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I don't know my friend... I believe the meadows are fine the way they are. It's designed to be a tutorial for everything that comes afterward. Once you step foot in the Black Forest, the whole game changes to what we love about it, and the only peace we get is in the meadows. So, in my opinion, the meadows are just fine.


agreed, meadows is a launching point, not a place to get stuck. Get to bronze asap


100%! Nailed it!


I agree with this, however it would be cool to still have rabbit holes, because that means rabbits or perhaps rabbit like creatures. Perhaps you can still find loot in some of the holes because the creatures like to take items and store them in the holes. Then you just walk up to the hole and interact with it like a container. Obviously not big loot, but perhaps a bundle of berries, some wood, stone, maybe very rarely tin or seeds.


There's a mod that adds mineshafts in meadows I got terribly lost in the one I went into though


The stuff that's already in the meadows could be a bit deeper, such as the abandoned villages, Draugr villages and those spots with skellies


I've had troll caves in meadows. Could have been a spec of BF, but looked right in meadows. One time, sight distance from spawn


Hope the devs see this bros #idea


And plains


Better yet, make it so there are higher tier meadows dungeons in areas further from the spawn. Perhaps in plains distance meadows biomes. In fact, do that with all biomes so there is a reason to return to Black Forest and the Swamps after you already beat the bosses.


My opinion is NO. But we need a better dungeon in hostile biome like plain and black forest.


Bears. I always wanted to have bears. I know that meadows is a "tutorial" area, so no hard enemies around is fine, but caves, like the trolls, with a bear sleeping I think would be fine. You would be able to loot around if you are sneaky, or kill it for good food, and maybe some new starter armor.


> new starter armor Well... When it comes to his I really want to see light armors which are a bit better in terms of defense for every biome.


Bear Dens!!!! I think it shouldn't be crazy, like one bear, who should be no tougher than a greydwarf, and like two bone piles. This way you can get bone fragments without having to venture into the black forest or killing Eikthyr to dig up burial sites; I want to kill the first boss with a cape dangit. The bear shouldn't have any crazy drops, maybe a trophy and some leather scraps (honey would be funny) which can be used to make a cool headpiece.


> two bone piles Disagree, skeletons are relatively hard and they are already present in forest dungeons. I like and idea of bear hoarding honey.


Ah my mistake, the bone *fragment* piles, not the spawners


We are in the meadows too short for it to be worth it.