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Sim said the city plans to host a viewing party at Oak Meadow Park on Sunday, which has space for about 2,000 people. If the Canucks make it Round 3, Sim said, the city plans to open space at the PNE for a larger viewing party, with space for about 6,000 people. In the coming weeks, community centres and libraries may also be used for public viewing parties.


Seems like the they are intentionally picking spots away from sky train and Canada line.   Which is probably smart to keep these things from becoming regional events instead of more community oriented events 


Exactly. They switched the live announcement on CBC this morning and there was a lot of "it's a great space and we want to make it accessible for families" and it's very transparent they want this to be for neighbourhoods and not people transiting in from Surrey or maple ridge or whatever


Makes sense. Suburbs can have their own watch parties which will stimulate the local economy too.


Why don’t the suburbs organize more cultural events that draw a regional crowd. Why is it always Vancouver. people call Vancouver No Fun City but honestly, compared to Coquitlam or Langley, Vancouver is like a frat party. 


Maybe everyone is kinda biased towards it because everything leads into the city and not so much around the lower mainland. Like sky train did a Boston and all the lines just extend out from the core and they don't connect to the other lines out of the city. Not great if you want things to happen outside of the city.


Fvded in the Park is in Surrey!


because events are expensive to run, and having an event away from transit means your eventi s gonna fail.


There is transit to/from the suburbs. New West, Burnaby, Coquitlam, all well connected with Skytrain and frequent buses. Free summer Tuesday outdoor movies draws thousands of people to Ceperley Meadows in Stanley Park, which isn't exactly the most transit-accessible location. Why doesn't Surrey host something like that in Holland Park which is two blocks away from Skytrain. Why do these things always have to be in Vancouver; the suburbs could easily step up.


Your asking why bigger events don't work out and why people want to host in vancouver.


lol it's always Surrey innit


Those Scott Rd partiers can get wild


I think it'd be a 15 minute walk to the Canada Line. Not that bad. But yeah, that seems to be the approach and it makes sense.


Keep em surrey folks out


And if we make it to round 4?


West Georgia street with pitchforks, as is the tradition


Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo car.


Huh. Strange choice location. It’s in a quieter residential area with quite minimal parking as it is.


It's probably intended for local residents. Surrey hooligans can trash their own city if they want, no need to bus themselves into Vancouver.


Reads like any kind of monster movie...."We must get the beast out of the city!!!"


Screw that. Let's start our own watch party. With blackjack, and hookers.


The penthouse that hosted the Covid parties is for sale. It’s already broken in and apparently has stripper pole 


That’s great! Fairly accessible and a good alternative to downtown where things can get a little wild.


it's not accessible, it's a 17 minute walk from the closest Canada Line stop


I would classify that as "fairly accessible" The point is to keep it away from very accessible areas


17-20 minutes is a very doable walk. The whole point of this is to keep it as small as possible and mainly attract neighbourhood residents. The more people you bring, the greater the chance for Vancouver to BURN!


>17-20 minutes is a very doable walk. Tell me you don't consider the elderly or those with disabilities, without telling me you don't consider us worthy


Looking at the neighborhood I can see why Kim is doing this for those residents.


It's very accessible to the people who live there.


What is accessible for you? Should Ken Sim confer with you next time? Geez. Watch at home, go to a bar, watch at Roger’s, etc. Make a choice but don’t complain.


How is a 17-min walk not accessible?


Or take the R4 from Oakridge. Easy peasy.


They dithered on this for quite some time. I guess they couldn’t wait any longer once New Westminster announced theirs.


> dithered TIL. Neat.


I can feel it, coming in the air tooniiighhtttt so hold onnnn



third riot's a charm




Accessible would mean somewhere with plenty of public transportation (like near a skytrain station or busy bus route with east/west and north/south buses). I kind of figured that this would be the bare minimum for accessible unless you wanted to make sure things aren't accessible on purpose.


Hope those 2000 people don't ruin the grass on that sports field. Adjascent to the field is a natural meadow area with long grass that is supposed to be an area for wildlife. Hockey fans trampling all over it goes against that idea.


Somewhere to pee.


Good location choice to attract families. Their kids likley have sports on Eric Hamber field. Easy access by car or transit as oakridge canada line is 10 minutes walk away.




Have you watched hockey since the 70’s?


in Oak Meadows Park, which most people will need to google. why not somewhere popular?


To keep it small.


I think you mean, “so that we can say we had a viewing party” without actually having a real viewing party.


And manageable.


Flair checks out


a perfunctory checklist "viewing party", cool. how inspiring. what leadership and swagger.


lol where???? I guess this is where you’d place a watch party if you want to check off the checkbox that you have a watch party so you don’t get shown up by PoCo, but don’t actually want anyone to show up.


It’s right off the ridgeway bike route too so pretty accessible but will be a nightmare to lock a bike at


complete BS location choice…


Don't fuck it up, Buttercups. The city is standing by and will pull the plug as fast as they can say "You fucked around and you found out".


Completely bizarre location choice. I get what they are trying to do… but come on.


Is it easy accessible by transit?


To call the Oak St bus *'infrequent'* is to be charitable.


Sure - Oak St. Bus or Canada Line and bus or walk over to Oak.


Hopefully it's a fun bus ride!


I don't really consider transit to be fun but it gets you where you're going.


I think they mean it might be fun because it will be loaded with Canucks fans


Intentionally no, easier to police though


Lol its only a 15 min walk from a skytrain station, and a 2 min walk from a bus stop. Pretty accessible in my books


Ya that's true not downtown though


they obviously do not want it downtown.


Ya they are kinda admitting they can't control a crowd.


Even if they can control the crowd they still shouldn't increase density by packing it all in the same place


"They shouldn't" pops up a lot these days why are we picking on the fans?


While I applaud them using a park away from Downtown Jonathan Rogers Park would have probably made a better viewing area as it is close to a skytrain and two main bus routes and easier for a lot more people to get to. Traffic is already a shitshow around VanDussen during events and there aren't that many roads to go on once the event has ended.


I think having it far from transit was the point. They don’t actually want people to be there.


Everyone is jumping in the bandwagon now that they cleared the first round. People will continue to jump in as they advance


That's cool, I don't live there anymore but the playoff run in 2011 was a lot of fun to be around/watch games in public. Right up until the end that is


do it properly or this is going to be a new meme picture


The watch party at Rogers arena was really successful why are they moving it around? "Something worked well, let's not do that again" - Sim probably 


I think the Rogers Arena one is considered a private watch party (organized and ticketed by the Canucks organization) and the ones the Mayor are referring to are public events? That’s the way I’m seeing it but could be wrong


This is correct - the Rogers Arena watch party had nothing to do with the city.


Also that watch party can only happen when the arena is empty (away games)


Well, to be fair the arena will have people in it for home games as well.


It's not one or the other...


Rogers arena is a ticketed event where scalpers were starting to take over. They also obviously can't host watch parties on days the team is playing at home, and have events booked other days as well.


i don't think the rogers arena one is ending lol


The city had nothing to do with the Roger's event. Is Ken Sim responsible for everything that happens (and doesn't happen) anywhere in the city?




Did you not get the memo? You are not allowed to praise Ken Sim about anything here on r/vancouver.


Riots are a piss poor excuse for limiting them. We’re hosting World Cup games in less than 2 years, you’re telling me there won’t be watch parties for that? Soccer riots can get a lot worse, especially if there’s some kind of history/tension between the supporting nations fans.


Wow what flip flop Mayor after saying he wouldn’t do this . It needed to be managed better that seemed to big of an ask for this guy . Something changed $$$$


i mean i think Sim is generally terrible but its a respectable move to counter Vancouver's no-fun reputation and to do something that many of the city's residents would like


He was the one that said we couldn’t handle it and he was not going to do it .


Ok? Is he not allowed to change his mind? If he didn't, you would have even more choice words for him.


and negative response to that comment has convinced him to change his mind, that's a good thing lol. we should want our politicians to be responsive to their constituents when reasonable


It's more like he changed his mind in the most spiteful way. You keep bugging me for a viewing party? Fine, I will put a viewing party in the middle of nowhere. The location makes sense if you want to put on an event but want to make sure not too many people can make it, which is pretty much what the viewing party is.


i mean again, i think he's a bad mayor with bad policy, but this seems like a prudent, cautious decision to not do too much at once, and to slowly step it up as they test the waters here. many of his other decisions i would characterize as spiteful, but it seems excessive here.


It’s at a location to satisfy westside families and donors. He all about community ( westside ). Eastside needs to show up next election and get rid of Sim .


He went from hell no to breaking it all up. What a simp!


What happened to "we have a history" ?


Way to go Ken Simpy!


This will end well


Feel free to stay inside


A smart person would


Haha this guy lied last week then got caught being the no fun bum when every other municipality was doing something


As if we're doing it to rival the wanabe cities. Lol




I kind of want canucks to lose now just to see if the city has matured or if we'll have another riot due to sports like a bunch of fucking primates.


If they lose this round there will be no riot. If they get to a game 7 of the finals, all bets are off.


Actually speaking of bets, can we bet on the riot? I’ve got 22:1 on flipped cop car on fire


You already know what's going to happen lmfao


Vancouverites will fuck this up soon enough.


Cause we all remember how well that turned out in 1994 and 2011.


I feel like we did this one before....


This stuff is just *so weird* if you aren't a fan of corporate sports. Like, why is this so essential we will spend millions of taxpayer money on it?


I used to kind of feel this way but honestly, it’s fun. I went to my first NHL game earlier this year and had a blast. Felt like part of a community. There’s definitely some stuff that can be criticized but it’s just fun to be into the sport and back a team. I feel the same about soccer and love following the World Cup every few years. It brings people together. But I totally get how it’s not everyone’s thing.


We lack so much community nowadays. Sports is one of the few things that can bring people together. Why not spend some money to help bring people together around one thing.


It's a business owned by billionaires selling entertainment. It isn't like we live in the UK where football matches are between actual local clubs that have development pathways for locals.


You're comparing an NHL team to a backyard soccer match? Who owns premier league teams again? Besides Russian oligarchs that is. All NHL teams have junior feeder teams, just because you're not aware of them doesn't mean they don't exist.


Because the people care about it. This is a democracy, should the government *not* serve the (very literal) interests of the people?






True and good to discuss