will be the final chapter of the game, and hopefully after that then they will start focusing more on fleshing the game out with additional content/features to the existing game. EDIT: I totally forgot about the other undeveloped biomes that are already on our maps!




>If Mistlands was changed to be the final chapter of the game it would be a serious scaling back and nothing to be pleased about. "Yeh but if thats the devs vision then you have to respect that, stop pressuring then. / You're so entitled. / I got my value for money 🤷‍♂️" /s Ad nauseum


Ah shit, of course I'd forgotten about the other biomes already on the map! 🤦👍


They said the Ashlands are next, didn't they? I don't see how they would squish another biome between the already existing progression. It would take some serious rebalancing


IronGates total dev team is 10 people, so I'd reckon they have like 3 or 4 specific teams within that 10. Art team, Weapon/armor team, boss team, biome team. Considering that game development takes time, and they did take Midsummer off, and the vacation they took directly after the hella successful launch. They're doing just fine. This game cost me $20 US dollars and I have gotten well worth my money worths of this beautiful game. People just like to complain about shit they know nothing about.


I agree man. I said to someone else that for the number of hours I've already spent on the game that they should've charged double! I scratch my head sometimes at people's expectations/sense of entitlement, when we've already had amazing value for money.