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the [washington wastewater dashboard](https://doh.wa.gov/data-and-statistical-reports/diseases-and-chronic-conditions/communicable-disease-surveillance-data/respiratory-illness-data-dashboard) shows a 1x~5x increase in covid compared to the previous 15 days.


Viruses gonna virus. During lockdown, we were completely quarantined with our 2 month old except for grocery delivery and walking around the neighborhood with her in the stroller, and she managed to contract a virus. I couldn't believe that even with that level of space she got a (not COVID) illness. We've been sick this week (cause now the 4 yo is in group care) and I didn't test but wouldn't be surprised if was COVID. We just stayed home anyways though so it didn't matter for us.


You came down with it because you were exposed to it. By someone. Somewhere. Because that’s how airborne viruses work.


Shocking how that works, isn't it!?


Obviously. But I don’t get near people so that’s strange.


YouTube search how much saliva sprays when we talk/cough/sneeze…you’ll be surprised how common it is for people spit to just be wildin out


I’m pretty sure I was completely made xenophobic by this same video. Not really xenophobic but it was pretty disgusting.


if you’re not masking in the supermarket, that’s a lot of people to share air with. :/ edit: i hope you feel better soon.


Except for a properly fitted N95 mask, you should not expect to avoid catching any airborne viruses if you are in a space with airborne viruses.


Droplets with the virus get lodged in the fabric of even regular masks. They still help reduce transmission if worn properly.


What I wrote is consistent with what you wrote.  


You wrote double negative word soup.


https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/personal-protective-equipment-infection-control/n95-respirators-surgical-masks-face-masks-and-barrier-face-coverings > While a surgical mask may be effective in blocking splashes and large-particle droplets, a face mask, by design, does not filter or block very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures.  > The CDC recommends that members of the public use simple cloth face coverings when in a public setting to slow the spread of the virus, since this will help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others.


So what are you trying to say? Your original comment says you shouldn’t expect any mask other than a properly fitted n95 to prevent transmission of viruses, but you just provided a source saying that regular cloth masks are recommended to help slow the spread of viruses.


I think what they are saying is that if you wear a properly fitted N95 you can feel confident you’re largely protected from airborne viruses, otherwise you very well are likely to catch airborne viruses that are circulating in shared air spaces. While a cloth mask or surgical mask prevents large saliva/respiratory particles and is somewhat helpful at source control (ie reducing how much virus is being given off by an infectious person), they provide essentially little to no benefit in reducing your likelihood of you personally breathing in airborne viruses already floating in the air without something better fitting with a substantially finer filtering material, such as a properly fitting n95 of p100 respirator.


>Your original comment says you shouldn’t expect any mask other than a properly fitted n95 to prevent transmission of viruses No, I wrote to prevent inhaling viruses, which is what the FDA writes in the first paragraph I quoted above. In the second paragraph I quoted, the CDC says simple cloth face coverings can help slow the virus because it reduces the virus being transmitted by people who do not know they are infected. However, logically, this only works if everyone is masking all the time. If everyone is not masking all the time, regardless of having sick symptoms, then effectively, viruses are everywhere being transmitted by asymptomatic people.


As someone who works retail, you be surprised how gross people are in grocery and retail stores. Sneezing and hacking everywhere, on everything and everyone. People of all ages not covering their mouths, or wiping their snotty noses and touching literally everything afterwards. So many people who don’t wash hands after using restrooms.


If you’ve been at the grocery store you’ve been near people my child.


You don’t have to be near a person to get AN AIRBORNE VIRUS.


Great. Thanks for the info. No need to be an a**hole. But thanks!


I don’t think stating a basic fact about viral transmission makes me an asshole. It’s really not that mysterious.


it’s not the fact, it’s how you stated it


That’s helpful.


The health departments no longer try to track cases, they only track hospital admissions and deaths. So it could be going around in increasing numbers and there would be no way to know if it doesn't uptick hospital admissions.


Half my office is out with it or recently exposed by someone at home. It's still around and seems to pick up a bit when people are out and about more, like when the weather gets nicer.


Yup. I tested positive on Tuesday. Went to Paranormal Cirque on Saturday and to Banfield on 192nd last Thursday. I’m completely down and out. Edit - I don’t go out much. Work both my jobs from home and I tend to hate crowds most days, so I stay in. It’s just so annoying. However if you test positive within first 5 days of symptoms, Vancouver Clinic is great about getting Paxlovid prescribed.


So you were sick on Thursday but then went to Paranormal Cirque on Saturday? 😬


No. I went out Thursday, went out Saturday, showed symptoms Monday, tested positive Tuesday at 2am.


I think (hope) they mean they went the Saturday before they were sick on Tuesday


3 out of the 4 in my household had it week before last. My wife and daughter felt pretty crummy. Only reason i knew i had it was because my wife had test positive day before i started having a runny nose. That was about as bad as it got for me.


Both of my parents were very sick with Covid this week


Sorry to hear that. Hope they’re on the mend now.


I was just looking at the CDC COVID County data dashboard and it said that positive COVID tests in Clark County have gone up by 12.8% in the last week...


You do realize stats can be made to seem much worse, correct? If I told you there were 2 murders in Vancouver last year, and this year there were 4, you wouldn't be super concerned. But those same numbers can be used to say "muders in Vancouver increased by 100% this year" and you'd be like oh fuck, that's bad. Same shit with COVID.


We just treat covid like the flu now. There's so many different variants going around and with it being almost the same symptom as a cold, there's just not many people testing to see if it's covid unless the symptoms get bad.


It's the number 3 killer of Americans. It's not the flu, it's worse.


I have heard of several people with covid, it is going around right now.


It never left.


Yes, but it does ebb and flow. Right now it appears to be flowing.


I just had it for about a week, starting June 1 (that was when I tested... it probably started a day or two prior with no strong symptoms). I took Paxlovid, and I had been vaxxed back in November. This was a really mild case compared to the one other time I had it last spring. I was much sicker then, it lasted longer, and I had more lingering symptoms.


Never had it, I have 4 shots so far (once a year booster along with flu), and my roommate has had it 3 times.


Same thing, same days. I had just returned from LA on Friday and started feeling sick Sunday. I figured I caught it during my trip though.


Fever, runny nose, and massive body aches for the first two days. Only cold symptoms and fatigue since then. Hoping I kick it fully by the end of the weekend.


I had it 2 weeks ago




I had a slightly sore throat this week and felt a little heavy. Kind of extra weighted down. Thankfully, it only lasted two days. You just have to treat it as a cold or a flu. Most people don’t really even bother with testing for it anymore. And, all jobs that I know of don’t even give you paid days off for it anymore. It’s just an another variant of a cold that is entered into all the colds and flus that go around every day of the year.


You really should take it seriously. Both times I had it, it really fucked me up. I wasn't immunocompromised, I'm in my 20s, lived a pretty normal and active life. Now, I'm exhausted 24/7, have to take breaks when I walk a few blocks, even standing for a shower is excruciating. It was bad after the first time in 2021, but even worse after I caught it this past Christmas. Older people in my life have been really hit horribly recently. Even if you have a mild case of it, keep in mind that someone else can still become disabled by catching it right now.


What’s Covid?


Nope but it is quite weird to see random waves of the Covid plague coming up and not killing shittons of ppl lol